Politics and Inflation

Ok. Lets do the current math for a family of 6 with a single mom and 5 kids.

$921/mth for SNAP
$1350/mth for Child tax refund with 2 kids under 5 and 3 kids from 6-17.(300x2+250x3)
~$1000/mth - Welfare, but this varies per state
$8400 -The upcoming stimulus check based on a family of 6 from the IRS website. 1400 per person including children

Keep in mind, this person doesn't have to pay any taxes nor for housing so they are getting $3271/mth POST tax not counting the stimulus check, which they would have already received 2 others in the last 1.5 years. That is $39,252 AFTER tax income with no housing costs. Assuming rent of $1200/mth as a low average(14400/yr) and an effective tax rate of 20%, they are making the equivalent of $67k-70k/year NOT including the stimulus checks NOT to work.

Yeah, I don't think many have given this much thought but this is what is going on now. This person will likely never work if this continues nor will his/her kids as they know the system. They will have 5 kids themselves or even more. It is an endless cycle and the Democrats are pushing for even more benefits to be paid for by the working taxpayers.
Ah, well finally, we get to the heart of your treatise, I guess, in posts 69 and 107. Not conceding that your math or figures in 107 are correct ... BUT HOW DOES THE DEMS' PROPOSED LEGISLATION AFFECT THE BEHAVIOR OF A WOMEN WITH 6 KIDS AND NO SPOUSE as described in 107? And how does the dems proposed legislation make it more likely parents with 3 kids won't work?
Got any links that prove that the wealthy spend less after a tax increase?
Didn't think so, thanks for playing.
That's an easy question to answer!
Supplyside economics, Reaganomics, trickle down economics, or whatever you choose to call the same thing. That's supported by the political right.

Do you know of the Laffer curve and do you understand it?
This is where you and I differ, Trump was never an outsider, he rubbed elbows with all these people. I say he was just one more actor playing out his role
Trump was a democrat 2001-2009, then became a Republican.
He knows how the system works, how to buy loopholes and influence.
Maybe we look at 2016 differently. 2016 was Hillary's coronation, she had a 95% probability of winning, it was already decided. I'm sure you've see this video many times

That said, Trump governed as a conservative. So I'm not sure what you mean he was an "actor". IMHO he really fucked up by not acting more presidential instead of a total asshole, like in the 1st debate with Biden.
Trump alienated women, like my wife, and couldn't recover, that was plain stupid.

The GOP could have easily kept the senate as well by NOT putting Collins up against Kelly Loeffler in GA. She would have won on the 1st ballot. Now we have two democrat senators in GA, so dumb.
Trust me, I know all about the phase out of the child tax credit for higher earners. We have two children. Just another way the "rich" more than pay their fair share.
Well I don't trust you because of your posts stating the child tax credits don't decline with income. You might debate the effects, but not when you mistate the facts.
Thats some good math... Looks like a round about way of saying you are speculating and then showing where your speculation is coming from. I'd suggest getting your hands dirty and actually going to a shelter or low income area to volunteer so you can actually interact with a family of 5 on welfare and gain a better understanding for what their life is like... Perhaps there are better solutions than simply cutting welfare benefits

Nice dodge. This is not speculation, this is what they are currently making under this administration. If you are ok with that the we just don't agree.
My family works hard and is rewarded accordingly, minus the already very high taxes we pay. I prefer this system unless the taxes continue to rise. If so, we can cut back on work and move to Canada, albeit taking a hit on the quality of life our current income affords. No reason to work simply to pay for those that won't. If I might add, the US is much more culturally diverse than Canada. Despite all the leftists blabber, that diversity actually makes it quite a bit more difficult to come together and agree to a system that works for everyone and still maintains the tenants of our society which made the US the greatest country on earth.
Diversity is what made us great... Otherwise we would just be England 2 which we are not. Perhaps going to Canada is a good idea for you
Well I don't trust you because of your posts stating the child tax credits don't decline with income. You might debate the effects, but not when you mistate the facts.

Where did I say that?
Nice dodge. This is not speculation, this is what they are currently making under this administration. If you are ok with that the we just don't agree.
Your max on EBT is about two hundred bucks low for max with a family of 6.
Diversity is what made us great... Otherwise we would just be England 2 which we are not. Perhaps going to Canada is a good idea for you

ok...you have bought into the entire left-wing narrative. I see this is going nowhere.
Nice dodge. This is not speculation, this is what they are currently making under this administration. If you are ok with that the we just don't agree.
hahahahaha... You think I was dodging in my response to your dodge of my initial questions?! I had to ask it twice because the first response you gave was only a question. Thats great. You are a funny one.
Your max on EBT is about two hundred bucks low for max with a family of 6.

