POLL: Anti-Semitism Remains Problem in Europe

I said "RELATIVELY" mild. Now you go look at all the posts that your Jewish brethren have directed at him and Muslims and their whole culture.

I think the fact that you ignored the "relatively" and the context of the thread/threads says a lot about you and goes to my point.

And I was essentially addressing you and Vikrant.

Gee, a "new" poster shows up and seems to know all about the history here after just a couple of weeks......... Hilarious.

I suggest we call this new species Phocid redux redux.

How many threads do I need to read. Besides, I had been reading this board for months before I started posting, anyway. There were some areas that I couldn't access.. You are very suspicious and mistrusting.

And you must be a sick in the head motherfucker for taking someone else's avi and making a name almost identical to his.

Starting tomorrow, you will be hearing from me every 48 hours, I guarantee you that.
Actually, the NeoNazis and the Islamofascists in Europe are the ones behind this revival of anti-Semitism in Europe. Not that the NeoNazis are so fond of the Islamofascists, but when it comes to playing "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" game, they all join together.

POLL: Anti-Semitism Remains Problem in Europe
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 | Yossi Aloni

Think anti-Semitism, the kind that gave rise to the Holocaust, is dead? Think again.
A survey conducted in Poland on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day revealed 63 percent of locals believe that there is a Jewish conspiracy to control the banking system and the world media.

On the religious front, 18 percent said the Jews were responsible for the death of Christ, and 13 percent of those surveyed still believe that Jews use Christian blood for ritual purposes.

Continue reading at:

POLL: Anti-Semitism Remains Problem in Europe - Israel Today | Israel News

While I certainly do not disagree with much of the OP, I disagree with the title to the link provided.

The poll was taken exclusively in Poland, and Poland is hardly representative of all of Europe.

Also, no poll internals were released. We don't even know how many people were in the survey group, whether it was geographically represented or not, and how large the MoE +/- is.

Think the last pogrom of Jews happened in 1945 before the end of Hitler's murderous war that set the world on fire? Think again.

The last pogrom was in 1946, in Poland. Poland has long been a hotbed of anti-semitic activity.

That being said, yes, there is anti-semitism here in Europe, but not surprisingly, far, far less so in Germany than in other countries. In fact, the Jewish community in cities like Berlin, München, Köln and Hamburg is flourishing. The international Cantor's association did it's big event in Berlin in the summer of 2012 and my old Cantor was amazed, just amazed, at how things have changed. And indeed, they have. I can attest to that, for I live here.
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Well, a lot of Jews in Europe, most of whom are left wing, foolishly support mass Islamic immigration. This kind of rise in Anti-Semitism should be expected, not only due to the low skilled, uneducated muslim migrants who come to Europe primarily through asylum laws, but also due the ultranationalistic and anti-semitic political parties in Europe who use leftist Jews pushing multiculturalism to scapegoat all of us.

Left wing Jews are going to do the rest of us normal Jews in. Like this idiot Barbara Specter, she has now become the face of the supposed Jewish conspiracy behind immigration in Europe because of her stupid remarks.

Count this Jew out of supporting this crazy left wing immigration experiment.
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Well, a lot of Jews in Europe, most of whom are left wing, foolishly support mass Islamic immigration. This kind of rise in Anti-Semitism should be expected, not only due to the low skilled, uneducated muslim migrants who come to Europe primarily through asylum laws, but also due the ultranationalistic and anti-semitic political parties in Europe use leftist Jews pushing multiculturalism to scapegoat all of us.

Left wing Jews are going to do the rest of us normal Jews in. Like this idiot Barbara Specter, she has now become the face of the supposed Jewish conspiracy behind immigration in Europe because of her stupid remarks.


Count this Jew out of supporting this crazy left wing immigration experiment.

You are living in a fantasy world. I am a left wing Jew and I do not support most European immigration policies. And I live in Germany, btw.

