Politifact & NBC announce 2017 Lie(s) of the Year

I rarely watch Fox....there went your narrative, clown shoes

Sassy keeps it locked on the Christian Broadcasting Network and Trinity where they worship Cheeto Jesus despite his pussy grabbing, racism, vulgarity and utter lack of Christian values or faith.

I don't think they make clown shoes for horses Sassy, but if I find some will let you know!


That pic's hard to look at. Animal abuse rubs me the wrong way.
That pic's hard to look at. Animal abuse rubs me the wrong way.

Yep - Equestrians the world over were flabbergasted about Creepy Roy's utter lack of knowledge and technique. I went on a 15 mile ride from the mountains to the beach in Maui and bet the 20 minute class we took prior to the ride gave me a broader understanding of handling than Chester Moore possesses.
I'd like to see the Fox News list of the top ten lies of 2017. That would be like the pot calling the kettle black.

FYI, I did a study on news and news outlets a while back. How it works is: AP contrives the story, then the networks put their various spins on it.

NBC, ABC, and FOX all were not the best. AP may or may not be lying.

2 were, but the only one I can remember is CBS.

So...Everything they said and later retracted, amirite?

I don't recall you being right about anything ... EVER

Short-term memory loss? :dunno:
More truth in Trumps claim then there was in thee if you like your current healthcare plan and doctor you will be able to keep them period.
You are comparing one falsehood from Obama to two thousand recorded falsehoods from the Liar in Chief. Eight years of Obama and you guys come up with the same handful of falsehoods over and over. 'Rump told more lies this week then Obama told his entire time as President. Christmas Day message and the Liar in Chief was telling falsehoods. He did not save Christmas and his tax cut was not the biggest ever.
I remember when The POTUS said he would turn Hillary into a savage ghost and Democrats into melting snowflakes.

Rated: TRUE
More truth in Trumps claim then there was in the if you like your current healthcare plan and doctor you will be able to keep them period.
Obama and the aca plan might have actually thought that at the time. Then it wouldn't be a lie. A lie implies the speaker knows it's not true. Do you think Trump knows what he says isn't true? I guess if he got it all from fox and info wars he might not. Then he'd be more of an incredibly uninformed person than a liar. Either way it's very bad for our country.
As a liar, Trump is quite prolific and sometimes it becomes difficult to choose when a POTUS averages over 5 lies a day. Just when you've set the record straight on one, along come several more.

It's exhausting :blahblah:
2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election action is a hoax

NBC cites their 9 Top Whoppers:
Trump's biggest whoppers of 2017
/----/ From the link you provided an admission nothing happened: "Russian hackers attempted to get into the computer systems of local elections officials around the country. The attempts never penetrated vote tallying systems, according to federal agencies, but the federal government warned local officials to redouble efforts to secure their systems." OK they attempted and failed. No voting machines were hacked? So how is that a lie?
That's all you heard happened that involved Russia during our election campaign?
No, they didn't get into our voting machines. We've known that since the beginning. Try another one.
More truth in Trumps claim then there was in the if you like your current healthcare plan and doctor you will be able to keep them period.
Some lies save lies and some lies kill people. Bush and his goons and one goonette told 935 lies to get us into Iraq. That didn`t work out very well. You think?
Finding the truth in 935 lies about war with Iraq
Removing civilian protection in the form of US troops allowed ISIS to slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocents while destroying the oldest historic geographical sites in the world. Not to mention raping untold number of women and children. Besides enabling their empowerment and continuing slaughter in Libya and Syria. You sure you want to talk about murderous lies?
More truth in Trumps claim then there was in the if you like your current healthcare plan and doctor you will be able to keep them period.
Obama and the aca plan might have actually thought that at the time. Then it wouldn't be a lie. A lie implies the speaker knows it's not true. Do you think Trump knows what he says isn't true? I guess if he got it all from fox and info wars he might not. Then he'd be more of an incredibly uninformed person than a liar. Either way it's very bad for our country.
Yeah if pigs had wings they might fly Obama made that claim at least 30 times the idea that neither he or no one in his administration didn’t know that wasn’t true is far fetched to put it mildly.
As a liar, Trump is quite prolific and sometimes it becomes difficult to choose when a POTUS averages over 5 lies a day. Just when you've set the record straight on one, along come several more.

It's exhausting :blahblah:
2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election action is a hoax

NBC cites their 9 Top Whoppers:
Trump's biggest whoppers of 2017
/----/ From the link you provided an admission nothing happened: "Russian hackers attempted to get into the computer systems of local elections officials around the country. The attempts never penetrated vote tallying systems, according to federal agencies, but the federal government warned local officials to redouble efforts to secure their systems." OK they attempted and failed. No voting machines were hacked? So how is that a lie?
That's all you heard happened that involved Russia during our election campaign?
No, they didn't get into our voting machines. We've known that since the beginning. Try another one.
/----/ So what exactly did they do?
That's all you heard happened that involved Russia during our election campaign?
No, they didn't get into our voting machines. We've known that since the beginning. Try another one.

They've tried a THOUSAND "other ones" and none of them are working.

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