POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
I think Mac is aware that the abuse of the term, as done by the Left today, is obfuscating the term.

At least part of his intent here is to discuss that.

Yeah, if only Mac would show as much outrage about 2500 children being taken from their parents and thrown into cages as he does about someone being called a bad name.

Oh, wait.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Not a serious question.
It may be a further attempt to completely obfuscate the term "Nazi". It may be some form of trolling. A serious question, it is not.

I think Mac is aware that the abuse of the term, as done by the Left today, is obfuscating the term.

At least part of his intent here is to discuss that.
The same thing has been done to the term "racist'. Now it means everything. Or nothing.

Another terribly important word has been ruined by the Regressive Left for nothing more than political gain.

And "not a serious question"? As I write this, 19 people have voted yes.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

Democrat voters are like robots. They only do what they were programmed to do. Throw some damaging term out there, and the robots pick it up and repeat it constantly.

I guess they never learn. They didn't pay attention to the retaliation of Hillary's deplorable remark. So I'm sure their Jewish voters will appreciate the comparison and Democrat leaders won't regret it until it's too late.
I dunno. Next to blacks the Jews have been the most loyal dimocrat voters. Doesn’t make sense for either group but it is what it is.

I watched 8 years of the Obama admin appeasing countries and zealots calling for Jews and Israel to be exterminated and Jews still voted for Obama and bashed Bush. What did Bush ever do to hurt Jews?
I didn't say you called me a name. Another leftist who isn't a very good reader. I said you call people names. You call Republicans names. That's all that calling them nazis or neonazis is. There is no other basis for the argument. You call them that to dehumanize them and justify whatever the left does to them.

It's the irony, you are actually being a fascist when you do it. It's Democrats using violence to shut down speech. It's been going on for a long time. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence to scare the shit out of Republicans. She knows exactly what she is doing. So do you, Adolph

Wow, another pretzel logic from the Libertarian Child.

We all Trump and his supporters Nazis because they are acting like Nazis.

And sorry, refusing to serve Sarah Huckabee is hardly violence.

Violence is ripping a disabled child from her mother and tossing her into a camp and joking "Womp, Womp"

Democrats are the ones shutting down free speech and advocating against your political opponents. And you're using calling people Nazis to justify the violence you desire against your political opponents. You're the ones goose stepping and sending out the brown shirts to silence anyone who dares to defy you. You're calling a duck a Nazi while you're actually a Nazi.

You consistently accuse Republicans of what you actually do
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.

You're a dick. Everyone's something
Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.

It's more than that. They are dehumanizing Republicans to justify anything, including violence against them in order to shut them up.

Democrats keep bringing up Nazis, but they are the ones going down that path. They're tired of the ballot box, they just want to silence and invalidate their enemies now
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.

You're a dick. Everyone's something
Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


I didn't say you called me a name. Another leftist who isn't a very good reader. I said you call people names. You call Republicans names. That's all that calling them nazis or neonazis is. There is no other basis for the argument. You call them that to dehumanize them and justify whatever the left does to them.

It's the irony, you are actually being a fascist when you do it. It's Democrats using violence to shut down speech. It's been going on for a long time. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence to scare the shit out of Republicans. She knows exactly what she is doing. So do you, Adolph
Lotsa words that really don't say much. As previously mentioned, using the proper name for a thing isn't name-calling or labeling.
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.

You're a dick. Everyone's something
Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.
Far right extremists ≠ Trump supporters
Mostly it does.

No. Not one person I know who voted for Trump, which is basically everyone I’m close with, harbor alt-right beliefs. Alt-rightism is a radical belief system and the majority of Americans aren’t radically-minded, no matter how you wanna slice it.

Just bc I voted for Trump, strangers make the most inaccurate assumptions about me. It’s really quite ridiculous how people believe they’ve got a person pegged by knowing just one aspect of their life.

Some who voted for Trump did so bc they believed the alternative would have been a disaster, which is something a lot of us tend to forget. Thinking Hillary should never have the power of a presidency doesn’t make one an extremist.
Who you associate with defines you to a certain degree. You made your bed, now lie in it.

Why should I let people incorrectly label me? What you’re saying here is I should give you a pass for your ignorance so you can remain blessedly and blissfully ignorant. That’s my interpretation.

You know, I’m pretty sure the Pulse nightclub shooter was a Democrat, so from now on I’m gonna assume ALL Democrats are gay-hating mass murderers. Are you a gay-hating mass murderer? No? well then don’t share political beliefs with one—see how ludicrous that mindset is? And it’s essentially your attitude toward Trump voters.
Lol, like you don't already do that. Ha!

