Politics on the brain, The Whole World is Now a Message Board Moderated Largely by Partisan Progs


VIP Member
Mar 2, 2018
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

It's almost comically horrifying how an internet message board like 4Chan can mouse over high percentages of American minds and cause pop-up box ideas to change their beliefs. How can any fact or truth counter or defend agaisnt that? What once took generations of brainwashing to cultivate in a populace during the Middle Ages can now be done in days, weeks, at the speed of broadband.

Rational thinkers as one may deny the occurrence of a second Civil War in pointing out the lack of formation on formation combat in our streets. When what's been going on unseen, behind the curtain of OZ is indeed a war of attrition for the minds of billions. In this new system one person or a small group can wield the power to change the attitudes of millions almost instantly. Denial of this neo-generational mass manipulation of self defining politics is akin to Japan denying the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.
Well said. Do you have any solutions or optimism for change? If so, what are they and how do they become realized?
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

It's almost comically horrifying how an internet message board like 4Chan can mouse over high percentages of American minds and cause pop-up box ideas to change their beliefs. How can any fact or truth counter or defend agaisnt that? What once took generations of brainwashing to cultivate in a populace during the Middle Ages can now be done in days, weeks, at the speed of broadband.

Rational thinkers as one may deny the occurrence of a second Civil War in pointing out the lack of formation on formation combat in our streets. When what's been going on unseen, behind the curtain of OZ is indeed a war of attrition for the minds of billions. In this new system one person or a small group can wield the power to change the attitudes of millions almost instantly. Denial of this neo-generational mass manipulation of self defining politics is akin to Japan denying the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
It makes me think that the shriller the crescendo of "twitterer and Chief" gets the more efficacious the counter is to that of the MSM narrative. Likewise the derision of a bumbling inept President bespeaks the true fear by the left that they are being outwitted by the chief executive of the land, lol :) A lot to contemplate in you post, as a genXer I often feel behind the curve in the information age... lol
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

It's almost comically horrifying how an internet message board like 4Chan can mouse over high percentages of American minds and cause pop-up box ideas to change their beliefs. How can any fact or truth counter or defend agaisnt that? What once took generations of brainwashing to cultivate in a populace during the Middle Ages can now be done in days, weeks, at the speed of broadband.

Rational thinkers as one may deny the occurrence of a second Civil War in pointing out the lack of formation on formation combat in our streets. When what's been going on unseen, behind the curtain of OZ is indeed a war of attrition for the minds of billions. In this new system one person or a small group can wield the power to change the attitudes of millions almost instantly. Denial of this neo-generational mass manipulation of self defining politics is akin to Japan denying the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
It makes me think that the shriller the crescendo of "twitterer and Chief" gets the more efficacious the counter is to that of the MSM narrative. Likewise the derision of a bumbling inept President bespeaks the true fear by the left that they are being outwitted by the chief executive of the land, lol :) A lot to contemplate in you post, as a genXer I often feel behind the curve in the information age... lol

No worries I am from the late 70s and totally overwhelmed by the sea of technology. Having nieces and nephews to help decode it all is an advantage. Our President is like a master drunken boxer. The more a fool he acts, the closer the MSM want to get to him, the easier for him to pincer formation their lies. His tweeting directly to the American people is in my opinion an unprecedented demonstration of respect for the average citizen. Means he cares about us. My confidence lies partly in a key majority of military loyalty including the full weight of the DIA and highly specialized intelligence and counterintelligence units.

Still, the cyber war for ideology and political identity is far from over in my opinion. Seems the more people try to tell the truth, the more dangerous the MSM and radical Left become. They're a new age Hydra. Hopefully our President and his supporters are new age Hercules.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.
Well said. Do you have any solutions or optimism for change? If so, what are they and how do they become realized?
Truth be told I created this thread still hot under the collar from an active and insightfully stimulating ANTIFA thread being summarily closed down by one of our esteemed young progressive moderators; a sassy lass like myself no less. I was and sill am expecting to be likewise shut down if the tenor of this thread continues as it has. All that to say, for too long the conservative base has remained silent. When they do interject it is with placating 'polititalk' rhetoric. DJT has opened my eyes to the possibilities and potential for changing this course. I am inspired by his brazen rebuttals in the instantaneous information age; taking on the hegemony of the entire MSM with a flick of his thumbs. Night_Son perhaps conveyed it best.
If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
If the left can trot a Maxine Waters & Michael Moore out with a silly antiquated message to "put you bodies on the line" Why should we not also become proactive; not with physicality but with the vocalization of truth & message! In a sense my challenging the moderators on USMB is but a microcosm of what I believe should be done across this nation by all those who believe in conservative values, and preservation of this Nation as an example of freedom under the law and freedom from the tyranny of legislative overreach from the law.
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The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

