Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate

Sweetie, according to your lies, the vote occurred in 2006 when Obama was Senator.

Also, if it has nothing to do with the discussion, why did you say that it did? (Hint: click the link below):

Wytchey contradicts herself AGAIN

Puppy, you keep bringing up the irrelevant vote in 2003 for the Iraq war...a vote Barack Obama had no part of.

Here are the weak parables: in 2006 Democrats voted not to extend the debt ceiling. They did not have the votes and the debt ceiling was raised. The did it for purely political and ideological reasons. They did it, in part, to protest the very unpopular Iraq war (again, in 2006 not 2003) especially the way it was funded. (You will recall, one of the first things President Obama did was to stop funding the war "off budget " in emergency procurements)

In 2006 the Democrats did not fake filibuster or shut down the government. We never, once, came close to defaulting on our debt (as we have twice now with Teabillies controlling the Boehner's caucus).

Today the Teabillies have voted dozens of times in political, ideological, empty votes to repeal the ACA. They threw a tantrum over not being able to legislatively achieve their goals and resorted to extortion and hostage taking.

Y'all are just pissed because this time President Obama didn't cave like a Chilean mine.

Yup. Of course, it's his own damn fault for teaching them by experience, i.e., JB's "98%" comment.

I think puppy must be the guy who empties the blue outhouses. He's very comfortable with shit-slinging.

Leave it to a Dumbocrat to consider honesty, integrity, and historical accuracy to be "shit-slinging"... :lmao:

Thank you sweetie. You really just burried yourself and your party by exposing how you view things. Partisan hack at all costs, any facts should be dismissed as "shit-slinging".
Let me simplify it...because I realize you need that.

You've got two different parents, both who threaten to knock their kid into the middle of next week. The Teabillies are the parent who does it.

So you admit that the Dumbocrats are the party which lies (if you threaten that you're going to do something and you don't, you are in fact a liar) while the Tea Party is the party of action and following through with their promises?

Wytchey, with each breath and post you continue to make a stronger and stronger case for the Tea Party. You have literally proven for me that they are the only adults in the room. Thank you. :D

They held an empty political vote that they knew would go nowhere...

So you admit that the Dumbocrats are acting like children intentionally voting against what they actually want in an odd attempt to make their opposition look bad for voting how the Dumbocrats actually want to vote? :cuckoo:

You've posted the same thing about 4 times now wytchey and each time you keep proving that the conservatives are the only adults in the room! We thank you.
Sweetie, according to your lies, the vote occurred in 2006 when Obama was Senator.

Also, if it has nothing to do with the discussion, why did you say that it did? (Hint: click the link below):

Wytchey contradicts herself AGAIN

Puppy, you keep bringing up the irrelevant vote in 2003 for the Iraq war...a vote Barack Obama had no part of.

Here are the weak parables: in 2006 Democrats voted not to extend the debt ceiling. They did not have the votes and the debt ceiling was raised. The did it for purely political and ideological reasons. They did it, in part, to protest the very unpopular Iraq war (again, in 2006 not 2003) especially the way it was funded. (You will recall, one of the first things President Obama did was to stop funding the war "off budget " in emergency procurements)

In 2006 the Democrats did not fake filibuster or shut down the government. We never, once, came close to defaulting on our debt (as we have twice now with Teabillies controlling the Boehner's caucus).

Today the Teabillies have voted dozens of times in political, ideological, empty votes to repeal the ACA. They threw a tantrum over not being able to legislatively achieve their goals and resorted to extortion and hostage taking.

Y'all are just pissed because this time President Obama didn't cave like a Chilean mine.

No sweetie - it was YOU who brought up the vote on the operations in Iraq (and it was 2002 you ignorant hick, not 2003).

Even when you're caught lying with links to your own words, you attempt to attribute those words to someone else (I'd say "unbelievable" but this is completely believable as it is exactly the despicable tactics we've come to expect from the pathological liars known as Dumbocrats).

By the way - in your first paragraph you claim the vote on the Iraq war was "completely irrelevant" and that "Obama had no part of" it. Yet in your second paragraph, you cite the Iraq war vote for why Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling. :cuckoo: :lmao:

Folks - you can't make this stuff up. Wytchy is so upset and unhinged right now, she can't figure which way is up and can't even make a single post without contradicting herself.

