POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

Democrat voters are like robots. They only do what they were programmed to do. Throw some damaging term out there, and the robots pick it up and repeat it constantly.

I guess they never learn. They didn't pay attention to the retaliation of Hillary's deplorable remark. So I'm sure their Jewish voters will appreciate the comparison and Democrat leaders won't regret it until it's too late.
It is funny reading this from somebody who believes whatever the republicans tell him to.
As a minority I can safely say a republican/conservative is more likely to be racist and bigot. You dont believe me see what the conservatives here in this very forum.
thats because a liberal who is a racist wont tell you to your face what they think of you.......they will tell you what you want to hear....
Nope I live in an ultra blue city...everyone is kind, busy and educated...the horror stories I hear from friends and family in red states is sadening.. I think it stems from poor education and exposure to other cultures....is like that in most countries...but it's more here in the US.
Exposure to other cultures is a form of education in and of itself. It's not isolation that we learn from.
Red states are saddening. Part of the that is the isolation, which, of course, breeds racism. How can you battle racism if all you know about those people are what Nazi's like Trump and his ilk tell you?
and all you know about those people you are talking about is what you are told by your useless party....so how are you any different?....
Which party ? I dont belong to any party. As a minority where the racists and bigots group up the most.
As a minority I can safely say a republican/conservative is more likely to be racist and bigot. You dont believe me see what the conservatives here in this very forum.
thats because a liberal who is a racist wont tell you to your face what they think of you.......they will tell you what you want to hear....
Nope I live in an ultra blue city...everyone is kind, busy and educated...the horror stories I hear from friends and family in red states is sadening.. I think it stems from poor education and exposure to other cultures....is like that in most countries...but it's more here in the US.

I live in a community on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. In my community, you will find people from all over the world, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Central and South America. People who practice many different religions and are from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. All are peaceful, friendly, and polite. The people in these "red states" are insular. They have never been exposed to the wider world, and they live in fear of it. They are very poorly educated.
I agree you find the most racists those that lived only with their own race.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Let's first evaluate what a Nazi is: A Nazi is a member of the National SOCIALIST Germans Workers Party, a government entity which takes total control over ALL facets of the government and private sector, in a militaristic style, ending free speech, weapons ownership, and ending your basic freedoms, on the premise of your Aryan superiority.
That's an actual Nazi and it's party.
Trump administration: Reduces governmental control over the private sector, unlike Nazis, believes citizens have the right to own weapons for the purpose of self-defense and the Constitution's 2nd Amendment, unlike Nazis. The administration also believes in free speech, even if it isn't popular, unlike Nazis. It also does not wish to interfere in one's personal religious convictions, unlike Nazis. Except on this last part, it is against using religion for the purpose of violence.
So.....what political party comes closer to an authoritarian entity....well, it would be one that wants to limit free speech, disarm the public, and would have the government take control of the private sectors profits.....I'm kinda thinking it sounds a bit like our current far-left Marxist, so-called liberal party.
You seem to misunderstand the tenets of Nazism. First of all, they were not Socialists - they put the words 'Socialist' and 'Workers' in their name in order to cloak their agenda in language that would be more appealing to their audience, a tactic as old as the hills. Socialism is an economic system that believes above all in the government ownership of the means of production, which Nazism most definitely did (does) not. Nazism promoted class warfare and intrinsic inequality within their workforce, and they used a system called dirigism in which they subsidized favorable corporations over others in order to control but not own the means of production, all concepts abhorrent to Socialists. Nazism also pushed an authoritarian strongman leader, racial superiority, and worship of the military, and as an offshoot of Fascism, it also employed protectionism (including slapping massive tariffs on imports), populism (anti-elitist appeal to the working class, driven by real or imagined corruption or invasion), calls of victimhood and a promise to return to former glory, xenophobia, nativism, anti-egalitarianism, anti-intellectualism, promotion of violence, and a very flexible relationship with the truth.

I will leave it to you to decide who that sounds more like.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

They are not all Nazis.
They, however, do not mind having Nazi's march along side with them.

members of the national socialist party are not supported or accepted by the Republican party, never have been.......the international socialists, the ones who have murdered close to 70 million people are proudly embraced by the democrat party.....

