POLL: Anti-Semitism Remains Problem in Europe

Back to the OP:

Historically, most of Europe has expelled the Jews several times.

In my opinion, the jews bring it upon themselves by their greedy character and secretive behavior. ... :cool:

Jewish people are no more or less greedy or secretive than any other group of people including muslims or christians.

Good reply, Vikrant. Maybe since Sunni Man has converted to Islam, he has picked up the banner of hating the Jews and also blaming them for everything which goes on wrong in this world. We have to remember that as a good Sunni now, he is not fond of the Shia and has stated that he wants them rounded up and put in one enclave.
You give new meaning to the saying......no place like hiding in plain sight. Incredible. ... and disappointing.
Obviously, you don't understand sarcasm. .. :cuckoo:

The idiot throws out an absurd "1 million people murdered by muslims in the last month" figure.

So I throw it back in his face.

btw Jeremiah, you seriously need to get a life. ... :cool:

I think you probably misunderstood Jeremiah. He probably meant Muslims had murdered 6,000,000 Israelis in the last month, and if you don't believe it, it's into the slammer with ya.

No, Jerimiah didn't mean that, but it certainky appears that you don't follow the news regarding what is happening in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa. However, since you brought up 6,000,000 murdered people, are you insinuating that you are a Holocaust denier like Sunni Man and so many other Muslims like the head guys in Iran?
Back to the OP:

Historically, most of Europe has expelled the Jews several times.

In my opinion, the jews bring it upon themselves by their greedy character and secretive behavior. ... :cool:

Jewish people are no more or less greedy or secretive than any other group of people including muslims or christians.

Of course we are not. We are human beings, just like everyone else. Good answer, [MENTION=43534]Vikrant[/MENTION].

Out of rep, will reward this posting tomorrow.
Back to the OP:

Historically, most of Europe has expelled the Jews several times.

In my opinion, the jews bring it upon themselves by their greedy character and secretive behavior. ... :cool:

Jewish people are no more or less greedy or secretive than any other group of people including muslims or christians.

Of course we are not. We are human beings, just like everyone else. Good answer, [MENTION=43534]Vikrant[/MENTION].

Out of rep, will reward this posting tomorrow.

Cultures and societies are different from each other and convey values and mores to those who belong to that culture, for whatever reason. I am not sure I gree with Sunni Man entirely about Jews being greedy and secretive but I do think they are insular, arrogant, and extraordinarily self promoting in a way that demeans other cultures/beliefs. It is the difference between saying "My people are cool" and saying "My people are cooler because we do this and you don't."

I think a good example of this is your post. Sunni Man is being raked over the coals and has given relatively mild responses and you sort of let that slip by the wayside and focus on Jews being "like everyone else"...and I mean it is no big deal, but kind of subtle, but I think people make efforts to capitalize 'Jews" but here we have "christians and muslims" sticking out like a sore thumb. The only reason I bring that up is I can imagine the uproar from some Jewish posters had "Christian" and "Muslom" been upper case and "jew" been lower case.

No doubt Jewish people do a lot of things well. Some things, not so well, and they should let those things lay instead of boasting about them.
Jewish people are no more or less greedy or secretive than any other group of people including muslims or christians.

Of course we are not. We are human beings, just like everyone else. Good answer, [MENTION=43534]Vikrant[/MENTION].

Out of rep, will reward this posting tomorrow.

Cultures and societies are different from each other and convey values and mores to those who belong to that culture, for whatever reason. I am not sure I gree with Sunni Man entirely about Jews being greedy and secretive but I do think they are insular, arrogant, and extraordinarily self promoting in a way that demeans other cultures/beliefs. It is the difference between saying "My people are cool" and saying "My people are cooler because we do this and you don't."

I think a good example of this is your post. Sunni Man is being raked over the coals and has given relatively mild responses and you sort of let that slip by the wayside and focus on Jews being "like everyone else"...and I mean it is no big deal, but kind of subtle, but I think people make efforts to capitalize 'Jews" but here we have "christians and muslims" sticking out like a sore thumb. The only reason I bring that up is I can imagine the uproar from some Jewish posters had "Christian" and "Muslom" been upper case and "jew" been lower case.

