PolitiFact won't call out Kamala Harris’ and Elizabeth Warren’s lie about Michael Brown

It’s pretty nit-picky to correct a someone over describing what happened to Michael Brown as murder.

People can have a different opinion as to whether or not the cop should have used deadly force.

As long as he was rightly deemed to have been justified in using deadly force, we don’t need to worry about liberals using the word murder.
It is not nit picking nor is it a matter of opinion.

It is an outright proven lie and a false accusation.

Yes they might have different opinions about whether he should have used deadly force but the facts and evidence prove he was justified in doing so.

Calling him a murderer is simply an cowardly lie and needs to be called out and corrected.
I am leaving nothing out

You are out right lying and making shit up

Wilson did not pull his weapon when he first encountered brown . Brown struggled with it as it was holstered and Wilson was in his car.

Well, that's according to wilson, who still managed to wound Brown twice while they were struggling in the car he used to pin the guy against the wall.

Brown did not put his hands up you lying sack of shit

16 Witnesses said he did.

It was a righteous legal self defense shootings and you have to lie to make your narrative fit

Then why hasn't Furgeson given Wilson his job back yet. You see, that' what they do with cops who legitimately shoot dangerous suspects when they are "cleared".
If you did the least amount of actual research you would know that the stories told by the witnesses you mentioned recanted and admitted to having lied when put under oath by the FBI.

Why do you lie?
Have you read the police report? If clearly says Brown was at fault.

Whenever I read a police report, I set "Bullshit Detector" to maximum.

Especially when the cops are caught doing something they shouldn't be doing.

Going back to our own wonderful Chicago case...

According to the CPD, Jason van Dyke shot Laquan McDonald once... after he was attacked. Six other cops swore out statements backing him up.

And then we saw the video... where he shot the kid 16 times, most of the time when he was lying on the ground. van Dyke is in jail now and all his buddies got fired. So much for police reports.

So we have a bullshit, self-serving police report written by Wilson's buddies... and a prosecutor who was looking to bury his own case.

That's funny. Whenever we see one of your posts, the bullshit meters instantly spike. So we have a another Joe bullshit post, written by a proven liar who's just burying himself more and more.

The chart shows no such thing.

Wilson never made such a claim and neither did anyone else.

So how did all the shell casings get over FURTHER away from the Cruiser than Brown's body?

And other witnesses, what is too bad is lying racist bigots can’t accept the fact that Brown disobeyed the law and tried to attack a law enforcement officer that was protecting himself.

Yeah, I'd be more impressed if this was prosecuted by a prosecutor who wasn't trying to get a pre-determined result...

Prosecutors shouldn't act as defense attorneys...
It's a lot easier when the thug isn't trying to beat you to death.

Again, he's a trained professional... If he thought this was a dangerous criminal, he should have called for backup. He didn't.
If you did the least amount of actual research you would know that the stories told by the witnesses you mentioned recanted and admitted to having lied when put under oath by the FBI.

Why do you lie?

Did they? Again, you guys put way too much on this DOJ report, which only found there was no federal case.
It's a lot easier when the thug isn't trying to beat you to death.

Again, he's a trained professional... If he thought this was a dangerous criminal, he should have called for backup. He didn't.

The chart shows no such thing.

Wilson never made such a claim and neither did anyone else.

So how did all the shell casings get over FURTHER away from the Cruiser than Brown's body?

And other witnesses, what is too bad is lying racist bigots can’t accept the fact that Brown disobeyed the law and tried to attack a law enforcement officer that was protecting himself.

Yeah, I'd be more impressed if this was prosecuted by a prosecutor who wasn't trying to get a pre-determined result...

Prosecutors shouldn't act as defense attorneys...

Brown charged Wilson who backed off while firing

The prosecutor here did no such thing
The prosecutor here did his job properly justice was served and Wilson was judged properly.

You know nothing about the case or the evidence and have admitted as such

It was a righteous self defense shooting as all the evidence proves

You are liar
Why is it when facts are presented partisans reject the facts. Just plain stupid, especially when they make up stories without proof.

The chart shows no such thing.

Wilson never made such a claim and neither did anyone else.

So how did all the shell casings get over FURTHER away from the Cruiser than Brown's body?

And other witnesses, what is too bad is lying racist bigots can’t accept the fact that Brown disobeyed the law and tried to attack a law enforcement officer that was protecting himself.

Yeah, I'd be more impressed if this was prosecuted by a prosecutor who wasn't trying to get a pre-determined result...

Prosecutors shouldn't act as defense attorneys...

What are you talking about regarding shell casings?


Another diagram, for your reluctant edification.