I don’t, bc I’m not a fucking intolerant moron. I’m here to try and understand people, not bash them for their beliefs, but if you’re hostile toward me, I treat you how you treat me. You don’t know me but think you do just bc I voted for Trump. I’m not claiming to KNOW things about you just bc you don’t like Trump, but rather speculate based on what you’re saying, giving you room to deny or validate... you should try it sometime.
Don't think I voted because of the three choices, because there are a small number of Trump voters who are Nazis, and many more have strong leanings towards discriminating against people of a different race or color just because of race or color. the similarity between that mind set & how Hitler used that hate of non whites to fuel his aggression is why you have 17 votes calling people Nazis. my guess is had you included using Nazi style propaganda to separate people by race would have been more factual.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Not a serious question.
It may be a further attempt to completely obfuscate the term "Nazi". It may be some form of trolling. A serious question, it is not.

I think Mac is aware that the abuse of the term, as done by the Left today, is obfuscating the term.

At least part of his intent here is to discuss that.
The same thing has been done to the term "racist'. Now it means everything. Or nothing.

Another terribly important word has been ruined by the Regressive Left for nothing more than political gain.

And "not a serious question"? As I write this, 19 people have voted yes.

You're a dick. Everyone's something
Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


I didn't say you called me a name. Another leftist who isn't a very good reader. I said you call people names. You call Republicans names. That's all that calling them nazis or neonazis is. There is no other basis for the argument. You call them that to dehumanize them and justify whatever the left does to them.

It's the irony, you are actually being a fascist when you do it. It's Democrats using violence to shut down speech. It's been going on for a long time. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence to scare the shit out of Republicans. She knows exactly what she is doing. So do you, Adolph
Lotsa words that really don't say much. As previously mentioned, using the proper name for a thing isn't name-calling or labeling.

Don't think I voted because of the three choices, because there are a small number of Trump voters who are Nazis, and many more have strong leanings towards discriminating against people of a different race or color just because of race or color. the similarity between that mind set & how Hitler used that hate of non whites to fuel his aggression is why you have 17 votes calling people Nazis. my guess is had you included using Nazi style propaganda to separate people by race would have been more factual.

1. Mac, very interesting thread, thanks for starting it!

2. So Trump (and some of his supporters are like NAZIS, and Trump is like Hitler? Hello Leftist phony baloneys...……..are you telling everyone on this board that if Adolf Hitler wanted to, he could NOT have made Obysmalcare go away?

3. Are you also telling us, that Adolf Hitler would have allowed the courts to decide his travel ban?

Let me tell you incompetent people something----------->know how Hitler got away with killing Jews, along with much of his bullshit? He COVERED IT UP! Nobody knew! Everything was secy-secy. It was a SHOCK when the Americans and Russians started finding concentration camps.

Know what else he did? He started using decrees to get his way, kinda like EOs; and NOT EOs to cancel other EOs, but rather EOs that over rode LAW! Then he didn't go to the court after that, he just put it in place, and to bad, to sad.

So does that sound like Trump to you people?

Not to me, but I seem to remember a President with big ears that did that, and if you want to debate it, I can PROVE IT, over, and over, and over again.

And yet, I would NEVER call your guy Adolf Hitler, nor you people NAZIs; Marxists/Socialists/phony-baloneys, yes, yes, and yes, but the NAZIs, never! And why not? Because none of your people are like Adolf Hitler, they are more subtle than that, like Mac says......regressives! But your political bent does come from Marxism/Socialism, and most of you will sing the praises of Democratic Socialism, of which there is no such thing, lol. Do you hear ANY of us singing the praises of Nazi Germany, or facist Italy?

But how many of YOU CLOWNS do we see singing the praises of Cuba, and used to sing all day about Venezuela? And what are those countries? Marxist/Socialist!

So you see, we have defined you by what YOU emulate and defend. Now show us where we defend what you call us-)

By the way, just to remind you Leftists, your screwed-) And as a very wise shrink wrote today----------->what the far Left is having is an "EXTINCTION REACTION!"

What does that mean? Well, this is how it was explained------------> Every day at work, or maybe at the welfare office...…..far left Libbys go up to a vending machine, put 3 or 4 quarters in, and out pops a doughnut. They do this each and every day, possibly using their EBT money, but everyday they get their doughnut from the vending machine.

One day, the far left libbys go to the vending machine, put in 4 quarters or swipe the EBT card, pull the lever, and nothing pops out. So what do they do, they start shaking and kicking the machine trying to get their doughnut, pissed, screaming, they got ripped off, etc.

Such anger, but what has happened to them now is WORSE!

Every election, they put in racist, homophobe, throw grandma off the cliff, and boom, they get elected. This time they tried the same thing, and instead of getting elected, out popped Donald J Trump! And so, they kept trying the same thing, and Trump stuck it right up their cabooses, AND his popularity keeps rising, lol!