Sweetie - if Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling because of the operations in Iraq (as you claim), then it is completely relevant. And in any case, you're the unhinged whackadoo who brought it up - not me! :lol:

My apologies, 2002 (still no Barack Obama) and you're the one who said (insert childish Pee Wee Herminish voice here) "how come Democrats voted for it" when I mentioned a reason the Dems voted not to raise the debt ceiling. The Dems voted "for it" (after being lied to) in 2002 and voted not to raise the debt in 2006. Are you caught up yet or do you just want to throw out some more ad hominems?

I've not lied, Puppy but your continued insistence that I have just makes you look as immature as the Teabillies you revere.
[MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - thanks to your contradictions of your own posts, we now have a question which remains unanswered and which needs to be addressed.

You claimed Barack Obama whaling against raising the debt ceiling and then voting against raising the debt ceiling was "symbolic". When I asked "symbolic" of what, you oddly stated "the Iraq War". When I pointed out that Dumbocrats voted for the Iraq "war", you then contradicted your statement and said the Iraq "war" had "nothing" to do with the vote against raising the debt ceiling by Obama and the Dumbocrats (I know folks - how insane is this? You can't make this shit up even if you wanted to).

So now that you've retracted your initial excuse for the embarrassing 2006 vote to not raise the debt ceiling (when we were $9 trillion less in debt than we are now), what was the vote "symbolic" of?

(I wonder how many holes Seawytch has placed in her walls today and how many times she's hit her children in her unhinged rage over having her lies exposed and her ideology shaken to its very foundation.... :lol:).
So you admit that the Dumbocrats are the party which lies (if you threaten that you're going to do something and you don't, you are in fact a liar) while the Tea Party is the party of action and following through with their promises?

Wytchey, with each breath and post you continue to make a stronger and stronger case for the Tea Party. You have literally proven for me that they are the only adults in the room. Thank you. :D

They held an empty political vote that they knew would go nowhere...

So you admit that the Dumbocrats are acting like children intentionally voting against what they actually want in an odd attempt to make their opposition look bad for voting how the Dumbocrats actually want to vote? :cuckoo:

You've posted the same thing about 4 times now wytchey and each time you keep proving that the conservatives are the only adults in the room! We thank you.

I did not say they voted "against what they want". I said they held a purely political and ideological vote that never threatened the full faith and credit of the US. They never was a threat of their doing so, unlike with the GOP. This is where all likenesses between the two votes end entirely. Barack Obama admits he was wrong when he voted as he did in 2006.

Again, what you see depends on where you sit. You'd understand that if you ever served and advanced...hell, if you ever advanced at all.
[MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - thanks to your contradictions of your own posts, we now have a question which remains unanswered and which needs to be addressed.

You claimed Barack Obama whaling against raising the debt ceiling and then voting against raising the debt ceiling was "symbolic". When I asked "symbolic" of what, you oddly stated "the Iraq War". When I pointed out that Dumbocrats voted for the Iraq "war", you then contradicted your statement and said the Iraq "war" had "nothing" to do with the vote against raising the debt ceiling by Obama and the Dumbocrats (I know folks - how insane is this? You can't make this shit up even if you wanted to).

So now that you've retracted your initial excuse for the embarrassing 2006 vote to not raise the debt ceiling (when we were $9 trillion less in debt than we are now), what was the vote "symbolic" of?

(I wonder how many holes Seawytch has placed in her walls today and how many times she's hit her children in her unhinged rage over having her lies exposed and her ideology shaken to its very foundation.... :lol:).

Read all of what Senator Obama said, not just the part that gives you a tingle up your leg. Read the part about revenue increases and PayGo.

How much of our debt and deficit are Barack Obama's? How much is attributed to the wars and Bush Tax Cuts? Are you aware that the deficit has been cut in half since he took office? How much did adding the cost of the wars to the actual budget attribute to the current debt and deficits?
Puppy, you keep bringing up the irrelevant vote in 2003 for the Iraq war...a vote Barack Obama had no part of.