Why do you make up such things?
If you did the least amount of actual research you would know that the stories told by the witnesses you mentioned recanted and admitted to having lied when put under oath by the FBI.

Why do you lie?

Did they? Again, you guys put way too much on this DOJ report, which only found there was no federal case.

See, you simply accept the first few news reports from CNN and MSNBC and ignore everything when the dust settles and the facts become known.

Contradicting Wilson's testimony[edit]
Several witnesses who originally testified against Wilson were also interviewed by the prosecution. They admitted to lying under oath as to the truthfulness of their testimony.[125][126] At least one witness took an account from a newspaper; this witness was later discredited by investigators during the process.[126]

Witness 22, who originally claimed she saw Wilson kill Brown in cold blood, admitted she lied to investigators and never saw the incident at all. She said she was just passing along information which her boyfriend told her he saw.[125][127][128] The court transcript reads:

Prosecution': You gave two statements, were both of those statements true?

Witness 22: No. I just felt like I want to be part of something... I didn't see what I told the FBI what [sic] I saw.

Prosecutors also played the grand jury a 10-minute police interview with a man who claimed to have witnessed the shooting. They then played a phone call in which that man admitted he actually had not seen the incident at all.[127] Another witness insisted another officer was with Wilson at the time of the shooting. (By all other accounts, Wilson was the only officer present when he shot Brown). This witness described having a clear view of what transpired despite there being a building between the witness' location and where the incident took place.[127]

Witness 35 said Brown was "on his knees" when Wilson shot him in the head. Under questioning, his testimony fell apart, and he admitted fabricating it.[127]

Prosecution: What you are saying you saw isn't forensically possible based on the evidence. Are you telling us that the only thing that's true about all of your statements before this is that you saw that police officer shoot him at point blank range?

Witness 35: Yes.[127]

Another witness described Brown on his hands and knees pleading for his life. After a prosecutor confronted the witness and told them what they had seen was not forensically possible based on the evidence, the witness later asked to leave.[127]

Another witness—number 37—testified that, during a confrontation at Wilson's vehicle, Wilson shot Brown point blank in the chest—but Brown did not fall over and was not clearly bleeding as he ran away. This witness gave several different accounts of how many shots were fired. While he was further pressed for answers as to the truthfulness of his statements, he instead posed questions in return, refusing to elaborate on his statements.

Prosecution: You told three different stories in the time we've been here today. So I want to know which one is really your memory or did you see this at all?

Witness 37: If none of my stuff is making any sense, like why do y'all keep contacting me?[127]

Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia
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Was his account correct or was it the fact of who was the prosecutor, the judge and the jury.
It was supported by the ebvidence

Wilson was the only one who knew how it started, so what evidence. We have seen evidence manipulated many times.

Eye witness testimony was mixed results. A lot of that depends on where the witness was standing as far as viewing angle, how much of the incident they actually saw in the timeline, how far away they were, what other distractions did they have?,(driving etc), did they have any bias one way or the other.

All that was the job of the investigators to sort out and weed out based upon the peoples' credibility as they interviewd them. This was all done. Unfortunately for Michael Brown, he starts out with four strikes against him.

1)Toxicology reported he was high,

2)He shoved a shop owner as he was walking out with his merchandise... this shows a "I dont give a shit attitude" no matter how you try to spin it.

3) physical evidence showed Wilson got punched in the face by Brown, as did some of of the eye witnesses (11 of them affirmed MB reached into the police car... thats a high number)

4) MB tried to take away Wilson's gun as evidenced by the round fired off inside the car.

And then you have Grand jury testimony. It is with all that that it was decided it was NOT murder. anything else is only conjecture and speculation at this point. So to say the very least, its very unprofessional and or ignorant for Harris and Warren to call it MURDER. To me, they are pandering to the base as its primary time but even so D Wilson should sue them for defamation... or have them back up their words.

There were no marks in his face and his face wasn't swollen, so what was the evidence he was punched? Oh that's right he said he was.
Um yes there were

View attachment 274731

You blew it liar

Did I.


Amazing how these guys are in the fight of their lives and only have a scratch to show for it.
It was supported by the ebvidence

Wilson was the only one who knew how it started, so what evidence. We have seen evidence manipulated many times.

Eye witness testimony was mixed results. A lot of that depends on where the witness was standing as far as viewing angle, how much of the incident they actually saw in the timeline, how far away they were, what other distractions did they have?,(driving etc), did they have any bias one way or the other.

All that was the job of the investigators to sort out and weed out based upon the peoples' credibility as they interviewd them. This was all done. Unfortunately for Michael Brown, he starts out with four strikes against him.

1)Toxicology reported he was high,

2)He shoved a shop owner as he was walking out with his merchandise... this shows a "I dont give a shit attitude" no matter how you try to spin it.

