Politics, "Wokeness" and Absurdity

What you posted is aired on constant repeat 24/7 all over conservative media. We've all seen and heard it a million times. What are you expecting? "Oh my gosh you're so right! All the misery you want to inflict on innocent people makes so much sense! I'm a republican now!" Good grief
You certainly will never hear or view a Quisling Media talking head utter words in that fashion.
They're required by contract and ideology to parrot the daily approved talking points.
I see psychology, sociology and politics as being inexorably intertwined.

IMO, the pathological need to control others as exhibited by so many leftists here is born by a deep sense of failure and the resultant need to externalize the source of such failure instead of internalizing it.
Agreed, but don't forget the all important NARCISSISM!!!
They demanded Phil Robertson be fired from Duck Dynasty for saying the Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman. (It does)

They demanded that liberal women accusing conservative men of sexual misconduct must be believed. (But not conservative women accusing liberal men.)

A rookie fireman bringing treats to his coworkers was fired because he brought cold watermelon and some of his coworkers were black.

A lovable Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were removed respectively from pancake syrup bottles and boxes of rice and no more Indian maiden on Land o Lakes butter.

They have stricken the name of J.K. Rowling and anything Harry Potter from their websites, social media, and made her ‘she who must not be named’ because she said that ‘woman’ should remain a biological category.

A public school student was sent home because he wore a T-shirt to school that said there are two genders. And he was sent home the second time when he had modified the shirt to say there are censored genders. To the woke that constitutes hate speech.

But anybody who refuses to buy Bud Light these days is a transphobic, racist, hateful bigot who should not be allowed to be part of the human race.


At what point does all this become absurd? How can rational people not see not only the dichotomy but how absolutely ridiculous it is when only one point of view is to be allowed as socially acceptable? Is to be allowed at all? How unreasonable is that? How discriminatory? How un-liberal?

At what point does it become dangerous to our liberties?
LOL@lovable Aunt Jemima! Oh noes..and the Indian Girl...Mais où sont les neiges d'antan?
The absurdity..to me..is the constant pearl-clutching over BS that all the partisans on both sides are engaged in.
Nothing that you listed comes even close to my 'give a shit' level.
I do love the irony of both sides boycotting Bud light..gotta luv it.

Interesting..the use of 'They' so much. Framing the issues of today into us and them really is the larger problem, eh?

Most folks I know tune most of this BS out. It has no relevance to their lives. Good for some chatter...but hardly worth wasting time on.

Duck Dynasty..I forgot about that one..thought you were talking about Donald and his nephews for a moment.
Yet here you are in full diarrhea mode.

You do not appear to be especially well connected to what you are experiencing in your bowels, here.
Dang..that's what passes for clever, in your world?

I get it...when you have no cogent answer..trollllll time!
They demanded Phil Robertson be fired from Duck Dynasty for saying the Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman. (It does)

They demanded that liberal women accusing conservative men of sexual misconduct must be believed. (But not conservative women accusing liberal men.)

A rookie fireman bringing treats to his coworkers was fired because he brought cold watermelon and some of his coworkers were black.

A lovable Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were removed respectively from pancake syrup bottles and boxes of rice and no more Indian maiden on Land o Lakes butter.

They have stricken the name of J.K. Rowling and anything Harry Potter from their websites, social media, and made her ‘she who must not be named’ because she said that ‘woman’ should remain a biological category.

A public school student was sent home because he wore a T-shirt to school that said there are two genders. And he was sent home the second time when he had modified the shirt to say there are censored genders. To the woke that constitutes hate speech.

But anybody who refuses to buy Bud Light these days is a transphobic, racist, hateful bigot who should not be allowed to be part of the human race.


At what point does all this become absurd? How can rational people not see not only the dichotomy but how absolutely ridiculous it is when only one point of view is to be allowed as socially acceptable? Is to be allowed at all? How unreasonable is that? How discriminatory? How un-liberal?

At what point does it become dangerous to our liberties?
Nobody but the most desperate drinks Bud Light anyway. Hardly a brand to get all that excited over.

Well I hadn't thought of it from that perspective. I do agree they are trying to destroy all traditional values, completely control the message and what thought and speech will be allowed as well as erase and rewrite our history to fit their narrative only, and I have to believe this is some sort of sick intent to establish a totalitarian government that will establish whatever their weird idea of "utopia' might be.

But for sure I don't know a dedicated leftist promoting all that stuff that I would describe as a normal, happy human being.
Actually, Communism does all those things.
This post is absurd. Don't be an asshole, it's not hard.

