PolitiFact won't call out Kamala Harris’ and Elizabeth Warren’s lie about Michael Brown

Shooting unarmed black men is perfectly permissible. Just say you feared for your life.

Being armed is not a prereq for getting shot. Simply being a threat is all that's needed.

"Oh that was a cell phone? " I thought he was reaching for his waistband"

I remember watching police shows & movies & when the cops shot a person & they did not find a weapon, they went ballistic.

Now "I was afraid" is all that is needed.
Shooting unarmed black men is perfectly permissible. Just say you feared for your life.

Being armed is not a prereq for getting shot. Simply being a threat is all that's needed.

"Oh that was a cell phone? " I thought he was reaching for his waistband"

I remember watching police shows & movies & when the cops shot a person & they did not find a weapon, they went ballistic.

Now "I was afraid" is all that is needed.

In the Ferguson case it was more than a perceived threat. SO much of this was Michael Browns responsibility as a human being not to do the wrong thing.

Dont rob the convenience store,
Dont walk around stoned and looking for trouble
Dont shove the shop clerk,
Dont walk on the yellow stripe in the middle of the road
Dont answer the cop with profanity because you don't want to be bothered and you hate police
Dont slam the car door on the cop
Dont punch the cop in the face
Dont try to take the cops gun
Dont try to pull the trigger while its pointed at his leg
Listen to the cop when he tells you to stop
Dont run at him so he thinks your attacking him

But you know, the message that could help other black youth stay out of trouble and stay alive doesnt get sent out. Be responsible for your actions and do the right thing. Everybody knows by the year 2019 that cops carry guns, so act accordingly and not stupid enough to attack one.
Yes, another LEFT WING FACT CHECKER again exposed as an arm of the party of INFANTICIDES lying and corruption.....

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren lied last weekend when they claimed Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, had been “murdered” in 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson. An independent Justice Department investigation found that there was no credible evidence to support the claim that the white officer “murdered” the 18-year-old black man. Instead, the report found Wilson had acted in self-defense. Brown was killed in the violent act of assaulting a police officer. But try telling that to PolitiFact, which published an absurd, laugh-out-loud defense of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates Wednesday. Having split so many hairs in order to impugn Republicans, the fact-checker now believes that it is just too difficult to know what a person really means when they use the word “murder.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.

The idiot liberals need to shut up. They either have no clue about what they are talking about. Or they are lying.

Or both.


Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.
Well, that and a mountain of forensic evidence that totally supports every word he said.

Bullshit and spin at best.

Do you maintain that the officer was able to put six bullets in the perp from 50 yards away using a standard issue police firearm after sustaining head injuries?
Yes, another LEFT WING FACT CHECKER again exposed as an arm of the party of INFANTICIDES lying and corruption.....

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren lied last weekend when they claimed Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, had been “murdered” in 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson. An independent Justice Department investigation found that there was no credible evidence to support the claim that the white officer “murdered” the 18-year-old black man. Instead, the report found Wilson had acted in self-defense. Brown was killed in the violent act of assaulting a police officer. But try telling that to PolitiFact, which published an absurd, laugh-out-loud defense of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates Wednesday. Having split so many hairs in order to impugn Republicans, the fact-checker now believes that it is just too difficult to know what a person really means when they use the word “murder.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.

The idiot liberals need to shut up. They either have no clue about what they are talking about. Or they are lying.

Or both.


Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.
Well, that and a mountain of forensic evidence that totally supports every word he said.

Bullshit and spin at best.
Its almost as if you dont believe there was a trial where all the evidence was thoroughly laid out.

He knows, he wants to ignore.
Shooting unarmed black men is perfectly permissible. Just say you feared for your life.

As it should be; you Commie scum like getting them fired up and violent and then run and hide until after the fireworks.
Yes, another LEFT WING FACT CHECKER again exposed as an arm of the party of INFANTICIDES lying and corruption.....

