POLL: Anti-Semitism Remains Problem in Europe

Greedy behavior? The Jews own .06% of the middle east with the Muslims owning 94.4% of the middle east and now these same Muslims are demanding half of King Davids City - Jerusalem - you must be kidding me! Greedy?

Secretive? Your religion has the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hizbollah, Al Qaeda, Al Shabbab and dozens more secret groups and you want to lecture the Jews on secrecy? :eek:
Jeremiah, the thread is about the jews and the rise of anti-semitism in 'Europe'.

And has zero to do with muslims and the Middle East.

Please try to stay on topic. ... :cool:

I'm not so sure about the statement it has nothing to do with muslims. It does seem to me as the anti semitic signs, graffiti, marches & protests by Muslims in Europe, jihads against synagogues continue to happen in Paris and elsewhere - that anti semitism in Europe today is being fueled by radical Muslims who share Hitler's view of the Jewish people. How is that for staying on topic?
I would give you a grade of "F-" for posting on topic.

Maybe you should have read the article the OP is based on? (it says zero about muslims)

The article talks about neo-nazi's (basically white skin heads) who are extremely anti-semitic. (btw they also hate muslims)

So once again please try to stay on topic or else start another thread. .. :cool:
Jeremiah, the thread is about the jews and the rise of anti-semitism in 'Europe'.

And has zero to do with muslims and the Middle East.

Please try to stay on topic. ... :cool:

I'm not so sure about the statement it has nothing to do with muslims. It does seem to me as the anti semitic signs, graffiti, marches & protests by Muslims in Europe, jihads against synagogues continue to happen in Paris and elsewhere - that anti semitism in Europe today is being fueled by radical Muslims who share Hitler's view of the Jewish people. How is that for staying on topic?
I would give you a grade of "F-" for posting on topic.

Maybe you should have read the article the OP is based on? (it says zero about muslims)

The article talks about neo-nazi's (basically white skin heads) who are extremely anti-semitic. (btw they also hate muslims)

So once again please try to stay on topic or else start another thread. .. :cool:

Several years back there was an article in the Los Angeles Times entitled East Meets West. The reporter who was living in Germany at the time stated that the Palestinians and the NeoNazis were always protesting against the Jews. It could be that the sudden rise in anti-Semitism in Europe is fueled now by all the Muslims who have immigrated there. I have a neighbor from France who goes back there regularly to visit her father and who could tell the forum plenty of stories about what is going on.

Meanwhile, here are two interesting items.

PAT CONDELL on Muslim-fueled virulent antisemitism in Europe | BARE NAKED ISLAM

Islam rises, worldwide anti-Semitism surges
Again, the article in the OP says nothing about muslims.

But only talks about neo nazi skin heads.

Why do you refuse to stay on topic and address the OP??

btw the site you provided "Bare Naked Islam" is on of the most hate filled sites on the internet. .. :doubt:
Again, the article in the OP says nothing about muslims.

But only talks about neo nazi skin heads.

Why do you refuse to stay on topic and address the OP??

btw the site you provided "Bare Naked Islam" is on of the most hate filled sites on the internet. .. :doubt:

BYW, do you realize that a university did a study on hate sites on the Internet and most of them were originated by Muslims and NeoNazis, in other words Jew haters. Meanwhile, perhaps you can show us how all the Muslims in France sympathized with the Jews after those people in a Marseilles school were killed by a young Muslim man.
Silly-Sally, I am only going to respond posts regarding the OP's article about neo nazi's and their anti-semitism in europe.

All other muslim hate posts from you will be ignored. ... :cool:
Silly-Sally, I am only going to respond posts regarding the OP's article about neo nazi's and their anti-semitism in europe.

All other muslim hate posts from you will be ignored. ... :cool:

That's fine with me, Mr. Cuckoo. However, regardless if you respond or not, that doesn't stop anyone from giving his or her opinion of why is causing the rise in anti-Semitism in Europe. By the way, have any of the readers seen any articles where the Muslim community in France was aghast at the murders at the Jewish school in Toulouse? One can see why the French Jews are on edge with all the Muslims in France now.

