PolitiFact Rules 100% Real Photo Of Joe Biden With Former KKK Leader Robert Byrd As ‘Mostly False’

Trump is waiting for Hillary to go first.

"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

Still waiting for you to name one "vile" thing Trump has ever done much less needs to atone for! Go ahead. Entertain us.
Cheating on his wife, boobtoob.
So, Lessee: having a marriage that is not going so well that you play the field having affairs looking for someone else. No one has ever done THAT before!!! :eek: OH THE HORROR.

All this from the same people who when you bring up sexual assault, rape, abuse of subordinate junior staff with blow jobs and cigars, blue dresses and cum stains, RIGHT IN THE OVAL OFFICE of all places and WHILE MARRIED, much less orgy island with underage girls, they tell you to drop the matter time to move on! :lmao::lol::mm::hyper::happy-1:

View attachment 277534

View attachment 277538

Leave it to a brain-dead rightie to ask for something vile trump has done, and then like an obedient trump ass kisser, try and pull a whataboutism rather than accept the reality that he got beat yet again.


Another one of those "victories" that only you see while jerking off in your shorts.
He called some whites, "*******." Not that that's right and his apology was definitely warranted, but he didn't call any blacks a "******."

Still, you posted he left the KKK in 1943 and that picture with Biden was from 2008. So clearly, this brain-dead notion by the retarded right that Biden hangs with the KKK I'd complete and utter nonsense.

Thanks again for your help in determining that.

Little yellow coward shows his utter stupidity again. Byrd may not have physically been right there in Klan meetings, but his ideology and beliefs never changed. He was KKK right up until his death. Thanks for your help in showing that little yellow cowards like you lack the brainpower to do anything but parrot your leftist masters.
You can always be sure of ONE THING: whatever the right, sensible, reasonable side of any issue to be on, there will be Fawn on the OTHER side of it calling you a fucking moron.
What else should one call a Birther? :dunno:
AN OBAMA TRUTHER? What else should one call a fucking moron troll?

A Faun.
Great, more trolling from the forum Birther. G'head .... prove Biden hangs with the KKK.

Jesus. Now the dummfuck circles back to denying what the OP of the thread started out proving. At least he is kinda sorta on topic again.
"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

Still waiting for you to name one "vile" thing Trump has ever done much less needs to atone for! Go ahead. Entertain us.
Cheating on his wife, boobtoob.
So, Lessee: having a marriage that is not going so well that you play the field having affairs looking for someone else. No one has ever done THAT before!!! :eek: OH THE HORROR.

All this from the same people who when you bring up sexual assault, rape, abuse of subordinate junior staff with blow jobs and cigars, blue dresses and cum stains, RIGHT IN THE OVAL OFFICE of all places and WHILE MARRIED, much less orgy island with underage girls, they tell you to drop the matter time to move on! :lmao::lol::mm::hyper::happy-1:

View attachment 277534

View attachment 277538

Leave it to a brain-dead rightie to ask for something vile trump has done, and then like an obedient trump ass kisser, try and pull a whataboutism rather than accept the reality that he got beat yet again.


Another one of those "victories" that only you see while jerking off in your shorts.
Oh look ... the sick freak is now fantasizing about me jerking off.

You're fucked in the head, boobtoob. Probably explains why you can't prove Biden hangs with the KKK. Maybe you think he was born in Kenya too? :lmak:

He called some whites, "*******." Not that that's right and his apology was definitely warranted, but he didn't call any blacks a "******."

Still, you posted he left the KKK in 1943 and that picture with Biden was from 2008. So clearly, this brain-dead notion by the retarded right that Biden hangs with the KKK I'd complete and utter nonsense.

Thanks again for your help in determining that.

Little yellow coward shows his utter stupidity again. Byrd may not have physically been right there in Klan meetings, but his ideology and beliefs never changed. He was KKK right up until his death. Thanks for your help in showing that little yellow cowards like you lack the brainpower to do anything but parrot your leftist masters.
You can always be sure of ONE THING: whatever the right, sensible, reasonable side of any issue to be on, there will be Fawn on the OTHER side of it calling you a fucking moron.
What else should one call a Birther? :dunno:
AN OBAMA TRUTHER? What else should one call a fucking moron troll?

