PolitiFact won't call out Kamala Harris’ and Elizabeth Warren’s lie about Michael Brown

Brown escalated it not wilson.

Brown was running away... they could have picked him up without incident when he checked into a hospital for the injuries to his hands.

WIlson DID NOT escalate it you unbelievable liar

BROWN escalated it;'
BROWN was gthe threat.

These facts are proven and it was a legal righteous and justified shooting which Brown caused.

You keep having to spin and lie but the facts proven you wrong

Shooting a kid over a jaywalking is escalating it.

But shooting a thug who has already assaulted a police officer once and is coming back to do it again, however, is not.
Eye witness testimony was mixed results. A lot of that depends on where the witness was standing as far as viewing angle, how much of the incident they actually saw in the timeline, how far away they were, what other distractions did they have?,(driving etc), did they have any bias one way or the other.

All that was the job of the investigators to sort out and weed out based upon the peoples' credibility as they interviewd them. This was all done. Unfortunately for Michael Brown, he starts out with four strikes against him.

1)Toxicology reported he was high,

2)He shoved a shop owner as he was walking out with his merchandise... this shows a "I dont give a shit attitude" no matter how you try to spin it.

3) physical evidence showed Wilson got punched in the face by Brown, as did some of of the eye witnesses (11 of them affirmed MB reached into the police car... thats a high number)

4) MB tried to take away Wilson's gun as evidenced by the round fired off inside the car.

And then you have Grand jury testimony. It is with all that that it was decided it was NOT murder. anything else is only conjecture and speculation at this point. So to say the very least, its very unprofessional and or ignorant for Harris and Warren to call it MURDER. To me, they are pandering to the base as its primary time but even so D Wilson should sue them for defamation... or have them back up their words.

There were no marks in his face and his face wasn't swollen, so what was the evidence he was punched? Oh that's right he said he was.
Um yes there were

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You blew it liar
And where exactly is that broken eye socket??????
He never made that claim
He had others make it for him and several Right-wing-nuts in this thread have mindlessly parroted it.

I doubt very much Wilson was able to control what was being posted once the situation became politicized. People on the right immediately saw people on the left were using this, then they reacted in kind most likely.
For Godsakes; look at you siding with a vicious thug criminal. Easy because you have no contact with people like Brown (obviously). Life is random and cheap. Open your eyes.

Naw, I just don't wet myself every time I see a person of color like you do.

He was not running away at all. He was walking in the middle of the street which is a legitimate reason for a police officer to interact with someone.

You have to lie about it like a coward.

No one was shot for jaywalking. He was shot because he violently attacked the officer and forced the officer to defend himself.

You are leaving out a whole lot of the story. You know, like the part when after they struggled over the weapon that Wilson had pulled out over a jaywalking incident, being discharged twice, Brown ran away, got 150 feet between him and Wilson, and Wilson shot him 6 more times after he put his hands up.
For Godsakes; look at you siding with a vicious thug criminal. Easy because you have no contact with people like Brown (obviously). Life is random and cheap. Open your eyes.

Naw, I just don't wet myself every time I see a person of color like you do.

He was not running away at all. He was walking in the middle of the street which is a legitimate reason for a police officer to interact with someone.

You have to lie about it like a coward.

No one was shot for jaywalking. He was shot because he violently attacked the officer and forced the officer to defend himself.

You are leaving out a whole lot of the story. You know, like the part when after they struggled over the weapon that Wilson had pulled out over a jaywalking incident, being discharged twice, Brown ran away, got 150 feet between him and Wilson, and Wilson shot him 6 more times after he put his hands up.

I am leaving nothing out

You are out right lying and making shit up

Wilson did not pull his weapon when he first encountered brown . Brown struggled with it as it was holstered and Wilson was in his car.

Wilson did not fire until brown charged him AFTER attempting to take the weapon.

Brown did not put his hands up you lying sack of shit

These are proven facts

It was a righteous legal self defense shootings and you have to lie to make your narrative fit
For Godsakes; look at you siding with a vicious thug criminal. Easy because you have no contact with people like Brown (obviously). Life is random and cheap. Open your eyes.

