POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
Its not a serious question and it shows a profound ignorance of history.
What does history have to do with people's current opinions?
Calling Trump and his supporters Nazi's is ignoring history.
It is using history to identify a developing danger to this country.
Bullshit its an ignorance of history and an attempt to shut down those who don't think like you do.

Funny chit Trumpette.

There are lots of files online that lists the similarities between what Hitler did & what Trump is doing. What he did to rise to power is the same path El Dumpster is trying to take. Rile up hate toward a group of people, paint the free press as fake news, constantly lie to denigrate your opposition, etc etc etc
Obama did all of those things and more and he didn't come close to being a Nazi either read some fucking history you loon
Are Trump supporters Nazi's?
Its the wrong question to ask.
But when Trump uses the word "infest", it starts to become a justifiable comparison to make...

No, it's not. Again, saying such things is just stupid.

Wanting to secure our borders is NOT in any way, shape or form, similar to 'Nazis'.

Wanting to up-hold the Constitution is NOT in any way, shape or form, similar to 'Nazis'.

Wanting to enforce existing U.S. Immigration Law is NOT in any way, shape or form, similar to 'Nazis'.

Wanting to end the intentional lawless actions of liberals who openly break the law in aiding and abetting these criminals is NOT in any way, shape or form, similar to 'Nazis'.

Wanting to know who is coming into your country and control who comes into your country is NOT in any way, shape or form, similar to 'Nazis'.

Wanting to stem the time of the continuing INVASION that has been going on for decades is NOT in any way, shape or form, similar to 'Nazis'.

You don't like the term 'infested', despite the fact that the United States IS 'INFESTED' with MILLIONS of under-educated, un-skilled CRIMINAL MOOCHERS who are here in direct violation of our laws, and who are sponging off our hard-earned, seized tax dollars?

Tough sh!t - sorry your genteel, delicate emotional state is so adversely effected by the TRUTH! Even so, the fact that you are so easily offended does not make the President a 'Nazi' or 'Nazi-esque'.

AGAIN, anyone who would make such a stupid comparison / statement should automatically be disregarded and ignored, as such statements prove they have no idea what they are talking about, especially no concept of history.

Adolf Hitler sought power, world domination. To get people on-board / unified he came up with the plan to stroke the German people's ego while creating a false enemy for everyone to hate, thus unifying everyone in a common cause. Part of this plan was to push his 'Master Race' idea, claiming to want the best for his country, claiming to be a member of the 'Master Race' he touted...except Adolf was NOT a member of the 'pure-blood Germans', his 'Master Race'. He was a one-balled German-Austrian half-breed.

Hitler was a huge, lying, manipulating, POS that plunged his nation, in the end, into ruin.

If you want to compare anyone to Adolf Hitler, it should be Barak Obama.

Obama claimed to be a pure-blood, all-American who sought to claim the highest office in the land - to become this nation's leader to change the course of our future and re-make America. He was NOT the God-fearing, Constitution-respecting/defending, law-abiding, patriotic 'all-American' he claimed to be. Much like the one-balled, Austrian-German half-breed, Obama was a mix of several different things, none of which were fond of the United States.

Obama was the offspring of a Muslim Anti-Colonialist who sought to eliminate the United States as a world power and influence. Later in life, in college, Barry Soetoro began to identify more and more with his father who he wanted to be more like...so he changed his name to 'Barak Obama' after his dad.

Obama was tutored by famous Communist Frank Marshall Davis...admittedly. He studied Socialist Saul Alensky - admiring him, just as Hillary did/does. He even quoted Alensky's book 'Rules for Radicals' during his inauguration speech. He was mentored for at least a decade, again admittedly, by a racist, hate-spewing, anti-American 'pastor'. Finally, he was (is) friends with unapologetic domestic terrorist who bombed his own country, who claimed his biggest regret was not perpetrating MORE terrorist bombings.
-- All of this is confirmed, recorded for posterity, and - as stated - admitted by Obama himself (although he did deny being friends with Bill Ayers...despite the fact that he 1st announced his intent to run for President from the terrorists' home).

Communism, Socialism, and Terrorism - the trifecta of Anti-American beliefs / values, all rolled up into 1 man who sought to be the leader of the nation that opposes all of those things...or did. While his wife declared, despite the incredible history of this nation, that she was not proud of the United States / never was proud of the United States until her husband had infiltrated the US govt and had been elected President, Obama openly declared he wanted to 'FUNDAMENTALLY' change the United States. (Of course he did - all of the fundamentals of the teaching he had received over the course of his life were in direct conflict with everything the United States stood / stands for.)

