Poll: 6 in 10 dislike or hate Trump and Clinton.

Just because you don't like either candidate doesn't necessarily mean that everyone else's choice is wrong. I know you are the self-esteem generation so you naturally think your opinion rocks and everyone else's opinion is wrong but in reality, that is not necessarily true.

The majority of the public has a poor opinion of both candidates. That's the whole basis of this discussion.

the majority of the public....but not the majority of each party.
Interesting distinction.

it's the only one that matters at the end of the day.

and as of right now, Hillary has more than two million more votes than the Donald.
I'm definitely voting for Sanders or Hillary.
No thanks, I'll go with the lesser evil.

Thank you for the live demonstration of what a complete lack of integrity, morals and concern for future generations looks like in practice. :eusa_clap:

... No wonder the Republic is bleeding to death.
There is the real world, and then there are the worlds many of you live in? That can't be helped, not easily at least.
Uh-Huh, the "worlds many of you live in" happen to value integrity, morality and individual liberty, it's such a shame that the one you gub'mint worshipers live in doesn't. :rolleyes:

"That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind." -- Morpheus, The Matrix
At present pace, it will soon be 8 in 10

Which makes you wonder how these two got their parties' nominations.

The election from Hell, maybe literally. Take your pick and hold your nose.

No, I don't have to hold my nose. There are other people besides Trump and Clinton running for president. If you ignore them just because "they can't win" then you're just as bad as the asshats who nominated those two in the first place.
The problem is nobody knows who they are and won't take the time to explore those options, the vast majority of voters are locked into the two party apparatus.

I would argue that all voters are locked in the 2 party apparatus. When was the last time that anything other than a Dem or Rep was a serious canidate? Has a 3rd party canidate ever won any electoral votes?
Just because you don't like either candidate doesn't necessarily mean that everyone else's choice is wrong. I know you are the self-esteem generation so you naturally think your opinion rocks and everyone else's opinion is wrong but in reality, that is not necessarily true.

The majority of the public has a poor opinion of both candidates. That's the whole basis of this discussion.

the majority of the public....but not the majority of each party.
Interesting distinction.

it's the only one that matters at the end of the day.

and as of right now, Hillary has more than two million more votes than the Donald.
I'm definitely voting for Sanders or Hillary.
I'm definitely voting for Ming the Merciless. :thup:
At present pace, it will soon be 8 in 10

Which makes you wonder how these two got their parties' nominations.

The election from Hell, maybe literally. Take your pick and hold your nose.

No, I don't have to hold my nose. There are other people besides Trump and Clinton running for president. If you ignore them just because "they can't win" then you're just as bad as the asshats who nominated those two in the first place.
The problem is nobody knows who they are and won't take the time to explore those options, the vast majority of voters are locked into the two party apparatus.

I would argue that all voters are locked in the 2 party apparatus. When was the last time that anything other than a Dem or Rep was a serious canidate? Has a 3rd party canidate ever won any electoral votes?
That's what I've been saying for decades and all through this thread.
No thanks, I'll go with the lesser evil.

Thank you for the live demonstration of what a complete lack of integrity, morals and concern for future generations looks like in practice. :eusa_clap:

... No wonder the Republic is bleeding to death.
There is the real world, and then there are the worlds many of you live in? That can't be helped, not easily at least.
Uh-Huh, the "worlds many of you live in" happen to value integrity, morality and individual liberty, it's such a shame that the one you gub'mint worshipers live in doesn't. :rolleyes:

"That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind." -- Morpheus, The Matrix
Ah, one who lives in a movie.

Thanks all the same, I'll stick with reality, like the reality that America has been a two-party system for 150 years.
The majority of the public has a poor opinion of both candidates. That's the whole basis of this discussion.

the majority of the public....but not the majority of each party.
Interesting distinction.

it's the only one that matters at the end of the day.

and as of right now, Hillary has more than two million more votes than the Donald.
I'm definitely voting for Sanders or Hillary.
I'm definitely voting for Ming the Merciless. :thup:

I miss the days when our villains all had goat teeth mustaches. Now they put on suits and run for office.
the majority of the public....but not the majority of each party.
Interesting distinction.

it's the only one that matters at the end of the day.

and as of right now, Hillary has more than two million more votes than the Donald.
I'm definitely voting for Sanders or Hillary.
I'm definitely voting for Ming the Merciless. :thup:

I miss the days when our villains all had goat teeth mustaches. Now they put on suits and run for office.
At present pace, it will soon be 8 in 10

Which makes you wonder how these two got their parties' nominations.

The election from Hell, maybe literally. Take your pick and hold your nose.

No, I don't have to hold my nose. There are other people besides Trump and Clinton running for president. If you ignore them just because "they can't win" then you're just as bad as the asshats who nominated those two in the first place.
The problem is nobody knows who they are and won't take the time to explore those options, the vast majority of voters are locked into the two party apparatus.

I would argue that all voters are locked in the 2 party apparatus. When was the last time that anything other than a Dem or Rep was a serious canidate? Has a 3rd party canidate ever won any electoral votes?
3rd party candidates are there to provide an illusion of choice to the people i believe. The only way to begin changing the system is to have everyone register as independents.
Ah, one who lives in a movie.
Yet another hyper-partisan lemming that believes that integrity, morality and individual liberty only exists in movies; modus operandi of those that compose the root cause of societies problems.

Thanks all the same, I'll stick with reality
*YAWN* Yeah I know, it's safe for your kind in that lil' cocoon you've allowed your brain to be swaddled in, after all thinking for yourself instead of letting your partisan masters do it for you is a daunting prospect for those of limited acumen.


"But Pavlov purely for a good purpose. Pavlov for friendliness and trust and compassion. Whereas you prefer to use Pavlov for brainwashing, Pavlov for selling cigarettes and vodka and patriotism. Pavlov for the benefit of dictators, generals and tycoons." -- Aldous Huxley
Is there any current politician who consistently polls well with the voters on a national level?

Voters hate all politicians and respond negatively to any poll
At present pace, it will soon be 8 in 10

Which makes you wonder how these two got their parties' nominations.

The election from Hell, maybe literally. Take your pick and hold your nose.

No, I don't have to hold my nose. There are other people besides Trump and Clinton running for president. If you ignore them just because "they can't win" then you're just as bad as the asshats who nominated those two in the first place.
The problem is nobody knows who they are and won't take the time to explore those options, the vast majority of voters are locked into the two party apparatus.

I would argue that all voters are locked in the 2 party apparatus. When was the last time that anything other than a Dem or Rep was a serious canidate? Has a 3rd party canidate ever won any electoral votes?
3rd party candidates are there to provide an illusion of choice to the people i believe. The only way to begin changing the system is to have everyone register as independents.

"3rd party candidates are there to provide an illusion of choice to the people i believe."

Not exactly, that's what the two party system is for, to foment the illusion that the unsubstantial people have a voice in their own governance. This is not to say that it was never the case that some constituencies were able to leverage some modicum of representation out of this system, but at the moment and for some time now, the concentration of wealth and power into the hands of a very few has sodomized any illusion of America being a representative democracy. And “both” parties are quite at ease with the arrangement, they are of the susbtantial people after all.
Right now, Obama is at about 50% which makes him one of the most popular politicians in the country

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