Naw, I just don't wet myself every time I see a person of color like you do.
I care about facts. Four agencies cleared the officer and Brown was a known thug. When you imply accusations of racism against a total stranger you show you can't debate or defend your position. So "naw" you don't get a pass.
For Godsakes; look at you siding with a vicious thug criminal. Easy because you have no contact with people like Brown (obviously). Life is random and cheap. Open your eyes.

Naw, I just don't wet myself every time I see a person of color like you do.

He was not running away at all. He was walking in the middle of the street which is a legitimate reason for a police officer to interact with someone.

You have to lie about it like a coward.

No one was shot for jaywalking. He was shot because he violently attacked the officer and forced the officer to defend himself.

You are leaving out a whole lot of the story. You know, like the part when after they struggled over the weapon that Wilson had pulled out over a jaywalking incident, being discharged twice, Brown ran away, got 150 feet between him and Wilson, and Wilson shot him 6 more times after he put his hands up.

It wasn't a "jaywalking incident" but an armed robbery incident.

And further, B. Hussein O's Wingman and personal lawyer, Eric Holder, exonerated Officer Wilson of any wrongdoing.

Michael Brown was on the fast road to the penitentiary or the morgue. It was just his luck that he ended up at the latter destination and had his name glorified by the Leftard Doofuses in the country, including Kamala and Farticus.

The hospital photo of wilson, now show me the broken and bleeding eye socket!

Like I said. I dont think he had a broken eye socket. that doesn't mean he didn't get punched in the face
If the Right feel they have to lie about a broken eye socket to make their case, why should anything they say be trusted???

Trust not him that hath once broken faith; he who betrayed thee once, will betray thee again.
- Shakespeare.

If were just talking about the MB case, there was plenty of eyewitness testimony and physical evidence that did not come from the right.
Fake photos get sent around all the time, and actually, as I remember at the time, right after the shooting the initial news reports showed a photo of about a 12 year old Michael Brown along with the story that he was gunned down in the street while on his knees. All published by your LEFT wing news trying to stir up hatred. After that the rioting never stopped, all people knew was a cop shot a little kid. So this works both ways between the left and right, not to mention unsubstantiated dossiers that get leaked and spread around and used as evidence to get a warrant.

Riots are a huge business. During the Ferguson and Baltimore riots, ratings soared for the media, ditto with the Charlottesville riots. This is why CNN schedules and promotes them. The fact that people may be killed or injured, property may be destroyed or stolen, is of no concern to them.
If you don;t like riots, qiut killing unarmed people.

You don't get it. Riots are scheduled to get people to tune in to CNN- they have nothing to do with who got shot and who didn't.

When the innocent police were gunned down in Philadelphia last week, or in Dallas last year, there were no riots.
Cop's a dead-eye shot at 50 yards with a handgun, a broken eye socket and blood running down his face. Wow.
There was no broken eye socket, just another Russia Limbaugh lie.
Okay, let's take that out for the sake of the argument and put it this way.

"Cop's a dead-eye shot at 50 yards with a handgun after being battered in the head by a thug. Wow."

Any less impressive?
Anyone with more handgun expertise than me able to weigh in on the likelihood of an officer putting six bullets into a person at 50 yards, using a standard issue firearm, and after sustaining head injuries?

Remember how many times we hear about the police missing many shots when the suspect is standing 20 feet away?
Cops are notoriously bad shots but not all of them. In Texas they tend to be Dead Eye experts with hand guns, but there are things you can do to improve the accuracy of your shot. He could have braced his arm on the car window. He could have had a tuned trigger and had the hammer cocked back before each shot.

He could have just been lucky as hell.

Could have.
Could have.
Could have.

Any evidence that any of that was true? I repeat my question, can anyone demonstrate that an average policeman, after sustaining head injuries and using a standard issue police firearm, really put 6 bullets into a thug at 50 yards? Has anyone tried it?