Learn to get your facts right.
Well, a lot of Jews in Europe, most of whom are left wing, foolishly support mass Islamic immigration. This kind of rise in Anti-Semitism should be expected, not only due to the low skilled, uneducated muslim migrants who come to Europe primarily through asylum laws, but also due the ultranationalistic and anti-semitic political parties in Europe use leftist Jews pushing multiculturalism to scapegoat all of us.

Left wing Jews are going to do the rest of us normal Jews in. Like this idiot Barbara Specter, she has now become the face of the supposed Jewish conspiracy behind immigration in Europe because of her stupid remarks.


Count this Jew out of supporting this crazy left wing immigration experiment.

You are living in a fantasy world. I am a left wing Jew and I do not support most European immigration policies. And I live in Germany, btw.

Learn to get your facts right.

Exceptions to the rule don't change the rule brother.

However, if you support the left wing parties in Germany, you are supporting current immigration policies.
Well, a lot of Jews in Europe, most of whom are left wing, foolishly support mass Islamic immigration. This kind of rise in Anti-Semitism should be expected, not only due to the low skilled, uneducated muslim migrants who come to Europe primarily through asylum laws, but also due the ultranationalistic and anti-semitic political parties in Europe use leftist Jews pushing multiculturalism to scapegoat all of us.

Left wing Jews are going to do the rest of us normal Jews in. Like this idiot Barbara Specter, she has now become the face of the supposed Jewish conspiracy behind immigration in Europe because of her stupid remarks.


Count this Jew out of supporting this crazy left wing immigration experiment.

You are living in a fantasy world. I am a left wing Jew and I do not support most European immigration policies. And I live in Germany, btw.

Learn to get your facts right.

Exceptions to the rule don't change the rule brother.

However, if you support the left wing parties in Germany, you are supporting current immigration policies.

I do not, for I do not participate in German electoral politics. I am an American, living in Germany, and Center to Left of Center in America is Center to Right of Center in Germany.
You are living in a fantasy world. I am a left wing Jew and I do not support most European immigration policies. And I live in Germany, btw.

Learn to get your facts right.

Exceptions to the rule don't change the rule brother.

However, if you support the left wing parties in Germany, you are supporting current immigration policies.

I do not, for I do not participate in German electoral politics. I am an American, living in Germany, and Center to Left of Center in America is Center to Right of Center in Germany.

Ok then, so like I said before, exceptions to the rule don't change the rule.

As for American perceptions on left wing and right wing, I don't take much stock in them, they have no basis in the original meaning of the terms left wing and right wing, which formed after the French Revolution(The Monarchists/Traditionalists being right wing, Republican Revolutionaries being Left Wing). In these terms, the modern day GOP and Democrat Party would be Center to Center Left.
Jewish people are no more or less greedy or secretive than any other group of people including muslims or christians.

Of course we are not. We are human beings, just like everyone else. Good answer, [MENTION=43534]Vikrant[/MENTION].

Out of rep, will reward this posting tomorrow.

Cultures and societies are different from each other and convey values and mores to those who belong to that culture, for whatever reason. I am not sure I gree with Sunni Man entirely about Jews being greedy and secretive but I do think they are insular, arrogant, and extraordinarily self promoting in a way that demeans other cultures/beliefs. It is the difference between saying "My people are cool" and saying "My people are cooler because we do this and you don't."

I think a good example of this is your post. Sunni Man is being raked over the coals and has given relatively mild responses and you sort of let that slip by the wayside and focus on Jews being "like everyone else"...and I mean it is no big deal, but kind of subtle, but I think people make efforts to capitalize 'Jews" but here we have "christians and muslims" sticking out like a sore thumb. The only reason I bring that up is I can imagine the uproar from some Jewish posters had "Christian" and "Muslom" been upper case and "jew" been lower case.

No doubt Jewish people do a lot of things well. Some things, not so well, and they should let those things lay instead of boasting about them.

