Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate

The majority of Americans opposed Iraq at the time they voted. A much greater majority than the "majority" that oppose the ACA (since a huge chunk of those opposed include people who want more liberal health reform.

First of all, you're making up your own version of history again. You're lying (as usual) about the "majority" and the numbers who opposed the Iraq war.

No, little Puppy, I'm not lying. The vote occurred in 2006.

60 percent of Americans oppose Iraq war

And that 60 percent did not include people who thought the Iraq war didn't go far enough whereas the ACA opposition includes people who want single payer or a public option.

Oh Wytchey... you're so stupid you don't even realize how easy it is to prove you're lying and how ignorant you are - the vote took place in 2002 you ignorant, worthless twat:

Your "poll" sweetie is from 2006 (as the article clearly indicates).

Wednesday, August 9, 2006; Posted: 6:00 a.m. EDT (10:00 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sixty percent of Americans oppose the U.S. war in Iraq, the highest number since polling on the subject began with the commencement of the war in March 2003, according to poll results and trends released Wednesday.

But the problem is sweetie, the Dumncrats voted to support the Iraq war in 2002. Four fucking years before this poll you ignorant buffoon:

Of the legislation introduced by Congress in response to President Bush's requests,[6] S.J.Res. 45 sponsored by Sen. Daschle & Sen. Lott was based on the original White House proposal authorizing the use of force in Iraq, H.J.Res. 114 sponsored by Rep. Hastert & Rep. Gephardt and the substantially similar S.J.Res. 46 sponsored by Sen. Lieberman were modified proposals. H.J.Res. 110 sponsored by Rep. Hastings was a separate proposal never considered on the floor. Eventually, the Hastert-Gephardt proposal became the legislation Congress focused on.

Introduced in Congress on October 2, 2002, in conjunction with the Administration's proposals,[2][7] H.J.Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296-133,[8] and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77-23.[9] It was signed into law as Pub.L. 107–243 by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're a worthless, lying, bull-dyke bitch. In other words, a typical Dumbocrat. And you just proved that you're a lying partisan hack who lacks even the slightest ounce of credibility [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION].

I coined a new term today that fits the OP. The word is "negrotiate"...fits the man to a tee....

It means "to negotiate from behind an impenetrable facade of white guilt, political correctness, reverse racism, and a fawning and fearful fourth estate".

Any questions?

Bumping this in case you missed it......
I guess we'll see! After all, people thought they could take down Elizabeth Warren, and they were wrong.

Oh, you mean another Dumbocrat caught lying about her entire existence? You mean the lying bitch who told people she was "native American" even though she is absolutely, positively, not Native American?

It is astounding how you people can't produce a candidate who doesn't lie 24x7 about everything. Even trivial shit like their heritage. Or trivial shit like falsely claiming your plane "landed under gun fire" as first lady like Hillary Clinton did. Sadly, the parasites who vote Dumbocrat don't give a shit about integrity - they only care about government table scraps. And that's why this nation is on the fast track to become a 3rd world shit hole. Dumbocrats did it to Detroit and they are about to finish what they started with the rest of America.

But hey, at least we will all be "equal" in our poverty and misery, right [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION]? She will feel better about herself because everyone is on welfare like her. And that's all that really matters.
Democrats voted for that war on the assuption that information the PRESIDENT was giving them was on the level.

Which it wasn't, obviously.

Democrats voted for war because Republicans framed it as .....if you don't vote for war you support the terrorists

Democrats like Hillary caved

So you are admitting that Dumbocrats don't have a spine and have no integrity to vote what they feel is right? :cuckoo:

It's amazing watching you Dumbocrats come up with desperate excuse after desperate excuse (and they aren't even good excuses) because you're completely incapable of criticizing your masters.

In the minds of subservient little welfare queens like RW, JoeB, and Seawytch, as long as a Dumbocrat does it, it is wonderful (even if it is voting for war, spying on Americans, or collapsing the U.S.). :eusa_doh:
First of all, you're making up your own version of history again. You're lying (as usual) about the "majority" and the numbers who opposed the Iraq war.