It's almost comically horrifying how an internet message board like 4Chan can mouse over high percentages of American minds and cause pop-up box ideas to change their beliefs. How can any fact or truth counter or defend agaisnt that? What once took generations of brainwashing to cultivate in a populace during the Middle Ages can now be done in days, weeks, at the speed of broadband.

Rational thinkers as one may deny the occurrence of a second Civil War in pointing out the lack of formation on formation combat in our streets. When what's been going on unseen, behind the curtain of OZ is indeed a war of attrition for the minds of billions. In this new system one person or a small group can wield the power to change the attitudes of millions almost instantly. Denial of this neo-generational mass manipulation of self defining politics is akin to Japan denying the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
It makes me think that the shriller the crescendo of "twitterer and Chief" gets the more efficacious the counter is to that of the MSM narrative. Likewise the derision of a bumbling inept President bespeaks the true fear by the left that they are being outwitted by the chief executive of the land, lol :) A lot to contemplate in you post, as a genXer I often feel behind the curve in the information age... lol

No worries I am from the late 70s and totally overwhelmed by the sea of technology. Having nieces and nephews to help decode it all is an advantage. Our President is like a master drunken boxer. The more a fool he acts, the closer the MSM want to get to him, the easier for him to pincer formation their lies. His tweeting directly to the American people is in my opinion an unprecedented demonstration of respect for the average citizen. Means he cares about us. My confidence lies partly in a key majority of military loyalty including the full weight of the DIA and highly specialized intelligence and counterintelligence units.

Still, the cyber war for ideology and political identity is far from over in my opinion. Seems the more people try to tell the truth, the more dangerous the MSM and radical Left become. They're a new age Hydra. Hopefully our President and his supporters are new age Hercules.
In remembering back to the FISC abuses when they came out, I remember coming to the realization that Trump knew what would be revealed neigh on a year before we all did. I believe that he is doing this again with the Mueller investigation. He would loose little political capital if he canned Rosenstein, Mueller & the whole sordid lot of them. Might he not be strategically utilizing this circus, feeding the MSM frenzy and charging up his base, all at the same time!
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

It's almost comically horrifying how an internet message board like 4Chan can mouse over high percentages of American minds and cause pop-up box ideas to change their beliefs. How can any fact or truth counter or defend agaisnt that? What once took generations of brainwashing to cultivate in a populace during the Middle Ages can now be done in days, weeks, at the speed of broadband.

Rational thinkers as one may deny the occurrence of a second Civil War in pointing out the lack of formation on formation combat in our streets. When what's been going on unseen, behind the curtain of OZ is indeed a war of attrition for the minds of billions. In this new system one person or a small group can wield the power to change the attitudes of millions almost instantly. Denial of this neo-generational mass manipulation of self defining politics is akin to Japan denying the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
It makes me think that the shriller the crescendo of "twitterer and Chief" gets the more efficacious the counter is to that of the MSM narrative. Likewise the derision of a bumbling inept President bespeaks the true fear by the left that they are being outwitted by the chief executive of the land, lol :) A lot to contemplate in you post, as a genXer I often feel behind the curve in the information age... lol

No worries I am from the late 70s and totally overwhelmed by the sea of technology. Having nieces and nephews to help decode it all is an advantage. Our President is like a master drunken boxer. The more a fool he acts, the closer the MSM want to get to him, the easier for him to pincer formation their lies. His tweeting directly to the American people is in my opinion an unprecedented demonstration of respect for the average citizen. Means he cares about us. My confidence lies partly in a key majority of military loyalty including the full weight of the DIA and highly specialized intelligence and counterintelligence units.