3) physical evidence showed Wilson got punched in the face by Brown, as did some of of the eye witnesses (11 of them affirmed MB reached into the police car... thats a high number)

4) MB tried to take away Wilson's gun as evidenced by the round fired off inside the car.

And then you have Grand jury testimony. It is with all that that it was decided it was NOT murder. anything else is only conjecture and speculation at this point. So to say the very least, its very unprofessional and or ignorant for Harris and Warren to call it MURDER. To me, they are pandering to the base as its primary time but even so D Wilson should sue them for defamation... or have them back up their words.

There were no marks in his face and his face wasn't swollen, so what was the evidence he was punched? Oh that's right he said he was.
Um yes there were

View attachment 274731

You blew it liar

Did I.


Amazing how these guys are in the fight of their lives and only have a scratch to show for it.
Yes you did and you are proving you did

You are absolutely backpedaling and trying to save face

You claimed there were NO marks on his face and now you are claiming it was a scratch

A scratch is a mark.

Trying to move the goal posts does not help you save face BITCH

You are a proven liar
If you did the least amount of actual research you would know that the stories told by the witnesses you mentioned recanted and admitted to having lied when put under oath by the FBI.
Why do you lie?
Because water is wet and the sun is bright and 2+2 still make 4.
It was supported by the ebvidence

Wilson was the only one who knew how it started, so what evidence. We have seen evidence manipulated many times.

Eye witness testimony was mixed results. A lot of that depends on where the witness was standing as far as viewing angle, how much of the incident they actually saw in the timeline, how far away they were, what other distractions did they have?,(driving etc), did they have any bias one way or the other.

All that was the job of the investigators to sort out and weed out based upon the peoples' credibility as they interviewd them. This was all done. Unfortunately for Michael Brown, he starts out with four strikes against him.

1)Toxicology reported he was high,

2)He shoved a shop owner as he was walking out with his merchandise... this shows a "I dont give a shit attitude" no matter how you try to spin it.

3) physical evidence showed Wilson got punched in the face by Brown, as did some of of the eye witnesses (11 of them affirmed MB reached into the police car... thats a high number)

4) MB tried to take away Wilson's gun as evidenced by the round fired off inside the car.

And then you have Grand jury testimony. It is with all that that it was decided it was NOT murder. anything else is only conjecture and speculation at this point. So to say the very least, its very unprofessional and or ignorant for Harris and Warren to call it MURDER. To me, they are pandering to the base as its primary time but even so D Wilson should sue them for defamation... or have them back up their words.

There were no marks in his face and his face wasn't swollen, so what was the evidence he was punched? Oh that's right he said he was.
Um yes there were

View attachment 274731

You blew it liar

Did I.


Amazing how these guys are in the fight of their lives and only have a scratch to show for it.
It’s not their job to wrestle around with some fucked up gang banger want-to-be so shut the fuck up you spineless piece of shit.
The guy is taking a permanent dirt nap live with it bedwetter
Brown charged Wilson who backed off while firing

Again, from 150 feet away? And the shells all ended up beyond where Brown's body ended up?

The prosecutor here did no such thing
The prosecutor here did his job properly justice was served and Wilson was judged properly.

No, the job of a prosecutor is to Prosecute. That's why they are called "Prosecutors". They are not called "Defense Attorneys".

Happy to have cleared that up for you, you look a little dopey...
What are you talking about regarding shell casings?

Check out your own chart... it shows them BEYOND where Browns body ended up...

150 feet away from the cruiser when Wilson said that he only ran 30 feet and then ran 10 feet back...
Several witnesses who originally testified against Wilson were also interviewed by the prosecution. They admitted to lying under oath as to the truthfulness of their testimony.[125][126] At least one witness took an account from a newspaper; this witness was later discredited by investigators during the process.[126]

So I'll ask again, why is the prosecutor acting like a defense attorney?
Brown charged Wilson who backed off while firing

Again, from 150 feet away? And the shells all ended up beyond where Brown's body ended up?

The prosecutor here did no such thing
The prosecutor here did his job properly justice was served and Wilson was judged properly.

No, the job of a prosecutor is to Prosecute. That's why they are called "Prosecutors". They are not called "Defense Attorneys".

Happy to have cleared that up for you, you look a little dopey...
No one ever said it was 150 feet away

You are judging the distance from the police cruiser as opposed to where Wilson was. Wilson exited the vehicle and pursued Brown on foot.

Yes and that prosecutor did his job but lost. A prosecutors job is not to win at all cost.

I would be careful about calling someone dopey when you are so fucking stupid you have to dream up lies such as Wilson pinning brown against the wall

There was no wall in the middle of the street you moron

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