No, little Puppy, I'm not lying. The vote occurred in 2006.

60 percent of Americans oppose Iraq war

And that 60 percent did not include people who thought the Iraq war didn't go far enough whereas the ACA opposition includes people who want single payer or a public option.

Oh Wytchey... you're so stupid you don't even realize how easy it is to prove you're lying and how ignorant you are - the vote took place in 2002 you ignorant, worthless twat:

Your "poll" sweetie is from 2006 (as the article clearly indicates).

Wednesday, August 9, 2006; Posted: 6:00 a.m. EDT (10:00 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sixty percent of Americans oppose the U.S. war in Iraq, the highest number since polling on the subject began with the commencement of the war in March 2003, according to poll results and trends released Wednesday.

But the problem is sweetie, the Dumncrats voted to support the Iraq war in 2002. Four fucking years before this poll you ignorant buffoon:

Of the legislation introduced by Congress in response to President Bush's requests,[6] S.J.Res. 45 sponsored by Sen. Daschle & Sen. Lott was based on the original White House proposal authorizing the use of force in Iraq, H.J.Res. 114 sponsored by Rep. Hastert & Rep. Gephardt and the substantially similar S.J.Res. 46 sponsored by Sen. Lieberman were modified proposals. H.J.Res. 110 sponsored by Rep. Hastings was a separate proposal never considered on the floor. Eventually, the Hastert-Gephardt proposal became the legislation Congress focused on.

Introduced in Congress on October 2, 2002, in conjunction with the Administration's proposals,[2][7] H.J.Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296-133,[8] and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77-23.[9] It was signed into law as Pub.L. 107–243 by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're a worthless, lying, bull-dyke bitch. In other words, a typical Dumbocrat. And you just proved that you're a lying partisan hack who lacks even the slightest ounce of credibility [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION].


The vote for the Iraq war (based on bad and cherry picked information) has nothing to do with the Democrat's one politically motivated vote to not raise the debt ceiling in 2006. Senator Obama wasn't even in office at the time the original vote for the war took place. When Senator Obama voted not to raise the debt limit, opposition to the Iraq war was at 60%. They also did not filibuster or close down the government. There was never any danger of not raising the debt ceiling.

Let me simplify it...because I realize you need that.

You've got two different parents, both who threaten to knock their kid into the middle of next week. The Teabillies are the parent who does it.

Why are you getting so angry, little Puppy? Is this another meltdown in the works?
No, little Puppy, I'm not lying. The vote occurred in 2006.

60 percent of Americans oppose Iraq war

And that 60 percent did not include people who thought the Iraq war didn't go far enough whereas the ACA opposition includes people who want single payer or a public option.

Oh Wytchey... you're so stupid you don't even realize how easy it is to prove you're lying and how ignorant you are - the vote took place in 2002 you ignorant, worthless twat:

Your "poll" sweetie is from 2006 (as the article clearly indicates).

Wednesday, August 9, 2006; Posted: 6:00 a.m. EDT (10:00 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sixty percent of Americans oppose the U.S. war in Iraq, the highest number since polling on the subject began with the commencement of the war in March 2003, according to poll results and trends released Wednesday.

But the problem is sweetie, the Dumncrats voted to support the Iraq war in 2002. Four fucking years before this poll you ignorant buffoon:

Of the legislation introduced by Congress in response to President Bush's requests,[6] S.J.Res. 45 sponsored by Sen. Daschle & Sen. Lott was based on the original White House proposal authorizing the use of force in Iraq, H.J.Res. 114 sponsored by Rep. Hastert & Rep. Gephardt and the substantially similar S.J.Res. 46 sponsored by Sen. Lieberman were modified proposals. H.J.Res. 110 sponsored by Rep. Hastings was a separate proposal never considered on the floor. Eventually, the Hastert-Gephardt proposal became the legislation Congress focused on.