I think if someone hadn't experienced live fire and the adrenaline rush before, their shot pattern would be all over the place. his arm would be shaking much more than during a firing range practice session. Unless he was in the military and saw a lot of live action, my bet is Wilson would be in a state of semi-shock after everything that had transpired.
That's my point. It's very difficult for the average person to put 6 rounds into a body at 50 yards with a handgun under ideal conditions, let alone after being assaulted.
For Godsakes; look at you siding with a vicious thug criminal. Easy because you have no contact with people like Brown (obviously). Life is random and cheap. Open your eyes.

Naw, I just don't wet myself every time I see a person of color like you do.

He was not running away at all. He was walking in the middle of the street which is a legitimate reason for a police officer to interact with someone.

You have to lie about it like a coward.

No one was shot for jaywalking. He was shot because he violently attacked the officer and forced the officer to defend himself.

You are leaving out a whole lot of the story. You know, like the part when after they struggled over the weapon that Wilson had pulled out over a jaywalking incident, being discharged twice, Brown ran away, got 150 feet between him and Wilson, and Wilson shot him 6 more times after he put his hands up.

You keep on believing that Joe. Problem is the evidence and the whole trial say you're a liar. Holder had multiple autopsies done on this thug in a desperate attempt to find evidence to back up the stuff he had already decided. No dice. Your constant lying doesn't change anything. Just makes you look like a fool. Or normal in your case.
Anyone with more handgun expertise than me able to weigh in on the likelihood of an officer putting six bullets into a person at 50 yards, using a standard issue firearm, and after sustaining head injuries?

Remember how many times we hear about the police missing many shots when the suspect is standing 20 feet away?
Cops are notoriously bad shots but not all of them. In Texas they tend to be Dead Eye experts with hand guns, but there are things you can do to improve the accuracy of your shot. He could have braced his arm on the car window. He could have had a tuned trigger and had the hammer cocked back before each shot.

He could have just been lucky as hell.

Could have.
Could have.
Could have.

Any evidence that any of that was true? I repeat my question, can anyone demonstrate that an average policeman, after sustaining head injuries and using a standard issue police firearm, really put 6 bullets into a thug at 50 yards? Has anyone tried it?

I think if someone hadn't experienced live fire and the adrenaline rush before, their shot pattern would be all over the place. his arm would be shaking much more than during a firing range practice session. Unless he was in the military and saw a lot of live action, my bet is Wilson would be in a state of semi-shock after everything that had transpired.
That's my point. It's very difficult for the average person to put 6 rounds into a body at 50 yards with a handgun under ideal conditions, let alone after being assaulted.

ok, well, I don't quite understand the whole back and forth on how good of a shot Wilson may have been, or is. Was someone trying to say it was evidence one way or the other?
For Godsakes; look at you siding with a vicious thug criminal. Easy because you have no contact with people like Brown (obviously). Life is random and cheap. Open your eyes.

Naw, I just don't wet myself every time I see a person of color like you do.

He was not running away at all. He was walking in the middle of the street which is a legitimate reason for a police officer to interact with someone.

You have to lie about it like a coward.

No one was shot for jaywalking. He was shot because he violently attacked the officer and forced the officer to defend himself.

You are leaving out a whole lot of the story. You know, like the part when after they struggled over the weapon that Wilson had pulled out over a jaywalking incident, being discharged twice, Brown ran away, got 150 feet between him and Wilson, and Wilson shot him 6 more times after he put his hands up.

Joe, it is true that at one point MB raised his hands. Right before he charged at Wilson, which is the reason why you have witnesses who are telling the same story in different ways. What cannot lie is forensics. According to the report, forensics determined that MB was shot while moving towards Wilson. That is determined by distance and angle of entry by the bullet. also, if a man has his hands up when he gets shot, that can also be seen in how the bullet enters the body. Pretty sure all this was looked at, but if you have something else please share. other than just saying what you want to believe.

