Politics in a Democracy Is War by Other Means


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
You have to fight progressive's like a progressive...
Politics in a Democracy Is War by Other Means
Republicans may not be interested in war, but war is interested in them.
February 21, 2017
Bruce Thornton


The “decorum” and “civility” ritually praised by Republicans are the political version of the disastrous ROE’s that have cost the lives of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. We’ve watched for years as the Republicans fought by Marquess of Queensbury rules while the Dems donned brass knuckles and swung blackjacks. While some of our Senators fretted over “traditions of the Senate” and lost “bipartisanship,” Don Obama and his Luca Brasi Harry Reid filled the Senate chamber with legislative IEDs––Obamacare, now circling the drain; an $800 billion “stimulus” that spent from half a million to four million dollars on each job it created; the job-killing Dodd-Frank regulatory hydra that so far has cost $36 billion, and record-setting deficits and debts. All the while our country’s economy stagnates and our enemies and rivals flourish at the expense of our security and interests. And these Republicans still wonder how Donald Trump bested 14 Republican primary rivals and defeated the Democrats’ off-brand Eva Peron?


The cliché attributed to Trotsky is still true: The Republicans may not be interested in war, but war is interested in them. Their serial failure to recognize they were at war with progressives is why Donald Trump got elected––“He fights,” as Lincoln answered when asked why he appointed the scruffy, hard-drinking U.S. Grant the Commanding General of the army. So now their strategy should be simple: “We win, they lose,” as Reagan said of the Cold War.

Right now we have perhaps the best chance ever to roll back the century-long dismantling of the Constitution and its protection of individual freedom, a vigorous civil society, and the sovereignty of the states. If Republicans blow it because they don’t want to get their hands dirty by fighting like progressives, they will end up where Thomas Jefferson correctly predicted he’d put the Federalists: “an abyss from which there shall be no resurrection.” And they’ll take the rest of us with them.

Politics in a Democracy Is War by Other Means

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