Introduced in Congress on October 2, 2002, in conjunction with the Administration's proposals,[2][7] H.J.Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296-133,[8] and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77-23.[9] It was signed into law as Pub.L. 107–243 by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're a worthless, lying, bull-dyke bitch. In other words, a typical Dumbocrat. And you just proved that you're a lying partisan hack who lacks even the slightest ounce of credibility [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION].


The vote for the Iraq war (based on bad and cherry picked information) has nothing to do with the Democrat's one politically motivated vote to not raise the debt ceiling in 2006. Senator Obama wasn't even in office at the time the original vote for the war took place. When Senator Obama voted not to raise the debt limit, opposition to the Iraq war was at 60%. They also did not filibuster or close down the government. There was never any danger of not raising the debt ceiling.

Let me simplify it...because I realize you need that.

You've got two different parents, both who threaten to knock their kid into the middle of next week. The Teabillies are the parent who does it.

Why are you getting so angry, little Puppy? Is this another meltdown in the works?

Oh Wytchey - it's too late to backpedal and lie further. You have ZERO credibility. You're just a typical ignorant, lying, partisan, Dumbocrat. Completely ignorant of the facts or your own government.

"Cherry picked"? I provided the FULL resolution complete with all dates, facts, names of the bills, people involved, and more. Come on - I dare you to go down this path and tell everyone on USMB exactly what was "cherry picked". :lol:

No meltdown here, just dancing in the street as I proved you are both ignorant and a liar!!!!!

No, little Puppy, I'm not lying. The vote occurred in 2006.

60 percent of Americans oppose Iraq war

And that 60 percent did not include people who thought the Iraq war didn't go far enough whereas the ACA opposition includes people who want single payer or a public option.

Oh Wytchey... you're so stupid you don't even realize how easy it is to prove you're lying and how ignorant you are - the vote took place in 2002 you ignorant, worthless twat:

Your "poll" sweetie is from 2006 (as the article clearly indicates).

Wednesday, August 9, 2006; Posted: 6:00 a.m. EDT (10:00 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sixty percent of Americans oppose the U.S. war in Iraq, the highest number since polling on the subject began with the commencement of the war in March 2003, according to poll results and trends released Wednesday.

But the problem is sweetie, the Dumncrats voted to support the Iraq war in 2002. Four fucking years before this poll you ignorant buffoon:

Of the legislation introduced by Congress in response to President Bush's requests,[6] S.J.Res. 45 sponsored by Sen. Daschle & Sen. Lott was based on the original White House proposal authorizing the use of force in Iraq, H.J.Res. 114 sponsored by Rep. Hastert & Rep. Gephardt and the substantially similar S.J.Res. 46 sponsored by Sen. Lieberman were modified proposals. H.J.Res. 110 sponsored by Rep. Hastings was a separate proposal never considered on the floor. Eventually, the Hastert-Gephardt proposal became the legislation Congress focused on.

Introduced in Congress on October 2, 2002, in conjunction with the Administration's proposals,[2][7] H.J.Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296-133,[8] and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77-23.[9] It was signed into law as Pub.L. 107–243 by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're a worthless, lying, bull-dyke bitch. In other words, a typical Dumbocrat. And you just proved that you're a lying partisan hack who lacks even the slightest ounce of credibility [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION].


The vote for the Iraq war (based on bad and cherry picked information) has nothing to do with the Democrat's one politically motivated vote to not raise the debt ceiling in 2006.

Oh wytchey, you're completely falling apart at the seems now. See, in this post here, YOU (and you alone) are the one who claimed that the vote was the result of the Iraq war. And now - less than 24 hours later - you are claiming it has "nothing" to do with the Iraq war:

Wytchey contradicts herself AGAIN

Someone having trouble keeping up with their latest excuse for the the lies, contradictions, and hypocrisy of the Dumbocrats [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]?!?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Oh Wytchey... you're so stupid you don't even realize how easy it is to prove you're lying and how ignorant you are - the vote took place in 2002 you ignorant, worthless twat:

Your "poll" sweetie is from 2006 (as the article clearly indicates).

