Politics,Sport and Kapernik

Just be sure that, when you stand up for what you believe in, you don't offend a Regressive.

Because they will either shut you down, shout you down, find a way to punish you or run to their "Safe Space".

Anything to deflect from the issue, change the subject, avoid honest conversation.

Mac is still sad that Nazis can't speak on Campus. He totally had tickets.
Sport and politics have always been interlinked. Sport does not exist in a vacuum and it is an ideal platform for getting your message across.

Here is Jesse Owens defeating the master race. Owens disproved and humiliated Hitlers sick beliefs. Apparently he became friends with the seig heiler on his left.

...d ?

If Kapernik was protesting against Nazi Germany, as a german, that would be very different.

Instead he is showing disrespect for the greatest nation on Earth, and one that has been bending over backwards to benefit his people for generations.

Sports and politics have been mixed.

And his politics need to be treated like the scum it is.

Fuck him and everyone like him.
You seem to be confused.
You give an example where protest is approved and then decide to insult him for, um, making a protest.
Is it the case that protest is ok as long as it is in line with your on views ?
Sport and politics have always been interlinked. Sport does not exist in a vacuum and it is an ideal platform for getting your message across.

Here is Jesse Owens defeating the master race. Owens disproved and humiliated Hitlers sick beliefs. Apparently he became friends with the seig heiler on his left.

In 1976 the Olympics were blighted by an African ban over the participation of sanction busting New Zealand.

In 1980 the US led a boycott of the Moscow Olympics in retaliation to Russias invasion of Afghanistan.

In 2000 Zimbabwe were banned from international cricket for human rights abuses.

And then we have principled men willing to stand up for their beliefs.the white guy is an Aussie,Peter Norman. He became a great friend of Smith and Carlos and actually advised them on their protest. They were bearers at his funeral years later.


Here is Robbie Fowler of Liverpool.He has just scored for them and used the moment to show support for the striking Liverpool dockers. His goal is long forgotten but his action will not be.
View attachment 151039

Of course Liverpool are possibly the most politicised club in the UK having endured decades of struggle to get justice for their 96 dead supporters .

The question is can you have normal sport in an unjust society. In the 70s the South African team was ostracised from world cricket because of the evil apartheid regime.

Football teams refused to play in the national stadium of Chile. A stadium where Pinochets goons killed people who believed in democracy.

In 2013 Kevin Prince Boateng walked off the field of play after being abused by racist supporters. The rest of his team followed him.
Was Kevin-Prince Boateng Right to Leave the Field After Racist Abuse?

It didnt make a difference. In 2017 Sully Muntari did a similar thing. His team mates did not leave the field and he was criticised by his manager for his actions.
Pescara’s Sulley Muntari walks off after being booked for reporting racist abuse

Why do individuals feel the need to make a stand ? Generally because the governing body is not dealing with the issues.

Contrast the £10k fine meted out to Athletico Madrid for their fans racist chanting:
Atletico Madrid fined 10,000 euros after fans racially abused Manchester City players

And the £110k fine Malmo received for having a sub standard pitch.
UEFA fines Malmo $110,000 for “poor pitch” in Champions League, but racism still only worth $11,000

Of course governing bodies have a proud history of getting it wrong. Here is a pic of the English national team saluting Hitler in a game against the Germans in 1936. The players didnt want to do it but were ordered to by the FA ,and by extension, the government. England are on the left.

Of course its not just the players that make waves. Here are Celtic fans showing their support for Palestine.


Hong Kong fans get a chance to give the Chinese some truth.

And here are Dortmund fans sending out a message.

And fans of Werder Bremen doing likewise.

Mr Kapernicks protest , when seen in this light, is not unique. Becoming an athlete does not mean that you stop being a human being. He obviously feels strongly about this issue and deserves some respect for highlighting it.

Of course he could have taken an easier route.Kept his head down,picked up the cheque and said nothing.

Which is the American way ? Standing up for what you believe in or looking the other way like a coward ?

So what do the current protesters want? They seem to just be complaining about America. Do they want the national anthem changed?
The point I am making is that The NFL for better or worse is a business.
If an employee is pissing off a customer and hurting my business ... The employee has to go.

I think it would kind of depend on the customer, wouldn't it?

Here's the real reason why the NFL is in trouble. Because it costs $300 to go to a Bears game, and the Bears suck.
Just be sure that, when you stand up for what you believe in, you don't offend a Regressive. Because they will either shut you down, shout you down, find a way to punish you or run to their "Safe Space". Anything to deflect from the issue, change the subject, avoid honest conversation.
Mac is still sad that Nazis can't speak on Campus. He totally had tickets.
Sport and politics have always been interlinked. Sport does not exist in a vacuum and it is an ideal platform for getting your message across.

