PolitiFact won't call out Kamala Harris’ and Elizabeth Warren’s lie about Michael Brown

You just DEMAND to be ignorant even years after the FACTS have been laid out. Was that something CNN or MSNBC told you?

So if you believe that chart, then he chased Brown, got ahead of him, and then shot him? Really? That chart actually makes LESS sense.
No one said that least of all the chart and again you are dreaming crap up and lying
As you know, Brown did not put his hands up. Why do you so desperately try to perpetuate a LIE?

16 witnesses said he did.

Okay, let's take that out for the sake of the argument and put it this way.

"Cop's a dead-eye shot at 50 yards with a handgun after being battered in the head by a thug. Wow."

Any less impressive?

Not really. He expended a full clip of 16 rounds, taking out the two that were expended in the car, he only hit him 6 out of 14 times.

Frankly, I was a better shot when I was in the Army... and I was a lousy shot, which is why I was in Supply.
You never served and that has been proven

Not only are you are a liar about ferguson you are a stolen valor piece of shit
You keep on believing that Joe. Problem is the evidence and the whole trial say you're a liar. Holder had multiple autopsies done on this thug in a desperate attempt to find evidence to back up the stuff he had already decided. No dice. Your constant lying doesn't change anything. Just makes you look like a fool. Or normal in your case.

I'm wondering how he did "multiple" autopsies... seems to me once the first guy hacks up a body, you really can't do much else with it.

The thing is, Holder realized that the DOJ really had no jurisdiction if the local DA (who was voted out of office!) was too corrupt to do his job.
If you wonder HOW he did look it up. The fact is he did order multiple autopsies which corroborated Wilson's account and proving you a liar

The da did his job and Wilson was acquitted as he should have been for this shooting

Browns hands were never up as you claim

He was never pinned on a wall with the car as you claimed.

Brown attacked an officer and was shot in self defense

Deal with it liar you have been debunked and shredded
I am leaving nothing out

You are out right lying and making shit up

Wilson did not pull his weapon when he first encountered brown . Brown struggled with it as it was holstered and Wilson was in his car.

Well, that's according to wilson, who still managed to wound Brown twice while they were struggling in the car he used to pin the guy against the wall.

Brown did not put his hands up you lying sack of shit

16 Witnesses said he did.

It was a righteous legal self defense shootings and you have to lie to make your narrative fit

Then why hasn't Furgeson given Wilson his job back yet. You see, that' what they do with cops who legitimately shoot dangerous suspects when they are "cleared".

Officer Wilson quit , he wasn't fired and he isn't trying to get his job back.

Further, the lies told about him have made it impossible for him to stay in his beloved home of Ferguson.

Wilson's saga is a lesson to other police officers to stay in their donut shops and turn an eye if they see one of America's Sacred Cows, the black male youth, acting out.
Officer Wilson quit , he wasn't fired and he isn't trying to get his job back.

Further, the lies told about him have made it impossible for him to stay in his beloved home of Ferguson.

He doesn't live in Ferguson... most of the white cops don't that's part of the problem.

Wilson's saga is a lesson to other police officers to stay in their donut shops and turn an eye if they see one of America's Sacred Cows, the black male youth, acting out.

works for me. Frankly, the world was not ended by Grand Theft Cigar.

Heck, Poor Apu lost his shop because the neighborhood burned him out, not because he lost $25.00 in cheap cigars.
Okay, let's take that out for the sake of the argument and put it this way.
"Cop's a dead-eye shot at 50 yards with a handgun after being battered in the head by a thug. Wow."
Any less impressive?
So Wilson was an impressive cop.

Whats your point?
That is not according to Wilson. That was not his account it was some garbage you dreamed up out of thin air

I don't believe a fucking thing Wilson said... too many contradictions in his various accounts.

Court docs may show contradictions in Darren Wilson's account of Michael Brown shooting

Officer Darren Wilson's story is unbelievable. Literally.
You are a liar Joe.

None of the links you posted detail or show ANY contradiction in his accounts. The first link clearly says court docs MAY show contradiction.

I know you are a long proven uneducated fool but even an idiot like you should know what the word MAY means. It means your link provides no evidence of a contradiction.

The second is from vox which is massively biased and has no credibility. Besides being a worthless source the link is strictly OPINION and offers no evidence. Once again I realize you are truly a stupid little man but even a dumbass loser like you should know that when someone writes that something is UNBELIEVABLE it is opinion and NOTHING more.

No one believes a fucking you say because you lie like a coward more than trump ever has. Wilson gave accurate non contradictory accounts of what happened. HE defended himself against a piece of shit thug and did so righteously and legally.

Brown attacked wilson and escalated the situation and that is proven fact.

Try another lie as you did when claiming Wilson pinned Brown against the wall with his police car. That one was hilarious fiction and is going to be pointed out any time you post anything anywhere.