Here are the weak parables: in 2006 Democrats voted not to extend the debt ceiling. They did not have the votes and the debt ceiling was raised. The did it for purely political and ideological reasons. They did it, in part, to protest the very unpopular Iraq war (again, in 2006 not 2003) especially the way it was funded. (You will recall, one of the first things President Obama did was to stop funding the war "off budget " in emergency procurements)

In 2006 the Democrats did not fake filibuster or shut down the government. We never, once, came close to defaulting on our debt (as we have twice now with Teabillies controlling the Boehner's caucus).

Today the Teabillies have voted dozens of times in political, ideological, empty votes to repeal the ACA. They threw a tantrum over not being able to legislatively achieve their goals and resorted to extortion and hostage taking.

Y'all are just pissed because this time President Obama didn't cave like a Chilean mine.

No sweetie - it was YOU who brought up the vote on the operations in Iraq (and it was 2002 you ignorant hick, not 2003).

Even when you're caught lying with links to your own words, you attempt to attribute those words to someone else (I'd say "unbelievable" but this is completely believable as it is exactly the despicable tactics we've come to expect from the pathological liars known as Dumbocrats).

By the way - in your first paragraph you claim the vote on the Iraq war was "completely irrelevant" and that "Obama had no part of" it. Yet in your second paragraph, you cite the Iraq war vote for why Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling. :cuckoo: :lmao:

Folks - you can't make this stuff up. Wytchy is so upset and unhinged right now, she can't figure which way is up and can't even make a single post without contradicting herself.

Sweetie - if Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling because of the operations in Iraq (as you claim), then it is completely relevant. And in any case, you're the unhinged whackadoo who brought it up - not me! :lol:

My apologies, 2002 (still no Barack Obama) and you're the one who said (insert childish Pee Wee Herminish voice here) "how come Democrats voted for it" when I mentioned a reason the Dems voted not to raise the debt ceiling. The Dems voted "for it" (after being lied to) in 2002 and voted not to raise the debt in 2006. Are you caught up yet or do you just want to throw out some more ad hominems?

I've not lied, Puppy but your continued insistence that I have just makes you look as immature as the Teabillies you revere.

Sweetie, you've been caught lying. You claimed that the American people overwhelming opposed the operations in Iraq before the Dumbocrats voted to support the operations, when in fact the Dumbocrats voted to support the operations in 2002 and the poll showing people opposed Iraq was not until 4 years later in 2006.

You got caught LYING sweetie. It's there for EVERYONE to see. Plain as day. You couldn't delete it now if you wanted to because my responses captured your original posts.

Game. Set. Match.

No sweetie - it was YOU who brought up the vote on the operations in Iraq (and it was 2002 you ignorant hick, not 2003).

Even when you're caught lying with links to your own words, you attempt to attribute those words to someone else (I'd say "unbelievable" but this is completely believable as it is exactly the despicable tactics we've come to expect from the pathological liars known as Dumbocrats).

By the way - in your first paragraph you claim the vote on the Iraq war was "completely irrelevant" and that "Obama had no part of" it. Yet in your second paragraph, you cite the Iraq war vote for why Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling. :cuckoo: :lmao:

Folks - you can't make this stuff up. Wytchy is so upset and unhinged right now, she can't figure which way is up and can't even make a single post without contradicting herself.

Sweetie - if Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling because of the operations in Iraq (as you claim), then it is completely relevant. And in any case, you're the unhinged whackadoo who brought it up - not me! :lol:

My apologies, 2002 (still no Barack Obama) and you're the one who said (insert childish Pee Wee Herminish voice here) "how come Democrats voted for it" when I mentioned a reason the Dems voted not to raise the debt ceiling. The Dems voted "for it" (after being lied to) in 2002 and voted not to raise the debt in 2006. Are you caught up yet or do you just want to throw out some more ad hominems?

I've not lied, Puppy but your continued insistence that I have just makes you look as immature as the Teabillies you revere.

Sweetie, you've been caught lying. You claimed that the American people overwhelming opposed the operations in Iraq before the Dumbocrats voted to support the operations, when in fact the Dumbocrats voted to support the operations in 2002 and the poll showing people opposed Iraq was not until 4 years later in 2006.

