Politifact rates " Pants on fire" claim that Biden blocked Texas from increasing power

You know the famous saying. It's not a hoax if it's not in USMB.
Serial liar Alex Jones of infowars started the hoax.
He simply made up the thing about Biden blocking Texas from increasing energy output ahead of the winter storm.
In fact, it was the opposite. Texas was allowed.
The story is wrong — the Energy Department did not "block" Texas from increasing power production before the winter storm hit. The "major smoking gun" cited by InfoWars is actually an emergency order that temporarily suspended federal emissions caps in the state so that some power plants could operate at maximum capacity.

We reached out to InfoWars for a comment, but we haven’t heard back.
Uh.....so who put the lid on emissions, Russia?

emissions caps aren't the problem

it's retarded texans inability to see the need to winterize their grid that was the problem

All of this could have been avoided has Texas forced energy suppliers to winterize everything. Instead they let these hicks trade on it AND didn't force them to winterize.

Best of both worlds. You paid more than you should have all your life and all that money went to profiteers not making your grid weather resistant.

Great job texas free market wins again /s

Stupid cock suckers

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