"...a basis supporting existence or determining essential structure or function"

The BASIS supporting the existence of the United States / determining the essential structure or function of the United States is the United States Constitution, the fundamental document on which the existence of our entire country is based....and Barry openly declared he had every intention of CHANGING that...and then he set about doing it as President.

During his 8 years as President Barak Obama openly violated both Constitution and Rule of Law.

Obama was found in Contempt of Court twice for ignoring and violating Judges' rulings on several cases, such as Obama's violation of the judge's ruling against his deep-water drilling ban.

Obama was found to have violated the Constitution several times, like when he attempted to make 'Recess Appointments'. Even after the USSC ruled against him he defied them and refused to vacate the positions he filled Un-Constitutionally.

Obama, a self-proclaimed 'Constitutional Scholar', by-passed Congress to do whatever he wanted on a 'regular' basis: He dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional, un-approved wars to help terrorists (to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01...and 4 on 9/11/12. He by-passed Congress again to enter into his own personal Un-Constitutional' Treaty' on behalf of the United States, agreeing to a deal that benefitted our enemies...to include attempting to give the leading exporter of terrorism in the world access to our US banking system.

Barry even, after publicly declaring he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect Immigration law, by-passed Congress again to issue a Presidential 'edict' to institute 'DACA' as law of the land Un-Constitutionally on his own showing a complete and utter disregard for the United States Constitution, its defined Separation of Powers, and the rule of law in an effort to help/benefit criminal illegals who show every bit as much of disregard and disrespect for our Constitution and Rule of Law as Barry has by illegally coming into the US illegally.

During those 8 years Obama ruthlessly disregarded American lives, putting the welfare of terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, terrorist-supporting Hezbollah Drug ops, Iran, Human Traffickers, MS-13, & violent criminal illegals over that of American citizens.
- Congressman Steve King (R-IA) estimates that illegal alien drunk drivers kill 13 Americans every day — that’s a death toll of 4,745 per year.
- The violent crime category of assault, robbery, sexual assault, and family offenses comes to 12 percent committed by illegal immigrants.

(Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers: We’re All Victims)

Despite being warned of who the terrorists were in advance, Obama allowed terrorists to commit an attack at the Boston Marathon, killing and maiming American citizens.

Despite being warned a Middle East -wide attack was coming against US Embassies and compounds throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12 and despite knowing about 2 smaller attacks on a compound in Benghazi (terrorists checking 0ut security measures before the big attack), Obama STILL did nothing to protect Americans there and allowed 4 to needlessly die in an attack on the compound on 9/11/12.

Obama helped a terrorist enter the country only to have that same terrorist kill 7 Americans in California not long after.

Obama refused to enforce existing US Immigration law, violated US law, and aided abetted violent illegals preying on US citizens by refusing to detain/arrest/charge any illegal that committed a crime less than a felony, refused to hold / deport criminals, and protected Law Violating Sanctuary Cities that gave safe haven to violent illegals.

Much like the one-balled NON-true loyal pure-blood who seized control of his nations government and did whatever he wanted - to their destruction / ruin, Barry pretty much did the same thing, arguably attempting to fulfill his father's goal of eliminating the US as a world power and influence while keeping his own vow (in honor of his tutors, mentors, and hero) of 'FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGING' THE UNITED STATES by abandoning the Constitution and Rule of Law through doing whatever he wanted to do, which appeared to be helping terrorists, our enemies, and criminals while serving as a dictator-wannabe.
Obama did all of those things and more and he didn't come close to being a Nazi either read some fucking history you loon

Nazi = bad
Anyone you don't agree with = Nazi
Anyone you don't agree with = bad
Whatever i want therefore = good

Or to put it another way: "Stop thinking, i'll think for you. He want bad, me want good, you good, you vote me, you good not bad."

Same argument used by those caught making racist posts.

This is not agreeing or disagreeing with politics. This is about your support for a proven fraud, business cheat, liar who just punished little children in order to get funding for his stupid wall.
My support? Please tell me more about how i think. I wasn't aware i was missing something.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

Any one who invokes nazis have already lost the argument with rational people. That's why I want the MSM to keep it up, should make Nov fun.

Well, they're doing everything they can to scare people.

They've run off the freaking cliff with hyperbole, Americans aren't the idiots they take them for. People know inauthentic hype when they see it.

There has to be a point at which hyperbole backfires. This sure could end up being a case study.

I just hope people don't have to die for idiots to realize they've gone too far.

Where were you when obama was separating children from their parents?

Where were you when obama was handing children over to human traffickers claiming to be their parents?

Your "outrage" at a policy created by clinton, and in place through Bush and obama was noticeably absent during those years.........but thanks for the fake outrage...it shows that you aren't really anything other than a squish....

'Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?'

The poll question and thus the thread itself are idiotic.

Asking the question reveals the complete ignorance of the one asking the question ...

The left's fascination with Nazis continue as they also continue to accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are....
Are Trump supporters Nazi's?
Its the wrong question to ask.
But when Trump uses the word "infest", it starts to become a justifiable comparison to make, but not a blanket statement of his supporters. Yet this is the 4th stage to genocide.

Back in 2006, Sandra O'connor said. "It takes a lot of degeneration before a country falls into dictatorship, but we should avoid these ends by avoiding these beginnings."

he also refereed to these border crossers as animals & used the word breed. trying to dehumanize these people is a calculated move.

As a minority I can safely say a republican/conservative is more likely to be racist and bigot. You dont believe me see what the conservatives here in this very forum.
thats because a liberal who is a racist wont tell you to your face what they think of you.......they will tell you what you want to hear....
Nope I live in an ultra blue city...everyone is kind, busy and educated...the horror stories I hear from friends and family in red states is sadening.. I think it stems from poor education and exposure to other cultures....is like that in most countries...but it's more here in the US.
Exposure to other cultures is a form of education in and of itself. It's not isolation that we learn from.
Red states are saddening. Part of the that is the isolation, which, of course, breeds racism. How can you battle racism if all you know about those people are what Nazi's like Trump and his ilk tell you?
and all you know about those people you are talking about is what you are told by your useless party....so how are you any different?....
Which party ? I dont belong to any party. As a minority where the racists and bigots group up the most.
wasnt talking to you....
As a minority I can safely say a republican/conservative is more likely to be racist and bigot. You dont believe me see what the conservatives here in this very forum.
thats because a liberal who is a racist wont tell you to your face what they think of you.......they will tell you what you want to hear....
Nope I live in an ultra blue city...everyone is kind, busy and educated...the horror stories I hear from friends and family in red states is sadening.. I think it stems from poor education and exposure to other cultures....is like that in most countries...but it's more here in the US.

I live in a community on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. In my community, you will find people from all over the world, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Central and South America. People who practice many different religions and are from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. All are peaceful, friendly, and polite. The people in these "red states" are insular. They have never been exposed to the wider world, and they live in fear of it. They are very poorly educated.
I agree you find the most racists those that lived only with their own race.
i agree you should hear what some of the older Mexicans think of other races.....
As a minority I can safely say a republican/conservative is more likely to be racist and bigot. You dont believe me see what the conservatives here in this very forum.
thats because a liberal who is a racist wont tell you to your face what they think of you.......they will tell you what you want to hear....
Nope I live in an ultra blue city...everyone is kind, busy and educated...the horror stories I hear from friends and family in red states is sadening.. I think it stems from poor education and exposure to other cultures....is like that in most countries...but it's more here in the US.

I live in a community on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. In my community, you will find people from all over the world, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Central and South America. People who practice many different religions and are from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. All are peaceful, friendly, and polite. The people in these "red states" are insular. They have never been exposed to the wider world, and they live in fear of it. They are very poorly educated.
I agree you find the most racists those that lived only with their own race.

This is a major problem. These people have been isolated and never met anyone who was different from themselves. My own grandparents on my mother's side struggled with the English language, as they were immigrants.

I grew up just outside NYC, so there was always a richness around from the Poles, the Russians, the Irish, the Chinese, African-Americans, Italians. In the town in which my mother's parents settled and built a house were three Roman Catholic churches, one for the Irish, one for the Italians, one for the Poles. Three in one town, without counting the Protestant churches. I was blessed to be able to travel and see other people in their homelands, as well. And down here: well hello! to those in Baltimore's fabulous Greektown, and ditto to our Ethiopians, with their wonderful cooking and their wonderful jazz music.

People like these "conservatives" do not recognize the riches of the world that they live in. And they don't contribute anything to the "melting pot" which is comprised of all of us here in the U.S. of A.
how about "those" liberals who are the same way?...
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

Any one who invokes nazis have already lost the argument with rational people. That's why I want the MSM to keep it up, should make Nov fun.

Well, they're doing everything they can to scare people.

They've run off the freaking cliff with hyperbole, Americans aren't the idiots they take them for. People know inauthentic hype when they see it.

There has to be a point at which hyperbole backfires. This sure could end up being a case study.

I just hope people don't have to die for idiots to realize they've gone too far.

If it happens, they'll just blame someone else.
lets see you pull up one of those well argued posts joe.....i have been in many of his threads and many people,including liberal posters have either asked him a question or questioned what he said....never a reply....mac will at least give some kind of a reply....even now,here you are defending the guy....were is jones?....