No doubt Jewish people do a lot of things well. Some things, not so well, and they should let those things lay instead of boasting about them.

Sunni saying that Jews deserve what they get is a mild response in your book, eh? Vikrant's response was to Sunni. I am not so sure what it says about, him, but it says a lot about YOU.

And I wondered why you pointed any of this at me to begin with. I pointed out that we Jews are human beings like everyone else, with the same failings, and then you come on with this crap. Really?

Of course, calling us arrogant and insular is probably not the best way to start. Care to try again?
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Of course we are not. We are human beings, just like everyone else. Good answer, [MENTION=43534]Vikrant[/MENTION].

Out of rep, will reward this posting tomorrow.

Cultures and societies are different from each other and convey values and mores to those who belong to that culture, for whatever reason. I am not sure I gree with Sunni Man entirely about Jews being greedy and secretive but I do think they are insular, arrogant, and extraordinarily self promoting in a way that demeans other cultures/beliefs. It is the difference between saying "My people are cool" and saying "My people are cooler because we do this and you don't."

I think a good example of this is your post. Sunni Man is being raked over the coals and has given relatively mild responses and you sort of let that slip by the wayside and focus on Jews being "like everyone else"...and I mean it is no big deal, but kind of subtle, but I think people make efforts to capitalize 'Jews" but here we have "christians and muslims" sticking out like a sore thumb. The only reason I bring that up is I can imagine the uproar from some Jewish posters had "Christian" and "Muslom" been upper case and "jew" been lower case.

No doubt Jewish people do a lot of things well. Some things, not so well, and they should let those things lay instead of boasting about them.

Sunni saying that Jews deserve what they get is a mild response in your book, eh? I am not so sure what it says about, him, but it says a lot about YOU.

And I wondered why you pointed any of this at me to begin with. I pointed out that we Jews are human beings like everyone else, with the same failings, and then you come on with this crap. Really?

Of course, calling us arrogant and insular is probably not the best way to start. Care to try again?

I said "RELATIVELY" mild. Now you go look at all the posts that your Jewish brethren have directed at him and Muslims and their whole culture.

I think the fact that you ignored the "relatively" and the context of the thread/threads says a lot about you and goes to my point.

And I was essentially addressing you and Vikrant.
Cultures and societies are different from each other and convey values and mores to those who belong to that culture, for whatever reason. I am not sure I gree with Sunni Man entirely about Jews being greedy and secretive but I do think they are insular, arrogant, and extraordinarily self promoting in a way that demeans other cultures/beliefs. It is the difference between saying "My people are cool" and saying "My people are cooler because we do this and you don't."

I think a good example of this is your post. Sunni Man is being raked over the coals and has given relatively mild responses and you sort of let that slip by the wayside and focus on Jews being "like everyone else"...and I mean it is no big deal, but kind of subtle, but I think people make efforts to capitalize 'Jews" but here we have "christians and muslims" sticking out like a sore thumb. The only reason I bring that up is I can imagine the uproar from some Jewish posters had "Christian" and "Muslom" been upper case and "jew" been lower case.

No doubt Jewish people do a lot of things well. Some things, not so well, and they should let those things lay instead of boasting about them.

Sunni saying that Jews deserve what they get is a mild response in your book, eh? I am not so sure what it says about, him, but it says a lot about YOU.

And I wondered why you pointed any of this at me to begin with. I pointed out that we Jews are human beings like everyone else, with the same failings, and then you come on with this crap. Really?

Of course, calling us arrogant and insular is probably not the best way to start. Care to try again?

I said "RELATIVELY" mild. Now you go look at all the posts that your Jewish brethren have directed at him and Muslims and their whole culture.

I think the fact that you ignored the "relatively" and the context of the thread/threads says a lot about you and goes to my point.

And I was essentially addressing you and Vikrant.

