POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
Everything I read says Obama didn't separate families like Trump does. Someone should ask trump why he's not jailing employers who hire illegals though. We know now that he's bought and paid for like all other politicians, unlike what he claimed, so he's probably beholden to many wealthy people who make money hiring illegals. There's probably big money in building facilities that warehouse these kids too. Maybe the koch brothers, who buy and sell republicans like trump are making money doing this. Couple links below that deny obama having done what trump is doing now.

Did the Obama Administration Separate Families? - FactCheck.org

Trump’s separation of immigrant families wasn't Obama policy
Everything I read says Obama didn't separate families like Trump does. Someone should ask trump why he's not jailing employers who hire illegals though. We know now that he's bought and paid for like all other politicians, unlike what he claimed, so he's probably beholden to many wealthy people who make money hiring illegals. There's probably big money in building facilities that warehouse these kids too. Maybe the koch brothers, who buy and sell republicans like trump are making money doing this. Couple links below that deny obama having done what trump is doing now.

Did the Obama Administration Separate Families? - FactCheck.org

Trump’s separation of immigrant families wasn't Obama policy

Well both of those links are vague..and lame
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

Any one who invokes nazis have already lost the argument with rational people. That's why I want the MSM to keep it up, should make Nov fun.

Well, they're doing everything they can to scare people.

They've run off the freaking cliff with hyperbole, Americans aren't the idiots they take them for. People know inauthentic hype when they see it.

There has to be a point at which hyperbole backfires. This sure could end up being a case study.
lets see you pull up one of those well argued posts joe.....i have been in many of his threads and many people,including liberal posters have either asked him a question or questioned what he said....never a reply....mac will at least give some kind of a reply....even now,here you are defending the guy....were is jones?....

Meh, Jones is honest about what he is.

Mac is a guy who thinks the problem with the Democrats is they aren't pandering to white people like the Republicans do.
Hey fucktard liberals, 13 of you mother fuckers. First off, you're all major pussies. Second, Trump supporters are Nazi huh? Shame I can't inform my great grandmother I've been declared a member. She was a slave in Poland and I'm certain she'd offer you perspective. You guys have the dignity and respect of slug waste.

Most of you have lost the perspective of your immigrant forebears.

That shows by the studied cruelty a lot of you show in this whole immigration debate.
Wrong, you miss the core of national socialism.... the socialism. Nazism is just another type of socialism....

that's because the Nazis weren't terribly socialist. All the big major capitalist organizations of Germany- the Banks, the industrialists, and so on, did very well under the Nazis, at least as long as Germany was winning the war. Krupp Works, Seimens, Farben.... they all made a shit

ton of money and once Hitler purged the party of the real revolutionary nuts like Ernst Roehm, they were totally on board.

Before the War started, even big American corporations got into the act, and a lot of American Capitalists thought Hitler was a wonderful man who was going to save Europe from those nasty, nasty communists.

German Industry and the Third Reich

considering all the women Trump has hired in his own businesses, and as the heads of his government agencies......he is not a misogynist.

Has he hired a bunch of fat ugly women, or did he hire ones who were eye candy?
The very instant someone goes Hitler, I will only give a troll response.
I save my thought out responses for those that take the time to post their own thoughts...not cheap soundbites.
Yup. The problem is that we appear to be decaying to a point at which calling people Hitler is all we can come up with. That ain't good.
Before the War started, even big American corporations got into the act, and a lot of American Capitalists thought Hitler was a wonderful man who was going to save Europe from those nasty, nasty communists.
Yup. The problem is that we appear to be decaying to a point at which calling people Hitler is all we can come up with. That ain't good.

Oh, we can and have called your Orange Fuhrer all sorts of things.

But when he moved up to putting kids in concentration camps, "Hitler" seemed to fit.

Before the War started, even big American corporations got into the act, and a lot of American Capitalists thought Hitler was a wonderful man who was going to save Europe from those nasty, nasty communists.

Ouch. The thing is, I really do like Ford Products.
Yup. The problem is that we appear to be decaying to a point at which calling people Hitler is all we can come up with. That ain't good.

Oh, we can and have called your Orange Fuhrer all sorts of things.

But when he moved up to putting kids in concentration camps, "Hitler" seemed to fit.

Before the War started, even big American corporations got into the act, and a lot of American Capitalists thought Hitler was a wonderful man who was going to save Europe from those nasty, nasty communists.