Marseille Jews Fear It's 1933 Again after Dieudonné's Anti-Semitic Quenelle Spreads
There has been rampant anti-semitism in Europe for centuries.

When ever the juden are allowed into european countries they tend to rises to positions of power and try and take over the nation.

They specifically target the banking industry, the judicial system, and the media.

Until the citizens get feed up and drive them out of their country.

Historically, this has happened many times.

The neo nazis in the OP are well aware of this behavior of the juden and are taking steps to stop this from happening again. ... :cool:
Jeremiah, the thread is about the jews and the rise of anti-semitism in 'Europe'.

And has zero to do with muslims and the Middle East.

Please try to stay on topic. ... :cool:

I'm not so sure about the statement it has nothing to do with muslims. It does seem to me as the anti semitic signs, graffiti, marches & protests by Muslims in Europe, jihads against synagogues continue to happen in Paris and elsewhere - that anti semitism in Europe today is being fueled by radical Muslims who share Hitler's view of the Jewish people. How is that for staying on topic?
I would give you a grade of "F-" for posting on topic.

Maybe you should have read the article the OP is based on? (it says zero about muslims)

The article talks about neo-nazi's (basically white skin heads) who are extremely anti-semitic. (btw they also hate muslims)

So once again please try to stay on topic or else start another thread. .. :cool:

My opinion on the matter of anti semitism in Europe differs. I am entitled to have a different opinion from you and express it freely on such threads. I think it might be how someone came up with the name message boards. I send you a message and you send me a message. Get it?

The problem in Europe as I see it is multi faceted but the greatest threat facing Europe today is an immigrant Muslim society that is creating no - go zones - not integrating into their societies as other immigrants have done. Protesting with openly anti semitic posters such as death to the Juice, praising Hitler and his ovens, etc. Add to that open jihad in the streets of London such as the show of the Somali Muslim immigrant who beheaded a British soldier in broad daylight. In the middle of the street in front of onlookers. Address that. There is indeed an islamic element to the current anti semitism taking place in Europe and you will have to prove there isn't or have a seat. ( your turn )
There has been rampant anti-semitism in Europe for centuries.

When ever the juden are allowed into european countries they tend to rises to positions of power and try and take over the nation.

They specifically target the banking industry, the judicial system, and the media.

Until the citizens get feed up and drive them out of their country.

Historically, this has happened many times.

The neo nazis in the OP are well aware of this behavior of the juden and are taking steps to stop this from happening again. ... :cool:

I take offense to your referring to the Jews as the juden, Sunni. Your sympathy for the nazis is duly noted.
Silly-Sally, I am only going to respond posts regarding the OP's article about neo nazi's and their anti-semitism in europe.

All other muslim hate posts from you will be ignored. ... :cool:

That's fine with me, Mr. Cuckoo. However, regardless if you respond or not, that doesn't stop anyone from giving his or her opinion of why is causing the rise in anti-Semitism in Europe. By the way, have any of the readers seen any articles where the Muslim community in France was aghast at the murders at the Jewish school in Toulouse? One can see why the French Jews are on edge with all the Muslims in France now.

Marseille Jews Fear It's 1933 Again after Dieudonné's Anti-Semitic Quenelle Spreads

I feel for the Jews in Toulouse, France and that they are stuck with that quisling of a French president they have - who is hopeless. imo. I can understand their concern when even teachers praised the murderer as a martyr! People have lost their minds.
The european people tried to free themselves from the juden during the last century but failed.

History shows that they will try again. ... :cool:

More islamonazis in Europe than Jews, so that is the real threat. We have seen what the islamonazis do so we are gearing up to fight them through the courts. Over 1% of all adult male muslims in the UK have been arrested on charges of child sex, child rape and child exploitation, with further charges of racially motivated attacks on the children. The cold blooded barbaric murder of Lee Rigby by muslims has set many people in the UK against muslims, and we have seen a major migration away from the UK by muslims fearing for their lives.

Muslims are the new Jews
The european people tried to free themselves from the juden during the last century but failed.

