POLITICO: Troops Sent to Border Will Be Home By Christmas

as i have often said , USA population in 1970 was right around 210 million . In 2010 USA Population was 310 million and many , most of the Population growth is third worlders and then at least 20 - 30 million illegal third world aliens . Ray is correct Candy .
What he did on the border is why we elected him. We have to show these termites we mean business. They keep using our empathy and laws against us and it's about time it stopped. Now if you consider this "nothing out of the ordinary" then it shows just how weak we have become.

Again…pure fear.

It must suck to be so scared all of the time.

Why? Because I"m not a surrender-first liberal like you?

No, you’re a surrender-always bootlicker. You do what you’re told by the blob and your only response after being played like a fiddle is to ask for another dose.

My President is carrying out my wishes--I'm not carrying out his. We on the right don't let anybody tell us what to think like leftists do with CCN and their politicians. We know what we want out of a President and we're getting what we voted for.

On the left, if it were up to your side, the borders would be open and third worlders would flood our country and destroy everything we have and everything we worked for. They would destroy our culture and take over our country.

Your programming is absolute. So much so, you lie to yourself

I'm not lying about anything. Democrats are the anti-white party. As such, their mission is to make whites a minority ASAP. They don't care who these people are, just get them in the country.
Well, it's only been a couple of weeks, but apparently, the active duty military has completed their mission, as there are many scheduled to go home this week, and everyone else will be home for Christmas.

Yeah..................sure......................tell me this wasn't a political stunt to scare the rubes. The military shows up a week before the elections, and starts to head home the week after.
You know, Trump cares so much about the military that he slammed McCain for being a loser.

And slammed adm Mcraven for...what was it again?

Not doing the intel to capture Bin Laden sooner (which SEALS don't friggin DO)?

Or for not honoring WW I fallen because it was raining?

Or for not going to Arlington on Veterans Day because he was throwing a hissy fit?

He doesn't give a shit about the military
Yeah, that fight that Trump is picking with that SEAL isn't going to go very well for him. SEALs are what is called "the tip of the spear", meaning they are the ones that go in and do the hard work based on intelligence that OTHER places have gathered.

The only intel a SEAL generally gathers is what is around the target that they have just neutralized.
Rob O'neal , a a youngish Navy SEAL was the Gent that pumped 'osama' full of lead Lesh !!
your making 'mcraven' sound like the same kinda pwick that 'schmer' was when he threatened The TRUMP that the 'cia' and other alphabet agencies would go after TRUMP for his words BSailor .
the 'judges' are destroying the USA . Even looking at this most recent ruling and previous ruling concerning his muslim and other bans from a year or so ago . With this 'judges' most recent ruling its pretty much 'open borders' for illegal aliens and everyone else .
My President is carrying out my wishes--

Our President is also bound by the Constitution, regardless of your wishes.

He's doing fine with our Constitution if we could only get those leftist commie judges from putting up road blocks that higher courts need to tear down.

Road blocks are the whole point of the Constitution.
------------------------------------------- 'judges' and the 'judge shopping' are out of control DBlack .
View attachment 229765

But the general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded and others complete the mission they were sent for. The returning service members include engineering and logistics squads whose jobs included placing concertina wire and shipping containers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that," said Buchanan, who leads the land forces of U.S. Northern Command”

It it wasn’t vivid before (and you have to wonder who is still pretending the troops were anything other than a prop in a comedic pretend-crisis), it is now clear that the President will happily send troops to do jobs that have nothing to do with defending the nation and everything to do with his political aspirations.

To call the blob sickening is to understate the situation by several degrees.

So, Trump chickened out & Trump is bringing ALL of his toy soldiers home for Christmas blow jobs

maybe Trump can send troops to defend all of those NDAs he had all of those hookers & porn stars sign
View attachment 229765

But the general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded and others complete the mission they were sent for. The returning service members include engineering and logistics squads whose jobs included placing concertina wire and shipping containers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that," said Buchanan, who leads the land forces of U.S. Northern Command”

It it wasn’t vivid before (and you have to wonder who is still pretending the troops were anything other than a prop in a comedic pretend-crisis), it is now clear that the President will happily send troops to do jobs that have nothing to do with defending the nation and everything to do with his political aspirations.

To call the blob sickening is to understate the situation by several degrees.

So, Trump chickened out & Trump is bringing ALL of his toy soldiers home for Christmas blow jobs

maybe Trump can send troops to defend all of those NDAs he had all of those hookers & porn stars sign
They may be pumping the brakes on the withdraw now…But nobody seems to know for sure. Typical Trump atmosphere; total chaos.
My President is carrying out my wishes--

Our President is also bound by the Constitution, regardless of your wishes.

He's doing fine with our Constitution if we could only get those leftist commie judges from putting up road blocks that higher courts need to tear down.

Road blocks are the whole point of the Constitution.

No it is not. Especially these activist judges who falsely use the Constitution to promote their political agenda. There is nothing in the Constitution that states a President cannot stop illegals from entering the US. In fact the law that states the President has that power to stop people from coming here was written decades ago.
View attachment 229765

But the general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded and others complete the mission they were sent for. The returning service members include engineering and logistics squads whose jobs included placing concertina wire and shipping containers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that," said Buchanan, who leads the land forces of U.S. Northern Command”

It it wasn’t vivid before (and you have to wonder who is still pretending the troops were anything other than a prop in a comedic pretend-crisis), it is now clear that the President will happily send troops to do jobs that have nothing to do with defending the nation and everything to do with his political aspirations.

To call the blob sickening is to understate the situation by several degrees.

So, Trump chickened out & Trump is bringing ALL of his toy soldiers home for Christmas blow jobs

maybe Trump can send troops to defend all of those NDAs he had all of those hookers & porn stars sign
They may be pumping the brakes on the withdraw now…But nobody seems to know for sure. Typical Trump atmosphere; total chaos.
yeah , total chaos as i roll my eyes , ----------- anyway , who are YOU ?? And probably NONE of your business what the TRUMP is doing with HIS troops Candy .
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My President is carrying out my wishes--

Our President is also bound by the Constitution, regardless of your wishes.

He's doing fine with our Constitution if we could only get those leftist commie judges from putting up road blocks that higher courts need to tear down.

Road blocks are the whole point of the Constitution.
------------------------------------------- 'judges' and the 'judge shopping' are out of control DBlack .

Yeah. Well, it seems dangerous to me. An unhinged leader rises to power on a wave of populist anger. He demonizes the press, the judiciary. He invokes invokes nationalism, and incites fear and hatred of "outsiders".

We've read this story before. And after shit gets completely ugly, supporters - the people who made it all possible - are shuffling their feet asking "how could we have known?"

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