Still, the cyber war for ideology and political identity is far from over in my opinion. Seems the more people try to tell the truth, the more dangerous the MSM and radical Left become. They're a new age Hydra. Hopefully our President and his supporters are new age Hercules.
In remembering back to the FISC abuses when they came out, I remember coming to the realization that Trump knew what would be revealed neigh on a year before we all did. I believe that he is doing this again with the Mueller investigation. He would loose little political capital if he canned Rosenstein, Mueller & the whole sordid lot of them. Might he not be strategically utilizing this circus, feeding the MSM frenzy and charging up his base, all at the same time!

I don't care about that, and I'd bet he doesn't much either. Get the corruption out of the US government.

Trump didn't have to run for president, it's just nobody else was stepping up and doing a damn thing. That's the reality of the situation.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

It's almost comically horrifying how an internet message board like 4Chan can mouse over high percentages of American minds and cause pop-up box ideas to change their beliefs. How can any fact or truth counter or defend agaisnt that? What once took generations of brainwashing to cultivate in a populace during the Middle Ages can now be done in days, weeks, at the speed of broadband.

Rational thinkers as one may deny the occurrence of a second Civil War in pointing out the lack of formation on formation combat in our streets. When what's been going on unseen, behind the curtain of OZ is indeed a war of attrition for the minds of billions. In this new system one person or a small group can wield the power to change the attitudes of millions almost instantly. Denial of this neo-generational mass manipulation of self defining politics is akin to Japan denying the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
It makes me think that the shriller the crescendo of "twitterer and Chief" gets the more efficacious the counter is to that of the MSM narrative. Likewise the derision of a bumbling inept President bespeaks the true fear by the left that they are being outwitted by the chief executive of the land, lol :) A lot to contemplate in you post, as a genXer I often feel behind the curve in the information age... lol

No worries I am from the late 70s and totally overwhelmed by the sea of technology. Having nieces and nephews to help decode it all is an advantage. Our President is like a master drunken boxer. The more a fool he acts, the closer the MSM want to get to him, the easier for him to pincer formation their lies. His tweeting directly to the American people is in my opinion an unprecedented demonstration of respect for the average citizen. Means he cares about us. My confidence lies partly in a key majority of military loyalty including the full weight of the DIA and highly specialized intelligence and counterintelligence units.

Still, the cyber war for ideology and political identity is far from over in my opinion. Seems the more people try to tell the truth, the more dangerous the MSM and radical Left become. They're a new age Hydra. Hopefully our President and his supporters are new age Hercules.
In remembering back to the FISC abuses when they came out, I remember coming to the realization that Trump knew what would be revealed neigh on a year before we all did. I believe that he is doing this again with the Mueller investigation. He would loose little political capital if he canned Rosenstein, Mueller & the whole sordid lot of them. Might he not be strategically utilizing this circus, feeding the MSM frenzy and charging up his base, all at the same time!

I have always believed Mueller is President Trump's man through and through, not Rosenstein's. Mueller was a Marine Corps captain during the Vietnam war and is I believe a loyal warrior first, political minion second. He is also the second longest serving FBI director behind JE Hoover meaning the amount of classified dirt he's sitting on must be higher than Everest. Rosenstein may have appointed Mueller, but just imagine if Mueller serves a second master other than the deputy attorney general, and is also a man of the American people.

I think our President is adroitly making use of MSM loud mouths such as MSNBC, CNN and HuffPost. I cannot remember a President hated like our current one. I have windows 10. My start page displays MSN news and every day it's so full of nitpicking Donald Trump for the slightest perceived offenses. It's almost become bad as watching the Keystone Cops or Benny Hill and calling it serious reality. Like who really believes this stuff?

So yeah the media maelstrom definitely seems to be serving rather than directly harming our President. That said it can be tough as a MAGA supporter to just sit there and be bombarded by all the Anti-American rhetoric over our President's successes and not have doubts spring up. The real victories will come at the close of the IG report hearings, November election results and revolutionary changes for individual freedom in North Korea, Europe and Iran.

Hopefully, once the majority of America's youth realize Trump is not the enemy, he can refocus on domestic issues everyone can benefit from. And 2020 isn't that far off. A second term for DT will show the nation and world exactly where the majority of patriotic folks stand.