Here is Jesse Owens defeating the master race. Owens disproved and humiliated Hitlers sick beliefs. Apparently he became friends with the seig heiler on his left.

...d ?

If Kapernik was protesting against Nazi Germany, as a german, that would be very different.

Instead he is showing disrespect for the greatest nation on Earth, and one that has been bending over backwards to benefit his people for generations.

Sports and politics have been mixed.

And his politics need to be treated like the scum it is.

Fuck him and everyone like him.
You seem to be confused.
You give an example where protest is approved and then decide to insult him for, um, making a protest.
Is it the case that protest is ok as long as it is in line with your on views ?

I am judging the content of his protest and finding him to be an asshole.

What part of that is confusing to you?
Sport and politics have always been interlinked. Sport does not exist in a vacuum and it is an ideal platform for getting your message across.

Here is Jesse Owens defeating the master race. Owens disproved and humiliated Hitlers sick beliefs. Apparently he became friends with the seig heiler on his left.

In 1976 the Olympics were blighted by an African ban over the participation of sanction busting New Zealand.

In 1980 the US led a boycott of the Moscow Olympics in retaliation to Russias invasion of Afghanistan.

In 2000 Zimbabwe were banned from international cricket for human rights abuses.

And then we have principled men willing to stand up for their beliefs.the white guy is an Aussie,Peter Norman. He became a great friend of Smith and Carlos and actually advised them on their protest. They were bearers at his funeral years later.


Here is Robbie Fowler of Liverpool.He has just scored for them and used the moment to show support for the striking Liverpool dockers. His goal is long forgotten but his action will not be.
View attachment 151039

Of course Liverpool are possibly the most politicised club in the UK having endured decades of struggle to get justice for their 96 dead supporters .

The question is can you have normal sport in an unjust society. In the 70s the South African team was ostracised from world cricket because of the evil apartheid regime.

Football teams refused to play in the national stadium of Chile. A stadium where Pinochets goons killed people who believed in democracy.

In 2013 Kevin Prince Boateng walked off the field of play after being abused by racist supporters. The rest of his team followed him.
Was Kevin-Prince Boateng Right to Leave the Field After Racist Abuse?

It didnt make a difference. In 2017 Sully Muntari did a similar thing. His team mates did not leave the field and he was criticised by his manager for his actions.
Pescara’s Sulley Muntari walks off after being booked for reporting racist abuse

Why do individuals feel the need to make a stand ? Generally because the governing body is not dealing with the issues.

Contrast the £10k fine meted out to Athletico Madrid for their fans racist chanting:
Atletico Madrid fined 10,000 euros after fans racially abused Manchester City players

And the £110k fine Malmo received for having a sub standard pitch.
UEFA fines Malmo $110,000 for “poor pitch” in Champions League, but racism still only worth $11,000

Of course governing bodies have a proud history of getting it wrong. Here is a pic of the English national team saluting Hitler in a game against the Germans in 1936. The players didnt want to do it but were ordered to by the FA ,and by extension, the government. England are on the left.

Of course its not just the players that make waves. Here are Celtic fans showing their support for Palestine.


Hong Kong fans get a chance to give the Chinese some truth.

And here are Dortmund fans sending out a message.

And fans of Werder Bremen doing likewise.

Mr Kapernicks protest , when seen in this light, is not unique. Becoming an athlete does not mean that you stop being a human being. He obviously feels strongly about this issue and deserves some respect for highlighting it.

Of course he could have taken an easier route.Kept his head down,picked up the cheque and said nothing.

Which is the American way ? Standing up for what you believe in or looking the other way like a coward ?

So what do the current protesters want? They seem to just be complaining about America. Do they want the national anthem changed?
When I came on this board Obama was President and people like Trump and yourself were whining that America was a shit hole. You guys really confuse me.
I think it would kind of depend on the customer, wouldn't it?

Here's the real reason why the NFL is in trouble. Because it costs $300 to go to a Bears game, and the Bears suck.

Of course it depends on the customer ... And what they are willing to pay for.
Not you ... Not me ... Not anything you or I could reason ... Unless you are a customer ... :thup:

Sport and politics have always been interlinked. Sport does not exist in a vacuum and it is an ideal platform for getting your message across.

Here is Jesse Owens defeating the master race. Owens disproved and humiliated Hitlers sick beliefs. Apparently he became friends with the seig heiler on his left.

...d ?

If Kapernik was protesting against Nazi Germany, as a german, that would be very different.

Instead he is showing disrespect for the greatest nation on Earth, and one that has been bending over backwards to benefit his people for generations.

Sports and politics have been mixed.

And his politics need to be treated like the scum it is.