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren lied last weekend when they claimed Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, had been “murdered” in 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson. An independent Justice Department investigation found that there was no credible evidence to support the claim that the white officer “murdered” the 18-year-old black man. Instead, the report found Wilson had acted in self-defense. Brown was killed in the violent act of assaulting a police officer. But try telling that to PolitiFact, which published an absurd, laugh-out-loud defense of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates Wednesday. Having split so many hairs in order to impugn Republicans, the fact-checker now believes that it is just too difficult to know what a person really means when they use the word “murder.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.

The idiot liberals need to shut up. They either have no clue about what they are talking about. Or they are lying.

Or both.


Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.
Well, that and a mountain of forensic evidence that totally supports every word he said.

Bullshit and spin at best.

Do you maintain that the officer was able to put six bullets in the perp from 50 yards away using a standard issue police firearm after sustaining head injuries?
Yes perfectly plausible and supported by evidence
There was a trial for JW Milam and Roy Bryant as well cocksucker.

Were they also investigated by Holders DOJ?

See above.

See what, above?

I have NO idea who Milam and Bryant are/were, so how about answering the question.

were they also investigated by the Holder DOJ?

Without evidence it doesn't matter who investigates it.

Never heard of forensic evidence?

Seems Holders DOJ found enough evidence to close the case.

Dont you trust Obama and Holders DOJ to make that decision?

I heard of NO ONE knows how the encounter started.
Were they also investigated by Holders DOJ?

See above.

See what, above?

I have NO idea who Milam and Bryant are/were, so how about answering the question.

were they also investigated by the Holder DOJ?

Without evidence it doesn't matter who investigates it.

Never heard of forensic evidence?

Seems Holders DOJ found enough evidence to close the case.

Dont you trust Obama and Holders DOJ to make that decision?

He probably doesn't trust Black People.

I don't trust a lying, POS like you.
Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.
Which is of course an outright lie.

We got many accounts of what happened but the evidence showed Wilson's side to be correct

Was his account correct or was it the fact of who was the prosecutor, the judge and the jury.
It was supported by the ebvidence

Wilson was the only one who knew how it started, so what evidence. We have seen evidence manipulated many times.

Eye witness testimony was mixed results. A lot of that depends on where the witness was standing as far as viewing angle, how much of the incident they actually saw in the timeline, how far away they were, what other distractions did they have?,(driving etc), did they have any bias one way or the other.

All that was the job of the investigators to sort out and weed out based upon the peoples' credibility as they interviewd them. This was all done. Unfortunately for Michael Brown, he starts out with four strikes against him.

1)Toxicology reported he was high,

2)He shoved a shop owner as he was walking out with his merchandise... this shows a "I dont give a shit attitude" no matter how you try to spin it.

3) physical evidence showed Wilson got punched in the face by Brown, as did some of of the eye witnesses (11 of them affirmed MB reached into the police car... thats a high number)

4) MB tried to take away Wilson's gun as evidenced by the round fired off inside the car.

And then you have Grand jury testimony. It is with all that that it was decided it was NOT murder. anything else is only conjecture and speculation at this point. So to say the very least, its very unprofessional and or ignorant for Harris and Warren to call it MURDER. To me, they are pandering to the base as its primary time but even so D Wilson should sue them for defamation... or have them back up their words.

There were no marks in his face and his face wasn't swollen, so what was the evidence he was punched? Oh that's right he said he was.
Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.

Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.

And eric holder's

Brown was dead and there was no video or witnesses.
There were plenty of eye witnesses that backed Wilson's claim along with the
forensic evidence that also backed Wilson's claim.
Don't let the facts bitch slap you into stupidity, SBB.

Post those witnesses testimony and then we will see who gets bitch slapped.
You Google it and quit being a lazy ass, tired of doing leg work for the stupid.

You"re a lying POS that's why you can't post it.
Which is of course an outright lie.

We got many accounts of what happened but the evidence showed Wilson's side to be correct

Was his account correct or was it the fact of who was the prosecutor, the judge and the jury.
It was supported by the ebvidence

Wilson was the only one who knew how it started, so what evidence. We have seen evidence manipulated many times.