What if Mueller and President Trump both want the special council investigation to continue?
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.
Well said. Do you have any solutions or optimism for change? If so, what are they and how do they become realized?
Truth be told I created this thread still hot under the collar from an active and insightfully stimulating ANTIFA thread being summarily closed down by one of our esteemed young progressive moderators; a sassy lass like myself no less. I was and sill am expecting to be likewise shut down if the tenor of this thread continues as it has. All that to say, for too long the conservative base has remained silent. When they do interject it is with placating 'polititalk' rhetoric. DJT has opened my eyes to the possibilities and potential for changing this course. I am inspired by his brazen rebuttals in the instantaneous information age; taking on the hegemony of the entire MSM with a flick of his thumbs. Night_Son perhaps conveyed it best.
If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
If the left can trot a Maxine Waters & Michael Moore out with a silly antiquated message to "put you bodies on the line" Why should we not also become proactive; not with physicality but with the vocalization of truth & message! In a sense my challenging the moderators on USMB is but a microcosm of what I believe should be done across this nation by all those who believe in conservative values, and preservation of this Nation as an example of freedom under the law and freedom from the tyranny of legislative overreach from the law.

I moved it to Current Events because that is more appropriate. Other than that, carry on.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

It's almost comically horrifying how an internet message board like 4Chan can mouse over high percentages of American minds and cause pop-up box ideas to change their beliefs. How can any fact or truth counter or defend agaisnt that? What once took generations of brainwashing to cultivate in a populace during the Middle Ages can now be done in days, weeks, at the speed of broadband.

Rational thinkers as one may deny the occurrence of a second Civil War in pointing out the lack of formation on formation combat in our streets. When what's been going on unseen, behind the curtain of OZ is indeed a war of attrition for the minds of billions. In this new system one person or a small group can wield the power to change the attitudes of millions almost instantly. Denial of this neo-generational mass manipulation of self defining politics is akin to Japan denying the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
It makes me think that the shriller the crescendo of "twitterer and Chief" gets the more efficacious the counter is to that of the MSM narrative. Likewise the derision of a bumbling inept President bespeaks the true fear by the left that they are being outwitted by the chief executive of the land, lol :) A lot to contemplate in you post, as a genXer I often feel behind the curve in the information age... lol

No worries I am from the late 70s and totally overwhelmed by the sea of technology. Having nieces and nephews to help decode it all is an advantage. Our President is like a master drunken boxer. The more a fool he acts, the closer the MSM want to get to him, the easier for him to pincer formation their lies. His tweeting directly to the American people is in my opinion an unprecedented demonstration of respect for the average citizen. Means he cares about us. My confidence lies partly in a key majority of military loyalty including the full weight of the DIA and highly specialized intelligence and counterintelligence units.

Still, the cyber war for ideology and political identity is far from over in my opinion. Seems the more people try to tell the truth, the more dangerous the MSM and radical Left become. They're a new age Hydra. Hopefully our President and his supporters are new age Hercules.
In remembering back to the FISC abuses when they came out, I remember coming to the realization that Trump knew what would be revealed neigh on a year before we all did. I believe that he is doing this again with the Mueller investigation. He would loose little political capital if he canned Rosenstein, Mueller & the whole sordid lot of them. Might he not be strategically utilizing this circus, feeding the MSM frenzy and charging up his base, all at the same time!

I don't care about that, and I'd bet he doesn't much either. Get the corruption out of the US government.

Trump didn't have to run for president, it's just nobody else was stepping up and doing a damn thing. That's the reality of the situation.
He is an anomaly at every turn as far as presidents go. We his base love him despite his absurd wealth, for his stepping up out of necessity, for his lack of political ambition, for his candid straight talk, & for his undeniable love of his country. We are no longer snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, as has been the GOP's MO for far too long!
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The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.
Well said. Do you have any solutions or optimism for change? If so, what are they and how do they become realized?
Truth be told I created this thread still hot under the collar from an active and insightfully stimulating ANTIFA thread being summarily closed down by one of our esteemed young progressive moderators; a sassy lass like myself no less. I was and sill am expecting to be likewise shut down if the tenor of this thread continues as it has. All that to say, for too long the conservative base has remained silent. When they do interject it is with placating 'polititalk' rhetoric. DJT has opened my eyes to the possibilities and potential for changing this course. I am inspired by his brazen rebuttals in the instantaneous information age; taking on the hegemony of the entire MSM with a flick of his thumbs. Night_Son perhaps conveyed it best.
If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
If the left can trot a Maxine Waters & Michael Moore out with a silly antiquated message to "put you bodies on the line" Why should we not also become proactive; not with physicality but with the vocalization of truth & message! In a sense my challenging the moderators on USMB is but a microcosm of what I believe should be done across this nation by all those who believe in conservative values, and preservation of this Nation as an example of freedom under the law and freedom from the tyranny of legislative overreach from the law.