History shows that they will try again. ... :cool:

Naturally you are hoping they will finish the job. Sunni Man reminds me of the Muslim woman in Europe holding a sign at some protest which read "Hitler should have finished the job."
Silly-Sally, this thread has nothing to do with me.

It's about the people of europe and their dealings with the jews.

Try to focus and address the OP's topic. ... :cool:

Stupid suuni the people of E|urope know that the threats are coming from the muslims, and that it is them who are the most anti semitic.
The european people tried to free themselves from the juden during the last century but failed.

History shows that they will try again. ... :cool:

No they didn't. That isn't at all what happened. Why do you use the term the juden? Are you deliberately trying to offend people here?

Of course he is, he is nothing but a ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATING POS MUSLIM
Sunni's comment selecting the words "the juden" is very anti semitic in my opinion.
"Juden" is just the German language word for Jew.

There is nothing anti-semitic about that form of the word.

Even today in Germany a Jewish person is referred to as Juden.

Some people need to take a chill pill. ... :cool:

Are you German, if not then you are being a RACIST ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATER
Jeremiah, the thread is about the jews and the rise of anti-semitism in 'Europe'.

And has zero to do with muslims and the Middle East.

Please try to stay on topic. ... :cool:

I'm not so sure about the statement it has nothing to do with muslims. It does seem to me as the anti semitic signs, graffiti, marches & protests by Muslims in Europe, jihads against synagogues continue to happen in Paris and elsewhere - that anti semitism in Europe today is being fueled by radical Muslims who share Hitler's view of the Jewish people. How is that for staying on topic?
I would give you a grade of "F-" for posting on topic.

Maybe you should have read the article the OP is based on? (it says zero about muslims)

The article talks about neo-nazi's (basically white skin heads) who are extremely anti-semitic. (btw they also hate muslims)

So once again please try to stay on topic or else start another thread. .. :cool:

It does not mention white skin heads at all either, but if you lived in Europe you would know that the rise in anti Semitism is fuelled by the muslims. They are the neo Nazis that are attacking Jews openly because they know the police are afraid to do anything. They are the cause of all the graffiti, they are the stirrers who get impressionable youths to place the pigs heads. Well now the tide is turning and the decent people of Europe are demanding action against the muslims before they take matters into their own hands. We have seen many changes in the laws that hit muslims very hard, the next will be to stop them from praying in the street and stopping traffic. Then demolishing mosques built that don't meet with planning approval ( zoning for the Americans) The muslims in Europe are in for a very rough year ahead as the right take control and start to pull out their claws.
Again, the article in the OP says nothing about muslims.

But only talks about neo nazi skin heads.

Why do you refuse to stay on topic and address the OP??

btw the site you provided "Bare Naked Islam" is on of the most hate filled sites on the internet. .. :doubt:

WHY DO YOU LIE it says nothing about skin heads at all just neo Nazi's which is media speak in Europe for muslims
There has been rampant anti-semitism in Europe for centuries.

When ever the juden are allowed into european countries they tend to rises to positions of power and try and take over the nation.

They specifically target the banking industry, the judicial system, and the media.

Until the citizens get feed up and drive them out of their country.

Historically, this has happened many times.

The neo nazis in the OP are well aware of this behavior of the juden and are taking steps to stop this from happening again. ... :cool:

But not to the extent we are seeing now, and it is tied in with the influx of muslims from Africa and India. These violent scum bring their neonazi ideology with them and once their numbers are high enough they attack the Jews.

Here you go stupid suuni the truth for you to digest

Antisemitism in Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The new anti-Semitism emanates from the far-right, the political left,

Aliyah: French Jews Fleeing To Israel To Escape Rising Anti-Semitism, Muslim Extremism, And Economic Crisis

European Anti-Semitism and the Fear of Muslims :: Gatestone Institute

Muslim Statistics (Antisemitism) - WikiIslam


[Levels of native European out-group hostility] are dwarfed by the levels of out-group hostility among European Muslims. Almost 60 per cent reject homosexuals as friends and 45 per cent think that Jews cannot be trusted.

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