Eye witness testimony was mixed results. A lot of that depends on where the witness was standing as far as viewing angle, how much of the incident they actually saw in the timeline, how far away they were, what other distractions did they have?,(driving etc), did they have any bias one way or the other.

All that was the job of the investigators to sort out and weed out based upon the peoples' credibility as they interviewd them. This was all done. Unfortunately for Michael Brown, he starts out with four strikes against him.

1)Toxicology reported he was high,

2)He shoved a shop owner as he was walking out with his merchandise... this shows a "I dont give a shit attitude" no matter how you try to spin it.

3) physical evidence showed Wilson got punched in the face by Brown, as did some of of the eye witnesses (11 of them affirmed MB reached into the police car... thats a high number)

4) MB tried to take away Wilson's gun as evidenced by the round fired off inside the car.

And then you have Grand jury testimony. It is with all that that it was decided it was NOT murder. anything else is only conjecture and speculation at this point. So to say the very least, its very unprofessional and or ignorant for Harris and Warren to call it MURDER. To me, they are pandering to the base as its primary time but even so D Wilson should sue them for defamation... or have them back up their words.

There were no marks in his face and his face wasn't swollen, so what was the evidence he was punched? Oh that's right he said he was.
Um yes there were


You blew it liar
And eric holder's

Brown was dead and there was no video or witnesses.
There were plenty of eye witnesses that backed Wilson's claim along with the
forensic evidence that also backed Wilson's claim.
Don't let the facts bitch slap you into stupidity, SBB.

Post those witnesses testimony and then we will see who gets bitch slapped.
You Google it and quit being a lazy ass, tired of doing leg work for the stupid.

You"re a lying POS that's why you can't post it.
This is why I didn't want to waste time with ignorance.
I wanted you to call your own eyes liars. Oh well.
Others have posted the evidence from sources...I'm sure they are liars, also,
Was his account correct or was it the fact of who was the prosecutor, the judge and the jury.
It was supported by the ebvidence

Wilson was the only one who knew how it started, so what evidence. We have seen evidence manipulated many times.

Eye witness testimony was mixed results. A lot of that depends on where the witness was standing as far as viewing angle, how much of the incident they actually saw in the timeline, how far away they were, what other distractions did they have?,(driving etc), did they have any bias one way or the other.

All that was the job of the investigators to sort out and weed out based upon the peoples' credibility as they interviewd them. This was all done. Unfortunately for Michael Brown, he starts out with four strikes against him.

1)Toxicology reported he was high,

2)He shoved a shop owner as he was walking out with his merchandise... this shows a "I dont give a shit attitude" no matter how you try to spin it.

3) physical evidence showed Wilson got punched in the face by Brown, as did some of of the eye witnesses (11 of them affirmed MB reached into the police car... thats a high number)

4) MB tried to take away Wilson's gun as evidenced by the round fired off inside the car.

And then you have Grand jury testimony. It is with all that that it was decided it was NOT murder. anything else is only conjecture and speculation at this point. So to say the very least, its very unprofessional and or ignorant for Harris and Warren to call it MURDER. To me, they are pandering to the base as its primary time but even so D Wilson should sue them for defamation... or have them back up their words.

There were no marks in his face and his face wasn't swollen, so what was the evidence he was punched? Oh that's right he said he was.
Um yes there were

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You blew it liar

Dont' bother showing him evidence.

He thinks it was all made up to make Brown look guilty.
Yes, another LEFT WING FACT CHECKER again exposed as an arm of the party of INFANTICIDES lying and corruption.....

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren lied last weekend when they claimed Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, had been “murdered” in 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson. An independent Justice Department investigation found that there was no credible evidence to support the claim that the white officer “murdered” the 18-year-old black man. Instead, the report found Wilson had acted in self-defense. Brown was killed in the violent act of assaulting a police officer. But try telling that to PolitiFact, which published an absurd, laugh-out-loud defense of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates Wednesday. Having split so many hairs in order to impugn Republicans, the fact-checker now believes that it is just too difficult to know what a person really means when they use the word “murder.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.

