Poll: Americans Worry _ Can Government Protect Us?

Poll: Americans Worry _ Can Government Protect Us?

Which when filtered through The US Constitution translates: "Can We Protect Us?"

The only possible answer in a world of uncontrollable uncertainties is "I hope so."

The question for 2014 should be, can government protect us while the bureaucracy is being run primarily for profit?

Government can protect us. But you shouldn't count on it. Protect yourself and your family. So many ridicule 'Preppers', but they're actually onto something. When the SHTF, you better be able to take care of yourself and your family. Don't rely on Big Brother solely. That would be a a very tragic blunder.
My guess is that the average American looks at the rampant and blatant dishonesty and corruption perpetrated by our elected "leaders" and concludes that these people are simply untrustworthy. Regardless of the situation.

Can anyone honestly blame them for thinking this?

There is corruption. There is dishonesty. And it isn't limited to elected officials. The loud voices emanating from the radio and boob tube are the real culprits.

There has always been a degree of corruption and dishonesty in Washington. What hasn't always been there is the 24 hour bullshit coming from pundits and commentators. It is bad enough to make a relatively intelligent person think that the president doesn't believe that you worked hard for your own business.

There is a big difference now with this Obama regime. The corruption isn't hidden or disguised. It's blatant and in your face.

In other words....the administration is transparent. Cool.
I'm pretty sure the AP's solution is to force more Government in your life. They're Communists/Progressives. More Government is always their solution.

Yabut, you're pretty sure "they" have run out of things to ban even though you can't name even one thing "they" have banned.

You're full of shit about Communism - as usual - BUT you did accidentally touch on a truth, that our news is no longer news.

No matter how often I talk about this, you RWs are always too scared to open your eyes and look.

Americans need to become self-sufficient. They need to stop relying on Big Brother so much. Because a Collapse is coming. This Welfare/Warfare State can't be sustained forever. Especially now that this President has opened the border floodgates. Jobs will become more scarce and wages will be dropping significantly.

I know many are ridiculing and dismissing the idea of Collapse, but it really is likely to happen at some point. So it would be very wise for Americans to prepare for that day. People are just wild animals in the end. They'll take what they need by force. So, are you prepared? More Americans should start asking themselves that question.
Like John Kerry said, in the US, you're allowed to be stupid.
Then it is very fortunate that John Kerry and Barrack Obama reside in the United States.

Another RW lies about what another poster wrote. No big surprise there.

Here's what I really wrote and of course, it can be read in context above.


The constant screeching that the sky is falling doesn't help.

But, if we work at it, we can turn off the noise. We can learn to ignore the Stupid People who constantly screech OMG OMG Roll on this before its too late idiocy. Many of have learned to ignore the morons who get their news from faux and therefore, know nothing at all.

Worst are those who plant their feet and refuse to see even one thing that this administration has accomplished for their benefit, for the benefit of their children and their country.

Like John Kerry said, in the US, you're allowed to be stupid.
Americans need to become self-sufficient. They need to stop relying on Big Brother so much. Because a Collapse is coming. This Welfare/Warfare State can't be sustained forever. Especially now that this President has opened the border floodgates. Jobs will become more scarce and wages will be dropping significantly.

I know many are ridiculing and dismissing the idea of Collapse, but it really is likely to happen at some point. So it would be very wise for Americans to prepare for that day. People are just wild animals in the end. They'll take what they need by force. So, are you prepared? More Americans should start asking themselves that question.

I'm prepared. When are you coming to try to take my shit?
I'm pretty sure the AP's solution is to force more Government in your life. They're Communists/Progressives. More Government is always their solution.

Yabut, you're pretty sure "they" have run out of things to ban even though you can't name even one thing "they" have banned.

You're full of shit about Communism - as usual - BUT you did accidentally touch on a truth, that our news is no longer news.

No matter how often I talk about this, you RWs are always too scared to open your eyes and look.

Nah, AP is a well-known Communist/Progressive Media Outlet. In the end, their solution to everything is to force more Government into your life. But we can agree that the American MSM is corrupt. It's 24/7 Government/Corporate Bullshite.
My guess is that the average American looks at the rampant and blatant dishonesty and corruption perpetrated by our elected "leaders" and concludes that these people are simply untrustworthy. Regardless of the situation.

Can anyone honestly blame them for thinking this?

And yet, they said, "No" to the most decent, honest and forthright man to run for the job in many years. Hell, they sullied his name and kicked his reputation to the dirt.

Well, if Americans are worried about all that other bullshit before the economy I guess maybe these Liberals will have to hit rock bottom* before they are ready for real rehabilitation.

* Rock Bottom



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Become self-sufficient. Be able to protect yourself and your family. Because in the end, Big Bother doesn't give a shit about you. Big Brother only cares about Big Brother. When the SHTF, he'll likely crack down hard on everyone.

Think those FEMA (Internment) Camps are just a far-fetched delusion? Well, think again. So it won't just be the rabid mobs you'll have to contend with. You'll be contending with Big Brother as well.
I'm pretty sure the AP's solution is to force more Government in your life. They're Communists/Progressives. More Government is always their solution.