You got caught LYING sweetie. It's there for EVERYONE to see. Plain as day. You couldn't delete it now if you wanted to because my responses captured your original posts.

Game. Set. Match.


No I didn't. I say again, the public was opposed to the Iraq war by 60% when Senator Obama voted not to raise the debt ceiling in 2006. Your inability to read and comprehend does not make me a liar, but you an idiot.
Some of the political pundits are now saying that since Obama won so decisively, he needs to immediately display his bipartisanship by giving the Republicans some concessions.

Naturally, those same pundits never suggested that the GOP follow up winning by giving the Democrats concessions. In punditland, "bipartisanship" is only expected of Democrats.
[MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - thanks to your contradictions of your own posts, we now have a question which remains unanswered and which needs to be addressed.

You claimed Barack Obama whaling against raising the debt ceiling and then voting against raising the debt ceiling was "symbolic". When I asked "symbolic" of what, you oddly stated "the Iraq War". When I pointed out that Dumbocrats voted for the Iraq "war", you then contradicted your statement and said the Iraq "war" had "nothing" to do with the vote against raising the debt ceiling by Obama and the Dumbocrats (I know folks - how insane is this? You can't make this shit up even if you wanted to).

So now that you've retracted your initial excuse for the embarrassing 2006 vote to not raise the debt ceiling (when we were $9 trillion less in debt than we are now), what was the vote "symbolic" of?

(I wonder how many holes Seawytch has placed in her walls today and how many times she's hit her children in her unhinged rage over having her lies exposed and her ideology shaken to its very foundation.... :lol:).

Read all of what Senator Obama said, not just the part that gives you a tingle up your leg. Read the part about revenue increases and PayGo.

How much of our debt and deficit are Barack Obama's? How much is attributed to the wars and Bush Tax Cuts? Are you aware that the deficit has been cut in half since he took office? How much did adding the cost of the wars to the actual budget attribute to the current debt and deficits?

I read all of it sweetie and it is completely humiliating to Barack Obama as it exposes his extraordinary hypocrisy. It exposes him as the unhinged partisan hack that he is (as it is doing to you now as well).

How much of our debt is Barack Obama's? Soon to be $7 trillion. It stood at $10 trillion the day he took office. He has added an astounding 70% of what all presidents in U.S. history combined had accumulated by the time he took office. He is the most reckless spender in world history (that's right sweetie - not just U.S. history, world history). Nobody had ever spent $7 trillion before the radical unhinged marxist and his regime took over the White House.

You can't "cut the deficit in half" and add more to the debt than any president in U.S. history sweetie... :cuckoo:

Also, will you stop with your "pay-go" insanity. That was an Obama campaign promise which he wiped his ass with (like all of his other promises). Obamacare will add $2 trillion to the U.S. debt just over the next decade alone because it is not paid for. So much for "pay-go", uh sweetie?

And don't blame the "wars" as Obama is Command-in-Chief and could have withdrawn troops any time he wanted. No Congressional approval needed.

So I ask again: the Dumbocrats vote against raising the debt ceiling was "symbolic" of what?!?
He won't negotiate since obamacare is in place with a rubber stamp by the SCOTUS. They jammed that law up our butts and like typical socialists are telling us to live with it.

The only way to stop Obama's agenda is to win back the Senate in 2014 and then the White House in 2016. Then, obamacare can be repealed if only the Democraps haven't repealed it by then to save their own asses.
Shutting down the government and defaulting on the Nation's debts because you don't have the votes to advance your agenda is not governance, it's petulance.

The Founding Fathers wanted each CO-EQUAL branch to be petulant , cause gridlock and avoid bad laws.


Legislatively, not with childish shutdowns and defaults...as the polls show.

But, hey, throw the RINOs out instead...much better plan.
[MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - thanks to your contradictions of your own posts, we now have a question which remains unanswered and which needs to be addressed.