Ouch. The thing is, I really do like Ford Products.
Is this thread about you Joe?

"Orange Fuehrer" That is funny but if you really believe Trump is another Hitler, you need to think again if you can.

I suspect you denigrated those on the right who called your Messiah all sorts of names. You called them racists no doubt.

Do you see the pattern followed by partisans like you and those on the right?
The very instant someone goes Hitler, I will only give a troll response.
I save my thought out responses for those that take the time to post their own thoughts...not cheap soundbites.

There is a reason I refer to the right wing of the Republican party as the Reich wing. And I am speaking as a former life long Republican who changed my party status to unaffiliated as soon as they nominated this Ass Clown, Donald Trump.

As a moderate I could no longer stay in the Republican party. It is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan, it is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of hate, bigotry, anger, fear & misogyny.

And best explained by a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

And every year they have gotten worse. Anti this, anti that, etc.etc. and this attitude was perfectly exemplified by separating children from their parents along the border. Something so morally defunck of human behavior that it was astounding. Very Hitleresk.

I really don't know how moderate Republicans can stay in this party. There is no room for them. The Party no longer respresents me.


Where were you when obama was separating children from their parents?

Where were you when obama was handing children over to human traffickers claiming to be their parents?

Your "outrage" at a policy created by clinton, and in place through Bush and obama was noticeably absent during those years.........but thanks for the fake outrage...it shows that you aren't really anything other than a squish....

You're listening to your Reich wing talk show hosts again. Tbe reason this happened is because of Jeff Sessions zero tolerance policy that he initiated. He wants to flood our court systems so he can prosecute the strawberry pickers. If you would have spent more than 2 seconds on the previous post, former first lady Laura Bush would have explained that to you. Scroll back to post 270 and try again.

As far as your Obama comment, a little FACT CHECKING will help.
"This has been going on for 50 years — longer," Trump said on Wednesday, hours before signing an executive order to halt the policy he put in place. "This has been going on under President Obama, under President Bush, this has been going on for many many years. This is inaccurate — there was no widespread Obama-era policy of separating parents and children — but it's a common talking point for Republican commentators and members of the president's administration.The idea that this is simply a continuation of an Obama-era practice is "preposterous," said Denise Gilman, director of the Immigration Clinic at the University of Texas Law School. "There were occasionally instances where you would find a separated family — maybe like one every six months to a year — and that was usually because there had been some actual individualized concern that there was a trafficking situation or that the parent wasn’t actually the parent.Once custody concerns were resolved, "there was pretty immediately reunification," Gilman told NBC News. "There were not 2,000 kids in two months — it’s not the same universe," she added."The Trump administration separated 1,995 children from 1,940 adults from April 19 to May 31, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security said Friday, a period in which the "zero tolerance" policy was in effect.
Fact check: Did Obama administration separate families?

Right now Jeff Sessions is in very deep kimchee with his church.
Jeff Sessions' pastor addresses 'firestorm' over church charges against AG - CNNPolitics


You're probably a Rush Limbaugh fan.

Zero Tolerance = enforcing the law.... not letting drug runners and human traffickers pretend to be the parents of children so they would be released into the country.... that is what obama was doing, that is what Trump stopped....
Zero Tolerance = enforcing the law.... not letting drug runners and human traffickers pretend to be the parents of children so they would be released into the country.... that is what obama was doing, that is what Trump stopped....

Nobody buys that bullshit....

No....insane, irrational asshats like you don't understand the issue..... When you explain the issue to normal people, they understand what Trump is doing...
16 "yes" votes so far.

Holy crap, more than I expected.

It should be more, but too many people are in denial... or just don't understand History..

The thing about it is, most people only see Hitler as this cartoonish character, not someone who convinced millions of otherwise smart people that world war and genocide were great ideas.

Hitler played on resentment about losing WWI, economic uncertainty in the Great Depression, and found an easy scapegoat in the Jews.

Trump plays on resentment about the "War on Terror", economic uncertainty due to globalization, and finds easy scapegoats in Mexicans and Muslims.

Can't tell you how many times I've heard people say, "Trump is a buffoon, but he's got a good point about ######"

Just imagine my grandparents friends saying the same thing in 1935.
No....insane, irrational asshats like you don't understand the issue..... When you explain the issue to normal people, they understand what Trump is doing...

Most normal people I talk to, you know, ones who aren't racist gun fetishists, they are horrified by what Trump is doing.

Is that just before they kill themselves because you won't leave them alone?

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