A Faun.
Great, more trolling from the forum Birther. G'head .... prove Biden hangs with the KKK.
I'm still waiting from 6 months ago for you to prove that Barry Hussein Soetoro was a natural born American. NOW I'm just waiting for you to answer the questions put to you in THIS thread!
Little yellow coward shows his utter stupidity again. Byrd may not have physically been right there in Klan meetings, but his ideology and beliefs never changed. He was KKK right up until his death. Thanks for your help in showing that little yellow cowards like you lack the brainpower to do anything but parrot your leftist masters.
You can always be sure of ONE THING: whatever the right, sensible, reasonable side of any issue to be on, there will be Fawn on the OTHER side of it calling you a fucking moron.
What else should one call a Birther? :dunno:
AN OBAMA TRUTHER? What else should one call a fucking moron troll?

A Faun.
Great, more trolling from the forum Birther. G'head .... prove Biden hangs with the KKK.

Jesus. Now the dummfuck circles back to denying what the OP of the thread started out proving. At least he is kinda sorta on topic again.

Poor, Birther. I've been trying to get you back on topic. The OP proved Biden and Byrd appeared together at a campaign rally. Oh nooooos, scream the rightards!! :lmao:
Still waiting for you to name one "vile" thing Trump has ever done much less needs to atone for! Go ahead. Entertain us.
Cheating on his wife, boobtoob.
So, Lessee: having a marriage that is not going so well that you play the field having affairs looking for someone else. No one has ever done THAT before!!! :eek: OH THE HORROR.

All this from the same people who when you bring up sexual assault, rape, abuse of subordinate junior staff with blow jobs and cigars, blue dresses and cum stains, RIGHT IN THE OVAL OFFICE of all places and WHILE MARRIED, much less orgy island with underage girls, they tell you to drop the matter time to move on! :lmao::lol::mm::hyper::happy-1:

View attachment 277534

View attachment 277538

Leave it to a brain-dead rightie to ask for something vile trump has done, and then like an obedient trump ass kisser, try and pull a whataboutism rather than accept the reality that he got beat yet again.


Another one of those "victories" that only you see while jerking off in your shorts.
Oh look ... the sick freak is now fantasizing about me jerking off.

There goes the triggered troll again, hijacking yet ANOTHER thread trying to deflect to anything he can to avoid answering the questions.

Now go show us how triggered you really are troll by hijacking this thread with another 50 OT posts! C'mon! You can do it!
Little yellow coward shows his utter stupidity again. Byrd may not have physically been right there in Klan meetings, but his ideology and beliefs never changed. He was KKK right up until his death. Thanks for your help in showing that little yellow cowards like you lack the brainpower to do anything but parrot your leftist masters.
You can always be sure of ONE THING: whatever the right, sensible, reasonable side of any issue to be on, there will be Fawn on the OTHER side of it calling you a fucking moron.
What else should one call a Birther? :dunno:
AN OBAMA TRUTHER? What else should one call a fucking moron troll?

A Faun.
Great, more trolling from the forum Birther. G'head .... prove Biden hangs with the KKK.
I'm still waiting from 6 months ago for you to prove that Barry Hussein Soetoro was a natural born American. NOW I'm just waiting for you to answer the questions put to you in THIS thread!
I already answered his questions. As far as Biden/Byrd, there's still zero evidence Biden associates with the KKK. As far as your Birther idiocies... proof Obama was born in the U.S. ...

Cheating on his wife, boobtoob.
So, Lessee: having a marriage that is not going so well that you play the field having affairs looking for someone else. No one has ever done THAT before!!! :eek: OH THE HORROR.