You claimed Barack Obama whaling against raising the debt ceiling and then voting against raising the debt ceiling was "symbolic". When I asked "symbolic" of what, you oddly stated "the Iraq War". When I pointed out that Dumbocrats voted for the Iraq "war", you then contradicted your statement and said the Iraq "war" had "nothing" to do with the vote against raising the debt ceiling by Obama and the Dumbocrats (I know folks - how insane is this? You can't make this shit up even if you wanted to).

So now that you've retracted your initial excuse for the embarrassing 2006 vote to not raise the debt ceiling (when we were $9 trillion less in debt than we are now), what was the vote "symbolic" of?

(I wonder how many holes Seawytch has placed in her walls today and how many times she's hit her children in her unhinged rage over having her lies exposed and her ideology shaken to its very foundation.... :lol:).

Read all of what Senator Obama said, not just the part that gives you a tingle up your leg. Read the part about revenue increases and PayGo.

How much of our debt and deficit are Barack Obama's? How much is attributed to the wars and Bush Tax Cuts? Are you aware that the deficit has been cut in half since he took office? How much did adding the cost of the wars to the actual budget attribute to the current debt and deficits?

I read all of it sweetie and it is completely humiliating to Barack Obama as it exposes his extraordinary hypocrisy. It exposes him as the unhinged partisan hack that he is (as it is doing to you now as well).

How much of our debt is Barack Obama's? Soon to be $7 trillion. It stood at $10 trillion the day he took office. He has added an astounding 70% of what all presidents in U.S. history combined had accumulated by the time he took office. He is the most reckless spender in world history (that's right sweetie - not just U.S. history, world history). Nobody had ever spent $7 trillion before the radical unhinged marxist and his regime took over the White House.

You can't "cut the deficit in half" and add more to the debt than any president in U.S. history sweetie... :cuckoo:

Also, will you stop with your "pay-go" insanity. That was an Obama campaign promise which he wiped his ass with (like all of his other promises). Obamacare will add $2 trillion to the U.S. debt just over the next decade alone because it is not paid for. So much for "pay-go", uh sweetie?

And don't blame the "wars" as Obama is Command-in-Chief and could have withdrawn troops any time he wanted. No Congressional approval needed.

So I ask again: the Dumbocrats vote against raising the debt ceiling was "symbolic" of what?!?

The President admitted his 2006 vote was political. He did not childishly shut down the government. That's the one trick pony of the Teabillies.
Some of the political pundits are now saying that since Obama won so decisively, he needs to immediately display his bipartisanship by giving the Republicans some concessions.

Naturally, those same pundits never suggested that the GOP follow up winning by giving the Democrats concessions. In punditland, "bipartisanship" is only expected of Democrats.

Really? Where do you get that? Barack Obama has been in office for 5 years and he has owned the Republican party. Name one concession Obama has made. One.

The Republicans asked a pitiful, soft, and pathetic spending "cut" of 1 cent out of every dollar. Just one tiny little penny. 1%. After "agreeing" to do so, Obama then submitted a budget which increased spending and got it approved.

President Obama’s budget even proposes to cancel the sequester cuts, because he can’t bear to cut even 1% of federal spending from the growth in spending. His budget proposes to spend $46.5 trillion overall over the next 10 years, even more than the Senate Democrat budget, the highest government spending in world history.

The next time Obama compromises on anything will be the first time the radical marxist has ever compromised with Republicans. He has fast tracked this nation to collapse and the liberals (ie Republicans) have been glad to assist him. It's why the American people were so outraged and created the Tea Party.

President Obama's Predictable Budget: More Spending, More Tax Increases - Forbes
Shutting down the government and defaulting on the Nation's debts because you don't have the votes to advance your agenda is not governance, it's petulance.

The Founding Fathers wanted each CO-EQUAL branch to be petulant , cause gridlock and avoid bad laws.


Legislatively, not with childish shutdowns and defaults...as the polls show.

But, hey, throw the RINOs out instead...much better plan.

Article I Section 7.

All bills for raising revenue shall ******originate**** in the House of Representatives;

Article I Section 7.

All bills for raising revenue shall ******originate**** in the House of Representatives.

Which has jack to do with anything. What on earth makes you think it excuses shutting down the government? After all, the senate votes on spending bills too, and is just as capable of shutting down the government.

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