Wednesday, August 9, 2006; Posted: 6:00 a.m. EDT (10:00 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sixty percent of Americans oppose the U.S. war in Iraq, the highest number since polling on the subject began with the commencement of the war in March 2003, according to poll results and trends released Wednesday.

But the problem is sweetie, the Dumncrats voted to support the Iraq war in 2002. Four fucking years before this poll you ignorant buffoon:

Of the legislation introduced by Congress in response to President Bush's requests,[6] S.J.Res. 45 sponsored by Sen. Daschle & Sen. Lott was based on the original White House proposal authorizing the use of force in Iraq, H.J.Res. 114 sponsored by Rep. Hastert & Rep. Gephardt and the substantially similar S.J.Res. 46 sponsored by Sen. Lieberman were modified proposals. H.J.Res. 110 sponsored by Rep. Hastings was a separate proposal never considered on the floor. Eventually, the Hastert-Gephardt proposal became the legislation Congress focused on.

Introduced in Congress on October 2, 2002, in conjunction with the Administration's proposals,[2][7] H.J.Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296-133,[8] and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77-23.[9] It was signed into law as Pub.L. 107–243 by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're a worthless, lying, bull-dyke bitch. In other words, a typical Dumbocrat. And you just proved that you're a lying partisan hack who lacks even the slightest ounce of credibility [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION].


The vote for the Iraq war (based on bad and cherry picked information) has nothing to do with the Democrat's one politically motivated vote to not raise the debt ceiling in 2006.

Oh wytchey, you're completely falling apart at the seems now. See, in this post here, YOU (and you alone) are the one who claimed that the vote was the result of the Iraq war. And now - less than 24 hours later - you are claiming it has "nothing" to do with the Iraq war:

Wytchey contradicts herself AGAIN

Someone having trouble keeping up with their latest excuse for the the lies, contradictions, and hypocrisy of the Dumbocrats [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]?!?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Folks, this is what happens when you are an ignorant partisan hack who refuses to be honest when the party you support fucks up. Eventually you lose track of your lies and excuses and the entire thing unravels around you!

I have officially taken down [MENTION=31929]JoeB[/MENTION]132, [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION], and [MENTION=25032]ClosedCaption[/MENTION] now by proving they were lying (many times each). Any other Dumbocrats want to step up to the plate or are you wing-nuts willing to have an honest discussion now?

(My suggestion - for what it is worth - is to go the honest route as I'm pretty good at destroying liars....as these three buffoons can attest :))

Oh Wytchey... you're so stupid you don't even realize how easy it is to prove you're lying and how ignorant you are - the vote took place in 2002 you ignorant, worthless twat:

Your "poll" sweetie is from 2006 (as the article clearly indicates).

Wednesday, August 9, 2006; Posted: 6:00 a.m. EDT (10:00 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sixty percent of Americans oppose the U.S. war in Iraq, the highest number since polling on the subject began with the commencement of the war in March 2003, according to poll results and trends released Wednesday.

But the problem is sweetie, the Dumncrats voted to support the Iraq war in 2002. Four fucking years before this poll you ignorant buffoon:

Of the legislation introduced by Congress in response to President Bush's requests,[6] S.J.Res. 45 sponsored by Sen. Daschle & Sen. Lott was based on the original White House proposal authorizing the use of force in Iraq, H.J.Res. 114 sponsored by Rep. Hastert & Rep. Gephardt and the substantially similar S.J.Res. 46 sponsored by Sen. Lieberman were modified proposals. H.J.Res. 110 sponsored by Rep. Hastings was a separate proposal never considered on the floor. Eventually, the Hastert-Gephardt proposal became the legislation Congress focused on.