He is an asshole for pointing out exactly what happens? Or are you the asshole for needlessly calling someone named for no reason at all?

And if you dislike the post so much why did you respond to it? All you did was bump it right back to the top, and it will bumped back up again everytime someone quotes you for being an asshole. So you just guaranteed it will get more attention.
They demanded Phil Robertson be fired from Duck Dynasty for saying the Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman. (It does)

They demanded that liberal women accusing conservative men of sexual misconduct must be believed. (But not conservative women accusing liberal men.)

A rookie fireman bringing treats to his coworkers was fired because he brought cold watermelon and some of his coworkers were black.

A lovable Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were removed respectively from pancake syrup bottles and boxes of rice and no more Indian maiden on Land o Lakes butter.

They have stricken the name of J.K. Rowling and anything Harry Potter from their websites, social media, and made her ‘she who must not be named’ because she said that ‘woman’ should remain a biological category.

A public school student was sent home because he wore a T-shirt to school that said there are two genders. And he was sent home the second time when he had modified the shirt to say there are censored genders. To the woke that constitutes hate speech.

But anybody who refuses to buy Bud Light these days is a transphobic, racist, hateful bigot who should not be allowed to be part of the human race.


At what point does all this become absurd? How can rational people not see not only the dichotomy but how absolutely ridiculous it is when only one point of view is to be allowed as socially acceptable? Is to be allowed at all? How unreasonable is that? How discriminatory? How un-liberal?

At what point does it become dangerous to our liberties?
That point was passed a long time ago and only picking up speed.
Nobody but the most desperate drinks Bud Light anyway. Hardly a brand to get all that excited over.

Maybe though in our beer drinkiing days we drank a lot of it. I have always admired Budweisers thought provoking and even patriotic commercials representing the best of Americana and American values and ideals. But Mulroney was too much and the spontaneous boycott of the product by Americans who resent the in our face aspect of it was far more successful than any organized bocott could have been.

But to the 'woke' it was unacceptable for conservatives to make a personal decision about a product while they demand 'unacceptable' to them products be banned or the advertising changed. The dichotomy continues.
Maybe though in our beer drinkiing days we drank a lot of it. I have always admired Budweisers thought provoking and even patriotic commercials representing the best of Americana and American values and ideals. But Mulroney was too much and the spontaneous boycott of the product by Americans who resent the in our face aspect of it was far more successful than any organized bocott could have been.

But to the 'woke' it was unacceptable for conservatives to make a personal decision about a product while they demand 'unacceptable to them' products be banned or the advertising changed. The dichotomy continues.
So what? A marketing exec makes a decision to try and reach a good portion of people who...drink beer. Just as "patriotic" marketers tried to reach those "best of Americans" in years past.
Bluntly put, this commercial..is still relevant 25+ years later...and still ranks as one of the funniest commercials AB ever did.

They demanded Phil Robertson be fired from Duck Dynasty for saying the Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman. (It does)

They demanded that liberal women accusing conservative men of sexual misconduct must be believed. (But not conservative women accusing liberal men.)

A rookie fireman bringing treats to his coworkers was fired because he brought cold watermelon and some of his coworkers were black.

A lovable Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were removed respectively from pancake syrup bottles and boxes of rice and no more Indian maiden on Land o Lakes butter.

They have stricken the name of J.K. Rowling and anything Harry Potter from their websites, social media, and made her ‘she who must not be named’ because she said that ‘woman’ should remain a biological category.

A public school student was sent home because he wore a T-shirt to school that said there are two genders. And he was sent home the second time when he had modified the shirt to say there are censored genders. To the woke that constitutes hate speech.

But anybody who refuses to buy Bud Light these days is a transphobic, racist, hateful bigot who should not be allowed to be part of the human race.


At what point does all this become absurd? How can rational people not see not only the dichotomy but how absolutely ridiculous it is when only one point of view is to be allowed as socially acceptable? Is to be allowed at all? How unreasonable is that? How discriminatory? How un-liberal?

At what point does it become dangerous to our liberties?
Hate Nazis Opinion will never be acceptable in a democracy by patriots, so your ugliness has only future with other hater bigots and micro minds. Why should stupidity and bigotry and ugliness be excepted anywhere. To boot, if these products wanted to have you as their client, they would be blatantly hateful ugly and bigoted in their promotions and naming. Do you know how stupid your whole point is. If you want to market to the majority of the people, you advertise, promote and act the way your market wants you to. Are you really that stupid.

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