All this from the same people who when you bring up sexual assault, rape, abuse of subordinate junior staff with blow jobs and cigars, blue dresses and cum stains, RIGHT IN THE OVAL OFFICE of all places and WHILE MARRIED, much less orgy island with underage girls, they tell you to drop the matter time to move on! :lmao::lol::mm::hyper::happy-1:

View attachment 277534

View attachment 277538

Leave it to a brain-dead rightie to ask for something vile trump has done, and then like an obedient trump ass kisser, try and pull a whataboutism rather than accept the reality that he got beat yet again.


Another one of those "victories" that only you see while jerking off in your shorts.
Oh look ... the sick freak is now fantasizing about me jerking off.

There goes the triggered troll again, hijacking yet ANOTHER thread trying to deflect to anything he can to avoid answering the questions.

Now go show us how triggered you really are troll by hijacking this thread with another 50 OT posts! C'mon! You can do it!

Dumbfuck ... I'm the one trying to get you back on topic. Stop fantasizing long enough about me jerking off and show your proof that Biden associates with the KKK...?
What "vile actions" are those? It's pathetic watching you idiots suck up to a former grand dragon of the KKK.

I'm sure somebody somewhere cares what you might think, but I have no idea who that might be.
cause we now know you and your leftist friends in here are all still members of the kkk. It's as obvious as the lines on my face. yep, EXPOSED!!! And I don't care what you think!! I now know!!
The ignorance displayed by you and Tweedledum_dum is astounding. Neither party is KKK. White nationalists on the other hand...you are not one of those are you?
I’m a white guy who loves his country! You like naming people cause you yourself are kkk

I bet you say that everyone.
Yep to those who tell patriots they’re racist for love of country, you bet
Little yellow coward shows his utter stupidity again. Byrd may not have physically been right there in Klan meetings, but his ideology and beliefs never changed. He was KKK right up until his death. Thanks for your help in showing that little yellow cowards like you lack the brainpower to do anything but parrot your leftist masters.
You can always be sure of ONE THING: whatever the right, sensible, reasonable side of any issue to be on, there will be Fawn on the OTHER side of it calling you a fucking moron.
What else should one call a Birther? :dunno:
AN OBAMA TRUTHER? What else should one call a fucking moron troll?

A Faun.
Great, more trolling from the forum Birther. G'head .... prove Biden hangs with the KKK.
I'm still waiting from 6 months ago for you to prove that Barry Hussein Soetoro was a natural born American. NOW I'm just waiting for you to answer the questions put to you in THIS thread!
And you are accusing someone else of being off-topic? What does your goofy birther issue have to do with a false anti-Biden meme.
Trump has yet to disavow his vile actions, and certainly hasn't worked to atone for any of them. The first step to being forgiven is admitting there is something requiring forgiveness. Byrd did that. Trump did not.

Trump is waiting for Hillary to go first.

"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

Still waiting for you to name one "vile" thing Trump has ever done much less needs to atone for! Go ahead. Entertain us.

Too many to list, but one recent one is kicking sick kids out of the country to die.
According to turds like you, this is a horrible country, so they should be happy to go back to where things are better.

No one has said that the US is a horrible country. Perhaps you should try travelling and see a bit of the rest of the world before concluding that it's all that and a bag of peanuts.

You poor thing, you're still hurting from the last bitchslapping I gave you.

Wow. I got the Double-LOL. And a fantasy bitch-slapping that I must have missed by blinking. I should feel honored.

A birther missing a bitch-slapping. That's like a blind outfielder missing a fly ball.

OUCH. Imagine that. Fawn retorting to one more person one of his famously boring, predictable LOLs, followed by vacuous insults and empty claims of success! Who coulda seen THAT one coming?! :21:
You forgot running away when he's called out for saying something stupid.
Oh, fucking moron? From what did I run?
Screen Shot 2019-09-04 at 10.41.02 PM.png

Lessee. STILL waiting for your answer's to Tree's questions! Just for starters:
  • Why are you the constant enemy opposed to everything American?
  • Why do you hate America, freedom and the Constitution?
  • What is the reasoning behind your rage?
  • Just who exactly are you working for?
We are tired of the deflections about Obama, Birthers, Trump and everything else. Faun: Long on bullshit. Long on asking questions. Always short on answers.
You can always be sure of ONE THING: whatever the right, sensible, reasonable side of any issue to be on, there will be Fawn on the OTHER side of it calling you a fucking moron.
What else should one call a Birther? :dunno:
AN OBAMA TRUTHER? What else should one call a fucking moron troll?