Meh, Jones is honest about what he is.

Mac is a guy who thinks the problem with the Democrats is they aren't pandering to white people like the Republicans do.
if you say so joe....i wouldnt know how honest jones is.....but since you seem to be his spokesperson i guess i will just have to take your word for it.....
Any one who invokes nazis have already lost the argument with rational people. That's why I want the MSM to keep it up, should make Nov fun.

Well, they're doing everything they can to scare people.

They've run off the freaking cliff with hyperbole, Americans aren't the idiots they take them for. People know inauthentic hype when they see it.

There has to be a point at which hyperbole backfires. This sure could end up being a case study.

I just hope people don't have to die for idiots to realize they've gone too far.

If it happens, they'll just blame someone else.

The more I think about it, the DOJ civil rights division should sue Waters for civil rights violation. Harassment, stalking and denying peoples freedom of movement are illegal, maybe she should be taught that lesson.

I've never heard of a bunch of "Deplorables" called Nazis before.
Anyone else ever heard of a Nazi being called "deplorable"?
he also refereed to these border crossers as animals & used the word breed.

You LIE ... or are just ignorant. Get your FALSE NARRATIVE straight:

The President called the infamous, murdering, criminal MS-13 Gang members 'animals'....and every bit of evidence on them proves he was right to do so. Liberals, in the meantime, were SO determined to take the complete opposite stance on every issue moronically tried to stand up for and defend this despicable gang of rapist, butchers, drug dealers - terrorists who have beheaded young kids and set their bodies on fire.


BTW....polls showed the VAST majority of Americans agree with the President on MS13.
Well, they're doing everything they can to scare people.

They've run off the freaking cliff with hyperbole, Americans aren't the idiots they take them for. People know inauthentic hype when they see it.

There has to be a point at which hyperbole backfires. This sure could end up being a case study.

I just hope people don't have to die for idiots to realize they've gone too far.

If it happens, they'll just blame someone else.

The more I think about it, the DOJ civil rights division should sue Waters for civil rights violation. Harassment, stalking and denying peoples freedom of movement are illegal, maybe she should be taught that lesson.

Being a freedom of expression advocate, I think you might want to go in the opposite direction and broadcast everything she says.

This kind of hate is a gift to the GOP.
"Nazi"..when used by nazi leftists..means "law abiding patriot".

And the whole world knows it.

Every day since Trump won the election is like a gift.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

I wouldn't call them nazis. More like childish, loudmouth assholes. This administration emboldens racism. The Orange Virus' response to Charlottesville has shown this. This administration emboldens ignorance. This can be witnessed in White House press briefings as well as on this very message board. It emboldens an incompetence never before seen in the piss-poor responses to Hurricane Maria, the economy and immigration. This administration uses propaganda to promote a pro-corporate agenda. They are all opportunists ripe to fleece this country for every penny. The Orange Virus' and crotch fruit are blatantly leveraging the office to make themselves more money. I do not recognize the authority of the usurper in the White House after the mockery of the 2016 election. The sooner this 'reality show' gets cancelled the better off the country will be.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

I wouldn't call them nazis. More like childish, loudmouth assholes. This administration emboldens racism. The Orange Virus' response to Charlottesville has shown this. This administration emboldens ignorance. This can be witnessed in White House press briefings as well as on this very message board. It emboldens an incompetence never before seen in the piss-poor responses to Hurricane Maria, the economy and immigration. This administration uses propaganda to promote a pro-corporate agenda. They are all opportunists ripe to fleece this country for every penny. The Orange Virus' and crotch fruit are blatantly leveraging the office to make themselves more money. I do not recognize the authority of the usurper in the White House after the mockery of the 2016 election. The sooner this 'reality show' gets cancelled the better off the country will be.


More whining about how awful it is to abide by the law and how we need to destroy our form of government.
They've run off the freaking cliff with hyperbole, Americans aren't the idiots they take them for. People know inauthentic hype when they see it.

There has to be a point at which hyperbole backfires. This sure could end up being a case study.

I just hope people don't have to die for idiots to realize they've gone too far.

If it happens, they'll just blame someone else.

The more I think about it, the DOJ civil rights division should sue Waters for civil rights violation. Harassment, stalking and denying peoples freedom of movement are illegal, maybe she should be taught that lesson.

Being a freedom of expression advocate, I think you might want to go in the opposite direction and broadcast everything she says.

This kind of hate is a gift to the GOP.

Freedom of expression doesn't include assaulting people like they did to Pam Bondi. That's criminal. Of course the OP thinks it's just fine.


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