Fuck him and everyone like him.
You seem to be confused.
You give an example where protest is approved and then decide to insult him for, um, making a protest.
Is it the case that protest is ok as long as it is in line with your on views ?

I am judging the content of his protest and finding him to be an asshole.

What part of that is confusing to you?
So you dont have a problem with his right to protest ?
Sport and politics have always been interlinked. Sport does not exist in a vacuum and it is an ideal platform for getting your message across.

Here is Jesse Owens defeating the master race. Owens disproved and humiliated Hitlers sick beliefs. Apparently he became friends with the seig heiler on his left.

...d ?

If Kapernik was protesting against Nazi Germany, as a german, that would be very different.

Instead he is showing disrespect for the greatest nation on Earth, and one that has been bending over backwards to benefit his people for generations.

Sports and politics have been mixed.

And his politics need to be treated like the scum it is.

Fuck him and everyone like him.
He's out of the league. Nobody will touch him not even the CFL. What do you want to do to him, have him killed? Until the President tweeted this weekend there were about ten players protesting. Why not just ignore them and like most liberals they will fade away over time. Why on earth does the President give this issue oxygen unless what he really wants is to keep people outraged?

Because it's not going away. Progressives are incapable of not hijacking other people's venues in order to get their anti-American message heard. Their organized protests out on the streets are being ignored and laughed at. When this NFL hijacking doesn't work, they'll probably start getting violent.
Ive given up on Baltimore/Jacksonville. Sick of the adverts although "Jersey Mikes" subs look lush.
Sport and politics have always been interlinked. Sport does not exist in a vacuum and it is an ideal platform for getting your message across.

Here is Jesse Owens defeating the master race. Owens disproved and humiliated Hitlers sick beliefs. Apparently he became friends with the seig heiler on his left.

...d ?

If Kapernik was protesting against Nazi Germany, as a german, that would be very different.

Instead he is showing disrespect for the greatest nation on Earth, and one that has been bending over backwards to benefit his people for generations.

Sports and politics have been mixed.

And his politics need to be treated like the scum it is.

Fuck him and everyone like him.
You seem to be confused.
You give an example where protest is approved and then decide to insult him for, um, making a protest.
Is it the case that protest is ok as long as it is in line with your on views ?

I am judging the content of his protest and finding him to be an asshole.

What part of that is confusing to you?
So you dont have a problem with his right to protest ?

Employees do not have the right to protest during work and on private property.
Sport and politics have always been interlinked. Sport does not exist in a vacuum and it is an ideal platform for getting your message across.

Here is Jesse Owens defeating the master race. Owens disproved and humiliated Hitlers sick beliefs. Apparently he became friends with the seig heiler on his left.

...d ?

If Kapernik was protesting against Nazi Germany, as a german, that would be very different.

Instead he is showing disrespect for the greatest nation on Earth, and one that has been bending over backwards to benefit his people for generations.

Sports and politics have been mixed.

And his politics need to be treated like the scum it is.

Fuck him and everyone like him.
You seem to be confused.
You give an example where protest is approved and then decide to insult him for, um, making a protest.
Is it the case that protest is ok as long as it is in line with your on views ?

I am judging the content of his protest and finding him to be an asshole.

What part of that is confusing to you?
So you dont have a problem with his right to protest ?

He has a right to protest. HIs protest in not illegal or unconstitutional.

He is insulting his fans, actually the fans of the game, and harming his employers.

Firing him immediately would have been the move to make.

Not imprisoning him, firing him.
As usual, the hyperbole around the Kaepernick story is being blown dramatically out of proportion because it's political red meat.

He's an average-at-best quarterback who would bring a massive distraction with him if he were to sign. The nature of the distraction is less important than the amount.

The NFL is a very competitive league, and any player who would bring this amount of distraction with his skills has to be evaluated on his NET value to the team.

Now, back to our regularly-scheduled politics.
This thread isn't about his value as a football player. It's about his value as an American and a human.

Now back to your bench warming seat where you pretend to be on the field.
Oooh, struck a nerve. Reason has a way of doing that.

The second line in my sig is for liars like you. Read it. Or don't.
There is nothing wrong with what you said. Aside from being a deflection from the thread topic.
Sport and politics have always been interlinked. Sport does not exist in a vacuum and it is an ideal platform for getting your message across.

Here is Jesse Owens defeating the master race. Owens disproved and humiliated Hitlers sick beliefs. Apparently he became friends with the seig heiler on his left.

In 1976 the Olympics were blighted by an African ban over the participation of sanction busting New Zealand.

In 1980 the US led a boycott of the Moscow Olympics in retaliation to Russias invasion of Afghanistan.

In 2000 Zimbabwe were banned from international cricket for human rights abuses.

