POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.

The irony being you believe that because you're actually a fascist who's sick of having to hear another side from yours
I think you need to look up the word "fascist" and get back to me.
It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.

The irony being you believe that because you're actually a fascist who's sick of having to hear another side from yours
I think you need to look up the word "fascist" and get back to me.
Fascists like antifa and the democrat party silence speech you oppose whatever it takes
Could you define that?

Please get as specific as you want.
Fans of the social aspects of Nazism. Ultranationalism, racism, xenophopia, homophobia, etc.

A mainstay of far right extremism in today's political spectrum.
And here we go...............trying to justify it's use..............

There is no reasoning or compromise with these people.........They are a joke.

Liberals by definition lack the ability to reason, thus why they are liberal

They are emotional creatures............easily stirred..........like a group of Zombies marching together.........

They love the victim card..........They use the lies with no cares when called out..........They avoid facts that destroy their argument.....and divert it to something else to hide from reality............When that doesn't work they call you names.........such as a NAZI...........RACIST.............

It's what they do.........and elections are close............Time to CRANK IT UP and cause CHAOS.............It's standard tactics.
in other words you know you're winning when they say those words. AMEN
As a minority I can safely say a republican/conservative is more likely to be racist and bigot. You dont believe me see what the conservatives here in this very forum.
thats because a liberal who is a racist wont tell you to your face what they think of you.......they will tell you what you want to hear....
Nope I live in an ultra blue city...everyone is kind, busy and educated...the horror stories I hear from friends and family in red states is sadening.. I think it stems from poor education and exposure to other cultures....is like that in most countries...but it's more here in the US.

I live in a community on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. In my community, you will find people from all over the world, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Central and South America. People who practice many different religions and are from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. All are peaceful, friendly, and polite. The people in these "red states" are insular. They have never been exposed to the wider world, and they live in fear of it. They are very poorly educated.
Is this how you go about justifying your dislike for people you disagree with?
You're a dick. Everyone's something
Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.

It is not obvious that you think it is justified.

It is obvious that you think it is useful to smear and slander people you don't like.

No reasonable, hell, no SANE person would equate sending someone home, with sending them to the gas chamber, so your claim that you think it is justified, is simply not credible.

You are lying, to defend your vile and despicable behavior.
1. Mac, very interesting thread, thanks for starting it!

2. So Trump (and some of his supporters are like NAZIS, and Trump is like Hitler? Hello Leftist phony baloneys...……..are you telling everyone on this board that if Adolf Hitler wanted to, he could NOT have made Obysmalcare go away?

Again, read a history book. For the early years of the "Reich", Hitler followed all the rules of pretending Germany was still a Democracy. The Reichstag still met and still passed laws, the courts still functioned. Germany put on a big smiley face for the 1936 Olympics.

By the way, just to remind you Leftists, your screwed-) And as a very wise shrink wrote today----------->what the far Left is having is an "EXTINCTION REACTION!"

Wow, I read the whole crazy thing that followed this... I think the thread got dumber for it being posted.

Let me tell you incompetent people something----------->know how Hitler got away with killing Jews, along with much of his bullshit? He COVERED IT UP! Nobody knew! Everything was secy-secy. It was a SHOCK when the Americans and Russians started finding concentration camps.

No it wasn't. Dachau opened in 1933, and the world knew about it.. It just didn't care because, frankly, no one really like the Jews all that much or cared about them.

Just a few days after the opening of Dachau, on March 27, 1933, the famous activist rabbi Stephen Wise organized a large protest in New York City against Nazi treatment of Jews, labor leaders, and those with opposing political views. Many American newspapers reported on the camp’s opening and Wise’s protest. For example, on April 5, 1933, a New York Times headline read “Nazis to Hold 5,000 in Camp at Dachau; 300 Communist Prisoners Are Preparing Building of Old Munitions Plant; Secrecy Shrouds Work.” However, this important article was buried on page ten. So, while there was some mention of Dachau, it was perhaps not clear to the average reader what was occurring there. We searched Hoosier State Chronicles to find out specifically: When did Hoosiers hear about Dachau?

The first mention of Dachau as a concentration camp in one of these Indiana newspapers did not occur until October 14, 1938, five years into its operation. The Greencastle Daily Banner ran a report from Vienna on Nazi persecution of Czech Jews and prominent Catholics. At a Nazi demonstration outside the palace of Cardinal Innitzer, archbishop of Vienna, signs read, “Jews and Priests are Enemies of the German People,” and the demonstrators carried a mock gallows and chanted “To Dachau!” in reference to the cardinal.


Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.

The irony being you believe that because you're actually a fascist who's sick of having to hear another side from yours
I think you need to look up the word "fascist" and get back to me.
Fascists like antifa and the democrat party silence speech you oppose whatever it takes

Serious question.
I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.
Please vote and comment, thanks.
I dunno, but when did you stop beating your wife?

Well, I would like to thank the hyperbolic, race bating, Joe blow from Kokomo, how much I appreciate his and his ilk, pulling this crapola off. I urge all people to remember the last time the far left went off the deep end, and exactly what happened, lol.