Naziism is nationalistic, xenophobic, misogynistic, militaristic and racist. Nazis divide their populace into “us and them”, vilifying and blaming “them” for the nation’s problems.

Which one of these characteristics don’t apply to Trump and his supporters?
And the short answer to the OP is that I don't believe that President Trump himself is a Neo-Nazi, although he does employ many of the same tactics and appears to have some of the same objectives as the Third Reich did during its rise in the 1930s and 1940s. I also believe that most of his followers are similarly not Neo-Nazis per se, although the Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists among us are at least 99% likely to be within his orbit.

Short version: Not all Trump supporters are Neo-Nazis, but almost all Neo-Nazis are Trump supporters.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

They are not all Nazis.
They, however, do not mind having Nazi's march along side with them.

members of the national socialist party are not supported or accepted by the Republican party, never have been.......the international socialists, the ones who have murdered close to 70 million people are proudly embraced by the democrat party.....

Naziism is nationalistic, xenophobic, misogynistic, militaristic and racist. Nazis divide their populace into “us and them”, vilifying and blaming “them” for the nation’s problems.

Which one of these characteristics don’t apply to Trump and his supporters?

Wrong, you miss the core of national socialism.... the socialism. Nazism is just another type of socialism....

considering all the women Trump has hired in his own businesses, and as the heads of his government agencies......he is not a misogynist.

nationalism is not an evil unless the people who engage in it are evil....Trump is not evil.

militarism is only evil when evil people are doing it, protecting your country from actual threats is not evil.

Trump was on television for 15 seasons, he was a guest on every show on television including frequent appearances on Oprah......he became a racist only when he decided to run for President...

The ones dividing the population are the ones using violence against Trump and his people and supporters......actual violence, beatings, shootings, attempted murder.....those are on the democrats and their supporters.....

None of what you posted applies to Trump.... they all apply to the democrats....
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Let's first evaluate what a Nazi is: A Nazi is a member of the National SOCIALIST Germans Workers Party, a government entity which takes total control over ALL facets of the government and private sector, in a militaristic style, ending free speech, weapons ownership, and ending your basic freedoms, on the premise of your Aryan superiority.
That's an actual Nazi and it's party.
Trump administration: Reduces governmental control over the private sector, unlike Nazis, believes citizens have the right to own weapons for the purpose of self-defense and the Constitution's 2nd Amendment, unlike Nazis. The administration also believes in free speech, even if it isn't popular, unlike Nazis. It also does not wish to interfere in one's personal religious convictions, unlike Nazis. Except on this last part, it is against using religion for the purpose of violence.
So.....what political party comes closer to an authoritarian entity....well, it would be one that wants to limit free speech, disarm the public, and would have the government take control of the private sectors profits.....I'm kinda thinking it sounds a bit like our current far-left Marxist, so-called liberal party.
You seem to misunderstand the tenets of Nazism. First of all, they were not Socialists - they put the words 'Socialist' and 'Workers' in their name in order to cloak their agenda in language that would be more appealing to their audience, a tactic as old as the hills. Socialism is an economic system that believes above all in the government ownership of the means of production, which Nazism most definitely did (does) not. Nazism promoted class warfare and intrinsic inequality within their workforce, and they used a system called dirigism in which they subsidized favorable corporations over others in order to control but not own the means of production, all concepts abhorrent to Socialists. Nazism also pushed an authoritarian strongman leader, racial superiority, and worship of the military, and as an offshoot of Fascism, it also employed protectionism (including slapping massive tariffs on imports), populism (anti-elitist appeal to the working class, driven by real or imagined corruption or invasion), calls of victimhood and a promise to return to former glory, xenophobia, nativism, anti-egalitarianism, anti-intellectualism, promotion of violence, and a very flexible relationship with the truth.

I will leave it to you to decide who that sounds more like.

The nazis were socialists.....all the way through....the nazis controlled the means of production

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

My purpose today is to make just two main points: (1) To show why Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And (2) to show why socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

The identification of Nazi Germany as a socialist state was one of the many great contributions of Ludwig von Mises.


What Mises identified was that private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government.

For it was the German government and not the nominal private owners that exercised all of the substantive powers of ownership: it, not the nominal private owners, decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive. The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.

