POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
he also refereed to these border crossers as animals & used the word breed.
You LIE ... or are just ignorant. Get your FALSE NARRATIVE straight:

The President called the infamous, murdering, criminal MS-13 Gang members 'animals'....and every bit of evidence on them proves he was right to do so. Liberals, in the meantime, were SO determined to take the complete opposite stance on every issue moronically tried to stand up for and defend this despicable gang of rapist, butchers, drug dealers - terrorists who have beheaded young kids and set their bodies on fire.


BTW....polls showed the VAST majority of Americans agree with the President on MS13.

right. but nothing about his usage of the words 'breed & infest' why? because it was real clear he meant more than a gang. you apparently have no problem with that.

so why are women & children being targeted? why are those seeking asylum not being granted their say? you know why.
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Define the term 'Nazi' please.
I don't use it.

Crazy me, I think of "Nazi" as the man and party responsible for the suffering and death of millions of people, the attempted extermination of millions more, and the literal destruction of much of Europe in the mid 40's.

Since I don't use the term as an insulting and absurd political weapon, I don't care much for its constant over-use.
right. so why are women & children being targeted? why are those seeking asylum not being granted their say? you know why.

I know you might find this hard to believe, but not everyone wanting to enter to the United States seeks to do so having the 'best' intentions (I mean aside from already disrespecting the US & US Law AND fully intending on violating US law to enter the US)

1. MS-13 member tries to sneak into U.S. as illegal immigrant child

2. UPDATE: US says 148 cases of migrants posing as family

"Homeland Security officials say there have been 148 cases where someone fraudulently posed as a family member of children at the U.S. border from October to April.

According to figures released Tuesday, the cases involved 301 people. Officials did not say how many were children.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has said there was a 314 percent increase in adults showing up with kids who are not family members. She says they are traffickers and smugglers."

I am sure there are probably a lot more reasons for what is going on, but none of that matters to easily emotionally-manipulated Trump-hating zealots.

In their rush to ignorantly villainized President Trump for doing exactly what Obama did (without condemnation from snowflakes), Trump-hating liberals / snowflakes are attempting to USE innocent children for partisan political gain.

Democrats don't give a damn about the poor illegal children being separated from their family members. Having no clue about the details of what is really going on, as you just proved yourself to be doing, liberal extremists and Trump-hating liberals are demanding that every woman who shows up with a child after illegally crossing the border be waived on through, without checking the identity of the 'child' or without checking to see if the adult with the child is actually a family member as they claim.

You can bet your ass, though, that if any child is hurt (entered into the sex slave trade, raped, killed) by an adult posing as the parent AFTER Trump ended the practice of temp separation of child from adult the Liberals will use that to attack Trump as well for not taking care of the children.

In 2015 California Federal Judge Gee ruled against the Obama administration for separating illegal immigrant children from their accompanying adults, housing them in what Gee called 'concentration camps' - wrapping them in aluminum-looking thermal blankets in overcrowded areas, serving small amounts of food the kids were not accustom to, resulting in them getting sick or not eating, etc... (The pictures the BULLSHIT FAKE NEWS MEDIA and Liberals tried to use in an attack on Trump were actually taken in 2014/2015 in OBAMA'S 'concentration camps'...as finally exposed.) In one case a young immigrant girl became sick and started throwing up. She reportedly threw up for 3 days while being given only water as 'medial treatment'. She was not taken to the hospital for real medical treatment until she started THROWING UP BLOOD ON THE 4TH DAY.

This was not highly publicized / covered by the Trump ass-kissing media. Obama's mistreatment of children, his separating families at the border - none of it was condemned by snowflakes. 'Nothing to see here!'

As Jonathon Gruber repeatedly declared about the Democratic Party's ignorant snowflake base, 'the average voter is stupid.....and the Democratic Party relies on the ignorance of their base to get away with all they do'.

The truth behind that statement has NEVER been so obvious regarding blind, deaf, and dumb un-wavering support of ignorant snowflakes to their manipulators / shepherds.
Nazi = bad
Anyone you don't agree with = Nazi
Anyone you don't agree with = bad
Whatever i want therefore = good

Or to put it another way: "Stop thinking, i'll think for you. He want bad, me want good, you good, you vote me, you good not bad."
Same thing with repeatedly calling an investigation a Witch Hunt, or Clinton, Crooked Hillary...or Mexicans Rapists or asylum Refugees ILLEGALS...
Could you define that?

Please get as specific as you want.

He means he hates them, it doesn't go any deeper
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
You called Republicans neonazis and told me not to be stupid. Classic
Nope. True.

That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Could you define that?

Please get as specific as you want.

He means he hates them, it doesn't go any deeper
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
You called Republicans neonazis and told me not to be stupid. Classic
Nope. True.

That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Yep, that's the tactic. Give your target the right horrific label, and all the rules go out the window.

The ends always justify the means. Any tactics are excused. That's the life philosophy of zealots.
Maybe we should ask the Democrats (Democrats in name only, really far Leftists) what they are running on. Are they running on hating Trump, and calling all of us Nazis, or are they running on taking the tax cut back, expanding Obamacare, and keeping our kids and grandkids in their state run schools that are failing?