The idiot liberals need to shut up. They either have no clue about what they are talking about. Or they are lying.

Or both.


Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.

Yes, another LEFT WING FACT CHECKER again exposed as an arm of the party of INFANTICIDES lying and corruption.....

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren lied last weekend when they claimed Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, had been “murdered” in 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson. An independent Justice Department investigation found that there was no credible evidence to support the claim that the white officer “murdered” the 18-year-old black man. Instead, the report found Wilson had acted in self-defense. Brown was killed in the violent act of assaulting a police officer. But try telling that to PolitiFact, which published an absurd, laugh-out-loud defense of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates Wednesday. Having split so many hairs in order to impugn Republicans, the fact-checker now believes that it is just too difficult to know what a person really means when they use the word “murder.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.

The idiot liberals need to shut up. They either have no clue about what they are talking about. Or they are lying.

Or both.


Too bad we only got Officer Wilson's side of what happened.

And eric holder's

Brown was dead and there was no video or witnesses.
There were plenty of eye witnesses that backed Wilson's claim along with the
forensic evidence that also backed Wilson's claim.
Don't let the facts bitch slap you into stupidity, SBB.

Post those witnesses testimony and then we will see who gets bitch slapped.

Here is the official DOJ report on the shooting. I know you have not had the opportunity to read it.


The report conclusively proves that Officer Wilson acted in self defense. You have just been bitch slapped! That's not an insult, just a little funning.

I don't know anything about you. You may be better educated than I (although I do have an MBA and JD); you may be a lot smarter than I on a whole range of issues; you are probably a hard working man, totally dedicated to his wife and family and these are things I admire above all else. HOWEVER, I am reasonably certain that I have one advantage over you: I know more about the Michael Brown case than you do.

I really do have a JD and I really did pass the Bar on my first attempt. I am an expert in the law and very familiar with the Brown Case. If you have any questions I would be happy to answer. them. Just don't be mean. I'm 79 and too old for that stuff.
Anyone with more handgun expertise than me able to weigh in on the likelihood of an officer putting six bullets into a person at 50 yards, using a standard issue firearm, and after sustaining head injuries?

Remember how many times we hear about the police missing many shots when the suspect is standing 20 feet away?
Cops are notoriously bad shots but not all of them. In Texas they tend to be Dead Eye experts with hand guns, but there are things you can do to improve the accuracy of your shot. He could have braced his arm on the car window. He could have had a tuned trigger and had the hammer cocked back before each shot.

He could have just been lucky as hell.
Yes, another LEFT WING FACT CHECKER again exposed as an arm of the party of INFANTICIDES lying and corruption.....

Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren lied last weekend when they claimed Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, had been “murdered” in 2014 by police officer Darren Wilson. An independent Justice Department investigation found that there was no credible evidence to support the claim that the white officer “murdered” the 18-year-old black man. Instead, the report found Wilson had acted in self-defense. Brown was killed in the violent act of assaulting a police officer. But try telling that to PolitiFact, which published an absurd, laugh-out-loud defense of the 2020 Democratic primary candidates Wednesday. Having split so many hairs in order to impugn Republicans, the fact-checker now believes that it is just too difficult to know what a person really means when they use the word “murder.”

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

The police officer that Brown attacked suffered a broken eye socket and multiple stitches to his face because of Brown attacking him.

The idiot liberals need to shut up. They either have no clue about what they are talking about. Or they are lying.

Or both.


I've long called them "Politifraud."

But I guess they need to be upgraded to "Politifuckingliars"

The left are such scum. Truly enemies of the American people.
Harris and Warren are liars, just like every other leftist POS. If lying was a crime, the Democrat party would all be serving time.

Yes, but Politifuckingliars claim that they "fact checked" the lies and they're TWOOO...

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