A Faun.
Great, more trolling from the forum Birther. G'head .... prove Biden hangs with the KKK.
I'm still waiting from 6 months ago for you to prove that Barry Hussein Soetoro was a natural born American. NOW I'm just waiting for you to answer the questions put to you in THIS thread!
I already answered his questions. As far as Biden/Byrd, there's still zero evidence Biden associates with the KKK. As far as your Birther idiocies... proof Obama was born in the U.S. ...


Man. the clown whips it out like he carries it around with him! Meantime knowing that a certificate of live birth means nothing. Anyone can fill one out and type one up to say anything. Never minding the photo-shopped documents put out there by Obama, the only thing that counts is a copy of the original BIRTH CERTIFICATE and signed by the doctor!

And it still obviates why then did Obama himself claim to be a Kenyan for SEVENTEEN fucking years? He only dropped saying that when they ran him for president and told him to take it down.
You can always be sure of ONE THING: whatever the right, sensible, reasonable side of any issue to be on, there will be Fawn on the OTHER side of it calling you a fucking moron.
What else should one call a Birther? :dunno:
AN OBAMA TRUTHER? What else should one call a fucking moron troll?

A Faun.
Great, more trolling from the forum Birther. G'head .... prove Biden hangs with the KKK.
I'm still waiting from 6 months ago for you to prove that Barry Hussein Soetoro was a natural born American. NOW I'm just waiting for you to answer the questions put to you in THIS thread!
And you are accusing someone else of being off-topic? What does your goofy birther issue have to do with a false anti-Biden meme.
I have no birther issue, asshole. I'm not the one who keeps digging it up to deflect threads! Try learning to read.

You idiots will say anything, no matter how stupid.

Byrd left the Klan in the early 40's. Welfare was passed nearly a quarter of a century later. Exactly how brain dead are you to try and tie those two events together? :cuckoo:

He left the KKK in 1943 but in 1946 wrote a letter to the KKK Imperial Wizard saying the KKK was needed "more now than ever before". He defended the KKK until 1958.

As recently as 2001 Robert KKK Byrd was dropping the N word in a national broadcast.

CNN.com - Top Senate Democrat apologizes for slur - March 4, 2001
"He left the KKK in 1943"

Great, thanks for admitting he wasn't KKK when he appeared in that photo with Biden.

He left the Klan in 1943. Said they were needed in 1946, defended them until 1958 and then called people nigerz in 2001.
He called some whites, "*******." Not that that's right and his apology was definitely warranted, but he didn't call any blacks a "******."

Still, you posted he left the KKK in 1943 and that picture with Biden was from 2008. So clearly, this brain-dead notion by the retarded right that Biden hangs with the KKK I'd complete and utter nonsense.

Thanks again for your help in determining that.

Little yellow coward shows his utter stupidity again. Byrd may not have physically been right there in Klan meetings, but his ideology and beliefs never changed. He was KKK right up until his death. Thanks for your help in showing that little yellow cowards like you lack the brainpower to do anything but parrot your leftist masters.
He went to his grave with the black man, a serving President, flying AF1 to his funeral to praise him. He owned obie and black people from the coffin.
Just think of “Factcheckers” as Orwellian departments of the DNC and it all makes sense.