Nazism is Socialism -- F A Hayek, et al


The context of Nazism

"True, it is a fixed idea with the French that the Rhine is their property, but to this arrogant demand the only reply worthy of the German nation is Arndt's: "Give back Alsace and Lorraine". For I am of the opinion, perhaps in contrast to many whose standpoint I share in other respects, that the reconquest of the German-speaking left bank of the Rhine is a matter of national honour, and that the Germanisation of a disloyal Holland and of Belgium is a political necessity for us. Shall we let the German nationality be completely suppressed in these countries, while the Slavs are rising ever more powerfully in the East?"

Have a look at the quote immediately above and say who wrote it. It is a typical Hitler rant, is it not? Give it to 100 people who know Hitler's speeches and 100 would identify it as something said by Adolf. The fierce German nationalism and territorial ambition is unmistakeable. And if there is any doubt, have a look at another quote from the same author:

This is our calling, that we shall become the templars of this Grail, gird the sword round our loins for its sake and stake our lives joyfully in the last, holy war which will be followed by the thousand-year reign of freedom.

That settles it, doesn't it? Who does not know of Hitler's glorification of military sacrifice and his aim to establish a "thousand-year Reich"?

But neither quote is in fact from Hitler. Both quotes were written by Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx's co-author (See here and here). So let that be an introduction to the idea that Hitler not only called himself a socialist but that he WAS in fact a socialist by the standards of his day. Ideas that are now condemned as Rightist were in Hitler's day perfectly normal ideas among Leftists. And if Friedrich Engels was not a Leftist, I do not know who would be.
The very instant someone goes Hitler, I will only give a troll response.
I save my thought out responses for those that take the time to post their own thoughts...not cheap soundbites.

There is a reason I refer to the right wing of the Republican party as the Reich wing. And I am speaking as a former life long Republican who changed my party status to unaffiliated as soon as they nominated this Ass Clown, Donald Trump.

As a moderate I could no longer stay in the Republican party. It is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. it is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of hate, bigotry, anger, fear & misogyny.

And best explained by a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

And every year they have gotten worse. Anti this, anti that, etc.etc. and this attitude was perfectly exemplified by separating children from their parents along the border. Something so morally defunct of human behavior & decency that it was astounding.
Very Hitleresk.
Laura Bush blasts Trump migrant policy as 'cruel' and 'immoral'
Laura Bush says Trump's immigrant children policy is "cruel"

I really don't know how moderate Republicans can stay in this party. There is no room for them


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Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Let's first evaluate what a Nazi is: A Nazi is a member of the National SOCIALIST Germans Workers Party, a government entity which takes total control over ALL facets of the government and private sector, in a militaristic style, ending free speech, weapons ownership, and ending your basic freedoms, on the premise of your Aryan superiority.
That's an actual Nazi and it's party.
Trump administration: Reduces governmental control over the private sector, unlike Nazis, believes citizens have the right to own weapons for the purpose of self-defense and the Constitution's 2nd Amendment, unlike Nazis. The administration also believes in free speech, even if it isn't popular, unlike Nazis. It also does not wish to interfere in one's personal religious convictions, unlike Nazis. Except on this last part, it is against using religion for the purpose of violence.
So.....what political party comes closer to an authoritarian entity....well, it would be one that wants to limit free speech, disarm the public, and would have the government take control of the private sectors profits.....I'm kinda thinking it sounds a bit like our current far-left Marxist, so-called liberal party.
You seem to misunderstand the tenets of Nazism. First of all, they were not Socialists - they put the words 'Socialist' and 'Workers' in their name in order to cloak their agenda in language that would be more appealing to their audience, a tactic as old as the hills. Socialism is an economic system that believes above all in the government ownership of the means of production, which Nazism most definitely did (does) not. Nazism promoted class warfare and intrinsic inequality within their workforce, and they used a system called dirigism in which they subsidized favorable corporations over others in order to control but not own the means of production, all concepts abhorrent to Socialists. Nazism also pushed an authoritarian strongman leader, racial superiority, and worship of the military, and as an offshoot of Fascism, it also employed protectionism (including slapping massive tariffs on imports), populism (anti-elitist appeal to the working class, driven by real or imagined corruption or invasion), calls of victimhood and a promise to return to former glory, xenophobia, nativism, anti-egalitarianism, anti-intellectualism, promotion of violence, and a very flexible relationship with the truth.