I moved it to Current Events because that is more appropriate. Other than that, carry on.
Lol, thanks for indulging us here & the heads up! :)
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.

Do I? Fox news is just just the AP news with a wee bit of right spin on it. So no, no I don't rely on Fox news, faggot. WRONG!

I did a study on the news in 2015, Fox sucks.

CBS and CSPAN are the most accurate, but still, the AP is where most of it comes from.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.
Well said. Do you have any solutions or optimism for change? If so, what are they and how do they become realized?
Truth be told I created this thread still hot under the collar from an active and insightfully stimulating ANTIFA thread being summarily closed down by one of our esteemed young progressive moderators; a sassy lass like myself no less. I was and sill am expecting to be likewise shut down if the tenor of this thread continues as it has. All that to say, for too long the conservative base has remained silent. When they do interject it is with placating 'polititalk' rhetoric. DJT has opened my eyes to the possibilities and potential for changing this course. I am inspired by his brazen rebuttals in the instantaneous information age; taking on the hegemony of the entire MSM with a flick of his thumbs. Night_Son perhaps conveyed it best.
If a second internal American war goes shooting hot, it's very likely the battle for hearts and minds will have already be over and the physical kinetic combat will have become an academic matter.
If the left can trot a Maxine Waters & Michael Moore out with a silly antiquated message to "put you bodies on the line" Why should we not also become proactive; not with physicality but with the vocalization of truth & message! In a sense my challenging the moderators on USMB is but a microcosm of what I believe should be done across this nation by all those who believe in conservative values, and preservation of this Nation as an example of freedom under the law and freedom from the tyranny of legislative overreach from the law.

I moved it to Current Events because that is more appropriate. Other than that, carry on.
Lol, thanks for indulging us here & the heads up! :)

You're welcome!
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.
Hey pajama boy, thanks for chiming in! I'm not going to categorically call you to task on your assertions as you may be correct, for many of the conservatives on this board. I am curious, however, where you derive your 'objective' information from...
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.
Hey pajama boy, thanks for chiming in! I'm not going to categorically call you to task on your assertions as you may be correct, for many of the conservatives on this board. I am curious, however, where you derive your 'objective' information from...

You're new, whenever you join a new group you have to learn the ropes rather than ask everyone around you a new question every day. Put in some work on the site first and use google. Don't be lazy.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.
Hey pajama boy, thanks for chiming in! I'm not going to categorically call you to task on your assertions as you may be correct, for many of the conservatives on this board. I am curious, however, where you derive your 'objective' information from...

You're new, whenever you join a new group you have to learn the ropes rather than ask everyone around you a new question every day. Put in some work on the site first and use google. Don't be lazy.

Does this make sense to anyone else? Because it does not to me.
The Whole World Is Now a Message Board

We are bombarded at every turn by charged rhetoric and partisan driven narratives. Gone are the days of fact based reporting and bullet points of objective data. So where in the online age of instantaneous information gathering do people go when they are fed up with the artificial narratives & hackneyed rhetoric?

The whole world is now a Message Board that truth seekers, bloviators and japers alike gather at waging battles of of wit and harsh rhetoric in the age old pastime of persuasion. The question is, however, in a politically charged and partisan time are these message boards, like the communal fireside gatherings of old, really free and unfettered meetings of the mind where majority and reason prevail; or is the the thumb of the moderator held down unilaterally on the scale.

Conservatives have lost their shit. You rely on Fake Fox News which has been proven over and over to produce the least informed people there are and con-talk-radio brays the same lies 24/7 and you bleeting sheep believe it without question.

Conservatism = fake now.

Truth and fact to you weirdos are the enemy.
Hey pajama boy, thanks for chiming in! I'm not going to categorically call you to task on your assertions as you may be correct, for many of the conservatives on this board. I am curious, however, where you derive your 'objective' information from...

You're new, whenever you join a new group you have to learn the ropes rather than ask everyone around you a new question every day. Put in some work on the site first and use google. Don't be lazy.

Does this make sense to anyone else? Because it does not to me.
Not exactly... lol (poor Newt)

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