View attachment 276884

PolitiFact rules 100% real photo of Joe Biden with former KKK leader Robert Byrd as 'Mostly False'
The photo in the OP was taken long after Byrd had left and denounced the klan and at a time when Byrd had received years of praise from civil rights leaders for his support of civil rights, particularly civil rights for African Americans. The text in the lower right-hand corner of the photo distorts reality because Byrd was not affiliated with the klan in any way when the photo was taken. That is why the Meme was given a partially false rating.
Wow. I got the Double-LOL. And a fantasy bitch-slapping that I must have missed by blinking. I should feel honored.

A birther missing a bitch-slapping. That's like a blind outfielder missing a fly ball.

OUCH. Imagine that. Fawn retorting to one more person one of his famously boring, predictable LOLs, followed by vacuous insults and empty claims of success! Who coulda seen THAT one coming?! :21:
You forgot running away when he's called out for saying something stupid.
Oh, fucking moron? From what did I run?
View attachment 277545
Lessee. STILL waiting for your answer's to Tree's questions! Just for starters:
  • Why are you the constant enemy opposed to everything American?
  • Why do you hate America, freedom and the Constitution?
  • What is the reasoning behind your rage?
  • Just who exactly are you working for?
We are tired of the deflections about Obama, Birthers, Trump and everything else. Faun: Long on bullshit. Long on asking questions. Always short on answers.

Aww, poor demented boobtoob. I answered here....
You're deranged. I am for America. I'm just not for the rightarded vision of America.
.... and here ...
Just yesterday I promoted the 16 million jobs added under Obama after Bush's Great Recession ended. That's pro-American. I called out Omar's anti-semitism. That's pro-Jewish.
... and here ...

The only question I didn't answer was who am I working for and I don't divulge my employer because I know sick perverts like you wouldn't hesitate to contact my employer.
Just think of “Factcheckers” as Orwellian departments of the DNC and it all makes sense.

View attachment 276884

PolitiFact rules 100% real photo of Joe Biden with former KKK leader Robert Byrd as 'Mostly False'
The photo in the OP was taken long after Byrd had left and denounced the klan and at a time when Byrd had received years of praise from civil rights leaders for his support of civil rights, particularly civil rights for African Americans. The text in the lower right-hand corner of the photo distorts reality because Byrd was not affiliated with the klan in any way when the photo was taken. That is why the Meme was given a partially false rating.
There is no connection between Biden and the KKK -- so of course, the brain-dead right have to make one up.
What else should one call a Birther? :dunno:
AN OBAMA TRUTHER? What else should one call a fucking moron troll?

A Faun.
Great, more trolling from the forum Birther. G'head .... prove Biden hangs with the KKK.
I'm still waiting from 6 months ago for you to prove that Barry Hussein Soetoro was a natural born American. NOW I'm just waiting for you to answer the questions put to you in THIS thread!
I already answered his questions. As far as Biden/Byrd, there's still zero evidence Biden associates with the KKK. As far as your Birther idiocies... proof Obama was born in the U.S. ...


Man. the clown whips it out like he carries it around with him! Meantime knowing that a certificate of live birth means nothing. Anyone can fill one out and type one up to say anything. Never minding the photo-shopped documents put out there by Obama, the only thing that counts is a copy of the original BIRTH CERTIFICATE and signed by the doctor!

And it still obviates why then did Obama himself claim to be a Kenyan for SEVENTEEN fucking years? He only dropped saying that when they ran him for president and told him to take it down.

Brain-dead Birther -- what I carry around is access to the Internet. And despite your empty howls about how anybody can print one up, not anyone can print one up with the official seal of Hawaii, stamped by the state's registrar as a true copy and authenticated by the state's Director of Health. You poor Birthers -- you lose every time because you're a loser. Funniest part is you know it too. :mm:

But back to the thread topic .... why am I still waiting for proof that Biden associates with the KKK?
It's in his yearbook caption.
Your interpretation is pure speculation.
Everyone, even YOU, knows what a "Devil's Triangle" is.
You, like the lying scum rapist Kavanaugh, are not honest enough to admit it.

Does that prove he "raped" that lying twit?
He and his buddies gang raped somebody he was bragging about, so if it wasn't her it was someone else.
Where did he admit that?
Asked and answered.

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