Of what am I speaking? WISCONSIN! Do we remember the get in your face they pulled off there against Scott Walker? They almost had to call the national guard. They had Leftists storming EVERYTHING there, spent millions, called him a racist, and all the usual Leftist descriptors. It was national news.

What happened?

Well, Scott Walker got MORE votes than he got originally, all those "tough guy" Leftists slunk out of town.

So Joe, we actually THANK you and Auntie Maxine for being absolutely incompetent. Your side is going to get their ass handed to them again as you have even pissed off Democrats I know, lol. And with Justice Kennedy retiring July 31, everything you THOUGHT you were going to control, just got yanked; and thanks to people like YOU with your arrogant attitudes and far Leftist mentality, it was like taking candy from babies-)

Thanks Joe, and thank Auntie Maxine for us next time you talk to her, you race baiting, incompetent, phony-baloney-)
Nazi = bad
Anyone you don't agree with = Nazi
Anyone you don't agree with = bad
Whatever i want therefore = good

Or to put it another way: "Stop thinking, i'll think for you. He want bad, me want good, you good, you vote me, you good not bad."
I'm with you on this. "Nazi" has become one of those auto-demonizing catch phrases, like "Fascist," "demagogue," and "assault rifle," that people fling at each other without really knowing what the terms mean. I wish people wouldn't do that. Words have meanings, goldangit.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.

Hitler was not about freedom and liberty. He was not about smaller government. He was not about capitalism. So, he was the opposite of Trump.

I am sick of the left trying to claim that detention centers at the border equal concentration camps. especially when it was the same under every president since 1996.

Hitler gathered people up, put them in boxcars and shipped them to camps where they worked until they were murdered.

Trump wants illegal aliens to come in the right way. Hmm, no comparison.

Hitler controlled the media. He managed to make people believe that his views were shared by the majority and anyone who questioned the state was ridiculed. Some disappeared in the middle of the night, never to be seen again. People were soon afraid to speak out on behalf of the Jews because they falsely believed they were in the minority. People feared the state so much that they turned in their neighbors for thought crimes. After all was said and done, most realized that they opposed Hitler and what he was doing but they were too afraid to stand up for the victims for fear they would become victims. No one is afraid to disagree with Trump. People who have gone after Hillary have a funny way of committing suicide.

Hitler used children to promote gun control. He said everyone would be safer. It simply made it so no one could fight back and millions were slaughtered.

Hitler was socialist. He lulled people into a false sense of security by promising to take care of them. People were willing to cede their rights because they believed that Hitler would ensure their safety and give them what they need.

Seems to me that if you look at what happened during Hitler's rise, before he let his true intentions be known, it's exactly what the left is doing today.

I'm not saying that they will murder millions, but there is so much talk about population control with many leftists claiming we need to reduce the world's population by at least a half billion people and with their insistence that we surrender our weapons, I would not trust them for one second to keep their promises. Obama's health czar wanted to put sterilization agents in our water supplies. Evil. So many people on hooked on pain killers now. The opioid crisis was spurred by the rules of Obamacare. Don't cure people to extend their life, just give them pain killers to make the end easier. At least the deaths are less messy and less painful.
Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. Your President never called "the free press" the enemy of the people." He insulted leftist fake news. So just to be clear, when Obama insulted Fox news and the new media, he was calling for the elimination of the press. That's what you heard? Of course not, liar.

Did he ever call them "the Enemy of the People"? Um, no, he didn't.

Trump did say that about the other four networks and the NYT.

Yes, he's right. Fake news is the enemy of the American people. They use their platform to lie and manipulate idiots like you. You said he called having a free press the enemy of the people, is this your concession he didn't?

Sorry, a Free Press to me is one that can criticize the president, and guess what, we can make up our own minds about whether or not it's valid. Frankly, my complaint with the MSM is that they keep trying to normalize Trump.

Due process is a judicial process, Joe. Double jeopardy means you can't be tried in court for the same crime twice. Multiple investigations into the crime aren't considered jeopardy. Don't hurt yourself, but think about it. "Jeopardy" means when a jury determines your fate. Investigations can't convict you. I can't believe you don't know that

Okay... you had 8 investigations into Benghazi, and 3 into Emails, and fucking Whitewater dragged on for a decade, and you guys haven't gotten anywhere NEAR getting Mrs. Clinton into a courtroom. So, yeah, a President threatening to throw a political opponent in jail when fair and biased against her investigations have cleared her, there's a word for that.

So Joe, we actually THANK you and Auntie Maxine for being absolutely incompetent. Your side is going to get their ass handed to them again as you have even pissed off Democrats I know, lol. And with Justice Kennedy retiring July 31, everything you THOUGHT you were going to control, just got yanked; and thanks to people like YOU with your arrogant attitudes and far Leftist mentality, it was like taking candy from babies-)

Yawn, guy, can you keep on one topic, please..

Reality- The Dems will probalby do okay in the midterms, because People just don't like Trump. I also doubt they'll name Kennedy's replacement before the midterms, and that's probably not an issue you'd want to run on.