And then we have principled men willing to stand up for their beliefs.the white guy is an Aussie,Peter Norman. He became a great friend of Smith and Carlos and actually advised them on their protest. They were bearers at his funeral years later.


Here is Robbie Fowler of Liverpool.He has just scored for them and used the moment to show support for the striking Liverpool dockers. His goal is long forgotten but his action will not be.
View attachment 151039

Of course Liverpool are possibly the most politicised club in the UK having endured decades of struggle to get justice for their 96 dead supporters .

The question is can you have normal sport in an unjust society. In the 70s the South African team was ostracised from world cricket because of the evil apartheid regime.

Football teams refused to play in the national stadium of Chile. A stadium where Pinochets goons killed people who believed in democracy.

In 2013 Kevin Prince Boateng walked off the field of play after being abused by racist supporters. The rest of his team followed him.
Was Kevin-Prince Boateng Right to Leave the Field After Racist Abuse?

It didnt make a difference. In 2017 Sully Muntari did a similar thing. His team mates did not leave the field and he was criticised by his manager for his actions.
Pescara’s Sulley Muntari walks off after being booked for reporting racist abuse

Why do individuals feel the need to make a stand ? Generally because the governing body is not dealing with the issues.

Contrast the £10k fine meted out to Athletico Madrid for their fans racist chanting:
Atletico Madrid fined 10,000 euros after fans racially abused Manchester City players

And the £110k fine Malmo received for having a sub standard pitch.
UEFA fines Malmo $110,000 for “poor pitch” in Champions League, but racism still only worth $11,000

Of course governing bodies have a proud history of getting it wrong. Here is a pic of the English national team saluting Hitler in a game against the Germans in 1936. The players didnt want to do it but were ordered to by the FA ,and by extension, the government. England are on the left.

Of course its not just the players that make waves. Here are Celtic fans showing their support for Palestine.


Hong Kong fans get a chance to give the Chinese some truth.

And here are Dortmund fans sending out a message.

And fans of Werder Bremen doing likewise.

Mr Kapernicks protest , when seen in this light, is not unique. Becoming an athlete does not mean that you stop being a human being. He obviously feels strongly about this issue and deserves some respect for highlighting it.

Of course he could have taken an easier route.Kept his head down,picked up the cheque and said nothing.

Which is the American way ? Standing up for what you believe in or looking the other way like a coward ?

So what do the current protesters want? They seem to just be complaining about America. Do they want the national anthem changed?
When I came on this board Obama was President and people like Trump and yourself were whining that America was a shit hole. You guys really confuse me.

That's nice. Are you going to answer the question?
Sport and politics have always been interlinked. Sport does not exist in a vacuum and it is an ideal platform for getting your message across.

Here is Jesse Owens defeating the master race. Owens disproved and humiliated Hitlers sick beliefs. Apparently he became friends with the seig heiler on his left.

...d ?

If Kapernik was protesting against Nazi Germany, as a german, that would be very different.

Instead he is showing disrespect for the greatest nation on Earth, and one that has been bending over backwards to benefit his people for generations.

Sports and politics have been mixed.

And his politics need to be treated like the scum it is.

Fuck him and everyone like him.
He's out of the league. Nobody will touch him not even the CFL. What do you want to do to him, have him killed? Until the President tweeted this weekend there were about ten players protesting. Why not just ignore them and like most liberals they will fade away over time. Why on earth does the President give this issue oxygen unless what he really wants is to keep people outraged?

Because it's not going away. Progressives are incapable of not hijacking other people's venues in order to get their anti-American message heard. Their organized protests out on the streets are being ignored and laughed at. When this NFL hijacking doesn't work, they'll probably start getting violent.
Until the President tweeted this weekend it was ten people. A very small percentage. Just like the small percentage of blacks killed by white police. So small as to not be worthy of protest, correct?
Just be sure that, when you stand up for what you believe in, you don't offend a Regressive. Because they will either shut you down, shout you down, find a way to punish you or run to their "Safe Space". Anything to deflect from the issue, change the subject, avoid honest conversation.
Mac is still sad that Nazis can't speak on Campus. He totally had tickets.

Mac, you open yourself up to these thing by being obsessed with them.

You are kind of like 2AGuy with guns or NovaSteve with Transsexuals.
Came across this while looking for more shit on Kaepernick.


Yes, Ben "Stepn'fetchit" Carson... That fine example of pulling himself up by the bootstraps.... um, wait.


At least Kapernick made it on his own talent.
Until the President tweeted this weekend it was ten people. A very small percentage. Just like the small percentage of blacks killed by white police. So small as to not be worthy of protest, correct?

1200 Americans are killed by the police every year... that's not a small number, that's about 10% of all homicides in the country.

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