I will leave it to you to decide who that sounds more like.

Then there is Friedrich Hayek...

Nazism is Socialism -- F A Hayek, et al

One of the main reasons why the socialist character of National Socialism has been quite generally unrecognized, is, no doubt, its alliance with the nationalist groups which represent the great industries and the great landowners. But this merely proves that these groups too -as they have since learnt to their bitter disappointment -have, at least partly, been mistaken as to the nature of the movement. But only partly because -and this is the most characteristic feature of modern Germany – many capitalists are themselves strongly influenced by socialistic ideas, and have not sufficient belief in capitalism to defend it with a clear conscience. But, in spite of this, the German entrepreneur class have manifested almost incredible short-sightedness in allying themselves with a move movement of whose strong anti-capitalistic tendencies there should never have been any doubt.

A careful observer must always have been aware that the opposition of the Nazis to the established socialist parties, which gained them the sympathy of the entrepreneur, was only to a very small extend directed against their economic policy. What the Nazis mainly objected to was their internationalism and all the aspects of their cultural programme which were still influenced by liberal ideas. But the accusations against the social-democrats and the communists which were most effective in their propaganda were not so much directed against their programme as against their supposed practice -their corruption and nepotism, and even their alleged alliance with “the golden International of Jewish Capitalism.”

It would, indeed, hardly have been possible for the Nationalists to advance fundamental objections to the economic policy of the other socialist parties when their own published programme differed from these only in that its socialism was much cruder and less rational.

The famous 25 points drawn up by Herr Feder,[2] one of Hitler’s early allies, repeatedly endorsed by Hitler and recognized by the by-laws of the National-Socialist party as the immutable basis of all its actions, which together with an extensive commentary is circulating throughout Germany in many hundreds of thousands of copies, is full of ideas resembling those of the early socialists. But the dominant feature is a fierce hatred of anything capitalistic -individualistic profit seeking, large scale enterprise, banks, joint-stock companies, department stores, “international finance and loan capital,” the system of “interest slavery” in general; the abolition of these is described as the “[indecipherable] of the programme, around which everything else turns.” It was to this programme that the masses of the German people, who were already completely under the influence of collectivist ideas, responded so enthusiastically.

That this violent anti-capitalistic attack is genuine – and not a mere piece of propaganda – becomes as clear from the personal history of the intellectual leaders of the movement as from the general milieu from which it springs. It is not even denied that man of the young men who today play a prominent part in it have previously been communists or socialists. And to any observer of the literary tendencies which made the Germans intelligentsia ready to join the ranks of the new party, it must be clear that the common characteristic of all the politically influential writers – in many cases free from definite party affiliations – was their anti-liberal and anti-capitalist trend. Groups like that formed around the review “Die Tat” have made the phrase “the end of capitalism” an accepted dogma to most young Germans.[3]
The very instant someone goes Hitler, I will only give a troll response.
I save my thought out responses for those that take the time to post their own thoughts...not cheap soundbites.

There is a reason I refer to the right wing of the Republican party as the Reich wing. And I am speaking as a former life long Republican who changed my party status to unaffiliated as soon as they nominated this Ass Clown, Donald Trump.

As a moderate I could no longer stay in the Republican party. It is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan, it is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of hate, bigotry, anger, fear & misogyny.

And best explained by a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

And every year they have gotten worse. Anti this, anti that, etc.etc. and this attitude was perfectly exemplified by separating children from their parents along the border. Something so morally defunck of human behavior that it was astounding. Very Hitleresk.

I really don't know how moderate Republicans can stay in this party. There is no room for them. The Party no longer respresents me.


Where were you when obama was separating children from their parents?

Where were you when obama was handing children over to human traffickers claiming to be their parents?

Your "outrage" at a policy created by clinton, and in place through Bush and obama was noticeably absent during those years.........but thanks for the fake outrage...it shows that you aren't really anything other than a squish....
The very instant someone goes Hitler, I will only give a troll response.
I save my thought out responses for those that take the time to post their own thoughts...not cheap soundbites.

