Politics and the non sexy items


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Thought From An Independent:

Our infrastructure and the national debt: Not very sexy items these days, I'll admit, but they are both pretty important. Yet both Democrats and Republicans do little more than pay lip service to either of them. Neither Nancy Pelosi nor Mitch McConnell have introduced one piece of legislation to deal with our crumbling roads, bridges and electrical grid, nor pay back a penny of our massive deficit which amounts to over $68,000 for every American citizen. When our bridges start collapsing from lack of maintenance, and our currency is downgraded and becomes worthless because we can't service our debt (owed mostly to China) the finger pointing will start, and people will panic. What are the chances both sides will stop hissing at each other just for a moment, and deal with these 2 looming problems?? Probably not very good....
Thought From An Independent:

Our infrastructure and the national debt: Not very sexy items these days, I'll admit, but they are both pretty important. Yet both Democrats and Republicans do little more than pay lip service to either of them. Neither Nancy Pelosi nor Mitch McConnell have introduced one piece of legislation to deal with our crumbling roads, bridges and electrical grid, nor pay back a penny of our massive deficit which amounts to over $68,000 for every American citizen. When our bridges start collapsing from lack of maintenance, and our currency is downgraded and becomes worthless because we can't service our debt (owed mostly to China) the finger pointing will start, and people will panic. What are the chances both sides will stop hissing at each other just for a moment, and deal with these 2 looming problems?? Probably not very good....
The last thing these people are supposed to do is work together. That's a sign of weakness, or something.

Try to think back to kindergarten, or as far back as you can. Screaming, insulting, name-calling and sticking your tongue out are the way to go.
Thought From An Independent:

Our infrastructure and the national debt: Not very sexy items these days, I'll admit, but they are both pretty important. Yet both Democrats and Republicans do little more than pay lip service to either of them. Neither Nancy Pelosi nor Mitch McConnell have introduced one piece of legislation to deal with our crumbling roads, bridges and electrical grid, nor pay back a penny of our massive deficit which amounts to over $68,000 for every American citizen. When our bridges start collapsing from lack of maintenance, and our currency is downgraded and becomes worthless because we can't service our debt (owed mostly to China) the finger pointing will start, and people will panic. What are the chances both sides will stop hissing at each other just for a moment, and deal with these 2 looming problems?? Probably not very good....
The last thing these people are supposed to do is work together. That's a sign of weakness, or something.

Try to think back to kindergarten, or as far back as you can. Screaming, insulting, name-calling and sticking your tongue out are the way to go.

The only thing I remember about Kindergarten was finger painting which I was not good at.
Thought From An Independent:

Our infrastructure and the national debt: Not very sexy items these days, I'll admit, but they are both pretty important. Yet both Democrats and Republicans do little more than pay lip service to either of them. Neither Nancy Pelosi nor Mitch McConnell have introduced one piece of legislation to deal with our crumbling roads, bridges and electrical grid, nor pay back a penny of our massive deficit which amounts to over $68,000 for every American citizen. When our bridges start collapsing from lack of maintenance, and our currency is downgraded and becomes worthless because we can't service our debt (owed mostly to China) the finger pointing will start, and people will panic. What are the chances both sides will stop hissing at each other just for a moment, and deal with these 2 looming problems?? Probably not very good....
The last thing these people are supposed to do is work together. That's a sign of weakness, or something.

Try to think back to kindergarten, or as far back as you can. Screaming, insulting, name-calling and sticking your tongue out are the way to go.

I wish people would stop denigrating young children by comparing them to Congress. Or even this forum, come to think of it. Generally my Pre-K through 5th grade students are much, MUCH better behaved than either Congress or your average poster on USMB.

There, I said it
Thought From An Independent:

Our infrastructure and the national debt: Not very sexy items these days, I'll admit, but they are both pretty important. Yet both Democrats and Republicans do little more than pay lip service to either of them. Neither Nancy Pelosi nor Mitch McConnell have introduced one piece of legislation to deal with our crumbling roads, bridges and electrical grid, nor pay back a penny of our massive deficit which amounts to over $68,000 for every American citizen. When our bridges start collapsing from lack of maintenance, and our currency is downgraded and becomes worthless because we can't service our debt (owed mostly to China) the finger pointing will start, and people will panic. What are the chances both sides will stop hissing at each other just for a moment, and deal with these 2 looming problems?? Probably not very good....
The last thing these people are supposed to do is work together. That's a sign of weakness, or something.

Try to think back to kindergarten, or as far back as you can. Screaming, insulting, name-calling and sticking your tongue out are the way to go.

The only thing I remember about Kindergarten was finger painting which I was not good at.

I can all but guarantee you were better behaved than Congress.

For years I have said we need to clear out Capitol Hill and fill it with first grade teachers. Those people GET CRAP DONE like no one else. Within three months, I'm telling you, all this crap would be worked out and running like well oiled machinery.

Don't believe me? you teach a class of 25 6 year olds to take off a pile of winter gear, hang it up, come into the classroom, get along with each other and AFTER that, teach them to READ.

Now compare that with what Congress gets done, both parties. See what I mean? We need an army of first grade teachers.

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