Then your world view is clouded by preconceived fantasies. I find the Jews no different than the Catholics, Anglicans or Baptists. What you actually see in the Jews willingness to work hard and excel in everything they do. This makes them better at finance, comedy, entertainment. I find the muslims arrogant, insular, violent and holier than thou in their attitude and act as if the world owes them a living.
Well, a lot of Jews in Europe, most of whom are left wing, foolishly support mass Islamic immigration. This kind of rise in Anti-Semitism should be expected, not only due to the low skilled, uneducated muslim migrants who come to Europe primarily through asylum laws, but also due the ultranationalistic and anti-semitic political parties in Europe who use leftist Jews pushing multiculturalism to scapegoat all of us.

Left wing Jews are going to do the rest of us normal Jews in. Like this idiot Barbara Specter, she has now become the face of the supposed Jewish conspiracy behind immigration in Europe because of her stupid remarks.


Count this Jew out of supporting this crazy left wing immigration experiment.

Do you mean Jews like the Millibands who are arrogant and insular to the point of being almost Islamic. You would think that a person plucked from danger and given a fresh start would be grateful to the country giving him a second chance. Then we find out that he abandoned his other family members to save his own skin. Those are the Jews that I don't like the neo Marxists that would sell their own mother to save themselves.
Well, a lot of Jews in Europe, most of whom are left wing, foolishly support mass Islamic immigration. This kind of rise in Anti-Semitism should be expected, not only due to the low skilled, uneducated muslim migrants who come to Europe primarily through asylum laws, but also due the ultranationalistic and anti-semitic political parties in Europe who use leftist Jews pushing multiculturalism to scapegoat all of us.

Left wing Jews are going to do the rest of us normal Jews in. Like this idiot Barbara Specter, she has now become the face of the supposed Jewish conspiracy behind immigration in Europe because of her stupid remarks.


Count this Jew out of supporting this crazy left wing immigration experiment.

Do you mean Jews like the Millibands who are arrogant and insular to the point of being almost Islamic. You would think that a person plucked from danger and given a fresh start would be grateful to the country giving him a second chance. Then we find out that he abandoned his other family members to save his own skin. Those are the Jews that I don't like the neo Marxists that would sell their own mother to save themselves.

He would be a good example.

He is an example of a self-hating Jew that not only wants to destroy the West, but if given the chance in Israel, would destroy his own people as well. There is a segment of destructive Jews like this, relativists who inflict the disease of abstraction on the societies they inhabit.
Ralph Miliband - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Phoenall, this bio of Ralph doesn't give that picture at all. Especially when I read of his efforts to join the Resistance in Belgium after he was safely in England.

I also know little of British politics, save that their 'conservatives' would be left of center over here and their 'near left' viewed as 'lunatic fringe left wing' by many many Americans.
Ralph Miliband - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Phoenall, this bio of Ralph doesn't give that picture at all. Especially when I read of his efforts to join the Resistance in Belgium after he was safely in England.

I also know little of British politics, save that their 'conservatives' would be left of center over here and their 'near left' viewed as 'lunatic fringe left wing' by many many Americans.

He made some very nasty comments about Britain and the British when he first came here, complaining that we were nationalists as if it was something distasteful. When he and his father fled the sold the lives of his mother and grandmother so they could live, rather than send them to safety. Both he and his father were the types of Jew that the muslims claim invaded Palestine, only that type of Jew is far too cowardly to engage in a fight. He joined up during WW2 and was placed on a communications ship well away from any fighting, he offered to go to Belgium after the Germans had been driven away. After the war he went to the LSE a bastion of communist thinking and found far to tame for his liking. He worked behind the scenes of whatever socialist group he could be a member of but never on the front line. His 2 sons are prominent socialist politicians that have been involved in many cat fights over the years. One is the leader of the Labour party and hopes to be the next Prime minister.

We get better information about our politicians through our daily papers, and the politicians are trying to gag them because they have dished too much dirt of late.

here are the real facts

Sorry, Ed Miliband, your dad hated Britain » Spectator Blogs

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