It proves you are a total dishonest coward and moron
No one believes a fucking you say because you lie like a coward more than trump ever has. Wilson gave accurate non contradictory accounts of what happened. HE defended himself against a piece of shit thug and did so righteously and legally.

You mean he shot an unarmed kid because he didn't know how to handle a simple shoplifting?

Sorry, man, there's a shitload of contradictions in his statements... such as did he pull them over for jaywalking or was he responding to the report of the "robbery". If he was responding to a supposed robbery, then his attitude was much too casual. If he was responding to a jaywalking, he massively overreacted.

Then there's the whole claim that he both attacked Wilson with his bare hands AND handed off the stolen merchandise... That's fucking amazing. Almost as amazing as how he claimed that Brown ran 30 feet away, stepped back 10 feet, but his body amazingly ended up 150 feet away from the police cruiser.
Have you read the police report? If clearly says Brown was at fault.

Whenever I read a police report, I set "Bullshit Detector" to maximum.

Especially when the cops are caught doing something they shouldn't be doing.

Going back to our own wonderful Chicago case...

According to the CPD, Jason van Dyke shot Laquan McDonald once... after he was attacked. Six other cops swore out statements backing him up.

And then we saw the video... where he shot the kid 16 times, most of the time when he was lying on the ground. van Dyke is in jail now and all his buddies got fired. So much for police reports.

So we have a bullshit, self-serving police report written by Wilson's buddies... and a prosecutor who was looking to bury his own case.
No one said that least of all the chart and again you are dreaming crap up and lying

If you take that chart at face value, Wilson chased him down the street, got ahead of him, fired off 14 more rounds, he stumbled around a bit, and THEN he fell over and died.

The chart shows no such thing.

Wilson never made such a claim and neither did anyone else.
Have you read the police report? If clearly says Brown was at fault.

Whenever I read a police report, I set "Bullshit Detector" to maximum.

Especially when the cops are caught doing something they shouldn't be doing.

Going back to our own wonderful Chicago case...

According to the CPD, Jason van Dyke shot Laquan McDonald once... after he was attacked. Six other cops swore out statements backing him up.

And then we saw the video... where he shot the kid 16 times, most of the time when he was lying on the ground. van Dyke is in jail now and all his buddies got fired. So much for police reports.

So we have a bullshit, self-serving police report written by Wilson's buddies... and a prosecutor who was looking to bury his own case.
Wilson was doing his duty and his job he was not doing something he should not have been doing as you imply.

You admit you never read any report which is probably why you dream up garbage like wilson pinning brown against a wall with the police cruiser.

You are willfully ignorant as shit about this entire subject and know nothing about it.
This is why you are a coward and deceitful piece of shit who has to lie about everything.
No one believes a fucking you say because you lie like a coward more than trump ever has. Wilson gave accurate non contradictory accounts of what happened. HE defended himself against a piece of shit thug and did so righteously and legally.

You mean he shot an unarmed kid because he didn't know how to handle a simple shoplifting?

Sorry, man, there's a shitload of contradictions in his statements... such as did he pull them over for jaywalking or was he responding to the report of the "robbery". If he was responding to a supposed robbery, then his attitude was much too casual. If he was responding to a jaywalking, he massively overreacted.

Then there's the whole claim that he both attacked Wilson with his bare hands AND handed off the stolen merchandise... That's fucking amazing. Almost as amazing as how he claimed that Brown ran 30 feet away, stepped back 10 feet, but his body amazingly ended up 150 feet away from the police cruiser.
There are no contradictions in his story you fool

He never claimed to be responding to a call of shoplifting.

He never made the claims you are stating.

Cite and quote where wilson made any of these claims. Oh thats right you admitted you never read his report and just dream up what you think he said

Since you openly admit to being a liar and manufacturing details you are defeated and proven wrong.
Yes, another LEFT WING FACT CHECKER again exposed as an arm of the party of INFANTICIDES lying and corruption.....

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren lied last weekend when they claimed Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, had been “murdered” in 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson. An independent Justice Department investigation found that there was no credible evidence to support the claim that the white officer “murdered” the 18-year-old black man. Instead, the report found Wilson had acted in self-defense. Brown was killed in the violent act of assaulting a police officer. But try telling that to PolitiFact, which published an absurd, laugh-out-loud defense of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates Wednesday. Having split so many hairs in order to impugn Republicans, the fact-checker now believes that it is just too difficult to know what a person really means when they use the word “murder.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.

The idiot liberals need to shut up. They either have no clue about what they are talking about. Or they are lying.

Or both.


Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.

And other witnesses, what is too bad is lying racist bigots can’t accept the fact that Brown disobeyed the law and tried to attack a law enforcement officer that was protecting himself.
It’s pretty nit-picky to correct a someone over describing what happened to Michael Brown as murder.

People can have a different opinion as to whether or not the cop should have used deadly force.

As long as he was rightly deemed to have been justified in using deadly force, we don’t need to worry about liberals using the word murder.

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