Now, is this a conversation between you and me or are you using me as a representation of my "Jewish brethren"?

Have you seen me write even one single disparaging comment about Sunni Man or about Islam anywhere on this forum? Go take a look and let me know what you find.

Perhaps you should not have made that assumption. Because you know what they say about assumptions....
Sunni saying that Jews deserve what they get is a mild response in your book, eh? I am not so sure what it says about, him, but it says a lot about YOU.

And I wondered why you pointed any of this at me to begin with. I pointed out that we Jews are human beings like everyone else, with the same failings, and then you come on with this crap. Really?

Of course, calling us arrogant and insular is probably not the best way to start. Care to try again?

I said "RELATIVELY" mild. Now you go look at all the posts that your Jewish brethren have directed at him and Muslims and their whole culture.

I think the fact that you ignored the "relatively" and the context of the thread/threads says a lot about you and goes to my point.

And I was essentially addressing you and Vikrant.

Now, is this a conversation between you and me or are you using me as a representation of my "Jewish brethren"?

Have you seen me write even one single disparaging comment about Sunni Man or about Islam anywhere on this forum? Go take a look and let me know what you find.

Perhaps you should not have made that assumption. Because you know what they say about assumptions....

If you ask a question, the polite thing to do would be to wait for the answer. I am not using you as a representative of your Jewish brethren at all. You have not impressed me that way from what little I have read and the assumption is on your part.

The simple fact of the matter is, though, is Sunni Man is condemned for, again, RELATIVELY mild statements while the Jewish posters issue the most vile things and get away scot free, and you seem to be somewhat complicit in that behavior that essentially eonerates them.

LOL...and you should see my PMs that I cannot even respond to at this point because I lack enough posts. I assume they are from Jewish posters. They are not too pleasant.

Where the hell do you want to go with this? I think, being Jewish, if you want Jewish people to be thought of as "like everyone else", you might raise an objection to the behave disgracefully. You are a small population so ot somewhat behooves you to clean up the bad actors because the impression they create is magnified.
I said "RELATIVELY" mild. Now you go look at all the posts that your Jewish brethren have directed at him and Muslims and their whole culture.

I think the fact that you ignored the "relatively" and the context of the thread/threads says a lot about you and goes to my point.

And I was essentially addressing you and Vikrant.

Now, is this a conversation between you and me or are you using me as a representation of my "Jewish brethren"?

Have you seen me write even one single disparaging comment about Sunni Man or about Islam anywhere on this forum? Go take a look and let me know what you find.

Perhaps you should not have made that assumption. Because you know what they say about assumptions....

If you ask a question, the polite thing to do would be to wait for the answer. I am not using you as a representative of your Jewish brethren at all. You have not impressed me that way from what little I have read and the assumption is on your part.

The simple fact of the matter is, though, is Sunni Man is condemned for, again, RELATIVELY mild statements while the Jewish posters issue the most vile things and get away scot free, and you seem to be somewhat complicit in that behavior that essentially eonerates them.

LOL...and you should see my PMs that I cannot even respond to at this point because I lack enough posts. I assume they are from Jewish posters. They are not too pleasant.

Where the hell do you want to go with this? I think, being Jewish, if you want Jewish people to be thought of as "like everyone else", you might raise an objection to the behave disgracefully. You are a small population so ot somewhat behooves you to clean up the bad actors because the impression they create is magnified.

Lots and lots of fallacies in your arguments. First, to accuse someone whom you do not even know of being complicit about something says not much good about you.

Second, your pms are your private business and I neither want to nor I need to know of them.

I reject to anyone behaving disgracefully. Which is why I also reject your behaviour.

I have heard these words of yours from other people before: they were muslims who hated Jews.

We are done here. You had your chance.
Cultures and societies are different from each other and convey values and mores to those who belong to that culture, for whatever reason. I am not sure I gree with Sunni Man entirely about Jews being greedy and secretive but I do think they are insular, arrogant, and extraordinarily self promoting in a way that demeans other cultures/beliefs. It is the difference between saying "My people are cool" and saying "My people are cooler because we do this and you don't."