Yabut, you're pretty sure "they" have run out of things to ban even though you can't name even one thing "they" have banned.

You're full of shit about Communism - as usual - BUT you did accidentally touch on a truth, that our news is no longer news.

No matter how often I talk about this, you RWs are always too scared to open your eyes and look.

Nah, AP is a well-known Communist/Progressive Media Outlet. In the end, their solution to everything is to force more Government into your life. But we can agree that the American MSM is corrupt. It's 24/7 Government/Corporate Bullshite.

WHY do you ALWAYS do this?

You ALWAYS make these totally off the wall statements and calmly state they are fact.

Post proof that progressives are Communists or admit you're a blithering idiot.

Post proof that AP is controlled by Communists or admit you're a blithering idiot.

Its not just that you a truly stupid person. YOU are a TRAITOR.



I'm pretty sure the AP's solution is to force more Government in your life. They're Communists/Progressives. More Government is always their solution.

Yabut, you're pretty sure "they" have run out of things to ban even though you can't name even one thing "they" have banned.

You're full of shit about Communism - as usual - BUT you did accidentally touch on a truth, that our news is no longer news.

No matter how often I talk about this, you RWs are always too scared to open your eyes and look.

Nah, AP is a well-known Communist/Progressive Media Outlet. In the end, their solution to everything is to force more Government into your life. But we can agree that the American MSM is corrupt. It's 24/7 Government/Corporate Bullshite.

WHY do you ALWAYS do this?

You ALWAYS make these totally off the wall statements and calmly state they are fact.

Post proof that progressives are Communists or admit you're a blithering idiot.

Post proof that AP is controlled by Communists or admit you're a blithering idiot.

Its not just that you a truly stupid person. YOU are a TRAITOR.




Already been proven. Most American Journalists are Communist/Progressive Democrats. The Bias has been proven. The AP's solution on this and everything, is to force more Government into your life. They're just Propagandists.
I'm pretty sure the AP's solution is to force more Government in your life. They're Communists/Progressives. More Government is always their solution.

Yabut, you're pretty sure "they" have run out of things to ban even though you can't name even one thing "they" have banned.

You're full of shit about Communism - as usual - BUT you did accidentally touch on a truth, that our news is no longer news.

No matter how often I talk about this, you RWs are always too scared to open your eyes and look.

Nah, AP is a well-known Communist/Progressive Media Outlet. In the end, their solution to everything is to force more Government into your life. But we can agree that the American MSM is corrupt. It's 24/7 Government/Corporate Bullshite.

WHY do you ALWAYS do this?

You ALWAYS make these totally off the wall statements and calmly state they are fact.

Post proof that progressives are Communists or admit you're a blithering idiot.

Post proof that AP is controlled by Communists or admit you're a blithering idiot.

Its not just that you a truly stupid person. YOU are a TRAITOR.




Already been proven. Most American Journalists are Communist/Progressive Democrats. The Bias has been proven. The AP's solution on this and everything, is to force more Government into your life. They're just Propagandists.

You're lying again.

If it has "already been proven", you have no reason not to post that "proof".

paulitician This is just like your ASSSinine statement that "they" have run out of things to ban even though you cannot name even one thing "they" havve banned.

You won't post this "proof" for the same reason - because



My guess is that the average American looks at the rampant and blatant dishonesty and corruption perpetrated by our elected "leaders" and concludes that these people are simply untrustworthy. Regardless of the situation.

Can anyone honestly blame them for thinking this?

Hmmmm :eusa_think:

If only there were a simple yet effective demand, like a fair and simple tax code, that a lot of us could make of said 'leaders'...

Already been proven. Most American Journalists are Communist/Progressive Democrats. The Bias has been proven. The AP's solution on this and everything, is to force more Government into your life. They're just Propagandists.

You're lying again.

He's not lying. He's expressing his opinion.

When he says that it's proven, it's proven to him, not to everybody.

It only becomes proven to others if he's compelling, convincing and charming. ;)
Already been proven. Most American Journalists are Communist/Progressive Democrats. The Bias has been proven. The AP's solution on this and everything, is to force more Government into your life. They're just Propagandists.

You're lying again.

He's not lying. He's expressing his opinion.

When he says that it's proven, it's proven to him, not to everybody.

It only becomes proven to others if he's compelling, convincing and charming. ;)

Just getting tired of the same tired old crap about Dems being Commies.

Yes, that is a lie and knee jerkers like paulitician know its a lie.

What I see is RWs tell and retell the same lie over and over because that's what works and what they are instructed to do. I don't think there is any doubt of that.

OTOH, I suspect its also true that after they tell the same lie a few times, they actually believe it. And, THAT is why I demand proof.

With Election Day about a month away, more than half those in the survey said Washington can do little to effectively lessen threats such as climate change, mass shootings, racial tensions, economic uncertainty and an unstable job market.

What potency of crack are you libs smoking? Good grief government fabricated climate change, racial tensions, economic uncertainty and an unstable job market in the first place.
derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr without conspiracy you have nothing

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