There is a reason I refer to the right wing of the Republican party as the Reich wing. And I am speaking as a former life long Republican who changed my party status to unaffiliated as soon as they nominated this Ass Clown, Donald Trump.

As a moderate I could no longer stay in the Republican party. It is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan, it is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of hate, bigotry, anger, fear & misogyny.

And best explained by a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

And every year they have gotten worse. Anti this, anti that, etc.etc. and this attitude was perfectly exemplified by separating children from their parents along the border. Something so morally defunck of human behavior that it was astounding. Very Hitleresk.

I really don't know how moderate Republicans can stay in this party. There is no room for them. The Party no longer respresents me.


Where were you when obama was separating children from their parents?

Where were you when obama was handing children over to human traffickers claiming to be their parents?

Your "outrage" at a policy created by clinton, and in place through Bush and obama was noticeably absent during those years.........but thanks for the fake outrage...it shows that you aren't really anything other than a squish....

Obama wasn’t handing children over to human traffickers. That’s why they have DNA tests at the border.

There was no “policy” of separating children under Clinton, Bush or Obama. It happened but rarely and only when it was determined that the children were at risk.

These are lies Trumps tells fools like you who don’t bother to check facts.
The very instant someone goes Hitler, I will only give a troll response.
I save my thought out responses for those that take the time to post their own thoughts...not cheap soundbites.

There is a reason I refer to the right wing of the Republican party as the Reich wing. And I am speaking as a former life long Republican who changed my party status to unaffiliated as soon as they nominated this Ass Clown, Donald Trump.

As a moderate I could no longer stay in the Republican party. It is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan, it is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of hate, bigotry, anger, fear & misogyny.

And best explained by a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

And every year they have gotten worse. Anti this, anti that, etc.etc. and this attitude was perfectly exemplified by separating children from their parents along the border. Something so morally defunck of human behavior that it was astounding. Very Hitleresk.

I really don't know how moderate Republicans can stay in this party. There is no room for them. The Party no longer respresents me.


Where were you when obama was separating children from their parents?

Where were you when obama was handing children over to human traffickers claiming to be their parents?

Your "outrage" at a policy created by clinton, and in place through Bush and obama was noticeably absent during those years.........but thanks for the fake outrage...it shows that you aren't really anything other than a squish....

You're listening to your Reich wing talk show hosts again. Tbe reason this happened is because of Jeff Sessions zero tolerance policy that he initiated. He wants to flood our court systems so he can prosecute the strawberry pickers. If you would have spent more than 2 seconds on the previous post, former first lady Laura Bush would have explained that to you. Scroll back to post 270 and try again.

As far as your Obama comment, a little FACT CHECKING will help.
"This has been going on for 50 years — longer," Trump said on Wednesday, hours before signing an executive order to halt the policy he put in place. "This has been going on under President Obama, under President Bush, this has been going on for many many years. This is inaccurate — there was no widespread Obama-era policy of separating parents and children — but it's a common talking point for Republican commentators and members of the president's administration.The idea that this is simply a continuation of an Obama-era practice is "preposterous," said Denise Gilman, director of the Immigration Clinic at the University of Texas Law School. "There were occasionally instances where you would find a separated family — maybe like one every six months to a year — and that was usually because there had been some actual individualized concern that there was a trafficking situation or that the parent wasn’t actually the parent.Once custody concerns were resolved, "there was pretty immediately reunification," Gilman told NBC News. "There were not 2,000 kids in two months — it’s not the same universe," she added."The Trump administration separated 1,995 children from 1,940 adults from April 19 to May 31, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security said Friday, a period in which the "zero tolerance" policy was in effect.
Fact check: Did Obama administration separate families?

Right now Jeff Sessions is in very deep kimchee with his church.
Jeff Sessions' pastor addresses 'firestorm' over church charges against AG - CNNPolitics


You're probably a Rush Limbaugh fan.
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'Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?'

The poll question and thus the thread itself are idiotic.

Asking the question reveals the complete ignorance of the one asking the question ...

The left's fascination with Nazis continue as they also continue to accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are....

You're probably a Rush Limbaugh fan.