Introduced in Congress on October 2, 2002, in conjunction with the Administration's proposals,[2][7] H.J.Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296-133,[8] and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77-23.[9] It was signed into law as Pub.L. 107–243 by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're a worthless, lying, bull-dyke bitch. In other words, a typical Dumbocrat. And you just proved that you're a lying partisan hack who lacks even the slightest ounce of credibility [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION].


The vote for the Iraq war (based on bad and cherry picked information) has nothing to do with the Democrat's one politically motivated vote to not raise the debt ceiling in 2006. Senator Obama wasn't even in office at the time the original vote for the war took place. When Senator Obama voted not to raise the debt limit, opposition to the Iraq war was at 60%. They also did not filibuster or close down the government. There was never any danger of not raising the debt ceiling.

Let me simplify it...because I realize you need that.

You've got two different parents, both who threaten to knock their kid into the middle of next week. The Teabillies are the parent who does it.

Why are you getting so angry, little Puppy? Is this another meltdown in the works?

Oh Wytchey - it's too late to backpedal and lie further. You have ZERO credibility. You're just a typical ignorant, lying, partisan, Dumbocrat. Completely ignorant of the facts or your own government.

"Cherry picked"? I provided the FULL resolution complete with all dates, facts, names of the bills, people involved, and more. Come on - I dare you to go down this path and tell everyone on USMB exactly what was "cherry picked". :lol:

No meltdown here, just dancing in the street as I proved you are both ignorant and a liar!!!!!


You need to slow down and re-read my posts, little puppy. I just reiterated exactly what I've been saying all along.

In 2006 the Senate Democrats, who knew they did not have the votes, voted not to raise the debt ceiling. At that time Senator Obama argued for Pay-go (which he signed into law in 2010...before the Teabillies started bagging the Boehner) It was a purely political move...the President has admitted as much. They did not filibuster or read Green Eggs and Ham (a story with a moral obviously lost on Canadian performance artist, Ted Cruz) in a fake filibuster. They did not shut down the government or come anywhere close to defaulting on our debts. In 2006, when Senator Obama voted with other Senate Democrats not to raise the debt ceiling, public opinion against the war was at all time lows.

Senator Obama was not in office in 2003, so it has nothing to do with the current discussion.
The vote for the Iraq war (based on bad and cherry picked information) has nothing to do with the Democrat's one politically motivated vote to not raise the debt ceiling in 2006.

Oh wytchey, you're completely falling apart at the seems now. See, in this post here, YOU (and you alone) are the one who claimed that the vote was the result of the Iraq war. And now - less than 24 hours later - you are claiming it has "nothing" to do with the Iraq war:

Wytchey contradicts herself AGAIN

Someone having trouble keeping up with their latest excuse for the the lies, contradictions, and hypocrisy of the Dumbocrats [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]?!?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Folks, this is what happens when you are an ignorant partisan hack who refuses to be honest when the party you support fucks up. Eventually you lose track of your lies and excuses and the entire thing unravels around you!

I have officially taken down [MENTION=31929]JoeB[/MENTION]132, [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION], and [MENTION=25032]ClosedCaption[/MENTION] now by proving they were lying (many times each). Any other Dumbocrats want to step up to the plate or are you wing-nuts willing to have an honest discussion now?

(My suggestion - for what it is worth - is to go the honest route as I'm pretty good at destroying liars....as these three buffoons can attest :))


No puppy, you haven't, but you're totes adorbs when you try.
Let me simplify it...because I realize you need that.

You've got two different parents, both who threaten to knock their kid into the middle of next week. The Teabillies are the parent who does it.

So you admit that the Dumbocrats are the party which lies (if you threaten that you're going to do something and you don't, you are in fact a liar) while the Tea Party is the party of action and following through with their promises?

