PolitiFact won't call out Kamala Harris’ and Elizabeth Warren’s lie about Michael Brown

MB was young and still redeemable. He could have turned his life around and he wouldn't have been the first. The world is full of examples, so personally I wouldn't want to celebrate his death, but It seems that based on his actions that day, he wasn't getting much help from the people closest to him to put him on the right course.

Odds are, IMO, MB would have spent the rest of his life in prison eventually.

Personally I regard human life as sacred, and I have contempt for those who prey on other people.

Wilson probably saved a lot of people a lot of suffering.
The cop should sue any Dem candidate who lies and calls him a murderer.

There was a federal investigation and he was found to have been justified.

He should sue for defamation.
Any evidence that any of that was true? I repeat my question, can anyone demonstrate that an average policeman, after sustaining head injuries and using a standard issue police firearm, really put 6 bullets into a thug at 50 yards? Has anyone tried it?
Any evidence that Wilson was just an average cop?

Any evidence the 'standard issue' hand gun he used was not modified or gun smithed? Just smoothing the trigger pull can do a lot for accuracy.

As to whether people can do it

Good story, Bro. Never mind the facts to the case, and the Black witnesses backing up Wilson's account
of what happened. Don't let the facts get in the way of a good yarn.

Here's a chart, with all the witnesses that said Brown had his hands up. 16 witnesses said he had his hands up.


Riots are a huge business. During the Ferguson and Baltimore riots, ratings soared for the media, ditto with the Charlottesville riots. This is why CNN schedules and promotes them. The fact that people may be killed or injured, property may be destroyed or stolen, is of no concern to them.

Yeah, that's it, it's all fake news... Are you applying for the Dale Smith Crazy Conspiracy theory.

Here's why we have riots.... it was something a training officer said to me when I was in the national guard. "Those are your fellow citizens out there, they are damned angry about something and they have every right to be."
Sadly, the forensic evidence didn't support what those witnesses said, Joe.
What the evidence DID support coincides with what the list of witnesses that you didn't provide, who stated
Wilson was fighting for his life.
Any evidence that any of that was true? I repeat my question, can anyone demonstrate that an average policeman, after sustaining head injuries and using a standard issue police firearm, really put 6 bullets into a thug at 50 yards? Has anyone tried it?
Any evidence that Wilson was just an average cop?

Any evidence the 'standard issue' hand gun he used was not modified or gun smithed? Just smoothing the trigger pull can do a lot for accuracy.

As to whether people can do it

Do you have any idea how far you're stretching here? Please, present ANY evidence that Wilson is a world champion marksman using a non-standard firearm.
Wilson was the only one who knew how it started, so what evidence. We have seen evidence manipulated many times.

Eye witness testimony was mixed results. A lot of that depends on where the witness was standing as far as viewing angle, how much of the incident they actually saw in the timeline, how far away they were, what other distractions did they have?,(driving etc), did they have any bias one way or the other.

All that was the job of the investigators to sort out and weed out based upon the peoples' credibility as they interviewd them. This was all done. Unfortunately for Michael Brown, he starts out with four strikes against him.

1)Toxicology reported he was high,

2)He shoved a shop owner as he was walking out with his merchandise... this shows a "I dont give a shit attitude" no matter how you try to spin it.

3) physical evidence showed Wilson got punched in the face by Brown, as did some of of the eye witnesses (11 of them affirmed MB reached into the police car... thats a high number)

4) MB tried to take away Wilson's gun as evidenced by the round fired off inside the car.

And then you have Grand jury testimony. It is with all that that it was decided it was NOT murder. anything else is only conjecture and speculation at this point. So to say the very least, its very unprofessional and or ignorant for Harris and Warren to call it MURDER. To me, they are pandering to the base as its primary time but even so D Wilson should sue them for defamation... or have them back up their words.

There were no marks in his face and his face wasn't swollen, so what was the evidence he was punched? Oh that's right he said he was.
Um yes there were

View attachment 274731

You blew it liar
And where exactly is that broken eye socket??????
He never made that claim
He had others make it for him and several Right-wing-nuts in this thread have mindlessly parroted it.
New Ferguson audio, video recordings emerge ahead of grand jury decision
The video shows Officer Darren Wilson leaving the Ferguson police department hours after he shot Brown. He is seemingly uninjured -- a contradiction to what police originally said, reports CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller.

one of the witnesses a 58 year old black male, saw MB punching Wilson through the window. It depends on which part of your face you get hit for extreme swelling.