But the real damage is going to come when the economy goes into recession next year and Trump owns it. Then all the rednecks wearing MAGA hats will turn on him faster than they turned on Poppy and Baby Bush.
So Joe, we actually THANK you and Auntie Maxine for being absolutely incompetent. Your side is going to get their ass handed to them again as you have even pissed off Democrats I know, lol. And with Justice Kennedy retiring July 31, everything you THOUGHT you were going to control, just got yanked; and thanks to people like YOU with your arrogant attitudes and far Leftist mentality, it was like taking candy from babies-)

Yawn, guy, can you keep on one topic, please..

Reality- The Dems will probalby do okay in the midterms, because People just don't like Trump. I also doubt they'll name Kennedy's replacement before the midterms, and that's probably not an issue you'd want to run on.

But the real damage is going to come when the economy goes into recession next year and Trump owns it. Then all the rednecks wearing MAGA hats will turn on him faster than they turned on Poppy and Baby Bush.

Your also an economic prognosticator too?!?!?!?!

How ever do you find the time between being a race baiter, a far Leftist, and a phony baloney to boot!

Like I said, tell Auntie Maxine thanks from all of us here-)
The very instant someone goes Hitler, I will only give a troll response.
I save my thought out responses for those that take the time to post their own thoughts...not cheap soundbites.
Then you're doing the world (and history) a disservice. The Holocaust didn't happen overnight. There was 10 years of ramping up the hatred before Germany went in to the full blown Final Solution. Making sure history doesn't repeat itself, means paying attention to the warning signs.

There are real similarities between the US today and Germany in the '30's.
  • a bully President
  • a rise in nationalism
  • violence to political opposition
  • scapegoating all the problems on an entire class of people
  • authoritarian government
  • lack of accountability
To deliberately turn a deaf ear to these red flags is helping to destroy our democracy.
The very instant someone goes Hitler, I will only give a troll response.
I save my thought out responses for those that take the time to post their own thoughts...not cheap soundbites.
Then you're doing the world (and history) a disservice. The Holocaust didn't happen overnight. There was 10 years of ramping up the hatred before Germany went in to the full blown Final Solution. Making sure history doesn't repeat itself, means paying attention to the warning signs.

There are real similarities between the US today and Germany in the '30's.
  • a bully President
  • a rise in nationalism
  • violence to political opposition
  • scapegoating all the problems on an entire class of people
  • authoritarian government
  • lack of accountability
To deliberately turn a deaf ear to these red flags is helping to destroy our democracy.
The left is playing demonization, hatred and now encouraging harrasment of public officials.

If you can't shut off the bile which is a two way street despite what you parrot, you just might be a brown shirt. I could care less which party the zealots are from.

There are still checks and balances.

EVERYONE just needs to calm the hell down.

The Nazi comparison is childish and stupid regardless of who spews it.
Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.

It is not obvious that you think it is justified.

It is obvious that you think it is useful to smear and slander people you don't like.

No reasonable, hell, no SANE person would equate sending someone home, with sending them to the gas chamber, so your claim that you think it is justified, is simply not credible.

You are lying, to defend your vile and despicable behavior.
Lol!! Please, tell me more about what I think!

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.

It is not obvious that you think it is justified.

It is obvious that you think it is useful to smear and slander people you don't like.

No reasonable, hell, no SANE person would equate sending someone home, with sending them to the gas chamber, so your claim that you think it is justified, is simply not credible.

You are lying, to defend your vile and despicable behavior.
Lol!! Please, tell me more about what I think!


Sure. You know that you can't refute my point, ie that no sane person would really believe that sending someone home is the same as sending them to the gas chamber.

So you are thinking, I need to express disagreement, but without mentioning what I am disagreeing with, because otherwise everyone smart enough to read my post, will realize that I am lying...

so you decided to vague it up, so that you could disagree, but without being specific about what or how you were disagreeing.

Pretty standard lib stuff these days.

You know that everyone with an iq over room temperature reading this, knows that I have demonstrated that you are spreading vile lies about people, just because you think you can get away with it.
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.

It is not obvious that you think it is justified.

It is obvious that you think it is useful to smear and slander people you don't like.

No reasonable, hell, no SANE person would equate sending someone home, with sending them to the gas chamber, so your claim that you think it is justified, is simply not credible.

You are lying, to defend your vile and despicable behavior.
Lol!! Please, tell me more about what I think!


Sure. You know that you can't refute my point, ie that no sane person would really believe that sending someone home is the same as sending them to the gas chamber.

So you are thinking, I need to express disagreement, but without mentioning what I am disagreeing with, because otherwise everyone smart enough to read my post, will realize that I am lying...

so you decided to vague it up, so that you could disagree, but without being specific about what or how you were disagreeing.

Pretty standard lib stuff these days.

You know that everyone with an iq over room temperature reading this, knows that I have demonstrated that you are spreading vile lies about people, just because you think you can get away with it.
You didn't make a point. You told me what you think I think. You're wrong.

End of statement.

No other comments needed.

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