The final straw was finding out WHAT WE were saying was correct, and their collusion/delusion is collapsing all around them, and their peeps might be looking really bad, along with Obysmal, finally coming to grips with the reality that if----------->the Republicans keep demanding all these documents, it ain't because they are trying to shoot themselves in the foot, lol!

Now you know why the shrink called it an "EXTINCTION REACTION." Not only are their tried and true methods NOT working, there is a very high probability, they are going to get their COLLECTIVE REAR ENDS run out of Washington on a rail, and some might even be put in...…..OMG...…..jail! Saints preserve us, hehehehehehehehehehe!
Democrats are the ones shutting down free speech and advocating against your political opponents. And you're using calling people Nazis to justify the violence you desire against your political opponents. You're the ones goose stepping and sending out the brown shirts to silence anyone who dares to defy you. You're calling a duck a Nazi while you're actually a Nazi.

Sorry, when did this happen... and, no kids on college campuses not wanting Richard Spenser speaking on their fee dollar doesn't count.

Your side is throwing kids into concentration camps and your President just called the Free Press the "Enemy of the People".
1. Mac, very interesting thread, thanks for starting it!

2. So Trump (and some of his supporters are like NAZIS, and Trump is like Hitler? Hello Leftist phony baloneys...……..are you telling everyone on this board that if Adolf Hitler wanted to, he could NOT have made Obysmalcare go away?

Again, read a history book. For the early years of the "Reich", Hitler followed all the rules of pretending Germany was still a Democracy. The Reichstag still met and still passed laws, the courts still functioned. Germany put on a big smiley face for the 1936 Olympics.

By the way, just to remind you Leftists, your screwed-) And as a very wise shrink wrote today----------->what the far Left is having is an "EXTINCTION REACTION!"

Wow, I read the whole crazy thing that followed this... I think the thread got dumber for it being posted.

Let me tell you incompetent people something----------->know how Hitler got away with killing Jews, along with much of his bullshit? He COVERED IT UP! Nobody knew! Everything was secy-secy. It was a SHOCK when the Americans and Russians started finding concentration camps.

No it wasn't. Dachau opened in 1933, and the world knew about it.. It just didn't care because, frankly, no one really like the Jews all that much or cared about them.

Just a few days after the opening of Dachau, on March 27, 1933, the famous activist rabbi Stephen Wise organized a large protest in New York City against Nazi treatment of Jews, labor leaders, and those with opposing political views. Many American newspapers reported on the camp’s opening and Wise’s protest. For example, on April 5, 1933, a New York Times headline read “Nazis to Hold 5,000 in Camp at Dachau; 300 Communist Prisoners Are Preparing Building of Old Munitions Plant; Secrecy Shrouds Work.” However, this important article was buried on page ten. So, while there was some mention of Dachau, it was perhaps not clear to the average reader what was occurring there. We searched Hoosier State Chronicles to find out specifically: When did Hoosiers hear about Dachau?

The first mention of Dachau as a concentration camp in one of these Indiana newspapers did not occur until October 14, 1938, five years into its operation. The Greencastle Daily Banner ran a report from Vienna on Nazi persecution of Czech Jews and prominent Catholics. At a Nazi demonstration outside the palace of Cardinal Innitzer, archbishop of Vienna, signs read, “Jews and Priests are Enemies of the German People,” and the demonstrators carried a mock gallows and chanted “To Dachau!” in reference to the cardinal.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Not a serious question.
It may be a further attempt to completely obfuscate the term "Nazi". It may be some form of trolling. A serious question, it is not.

I think Mac is aware that the abuse of the term, as done by the Left today, is obfuscating the term.

At least part of his intent here is to discuss that.
The same thing has been done to the term "racist'. Now it means everything. Or nothing.

Another terribly important word has been ruined by the Regressive Left for nothing more than political gain.

And "not a serious question"? As I write this, 19 people have voted yes.

Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


I didn't say you called me a name. Another leftist who isn't a very good reader. I said you call people names. You call Republicans names. That's all that calling them nazis or neonazis is. There is no other basis for the argument. You call them that to dehumanize them and justify whatever the left does to them.

It's the irony, you are actually being a fascist when you do it. It's Democrats using violence to shut down speech. It's been going on for a long time. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence to scare the shit out of Republicans. She knows exactly what she is doing. So do you, Adolph
Lotsa words that really don't say much. As previously mentioned, using the proper name for a thing isn't name-calling or labeling.

Don't think I voted because of the three choices, because there are a small number of Trump voters who are Nazis, and many more have strong leanings towards discriminating against people of a different race or color just because of race or color. the similarity between that mind set & how Hitler used that hate of non whites to fuel his aggression is why you have 17 votes calling people Nazis. my guess is had you included using Nazi style propaganda to separate people by race would have been more factual.