I think a good example of this is your post. Sunni Man is being raked over the coals and has given relatively mild responses and you sort of let that slip by the wayside and focus on Jews being "like everyone else"...and I mean it is no big deal, but kind of subtle, but I think people make efforts to capitalize 'Jews" but here we have "christians and muslims" sticking out like a sore thumb. The only reason I bring that up is I can imagine the uproar from some Jewish posters had "Christian" and "Muslom" been upper case and "jew" been lower case.

No doubt Jewish people do a lot of things well. Some things, not so well, and they should let those things lay instead of boasting about them.

Sunni saying that Jews deserve what they get is a mild response in your book, eh? I am not so sure what it says about, him, but it says a lot about YOU.

And I wondered why you pointed any of this at me to begin with. I pointed out that we Jews are human beings like everyone else, with the same failings, and then you come on with this crap. Really?

Of course, calling us arrogant and insular is probably not the best way to start. Care to try again?

I said "RELATIVELY" mild. Now you go look at all the posts that your Jewish brethren have directed at him and Muslims and their whole culture.

I think the fact that you ignored the "relatively" and the context of the thread/threads says a lot about you and goes to my point.

And I was essentially addressing you and Vikrant.

Gee, a "new" poster shows up and seems to know all about the history here after just TWO DAYS ......... Hilarious.

I suggest we call this new species Phocid redux redux.
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Now, is this a conversation between you and me or are you using me as a representation of my "Jewish brethren"?

Have you seen me write even one single disparaging comment about Sunni Man or about Islam anywhere on this forum? Go take a look and let me know what you find.

Perhaps you should not have made that assumption. Because you know what they say about assumptions....

If you ask a question, the polite thing to do would be to wait for the answer. I am not using you as a representative of your Jewish brethren at all. You have not impressed me that way from what little I have read and the assumption is on your part.

The simple fact of the matter is, though, is Sunni Man is condemned for, again, RELATIVELY mild statements while the Jewish posters issue the most vile things and get away scot free, and you seem to be somewhat complicit in that behavior that essentially eonerates them.

LOL...and you should see my PMs that I cannot even respond to at this point because I lack enough posts. I assume they are from Jewish posters. They are not too pleasant.

Where the hell do you want to go with this? I think, being Jewish, if you want Jewish people to be thought of as "like everyone else", you might raise an objection to the behave disgracefully. You are a small population so ot somewhat behooves you to clean up the bad actors because the impression they create is magnified.

Lots and lots of fallacies in your arguments. First, to accuse someone whom you do not even know of being complicit about something says not much good about you.

Second, your pms are your private business and I neither want to nor I need to know of them.

I reject to anyone behaving disgracefully. Which is why I also reject your behaviour.

I have heard these words of yours from other people before: they were muslims who hated Jews.

We are done here. You had your chance.

You can be complicit by omission as well as commission.

You have a double standard.

I am a Roman Catholic.

I don't hate Jews. I find that their culture is intolerant and extraordinarily judgemental of other cultures. They make blanket condemnations of very large populations of peoples based upon the acts of a few individuals.

I have no problem being honest with you. I think you are one of the better and more tolerant Jewish posters on this board (admittedly, I haven't been here long) but you are being let down by a lot of the other Jewish posters.

My PMs were brought up because they are from Jewish posters and are really nasty. That is the only reason I brought them up. If I could, I would not send nasty PMs to these Jewish posters because it would reflect upon those of my ethnicity/religion.

And again, your dismissive response appears arrogant and given the small population of Jewish people, it adds to the stereotype, rightfully or wrongfully, accurately or inaccurately.

Thank you so kindly for giving me a chance, Massah.

Why is "Jews" capitalized and "Muslims" not?
Sunni saying that Jews deserve what they get is a mild response in your book, eh? I am not so sure what it says about, him, but it says a lot about YOU.

And I wondered why you pointed any of this at me to begin with. I pointed out that we Jews are human beings like everyone else, with the same failings, and then you come on with this crap. Really?