The hospital photo of wilson, now show me the broken and bleeding eye socket!

Like I said. I dont think he had a broken eye socket. that doesn't mean he didn't get punched in the face
If the Right feel they have to lie about a broken eye socket to make their case, why should anything they say be trusted???

Trust not him that hath once broken faith; he who betrayed thee once, will betray thee again.
- Shakespeare.
It is not about what the right said it is about what Wilson said which was proven true .
Nothing Wilson said was "proven" true, there were conflicting reports on everything he said. The cover up only chose those that supported the cover up.
From Wikipedia:

Anybody can edit Wiki... NEXT!

Actually, Michael Brown's homie was there and testified. He's the one who came up with the line of bull of "hands up don't shoot".

BTW, he backed off the claim

After the corrupt prosecutor threatened him with charges, you mean?

Did you read the transcript of his testimony... Want to talk about "Leading the Witness".

Also from wikipedia:

147 feet away from the police cruiser. Wow.

Where the casings were.

And all the wikipedia stuff is backed up by forensic evidence, and it seems the SJW's have not been able to edit it away.

Facts are on the officer's side, not yours.
Michael Brown was a classic thug. He certainly wasn't murdered. There were, I think, 4 investigations by the authorities, and all of them absolved the cop. Warren and Harris are lying because democrat politicians lie all day long. They can't defend their wacko policies so they have to lie to trick people into voting for them.
Yes from that far away

What part of charging the officer are you willfully ignoring ?

It does not mean standing still dumbass

Your problem is you do not think

The part where he was 147 feet away. So you really want me to believe that he couldn't outrun a 300 Lb. slab of meat who was 147 feet away, get back to his car and drive away? Nope. He totally had to shoot this guy!

Let's see if we have this correct. You advocate that police are to not only ignore felonious assault, but are to flee like unarmed civilians because reasons?

That's not ever going to be done. If you assault a police officer, they will take you down.
Brown escalated it not wilson.

Brown was running away... they could have picked him up without incident when he checked into a hospital for the injuries to his hands.

WIlson DID NOT escalate it you unbelievable liar

BROWN escalated it;'
BROWN was gthe threat.

These facts are proven and it was a legal righteous and justified shooting which Brown caused.

You keep having to spin and lie but the facts proven you wrong

Shooting a kid over a jaywalking is escalating it.
Odds are, IMO, MB would have spent the rest of his life in prison eventually.

Personally I regard human life as sacred, and I have contempt for those who prey on other people.

Wilson probably saved a lot of people a lot of suffering.

Or he might have turned his life around and became a doctor. More than likely, he'd do what most of us do after being teens who get into trouble... he'd have straightened out his life and gotten a banal job.
Let's see if we have this correct. You advocate that police are to not only ignore felonious assault, but are to flee like unarmed civilians because reasons?

That's not ever going to be done. If you assault a police officer, they will take you down.

And when we start throwing them in prison for shooting civilians, they'll knock that the fuck off.

I'm good with that.
The Michaerl Brown case is about police who are supposed to be trained professionals. The cop took an instance where two guys were walking down the middle of the road & pushed it to a killing. We only have one side of the story.

AS it is, black people should be concerned when they are pulled over based on these police shootings. One movement could cost them their life.
The cop was doing his job. Brown pushed it and escalated it

You are lying
brown didn't push shit. The cop started pulling his weapon & at that point, brown was defending himself. A trained officer would never allowed it to escalate.

Brown steps back from the vehicle and stops with his hands in the air. He's still alive today. Even better, Brown does everything he's told to do without attitude. He's still alive today.

But that's not what he did. He went full on stupid.
Eye witness testimony was mixed results. A lot of that depends on where the witness was standing as far as viewing angle, how much of the incident they actually saw in the timeline, how far away they were, what other distractions did they have?,(driving etc), did they have any bias one way or the other.