Wytchey, with each breath and post you continue to make a stronger and stronger case for the Tea Party. You have literally proven for me that they are the only adults in the room. Thank you. :D
The vote for the Iraq war (based on bad and cherry picked information) has nothing to do with the Democrat's one politically motivated vote to not raise the debt ceiling in 2006. Senator Obama wasn't even in office at the time the original vote for the war took place. When Senator Obama voted not to raise the debt limit, opposition to the Iraq war was at 60%. They also did not filibuster or close down the government. There was never any danger of not raising the debt ceiling.

Let me simplify it...because I realize you need that.

You've got two different parents, both who threaten to knock their kid into the middle of next week. The Teabillies are the parent who does it.

Why are you getting so angry, little Puppy? Is this another meltdown in the works?

Oh Wytchey - it's too late to backpedal and lie further. You have ZERO credibility. You're just a typical ignorant, lying, partisan, Dumbocrat. Completely ignorant of the facts or your own government.

"Cherry picked"? I provided the FULL resolution complete with all dates, facts, names of the bills, people involved, and more. Come on - I dare you to go down this path and tell everyone on USMB exactly what was "cherry picked". :lol:

No meltdown here, just dancing in the street as I proved you are both ignorant and a liar!!!!!


You need to slow down and re-read my posts, little puppy. I just reiterated exactly what I've been saying all along.

In 2006 the Senate Democrats, who knew they did not have the votes, voted not to raise the debt ceiling. At that time Senator Obama argued for Pay-go (which he signed into law in 2010...before the Teabillies started bagging the Boehner) It was a purely political move...the President has admitted as much. They did not filibuster or read Green Eggs and Ham (a story with a moral obviously lost on Canadian performance artist, Ted Cruz) in a fake filibuster. They did not shut down the government or come anywhere close to defaulting on our debts. In 2006, when Senator Obama voted with other Senate Democrats not to raise the debt ceiling, public opinion against the war was at all time lows.

Senator Obama was not in office in 2003, so it has nothing to do with the current discussion.

Sweetie, according to your lies, the vote occurred in 2006 when Obama was Senator.

Also, if it has nothing to do with the discussion, why did you say that it did? (Hint: click the link below):

Wytchey contradicts herself AGAIN
Oh wytchey, you're completely falling apart at the seems now. See, in this post here, YOU (and you alone) are the one who claimed that the vote was the result of the Iraq war. And now - less than 24 hours later - you are claiming it has "nothing" to do with the Iraq war:

Wytchey contradicts herself AGAIN

Someone having trouble keeping up with their latest excuse for the the lies, contradictions, and hypocrisy of the Dumbocrats [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]?!?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Folks, this is what happens when you are an ignorant partisan hack who refuses to be honest when the party you support fucks up. Eventually you lose track of your lies and excuses and the entire thing unravels around you!

I have officially taken down [MENTION=31929]JoeB[/MENTION]132, [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION], and [MENTION=25032]ClosedCaption[/MENTION] now by proving they were lying (many times each). Any other Dumbocrats want to step up to the plate or are you wing-nuts willing to have an honest discussion now?

(My suggestion - for what it is worth - is to go the honest route as I'm pretty good at destroying liars....as these three buffoons can attest :))


No puppy, you haven't, but you're totes adorbs when you try.

Your finally getting smarter Wytchey. Short, snarky remarks which avoid the discussion and avoid facts is the way to go saying as you are incapable of remembering your "official" position from one post to the next... :lmao:
In 2006 the Senate Democrats, who knew they did not have the votes, voted not to raise the debt ceiling. It was a purely political move...the President has admitted as much.

So to be clear here, you are admitting that in 2006, the Dumbocrats intentionally voted against what was in the best interest of the nation in a "political move" to make Republicans look bad for doing the right thing?

Really? And these are the people you vote for and support? Politicians who falsely attempt to vilify others who are doing what they (the Dumbocrats) agree with and feel is the right? :lmao:

Proving once again the Republican's are the only adults in the room.
Let me simplify it...because I realize you need that.

You've got two different parents, both who threaten to knock their kid into the middle of next week. The Teabillies are the parent who does it.

