PolitiFact won't call out Kamala Harris’ and Elizabeth Warren’s lie about Michael Brown

Was his account correct or was it the fact of who was the prosecutor, the judge and the jury.
It was supported by the ebvidence

Wilson was the only one who knew how it started, so what evidence. We have seen evidence manipulated many times.

Eye witness testimony was mixed results. A lot of that depends on where the witness was standing as far as viewing angle, how much of the incident they actually saw in the timeline, how far away they were, what other distractions did they have?,(driving etc), did they have any bias one way or the other.

All that was the job of the investigators to sort out and weed out based upon the peoples' credibility as they interviewd them. This was all done. Unfortunately for Michael Brown, he starts out with four strikes against him.

1)Toxicology reported he was high,

2)He shoved a shop owner as he was walking out with his merchandise... this shows a "I dont give a shit attitude" no matter how you try to spin it.

3) physical evidence showed Wilson got punched in the face by Brown, as did some of of the eye witnesses (11 of them affirmed MB reached into the police car... thats a high number)

4) MB tried to take away Wilson's gun as evidenced by the round fired off inside the car.

And then you have Grand jury testimony. It is with all that that it was decided it was NOT murder. anything else is only conjecture and speculation at this point. So to say the very least, its very unprofessional and or ignorant for Harris and Warren to call it MURDER. To me, they are pandering to the base as its primary time but even so D Wilson should sue them for defamation... or have them back up their words.

There were no marks in his face and his face wasn't swollen, so what was the evidence he was punched? Oh that's right he said he was.
Um yes there were

View attachment 274731

You blew it liar
And where exactly is that broken eye socket??????
The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.
New Ferguson audio, video recordings emerge ahead of grand jury decision
The video shows Officer Darren Wilson leaving the Ferguson police department hours after he shot Brown. He is seemingly uninjured -- a contradiction to what police originally said, reports CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller.

one of the witnesses a 58 year old black male, saw MB punching Wilson through the window. It depends on which part of your face you get hit for extreme swelling.

The hospital photo of wilson, now show me the broken and bleeding eye socket!
The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.
New Ferguson audio, video recordings emerge ahead of grand jury decision
The video shows Officer Darren Wilson leaving the Ferguson police department hours after he shot Brown. He is seemingly uninjured -- a contradiction to what police originally said, reports CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller.

one of the witnesses a 58 year old black male, saw MB punching Wilson through the window. It depends on which part of your face you get hit for extreme swelling.

The hospital photo of wilson, now show me the broken and bleeding eye socket!
What's the matter braindead Ed....the world is better off with another black thug dead....
The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.
New Ferguson audio, video recordings emerge ahead of grand jury decision
The video shows Officer Darren Wilson leaving the Ferguson police department hours after he shot Brown. He is seemingly uninjured -- a contradiction to what police originally said, reports CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller.

one of the witnesses a 58 year old black male, saw MB punching Wilson through the window. It depends on which part of your face you get hit for extreme swelling.

The hospital photo of wilson, now show me the broken and bleeding eye socket!

Like I said. I dont think he had a broken eye socket. that doesn't mean he didn't get punched in the face
Shooting unarmed black men is perfectly permissible. Just say you feared for your life.

Not hard to do when you have a fractured eye socket, are covered in your own blood and the thug is charging you to do it again.

I think the fractured eye socket thing was a false report
But, but the Right posted a photo on the internet!

Oh that's right, it was a fake photo!
The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.
New Ferguson audio, video recordings emerge ahead of grand jury decision
The video shows Officer Darren Wilson leaving the Ferguson police department hours after he shot Brown. He is seemingly uninjured -- a contradiction to what police originally said, reports CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller.

one of the witnesses a 58 year old black male, saw MB punching Wilson through the window. It depends on which part of your face you get hit for extreme swelling.

The hospital photo of wilson, now show me the broken and bleeding eye socket!

Like I said. I dont think he had a broken eye socket. that doesn't mean he didn't get punched in the face
If the Right feel they have to lie about a broken eye socket to make their case, why should anything they say be trusted???

Trust not him that hath once broken faith; he who betrayed thee once, will betray thee again.
- Shakespeare.
The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.
New Ferguson audio, video recordings emerge ahead of grand jury decision
The video shows Officer Darren Wilson leaving the Ferguson police department hours after he shot Brown. He is seemingly uninjured -- a contradiction to what police originally said, reports CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller.

one of the witnesses a 58 year old black male, saw MB punching Wilson through the window. It depends on which part of your face you get hit for extreme swelling.