No, just a butt-hurt snowflake who can't accept that the results of the last election results in which their treasonous criminal felon lost....
As a minority I can safely say a republican/conservative is more likely to be racist and bigot. You dont believe me see what the conservatives here in this very forum.
thats because a liberal who is a racist wont tell you to your face what they think of you.......they will tell you what you want to hear....
Nope I live in an ultra blue city...everyone is kind, busy and educated...the horror stories I hear from friends and family in red states is sadening.. I think it stems from poor education and exposure to other cultures....is like that in most countries...but it's more here in the US.

I live in a community on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. In my community, you will find people from all over the world, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Central and South America. People who practice many different religions and are from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. All are peaceful, friendly, and polite. The people in these "red states" are insular. They have never been exposed to the wider world, and they live in fear of it. They are very poorly educated.
I agree you find the most racists those that lived only with their own race.

This is a major problem. These people have been isolated and never met anyone who was different from themselves. My own grandparents on my mother's side struggled with the English language, as they were immigrants.

I grew up just outside NYC, so there was always a richness around from the Poles, the Russians, the Irish, the Chinese, African-Americans, Italians. In the town in which my mother's parents settled and built a house were three Roman Catholic churches, one for the Irish, one for the Italians, one for the Poles. Three in one town, without counting the Protestant churches. I was blessed to be able to travel and see other people in their homelands, as well. And down here: well hello! to those in Baltimore's fabulous Greektown, and ditto to our Ethiopians, with their wonderful cooking and their wonderful jazz music.

People like these "conservatives" do not recognize the riches of the world that they live in. And they don't contribute anything to the "melting pot" which is comprised of all of us here in the U.S. of A.
'Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?'

The poll question and thus the thread itself are idiotic.

Asking the question reveals the complete ignorance of the one asking the question ...

The left's fascination with Nazis continue as they also continue to accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are....
Are Trump supporters Nazi's?
Its the wrong question to ask.
But when Trump uses the word "infest", it starts to become a justifiable comparison to make, but not a blanket statement of his supporters. Yet this is the 4th stage to genocide.

Back in 2006, Sandra O'connor said. "It takes a lot of degeneration before a country falls into dictatorship, but we should avoid these ends by avoiding these beginnings."
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

Trump isn't, and I doubt many of his supporters are.

Some might be fascists, and Trump might think fascism is better than the current system.
As a minority I can safely say a republican/conservative is more likely to be racist and bigot. You dont believe me see what the conservatives here in this very forum.
thats because a liberal who is a racist wont tell you to your face what they think of you.......they will tell you what you want to hear....
Nope I live in an ultra blue city...everyone is kind, busy and educated...the horror stories I hear from friends and family in red states is sadening.. I think it stems from poor education and exposure to other cultures....is like that in most countries...but it's more here in the US.

I live in a community on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. In my community, you will find people from all over the world, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Central and South America. People who practice many different religions and are from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. All are peaceful, friendly, and polite. The people in these "red states" are insular. They have never been exposed to the wider world, and they live in fear of it. They are very poorly educated.
I agree you find the most racists those that lived only with their own race.

This is a major problem. These people have been isolated and never met anyone who was different from themselves. My own grandparents on my mother's side struggled with the English language, as they were immigrants.

I grew up just outside NYC, so there was always a richness around from the Poles, the Russians, the Irish, the Chinese, African-Americans, Italians. In the town in which my mother's parents settled and built a house were three Roman Catholic churches, one for the Irish, one for the Italians, one for the Poles. Three in one town, without counting the Protestant churches. I was blessed to be able to travel and see other people in their homelands, as well. And down here: well hello! to those in Baltimore's fabulous Greektown, and ditto to our Ethiopians, with their wonderful cooking and their wonderful jazz music.

People like these "conservatives" do not recognize the riches of the world that they live in. And they don't contribute anything to the "melting pot" which is comprised of all of us here in the U.S. of A.
I agree with you. Most conservatives come from rural areas and they are not exposed to other cultures. I was blessed being born in north Africa, we were exposed to so many races, religions and languages.
It's funny we knew about how most Americans are clueless about the rest of the world, and so true. Ignorance feeds hate.

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