Politics and homosexuality.....this board is gay

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Why does the right keep talking about homosexuality? Its always the right talking about homosexuality this, gay rights that, can we please quit talking about that.
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Typical lefty. You don't want to talk about it so no one should talk about it. Right wing approach - ignore it and don't participate.

So, Charlie, why do you hate free speech?
If you don't want people to talk about homosexuality all the time, why did YOU bring it up by starting another thread about it?!
Why does the right keep talking about homosexuality? Its always the right talking about homosexuality this, gay rights that, can we please quit talking about that shat?

Are you joking? The homosexuals and the left can't stop talking about it as they run to activist judges to sue and to get the general populations vote over turned over and over again. The left can't ever shut the fuck up and thinks that a few percent of the population should be able to stick it down our fucking throats where ever. They demand our children to learn there history in California, yeah like they have a fucking history--- Maybe they mean how james fucked jim in the ass behind the school grounds??? That is about as far as there fucking history goes.

They don't respect the voters
They don't respect that parants may not went there fucking children learning this bull shit.
They don't respect that people may not went to watch there stupid parades.

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Typical lefty. You don't want to talk about it so no one should talk about it. Right wing approach - ignore it and don't participate.

So, Charlie, why do you hate free speech?

Because its making me mad, this board is about politics, not homosexuality. the right has an infatuation with homosexuality, maybe they not secure in their sexuality.
Typical lefty. You don't want to talk about it so no one should talk about it. Right wing approach - ignore it and don't participate.

So, Charlie, why do you hate free speech?

Because its making me mad, this board is about politics, not homosexuality. the right has an infatuation with homosexuality, maybe they not secure in their sexuality.

The homosexuals went to fucking get into the political area and fuck with our laws. So why isn't it political?
Typical lefty. You don't want to talk about it so no one should talk about it. Right wing approach - ignore it and don't participate.

So, Charlie, why do you hate free speech?

Because its making me mad, this board is about politics, not homosexuality. the right has an infatuation with homosexuality, maybe they not secure in their sexuality.

The homosexuals went to fucking get into the political area and fuck with our laws. So why isn't it political?

True I agree, I don't like their diseased mindstate and sexual practices and their movement to make it seem normal but why does the rightwingers keep talking about it?
Typical lefty. You don't want to talk about it so no one should talk about it. Right wing approach - ignore it and don't participate.

So, Charlie, why do you hate free speech?

Because its making me mad, this board is about politics, not homosexuality. the right has an infatuation with homosexuality, maybe they not secure in their sexuality.

This board is a discussion forum. And your attempt at flaming the right is very weak, Charlie.

I score it:

5.5/10 - must try harder.
Typical lefty. You don't want to talk about it so no one should talk about it. Right wing approach - ignore it and don't participate.

So, Charlie, why do you hate free speech?

Because its making me mad, this board is about politics, not homosexuality. the right has an infatuation with homosexuality, maybe they not secure in their sexuality.

The homosexuals went to fucking get into the political area and fuck with our laws. So why isn't it political?

:lol: "Our laws"? Define 'our'. :lol:
Because its making me mad, this board is about politics, not homosexuality. the right has an infatuation with homosexuality, maybe they not secure in their sexuality.

The homosexuals went to fucking get into the political area and fuck with our laws. So why isn't it political?

:lol: "Our laws"? Define 'our'. :lol:

Laws that are voted on by the voters within elections(measures) that the left and the homo's work to over turn through the courts.
Why does the right keep talking about homosexuality? Its always the right talking about homosexuality this, gay rights that, can we please quit talking about that.

You talk about homosexuality all the time. ;)

And as for this board being gay, takes one to know one....
Typical lefty. You don't want to talk about it so no one should talk about it. Right wing approach - ignore it and don't participate.

So, Charlie, why do you hate free speech?

Because its making me mad, this board is about politics, not homosexuality. the right has an infatuation with homosexuality, maybe they not secure in their sexuality.

This board is a discussion forum. And your attempt at flaming the right is very weak, Charlie.

I score it:

5.5/10 - must try harder.

Tally up the threads and you'll see that the right has an infatuation with homosexuality, the left keeps promoting homosexuals as poor oppressed people when homosexuals are rich with plenty of money, they're not suffering. The left and right love homosexuality.
Why does the right keep talking about homosexuality? Its always the right talking about homosexuality this, gay rights that, can we please quit talking about that.

You talk about homosexuality all the time. ;)

And as for this board being gay, takes one to know one....

Oh my, here comes Miss homolover, the protector of the booty bandits.
Why does the right keep talking about homosexuality? Its always the right talking about homosexuality this, gay rights that, can we please quit talking about that.

You talk about homosexuality all the time. ;)

And as for this board being gay, takes one to know one....

Oh my, here comes Miss homolover, the protector of the booty bandits.

You really hate it when I point out your hypocrisy..
Want to sick Facial on me again?

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