The hospital photo of wilson, now show me the broken and bleeding eye socket!
What's the matter braindead Ed....the world is better off with another black thug dead....

MB was young and still redeemable. He could have turned his life around and he wouldn't have been the first. The world is full of examples, so personally I wouldn't want to celebrate his death, but It seems that based on his actions that day, he wasn't getting much help from the people closest to him to put him on the right course.
The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.
New Ferguson audio, video recordings emerge ahead of grand jury decision
The video shows Officer Darren Wilson leaving the Ferguson police department hours after he shot Brown. He is seemingly uninjured -- a contradiction to what police originally said, reports CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller.

one of the witnesses a 58 year old black male, saw MB punching Wilson through the window. It depends on which part of your face you get hit for extreme swelling.

The hospital photo of wilson, now show me the broken and bleeding eye socket!

Like I said. I dont think he had a broken eye socket. that doesn't mean he didn't get punched in the face
If the Right feel they have to lie about a broken eye socket to make their case, why should anything they say be trusted???

Trust not him that hath once broken faith; he who betrayed thee once, will betray thee again.
- Shakespeare.

If were just talking about the MB case, there was plenty of eyewitness testimony and physical evidence that did not come from the right.
Fake photos get sent around all the time, and actually, as I remember at the time, right after the shooting the initial news reports showed a photo of about a 12 year old Michael Brown along with the story that he was gunned down in the street while on his knees. All published by your LEFT wing news trying to stir up hatred. After that the rioting never stopped, all people knew was a cop shot a little kid. So this works both ways between the left and right, not to mention unsubstantiated dossiers that get leaked and spread around and used as evidence to get a warrant.
From Wikipedia:

Anybody can edit Wiki... NEXT!

Actually, Michael Brown's homie was there and testified. He's the one who came up with the line of bull of "hands up don't shoot".

BTW, he backed off the claim

After the corrupt prosecutor threatened him with charges, you mean?

Did you read the transcript of his testimony... Want to talk about "Leading the Witness".

Also from wikipedia:

147 feet away from the police cruiser. Wow.
Joe isn't the only one who advocates the assassination of police officers.

Nowadays, its the majority of the Democrat Party.

IMHO, Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme should be installing bulletproof windows to protect their most valuable patrons when they are in there enjoying a donut and coffee and flirting with the donut waitresses. If they did that, it could really help keep police officers at ease so they can complete their shifts staying out of danger from assassins.

99% of cops are great guys doing a difficult job.

The problem is, Police Departments can't get rid of guys like Darren Wilson, Timothy Loehmann or Jason van Dyke until AFTER they murder a kid.
New Ferguson audio, video recordings emerge ahead of grand jury decision
The video shows Officer Darren Wilson leaving the Ferguson police department hours after he shot Brown. He is seemingly uninjured -- a contradiction to what police originally said, reports CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller.

one of the witnesses a 58 year old black male, saw MB punching Wilson through the window. It depends on which part of your face you get hit for extreme swelling.

The hospital photo of wilson, now show me the broken and bleeding eye socket!

Like I said. I dont think he had a broken eye socket. that doesn't mean he didn't get punched in the face
If the Right feel they have to lie about a broken eye socket to make their case, why should anything they say be trusted???

Trust not him that hath once broken faith; he who betrayed thee once, will betray thee again.
- Shakespeare.

If were just talking about the MB case, there was plenty of eyewitness testimony and physical evidence that did not come from the right.
Fake photos get sent around all the time, and actually, as I remember at the time, right after the shooting the initial news reports showed a photo of about a 12 year old Michael Brown along with the story that he was gunned down in the street while on his knees. All published by your LEFT wing news trying to stir up hatred. After that the rioting never stopped, all people knew was a cop shot a little kid. So this works both ways between the left and right, not to mention unsubstantiated dossiers that get leaked and spread around and used as evidence to get a warrant.

Riots are a huge business. During the Ferguson and Baltimore riots, ratings soared for the media, ditto with the Charlottesville riots. This is why CNN schedules and promotes them. The fact that people may be killed or injured, property may be destroyed or stolen, is of no concern to them.

He was charging the cop after having attacked the officer and attempting to take the officers weapon. The officer was obligated to defend himself

Yeah, 147 feet away? Don't think so.

Only six? Was he using an old revolver or something? I'd have dumped a full clip into the asshole.

I know you would have.