We need know their agenda!

LEFTISTS--------->what is your agenda? Tell us so we can vote for you if we want, lololol!

again, you guys will just vote your white resentment, so what would be the point?

I notice, that ANY law you do not agree with, instead of changing it.....or at least trying, you use the race card.

Sorry, not gonna work with most of us. If you are to lazy (as most Leftists are) to even try and change a law you don't agree with, then you don't deserve to have it changed, AND are one of the LAZY asses to boot.

So, maybe you don't have enough time, busy at work are you? Well then, maybe you should WRITE your congress critters and your friends, and take up a petition to change the laws. It is well understood that people in congress are more afraid of an e-mail, or letter, than a phone call.

Would you like me to draft one for you and your friends? I will do it if need be. I wouldn't want you to think that WHITEY (which I am not, lol) is trying to dis your rights-)

By the way, you are a phony baloney, hehehehehehehe!
Well, they're doing everything they can to scare people.

They've run off the freaking cliff with hyperbole, Americans aren't the idiots they take them for. People know inauthentic hype when they see it.

There has to be a point at which hyperbole backfires. This sure could end up being a case study.

I just hope people don't have to die for idiots to realize they've gone too far.

If it happens, they'll just blame someone else.

The more I think about it, the DOJ civil rights division should sue Waters for civil rights violation. Harassment, stalking and denying peoples freedom of movement are illegal, maybe she should be taught that lesson.


She is inciting violence...........That is a crime.

Could you define that?

Please get as specific as you want.

He means he hates them, it doesn't go any deeper
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
You called Republicans neonazis and told me not to be stupid. Classic
Nope. True.

That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.
He means he hates them, it doesn't go any deeper
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
You called Republicans neonazis and told me not to be stupid. Classic
Nope. True.

That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.
Winner winner Chicken Dinner..........one of the ones voting yes .............Lunatic Fringe...........

Which side is attacking the other right now...........betcha you are in love with Maxine..........
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
You called Republicans neonazis and told me not to be stupid. Classic
Nope. True.

That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.
Winner winner Chicken Dinner..........one of the ones voting yes .............Lunatic Fringe...........

Which side is attacking the other right now...........betcha you are in love with Maxine..........
Not particularly no. Why?
You called Republicans neonazis and told me not to be stupid. Classic
Nope. True.

That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.
Winner winner Chicken Dinner..........one of the ones voting yes .............Lunatic Fringe...........

Which side is attacking the other right now...........betcha you are in love with Maxine..........
Not particularly no. Why?
You just said Trump is a Neo Nazi..........and you didn't vote yes...

You want to talk about a crime.............Maxine Waters is inciting violence.....................
This thread should be a cautionary tale about the dangers of hardcore partisan ideology. The affliction distorts both perceptions and thought processes.

There are people walking around who really do put Trump on par with the man responsible for the deaths and torture and suffering of millions, inter-generational suffering, and the literal destruction of so much of Europe. In their minds, equating the two is perfectly reasonable. They are serious.

Um, yeah. Here's the thing. In 1934, Hitler hadn't done any of those things yet. In fact, had Hitler keeled over and died in 1939, he probably would have been remembered fondly as Germany's greatest chancellor.

Why do I put Trump on Par with Hitler? Because of what he says. Because he dehumanizes Muslims and Hispanics the way Hitler dehumanized the Jews. Because he was honestly talking about deporting people without hearings today like this is all fucking normal.

Like a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus, or a sign-carrying Westboro Baptist Church member protesting at the funeral of a soldier, they're True Believers. Don't let this happen to you.

yes, be like Stormy Mac and don't beleive in anything and just pretend you are morally superior...
What a putz.

I don't see a reasonable excuse to mock the suffering of millions for political advantage.

We have more than enough checks and balances to avoid the next Hitler.

We do? Really, Stormy Mac?

Okay, the first check and balance should have been the GOP Nominating process. Oh, wait, that didn't work because the professional politicians couldn't pander to the hate of the GOP Base with an acceptable alternative who wasn't a nut.

Well... that didn't work. Well, how about the Election Well, Hillary won that, but Trump won the archaic Electoral College. You know, the Electoral College that was supposed to take action if the voters elected a dangerous demagogue. Oh, wait, no, they totally went along with it.

Well, he, we had another check and balance in Congress. They could have refused to certify the election, invoked the 25th Amendment to check Trump's sanity, or impeached him when it was pretty clear he was abusing his power. Oh, no, wait, they totally knuckled under.

So please don't get up here and tell me that it couldn't happen here... because my Grandparents were totally convinced it couldn't happe there.

If people as Smart as Germans could fall for this shit, people as dumb as Americans don't stand a chance.
The media hasn't inflamed the hate for trump. Trump has. The media just reported what he said and did.

Well said, the Media tries to treat this like it's normal.

Maybe Hitler isn't the best comparison. I'm thinking Gaius Caligula... who got away with what he did for as long as he did because the system didn't know how to deal with a mad emperor.

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