Oh ok, so give them an extra 200/mth. Puts them squarely in the 70k yearly salary range.
ok...you have bought into the entire left-wing narrative. I see this is going nowhere.
I simply buy facts as I see them... I don't play on the wings. I'm more Right leaning than left when it comes to government, but facts be damned, you go ahead and label away
Thats not possible... Trump said he was going to eliminate the debt and he followed through with all his campaign promises so there is no debt, you must be lying.
When you're a billionaire no one calls you a liar.
It must have been a shock to Trump that the MSM was all over his bullshit.
Trump wanted to grow the economy with tax cuts, all Republicans try that Laffer Curve bullshit, and it always fails.
The US economy is so big it just doesn't grow more than about 2%.
Trump's 5% growth assumption was either a deliberate lie, or total ignorance.
That said, Trump is still 1,000,000x better as president that Xiden the moron.
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Again, PPP loans are forgivable just read the articles or play stupid and act as if the sun rises in the south wealthy people did get loans that really didn't need them but again deny all you like because that doesn't make the world function.
So, IOW, companies were "given" loans specifically so they could comply with a government mandate, and you are saying that is rich people getting stuff? Do you not see the separate there?
When you're a billionaire no one calls you a liar.
It must have been a shock to Trump that the MSM was all over his bullshit.
Trump wanted to grow the economy with tax cuts, all Republicans try that, and it always fails.
The US economy is so big it just doesn't grow more than about 2%.
Trump's 5% growth assumption was either a deliberate lie, or total ignorance.
That said, Trump is still 1,000,000x better as president that Xiden the moron.
Trump was the shittiest president I've ever seen. Biden is painful as well but he is safe and boring and isn't going to fuck up as much as Trump. And of course Trumps promises were deliberate lies, I don't think he spends more than a minute trying to figure out how things actually work. He says what he thinks sounds good and will make people cheer and then he relies on his "team" to get it done. If they don't he blames them or somebody else... Never his fault
That's an easy question to answer!
Supply-side economics, Reaganomics, trickle down economics, or whatever you choose to call the same thing. That's supported by the political right.

Do you know of the Laffer curve and do you understand it?
Yep, the Laffer Curve is total bullshit:
Conservatives everywhere condemn the use of tax increases for fear of the Laffer Curve. This is the idea that if taxes are too high, people will lose the incentive to work and therefore tax revenue will actually decrease. It is most famous for its counter-intuitive argument that a tax cut could increase revenue. Unfortunately there is little or no evidence to support this claim. History clearly shows that cutting taxes does not increase revenue. The Laffer curve is a political idea used to justify tax cuts for the rich. It is not based on sound economics.

When Reagan cut taxes that spurred economic growth after Carter's "malaise" and "stagflation".
But that was the only time cutting taxes ever increased tax revenue.
I simply buy facts as I see them... I don't play on the wings. I'm more Right leaning than left when it comes to government, but facts be damned, you go ahead and label away

I posted the facts about what they receive. You are attempting to make the argument that evidently that is not enough because they still have a horrible life. What more do you want us to do? Maybe if we gave them the equivalent of 150k/yr they would do better? What the heck, according to the Democrats the cost is zero as long as the "rich" pay for it.
I posted the facts about what they receive. You are attempting to make the argument that evidently that is not enough because they still have a horrible life. What more do you want us to do? Maybe if we gave them the equivalent of 150k/yr they would do better? What the heck, according to the Democrats the cost is zero as long as the "rich" pay for it.
And I complimented you on your math and then responded with thoughts about real life experience vs antidotal speculation. You think the family of 5 is living the good life with their benefits because of your math and how you think they are living... Then go see for yourself if your theory is true and if they really are living the good life... Why wouldn't you want to see it with your own eyes?
Oh ok, so give them an extra 200/mth. Puts them squarely in the 70k yearly salary range.
Imo your playing loosey goosey with the dollar amounts indicates you are not to be taken seriously in your assertions that the dems plan makes it more likely that parents will get a job now than before. See posts 68 and 107.

I do think that we need to change laws and create a work requirement for new claims by new parents

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