So you admit that the Dumbocrats are the party which lies (if you threaten that you're going to do something and you don't, you are in fact a liar) while the Tea Party is the party of action and following through with their promises?

Wytchey, with each breath and post you continue to make a stronger and stronger case for the Tea Party. You have literally proven for me that they are the only adults in the room. Thank you. :D

The Democrats never threatened to shut down the government or default on our debts. They held an empty political vote that they knew would go nowhere...much like the Teabillies do when they vote 44 time to repeal the ACA. The difference is that Democrats didn't throw themselves on the ground in a petulant tantrum like the Teabilly children did.
Oh Wytchey - it's too late to backpedal and lie further. You have ZERO credibility. You're just a typical ignorant, lying, partisan, Dumbocrat. Completely ignorant of the facts or your own government.

"Cherry picked"? I provided the FULL resolution complete with all dates, facts, names of the bills, people involved, and more. Come on - I dare you to go down this path and tell everyone on USMB exactly what was "cherry picked". :lol:

No meltdown here, just dancing in the street as I proved you are both ignorant and a liar!!!!!


You need to slow down and re-read my posts, little puppy. I just reiterated exactly what I've been saying all along.

In 2006 the Senate Democrats, who knew they did not have the votes, voted not to raise the debt ceiling. At that time Senator Obama argued for Pay-go (which he signed into law in 2010...before the Teabillies started bagging the Boehner) It was a purely political move...the President has admitted as much. They did not filibuster or read Green Eggs and Ham (a story with a moral obviously lost on Canadian performance artist, Ted Cruz) in a fake filibuster. They did not shut down the government or come anywhere close to defaulting on our debts. In 2006, when Senator Obama voted with other Senate Democrats not to raise the debt ceiling, public opinion against the war was at all time lows.

Senator Obama was not in office in 2003, so it has nothing to do with the current discussion.

Sweetie, according to your lies, the vote occurred in 2006 when Obama was Senator.

Also, if it has nothing to do with the discussion, why did you say that it did? (Hint: click the link below):

Wytchey contradicts herself AGAIN

Puppy, you keep bringing up the irrelevant vote in 2003 for the Iraq war...a vote Barack Obama had no part of.

Here are the weak parables: in 2006 Democrats voted not to extend the debt ceiling. They did not have the votes and the debt ceiling was raised. The did it for purely political and ideological reasons. They did it, in part, to protest the very unpopular Iraq war (again, in 2006 not 2003) especially the way it was funded. (You will recall, one of the first things President Obama did was to stop funding the war "off budget " in emergency procurements)

In 2006 the Democrats did not fake filibuster or shut down the government. We never, once, came close to defaulting on our debt (as we have twice now with Teabillies controlling the Boehner's caucus).

Today the Teabillies have voted dozens of times in political, ideological, empty votes to repeal the ACA. They threw a tantrum over not being able to legislatively achieve their goals and resorted to extortion and hostage taking.

Y'all are just pissed because this time President Obama didn't cave like a Chilean mine.
You need to slow down and re-read my posts, little puppy. I just reiterated exactly what I've been saying all along.

In 2006 the Senate Democrats, who knew they did not have the votes, voted not to raise the debt ceiling. At that time Senator Obama argued for Pay-go (which he signed into law in 2010...before the Teabillies started bagging the Boehner) It was a purely political move...the President has admitted as much. They did not filibuster or read Green Eggs and Ham (a story with a moral obviously lost on Canadian performance artist, Ted Cruz) in a fake filibuster. They did not shut down the government or come anywhere close to defaulting on our debts. In 2006, when Senator Obama voted with other Senate Democrats not to raise the debt ceiling, public opinion against the war was at all time lows.

Senator Obama was not in office in 2003, so it has nothing to do with the current discussion.

Sweetie, according to your lies, the vote occurred in 2006 when Obama was Senator.