I guess after the kid was down, he didn't want to put more slugs into a corpse. We should admire him for his restraint, Jason van Dyke in Chicago couldn't even meet that low standard.
Joe isn't the only one who advocates the assassination of police officers.

Nowadays, its the majority of the Democrat Party.

IMHO, Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme should be installing bulletproof windows to protect their most valuable patrons when they are in there enjoying a donut and coffee and flirting with the donut waitresses. If they did that, it could really help keep police officers at ease so they can complete their shifts staying out of danger from assassins.

99% of cops are great guys doing a difficult job.

The problem is, Police Departments can't get rid of guys like Darren Wilson, Timothy Loehmann or Jason van Dyke until AFTER they murder a kid.

So you say, but in the Philadelphia shootout with the terrorist who wounded 6 police officers, a liberal mob was rooting in favor of the black radical terrorist this week just saying
Good story, Bro. Never mind the facts to the case, and the Black witnesses backing up Wilson's account
of what happened. Don't let the facts get in the way of a good yarn.

Here's a chart, with all the witnesses that said Brown had his hands up. 16 witnesses said he had his hands up.


Riots are a huge business. During the Ferguson and Baltimore riots, ratings soared for the media, ditto with the Charlottesville riots. This is why CNN schedules and promotes them. The fact that people may be killed or injured, property may be destroyed or stolen, is of no concern to them.

Yeah, that's it, it's all fake news... Are you applying for the Dale Smith Crazy Conspiracy theory.

Here's why we have riots.... it was something a training officer said to me when I was in the national guard. "Those are your fellow citizens out there, they are damned angry about something and they have every right to be."
So you say, but in the Philadelphia shootout with the terrorist who wounded 6 police officers, a liberal mob was rooting in favor of the black radical terrorist this week just saying

The fact that the community - or some communities - have lost faith in the police as a group has nothing to do with what I just said.
Good story, Bro. Never mind the facts to the case, and the Black witnesses backing up Wilson's account
of what happened. Don't let the facts get in the way of a good yarn.

Here's a chart, with all the witnesses that said Brown had his hands up. 16 witnesses said he had his hands up.


Riots are a huge business. During the Ferguson and Baltimore riots, ratings soared for the media, ditto with the Charlottesville riots. This is why CNN schedules and promotes them. The fact that people may be killed or injured, property may be destroyed or stolen, is of no concern to them.

Yeah, that's it, it's all fake news... Are you applying for the Dale Smith Crazy Conspiracy theory.

Here's why we have riots.... it was something a training officer said to me when I was in the national guard. "Those are your fellow citizens out there, they are damned angry about something and they have every right to be."

The reason we have riots is that it is good for business. Riots are compelling TV, and CNN is up against reruns of Gomer Pyle USMC and Green Acres, they have to give reasons for people to tune in. If they can stir up black thugs in the ghetto and get them to commit arsons and assaults for free, the ads they sell to Mr. Clean and Chef Boyardee won't be free. Makes for a nice margin for their business. If someone goes to a riot, they may think its fun, but they are just dupes for the Lame Stream Media.
It was supported by the ebvidence

Wilson was the only one who knew how it started, so what evidence. We have seen evidence manipulated many times.

Eye witness testimony was mixed results. A lot of that depends on where the witness was standing as far as viewing angle, how much of the incident they actually saw in the timeline, how far away they were, what other distractions did they have?,(driving etc), did they have any bias one way or the other.

All that was the job of the investigators to sort out and weed out based upon the peoples' credibility as they interviewd them. This was all done. Unfortunately for Michael Brown, he starts out with four strikes against him.

1)Toxicology reported he was high,

2)He shoved a shop owner as he was walking out with his merchandise... this shows a "I dont give a shit attitude" no matter how you try to spin it.

3) physical evidence showed Wilson got punched in the face by Brown, as did some of of the eye witnesses (11 of them affirmed MB reached into the police car... thats a high number)

4) MB tried to take away Wilson's gun as evidenced by the round fired off inside the car.

And then you have Grand jury testimony. It is with all that that it was decided it was NOT murder. anything else is only conjecture and speculation at this point. So to say the very least, its very unprofessional and or ignorant for Harris and Warren to call it MURDER. To me, they are pandering to the base as its primary time but even so D Wilson should sue them for defamation... or have them back up their words.

There were no marks in his face and his face wasn't swollen, so what was the evidence he was punched? Oh that's right he said he was.
Um yes there were

View attachment 274731

You blew it liar
And where exactly is that broken eye socket??????
He never made that claim

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