And Wilson as a cop has a right to tell someone to not walk down the middle of the road. In fact, it is the cops duty. If the person then mouths off at the cop and refuses to comply, what would you have him do? just shrug and drive off? MB also had his hands full of Cigarrillos, with no shopping bag, a convenience store had just been robbed, so yes..... by 'Jay Walking' as you call it, MB brought attention to himself, and then according to witnesses tried to prevent Wilson from opening his car door, then entered an altercation.

HOW you can simply call this an incident of a cop pulling out his gun over jaywalking, is a mind bending distortion, then you have the nerve to say someone else is leaving out details? please.
You are leaving out a whole lot of the story. You know, like the part when after they struggled over the weapon that Wilson had pulled out over a jaywalking incident, being discharged twice, Brown ran away, got 150 feet between him and Wilson, and Wilson shot him 6 more times after he put his hands up.

As you know, Brown did not put his hands up. Why do you so desperately try to perpetuate a LIE?
That's my point. It's very difficult for the average person to put 6 rounds into a body at 50 yards with a handgun under ideal conditions, let alone after being assaulted.

You just DEMAND to be ignorant even years after the FACTS have been laid out. Was that something CNN or MSNBC told you?

I am leaving nothing out

You are out right lying and making shit up

Wilson did not pull his weapon when he first encountered brown . Brown struggled with it as it was holstered and Wilson was in his car.

Well, that's according to wilson, who still managed to wound Brown twice while they were struggling in the car he used to pin the guy against the wall.

Brown did not put his hands up you lying sack of shit

16 Witnesses said he did.

It was a righteous legal self defense shootings and you have to lie to make your narrative fit

Then why hasn't Furgeson given Wilson his job back yet. You see, that' what they do with cops who legitimately shoot dangerous suspects when they are "cleared".
You just DEMAND to be ignorant even years after the FACTS have been laid out. Was that something CNN or MSNBC told you?

So if you believe that chart, then he chased Brown, got ahead of him, and then shot him? Really? That chart actually makes LESS sense.
As you know, Brown did not put his hands up. Why do you so desperately try to perpetuate a LIE?

16 witnesses said he did.

Okay, let's take that out for the sake of the argument and put it this way.

"Cop's a dead-eye shot at 50 yards with a handgun after being battered in the head by a thug. Wow."

Any less impressive?

Not really. He expended a full clip of 16 rounds, taking out the two that were expended in the car, he only hit him 6 out of 14 times.

Frankly, I was a better shot when I was in the Army... and I was a lousy shot, which is why I was in Supply.
You keep on believing that Joe. Problem is the evidence and the whole trial say you're a liar. Holder had multiple autopsies done on this thug in a desperate attempt to find evidence to back up the stuff he had already decided. No dice. Your constant lying doesn't change anything. Just makes you look like a fool. Or normal in your case.

I'm wondering how he did "multiple" autopsies... seems to me once the first guy hacks up a body, you really can't do much else with it.

The thing is, Holder realized that the DOJ really had no jurisdiction if the local DA (who was voted out of office!) was too corrupt to do his job.
I am leaving nothing out

You are out right lying and making shit up

Wilson did not pull his weapon when he first encountered brown . Brown struggled with it as it was holstered and Wilson was in his car.

Well, that's according to wilson, who still managed to wound Brown twice while they were struggling in the car he used to pin the guy against the wall.

Brown did not put his hands up you lying sack of shit

16 Witnesses said he did.

It was a righteous legal self defense shootings and you have to lie to make your narrative fit

Then why hasn't Furgeson given Wilson his job back yet. You see, that' what they do with cops who legitimately shoot dangerous suspects when they are "cleared".
That is not according to Wilson. That was not his account it was some garbage you dreamed up out of thin air

He did not draw his weapon when he first encountered brown , he drew his weapon his weapon after brown attacked him . This was in the car and is corroborated by forensic evidence

There was no wall anywhere near by to be pinned against , this all took place in the middle of the street toy dumb fuck liar.

The witnesses who said he had his hands up changed their story multiple times proving they are liars. The forensic evidence also proves they are liars.

He did not have his hands up

Wilson does not want his job back

The facts prove you are a coward and liar and you know it

It was a legal righteous shooting and you know it

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