Also, if it has nothing to do with the discussion, why did you say that it did? (Hint: click the link below):

Wytchey contradicts herself AGAIN

Puppy, you keep bringing up the irrelevant vote in 2003 for the Iraq war...a vote Barack Obama had no part of.

Here are the weak parables: in 2006 Democrats voted not to extend the debt ceiling. They did not have the votes and the debt ceiling was raised. The did it for purely political and ideological reasons. They did it, in part, to protest the very unpopular Iraq war (again, in 2006 not 2003) especially the way it was funded. (You will recall, one of the first things President Obama did was to stop funding the war "off budget " in emergency procurements)

In 2006 the Democrats did not fake filibuster or shut down the government. We never, once, came close to defaulting on our debt (as we have twice now with Teabillies controlling the Boehner's caucus).

Today the Teabillies have voted dozens of times in political, ideological, empty votes to repeal the ACA. They threw a tantrum over not being able to legislatively achieve their goals and resorted to extortion and hostage taking.

Y'all are just pissed because this time President Obama didn't cave like a Chilean mine.

Yup. Of course, it's his own damn fault for teaching them by experience, i.e., JB's "98%" comment.

I think puppy must be the guy who empties the blue outhouses. He's very comfortable with shit-slinging.
You need to slow down and re-read my posts, little puppy. I just reiterated exactly what I've been saying all along.

In 2006 the Senate Democrats, who knew they did not have the votes, voted not to raise the debt ceiling. At that time Senator Obama argued for Pay-go (which he signed into law in 2010...before the Teabillies started bagging the Boehner) It was a purely political move...the President has admitted as much. They did not filibuster or read Green Eggs and Ham (a story with a moral obviously lost on Canadian performance artist, Ted Cruz) in a fake filibuster. They did not shut down the government or come anywhere close to defaulting on our debts. In 2006, when Senator Obama voted with other Senate Democrats not to raise the debt ceiling, public opinion against the war was at all time lows.

Senator Obama was not in office in 2003, so it has nothing to do with the current discussion.

Sweetie, according to your lies, the vote occurred in 2006 when Obama was Senator.

Also, if it has nothing to do with the discussion, why did you say that it did? (Hint: click the link below):

Wytchey contradicts herself AGAIN

Puppy, you keep bringing up the irrelevant vote in 2003 for the Iraq war...a vote Barack Obama had no part of.

Here are the weak parables: in 2006 Democrats voted not to extend the debt ceiling. They did not have the votes and the debt ceiling was raised. The did it for purely political and ideological reasons. They did it, in part, to protest the very unpopular Iraq war (again, in 2006 not 2003) especially the way it was funded. (You will recall, one of the first things President Obama did was to stop funding the war "off budget " in emergency procurements)

In 2006 the Democrats did not fake filibuster or shut down the government. We never, once, came close to defaulting on our debt (as we have twice now with Teabillies controlling the Boehner's caucus).

Today the Teabillies have voted dozens of times in political, ideological, empty votes to repeal the ACA. They threw a tantrum over not being able to legislatively achieve their goals and resorted to extortion and hostage taking.

Y'all are just pissed because this time President Obama didn't cave like a Chilean mine.

No sweetie - it was YOU who brought up the vote on the operations in Iraq (and it was 2002 you ignorant hick, not 2003).

Even when you're caught lying with links to your own words, you attempt to attribute those words to someone else (I'd say "unbelievable" but this is completely believable as it is exactly the despicable tactics we've come to expect from the pathological liars known as Dumbocrats).

By the way - in your first paragraph you claim the vote on the Iraq war was "completely irrelevant" and that "Obama had no part of" it. Yet in your second paragraph, you cite the Iraq war vote for why Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling. :cuckoo: :lmao:

Folks - you can't make this stuff up. Wytchy is so upset and unhinged right now, she can't figure which way is up and can't even make a single post without contradicting herself.

Sweetie - if Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling because of the operations in Iraq (as you claim), then it is completely relevant. And in any case, you're the unhinged whackadoo who brought it up - not me! :lol:

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