1. Mac, very interesting thread, thanks for starting it!

2. So Trump (and some of his supporters are like NAZIS, and Trump is like Hitler? Hello Leftist phony baloneys...……..are you telling everyone on this board that if Adolf Hitler wanted to, he could NOT have made Obysmalcare go away?

3. Are you also telling us, that Adolf Hitler would have allowed the courts to decide his travel ban?

Let me tell you incompetent people something----------->know how Hitler got away with killing Jews, along with much of his bullshit? He COVERED IT UP! Nobody knew! Everything was secy-secy. It was a SHOCK when the Americans and Russians started finding concentration camps.

Know what else he did? He started using decrees to get his way, kinda like EOs; and NOT EOs to cancel other EOs, but rather EOs that over rode LAW! Then he didn't go to the court after that, he just put it in place, and to bad, to sad.

So does that sound like Trump to you people?

Not to me, but I seem to remember a President with big ears that did that, and if you want to debate it, I can PROVE IT, over, and over, and over again.

And yet, I would NEVER call your guy Adolf Hitler, nor you people NAZIs; Marxists/Socialists/phony-baloneys, yes, yes, and yes, but the NAZIs, never! And why not? Because none of your people are like Adolf Hitler, they are more subtle than that, like Mac says......regressives! But your political bent does come from Marxism/Socialism, and most of you will sing the praises of Democratic Socialism, of which there is no such thing, lol. Do you hear ANY of us singing the praises of Nazi Germany, or facist Italy?

But how many of YOU CLOWNS do we see singing the praises of Cuba, and used to sing all day about Venezuela? And what are those countries? Marxist/Socialist!

So you see, we have defined you by what YOU emulate and defend. Now show us where we defend what you call us-)

By the way, just to remind you Leftists, your screwed-) And as a very wise shrink wrote today----------->what the far Left is having is an "EXTINCTION REACTION!"

What does that mean? Well, this is how it was explained------------> Every day at work, or maybe at the welfare office...…..far left Libbys go up to a vending machine, put 3 or 4 quarters in, and out pops a doughnut. They do this each and every day, possibly using their EBT money, but everyday they get their doughnut from the vending machine.

One day, the far left libbys go to the vending machine, put in 4 quarters or swipe the EBT card, pull the lever, and nothing pops out. So what do they do, they start shaking and kicking the machine trying to get their doughnut, pissed, screaming, they got ripped off, etc.

Such anger, but what has happened to them now is WORSE!

Every election, they put in racist, homophobe, throw grandma off the cliff, and boom, they get elected. This time they tried the same thing, and instead of getting elected, out popped Donald J Trump! And so, they kept trying the same thing, and Trump stuck it right up their cabooses, AND his popularity keeps rising, lol!

The final straw was finding out WHAT WE were saying was correct, and their collusion/delusion is collapsing all around them, and their peeps might be looking really bad, along with Obysmal, finally coming to grips with the reality that if----------->the Republicans keep demanding all these documents, it ain't because they are trying to shoot themselves in the foot, lol!

Now you know why the shrink called it an "EXTINCTION REACTION." Not only are their tried and true methods NOT working, there is a very high probability, they are going to get their COLLECTIVE REAR ENDS run out of Washington on a rail, and some might even be put in...…..OMG...…..jail! Saints preserve us, hehehehehehehehehehe!
Think man, don't emote. Was Adolf Hitler all that powerful the year he was elected? No, he progressively took more power as time went on.

Sound familiar?
They've run off the freaking cliff with hyperbole, Americans aren't the idiots they take them for. People know inauthentic hype when they see it.

There has to be a point at which hyperbole backfires. This sure could end up being a case study.

I just hope people don't have to die for idiots to realize they've gone too far.

If it happens, they'll just blame someone else.

The more I think about it, the DOJ civil rights division should sue Waters for civil rights violation. Harassment, stalking and denying peoples freedom of movement are illegal, maybe she should be taught that lesson.


She is inciting violence...........That is a crime.

no she's not. she said nothing of the kind. public shaming, shunning & giving pushback is not inciting violence. you are swallowing more trump pablum.
Democrats are the ones shutting down free speech and advocating against your political opponents. And you're using calling people Nazis to justify the violence you desire against your political opponents. You're the ones goose stepping and sending out the brown shirts to silence anyone who dares to defy you. You're calling a duck a Nazi while you're actually a Nazi.

Sorry, when did this happen... and, no kids on college campuses not wanting Richard Spenser speaking on their fee dollar doesn't count.

Your side is throwing kids into concentration camps and your President just called the Free Press the "Enemy of the People".

Exactly. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is a Nazi and needs to be shut down. I'm not clear what you're question is since you agreed with me down the line

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