All that was the job of the investigators to sort out and weed out based upon the peoples' credibility as they interviewd them. This was all done. Unfortunately for Michael Brown, he starts out with four strikes against him.

1)Toxicology reported he was high,

2)He shoved a shop owner as he was walking out with his merchandise... this shows a "I dont give a shit attitude" no matter how you try to spin it.

3) physical evidence showed Wilson got punched in the face by Brown, as did some of of the eye witnesses (11 of them affirmed MB reached into the police car... thats a high number)

4) MB tried to take away Wilson's gun as evidenced by the round fired off inside the car.

And then you have Grand jury testimony. It is with all that that it was decided it was NOT murder. anything else is only conjecture and speculation at this point. So to say the very least, its very unprofessional and or ignorant for Harris and Warren to call it MURDER. To me, they are pandering to the base as its primary time but even so D Wilson should sue them for defamation... or have them back up their words.

There were no marks in his face and his face wasn't swollen, so what was the evidence he was punched? Oh that's right he said he was.
Um yes there were

View attachment 274731

You blew it liar
And where exactly is that broken eye socket??????
He never made that claim
He had others make it for him and several Right-wing-nuts in this thread have mindlessly parroted it.
Prove the claim that he had others make it for him. I do not care what others have parroted. He never made that claim and to the best of my knowledge neither did his department.

This is about the evidence not some statement that someone on a forum may or may or may not have made. It is possible that it has been parroted on this forum but it is also irrelevant as what someone has said here does not constitute evidence which backs up officer wilsons account
one of the witnesses a 58 year old black male, saw MB punching Wilson through the window. It depends on which part of your face you get hit for extreme swelling.

The hospital photo of wilson, now show me the broken and bleeding eye socket!

Like I said. I dont think he had a broken eye socket. that doesn't mean he didn't get punched in the face
If the Right feel they have to lie about a broken eye socket to make their case, why should anything they say be trusted???

Trust not him that hath once broken faith; he who betrayed thee once, will betray thee again.
- Shakespeare.
It is not about what the right said it is about what Wilson said which was proven true .
Nothing Wilson said was "proven" true, there were conflicting reports on everything he said. The cover up only chose those that supported the cover up.

His account was proven true by evidence and there was no conflicting evidence.

There is no evidence of a cover up.

You are now simply lying and pulling delusional bullshit out of your ass
Odds are, IMO, MB would have spent the rest of his life in prison eventually.

Personally I regard human life as sacred, and I have contempt for those who prey on other people.

Wilson probably saved a lot of people a lot of suffering.
Life is random and cheap. Open your eyes.

Or he might have turned his life around and became a doctor. More than likely, he'd do what most of us do after being teens who get into trouble... he'd have straightened out his life and gotten a banal job.
For Godsakes; look at you siding with a vicious thug criminal. Easy because you have no contact with people like Brown (obviously). Life is random and cheap. Open your eyes.
Brown escalated it not wilson.

Brown was running away... they could have picked him up without incident when he checked into a hospital for the injuries to his hands.

WIlson DID NOT escalate it you unbelievable liar

BROWN escalated it;'
BROWN was gthe threat.

These facts are proven and it was a legal righteous and justified shooting which Brown caused.

You keep having to spin and lie but the facts proven you wrong

Shooting a kid over a jaywalking is escalating it.
He was not running away at all. He was walking in the middle of the street which is a legitimate reason for a police officer to interact with someone.

You have to lie about it like a coward.

No one was shot for jaywalking. He was shot because he violently attacked the officer and forced the officer to defend himself.

Brown committed the escalation and that is absolute fact proven by evidence.

You really should grow the fuck up and stop acting like a total bitch The evidence proves you wrong and proves you a liar and you cannot save face by clinging to your lies after they have been proven false
Let's see if we have this correct. You advocate that police are to not only ignore felonious assault, but are to flee like unarmed civilians because reasons?

That's not ever going to be done. If you assault a police officer, they will take you down.

And when we start throwing them in prison for shooting civilians, they'll knock that the fuck off.

I'm good with that.
The vast majority of citizens shot by the police posed a deadly threat to an officer as Brown did.

So your solution is to throw them in prison until they learn to meekly die without resistance when attacked by a piece of shit thug like brown

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