Poll: Americans Worry _ Can Government Protect Us?

With Election Day about a month away, more than half those in the survey said Washington can do little to effectively lessen threats such as climate change, mass shootings, racial tensions, economic uncertainty and an unstable job market.

What potency of crack are you libs smoking? Good grief government fabricated climate change, racial tensions, economic uncertainty and an unstable job market in the first place.
derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr without conspiracy you have nothing


Its no wonder RWs are terrified to come out from under their bed without their gun and their bible clutched to their chest.

Anyone else notice that its always RWs who want government to take care of them but then whine about it?

Like the OP, Stephanie - She admits she gets her welfare check and her govt cheese but then whines that she's not being taken care of.

StoopidStaph isn't the only one though. Just read this thread. Read all the threads here. RWs want to be taken care of.

I like this one! ^^ :)

It see-saws back and forth as to which party has the noisiest extremists, and neither side has the market cornered.
With this current government the bigger worry would be if the government tries to "protect" us. That's the last thing we need from this bunch of inept crooks and hustlers.
:eusa_eh: What about the next bunch?

Vote early and vote as often as legally possible! :thup:

( ;) Hopefully, for most of us that means once )
I'm pretty sure the AP's solution is to force more Government in your life. They're Communists/Progressives. More Government is always their solution.

Yabut, you're pretty sure "they" have run out of things to ban even though you can't name even one thing "they" have banned.

You're full of shit about Communism - as usual - BUT you did accidentally touch on a truth, that our news is no longer news.

No matter how often I talk about this, you RWs are always too scared to open your eyes and look.

Nah, AP is a well-known Communist/Progressive Media Outlet. In the end, their solution to everything is to force more Government into your life. But we can agree that the American MSM is corrupt. It's 24/7 Government/Corporate Bullshite.

WHY do you ALWAYS do this?

You ALWAYS make these totally off the wall statements and calmly state they are fact.

Post proof that progressives are Communists or admit you're a blithering idiot.

Post proof that AP is controlled by Communists or admit you're a blithering idiot.

Its not just that you a truly stupid person. YOU are a TRAITOR.




Already been proven. Most American Journalists are Communist/Progressive Democrats. The Bias has been proven. The AP's solution on this and everything, is to force more Government into your life. They're just Propagandists.

You're lying again.

If it has "already been proven", you have no reason not to post that "proof".

paulitician This is just like your ASSSinine statement that "they" have run out of things to ban even though you cannot name even one thing "they" havve banned.

You won't post this "proof" for the same reason - because




Numerous studies have been done. And they've all concluded there is a Communist/Progressive Democrat Bias in the American MSM. Most American 'Journalists' are self-professed Democrats. So i see no reason for the AP to be any different. Their solution is always the same ole same ole. Just force more Government into your life, and everything will be just perfect.

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