Of course, calling us arrogant and insular is probably not the best way to start. Care to try again?

I said "RELATIVELY" mild. Now you go look at all the posts that your Jewish brethren have directed at him and Muslims and their whole culture.

I think the fact that you ignored the "relatively" and the context of the thread/threads says a lot about you and goes to my point.

And I was essentially addressing you and Vikrant.

Gee, a "new" poster shows up and seems to know all about the history here after just a couple of weeks......... Hilarious.

I suggest we call this new species Phocid redux redux.

How many threads do I need to read. Besides, I had been reading this board for months before I started posting, anyway. There were some areas that I couldn't access.. You are very suspicious and mistrusting.
No where near as many about the atrocities and MASS MURDERS in the name of islam. Over 1 million murdered by muslims this month, you ragheads must be going for a record.
Too many muslims are slacking......... :doubt:

We should be at least 2 million a month by now. ... :thup:

Typical Savage Muslim Mentality not condemning it. :razz:

I condemn Phoenall for his bigotry and exagerated beyond belief claims.

Cool. Do I get to be a "Righteous Gentile" now?
So tell us Rowdy , why did you choose that username which is the same as the poster Roudy with different spelling and use the same avatar as him. Hahah what a troll.
Hes back folks hahahah
So tell us Rowdy , why did you choose that username which is the same as the poster Roudy with different spelling and use the same avatar as him. Hahah what a troll.
Hes back folks hahahah

Hmm, you might be onto something, Toastman. Too much of a coincidence of a "new" poster having the same avatar as Roudy and then to use practically the same screen name by just exchanging one letter.
Sunni saying that Jews deserve what they get is a mild response in your book, eh? I am not so sure what it says about, him, but it says a lot about YOU.

And I wondered why you pointed any of this at me to begin with. I pointed out that we Jews are human beings like everyone else, with the same failings, and then you come on with this crap. Really?

Of course, calling us arrogant and insular is probably not the best way to start. Care to try again?

I said "RELATIVELY" mild. Now you go look at all the posts that your Jewish brethren have directed at him and Muslims and their whole culture.

I think the fact that you ignored the "relatively" and the context of the thread/threads says a lot about you and goes to my point.

And I was essentially addressing you and Vikrant.

Gee, a "new" poster shows up and seems to know all about the history here after just a couple of weeks......... Hilarious.

I suggest we call this new species Phocid redux redux.

I certainly hope this "new" poster doesn't have all these Arab friends to teach him how to say "Dirty Jewish Dog" in Arabic the same way as someone else called an Iranian poster "Dirty Jewish Dog" in Farsi which he learned from his Iranian Muslim friends.
Back to the OP:

Historically, most of Europe has expelled the Jews several times.

In my opinion, the jews bring it upon themselves by their greedy character and secretive behavior. ... :cool:

Jewish people are no more or less greedy or secretive than any other group of people including muslims or christians.

Of course we are not. We are human beings, just like everyone else. Good answer, [MENTION=43534]Vikrant[/MENTION].

Out of rep, will reward this posting tomorrow.

Thank you [MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION]
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I said "RELATIVELY" mild. Now you go look at all the posts that your Jewish brethren have directed at him and Muslims and their whole culture.

I think the fact that you ignored the "relatively" and the context of the thread/threads says a lot about you and goes to my point.

And I was essentially addressing you and Vikrant.

Gee, a "new" poster shows up and seems to know all about the history here after just a couple of weeks......... Hilarious.

I suggest we call this new species Phocid redux redux.

How many threads do I need to read. Besides, I had been reading this board for months before I started posting, anyway. There were some areas that I couldn't access.. You are very suspicious and mistrusting.

LOL, of course I'm suspicious and mistrustful when a "new" poster shows up with a copycat ID and even a copycat avvie as well. Particularly when that "new" poster is such a complete copycat of an ID which had made itself very unwelcome with the same specious 'logic' and genuine bigotry.

Sometimes it's necessary to flush more than once to send a dreklet on its way........

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