POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
No matter how many times you repeat it. You still come off as a childish idiot. Grow up.

How many people has JoeBile convinced? Absolutely ZERO.

Has anyone convinced anyone of anything on USMB?

Frankly, I've been here for 7 years. I've seen posters come and go, but I've never seen one "Change his mind".

Over the last 25 years, I've changed my mind on a lot of issues because of arguments that were made to me. Some examples

1) Went from pro-life to pro-choice
2) Went from wanting to be in the middle east to wanting to leave militarily entirely
3) Went from believing in gun registration and gun free zones to opposing them because they don't affect the target
4) Being for the war on drugs to opposing all drug laws for private usage
5) Being for the death penalty to opposing it.

Leftists on this board are completely unpersuasive because you are emotional and your only weapon is attack and silence. There are others on the board, but the focus of the board is right versus left. When a good discussion starts, leftists jump in with your stupid crap and end it. So I gave up on that and just banter. Mostly with leftists, socons and Trump supporters regarding tariffs and tax cuts
So we agree your posts have no effect.

Nope. But English escapes you...
Sanity escapes you.
Have the doc change your mess.

Joe's English comprehension is dreadful, that was comic.

For example, Joe read "crime infested & breeding" and thought the infested went with the breeding instead of the crime. I guess he doesn't know that an ampersand means "and"
President Trump,

You walk on water if you build the wall.
Trump isn't here.
But again, you just stir the pot of division, and never really state anything worthwhile.

building the wall is not worthwhile? it saves lives, kiddo!
Another contradictory statement.
Seems you play with both sides.

Yes, he trolls both sides. I ignore most of what he says when I agree with Bro because I know that's just a post trolling the other side
Over the last 25 years, I've changed my mind on a lot of issues because of arguments that were made to me. Some examples

Nobody really believes that. Frankly, I've been watching you for a while and you are still the same guy.

Don't have the dick to speak for yourself, huh. I said 25 years. None of those were since 2010 when I joined the board, I never said it was. I said the board has not changed my mind on anything and why.

You really don't grasp what you read, do you, Joe? Like when Trump said murderers and rapists come here from Mexico, and you heard Mexicans are murderers and rapists. You just don't process the words
We were killing the kids??? Wow, I did not know that. So Obama build concentration camps? You must really hate him.

Look up the definition of a concentration camp. It's different than a death camp.

Learn the difference between "build" and "built". I know verb tenses are challenging for you.

No real comparison between how Obama handled a short influx of unaccompanied minors in 2014 and how Trump is treating families now.

You said they are concentration camps. Obama built them, not Trump. And he used them the exact same way. They either are or are not concentration camps, and you said they are.

You are a total lying dick and you need to pick up a history book. You're trying to tie it to Nazis and then turn around and try to word parse your way out of it. Families were separated to be killed. Entire generations of families who had done nothing were wiped out.

You're trying to equate that with people who 100% committed crimes and many of them are pedophiles and sex and slave traffickers. Others were people who abused their children taking them while they committed crimes and putting them in extreme peril running across a desert and putting themselves in the hands of ruthless coyotes. Pick up a history book and stop being an ignorant dick
Nazi = bad
Anyone you don't agree with = Nazi
Anyone you don't agree with = bad
Whatever i want therefore = good

Or to put it another way: "Stop thinking, i'll think for you. He want bad, me want good, you good, you vote me, you good not bad."
I'm with you on this. "Nazi" has become one of those auto-demonizing catch phrases, like "Fascist," "demagogue," and "assault rifle," that people fling at each other without really knowing what the terms mean. I wish people wouldn't do that. Words have meanings, goldangit.
Well actually the vile that were those animals, Nazis, demonized people treated them worse than animals. In fact, I can't even find a word for what they actually did. to simply throw that word out insults the families of those who were actually affected by that vile race.
The left is playing demonization, hatred and now encouraging harrasment of public officials.

If you can't shut off the bile which is a two way street despite what you parrot, you just might be a brown shirt. I could care less which party the zealots are from.

There are still checks and balances.

EVERYONE just needs to calm the hell down.

The Nazi comparison is childish and stupid regardless of who spews it.
Even when the comparison is valid?
You really don't grasp what you read, do you, Joe? Like when Trump said murderers and rapists come here from Mexico, and you heard Mexicans are murderers and rapists. You just don't process the words

I process words just fine, then I recognize liars when I see them.

Trust me, mental illness like yours starts very early in life.
It is not obvious that you think it is justified.

It is obvious that you think it is useful to smear and slander people you don't like.

No reasonable, hell, no SANE person would equate sending someone home, with sending them to the gas chamber, so your claim that you think it is justified, is simply not credible.

You are lying, to defend your vile and despicable behavior.
Lol!! Please, tell me more about what I think!


Sure. You know that you can't refute my point, ie that no sane person would really believe that sending someone home is the same as sending them to the gas chamber.

So you are thinking, I need to express disagreement, but without mentioning what I am disagreeing with, because otherwise everyone smart enough to read my post, will realize that I am lying...

so you decided to vague it up, so that you could disagree, but without being specific about what or how you were disagreeing.

Pretty standard lib stuff these days.

You know that everyone with an iq over room temperature reading this, knows that I have demonstrated that you are spreading vile lies about people, just because you think you can get away with it.
You didn't make a point. You told me what you think I think. You're wrong.

End of statement.

No other comments needed.

No, I think we need to comment on what your position is. I know you want to bury that in bullshit.

You think it is justified to call people neo nazis,

because in your view, sending someone home is the same as sending them to the gas chamber.

That is utterly absurd. Your justification for your position is so utterly stupid, that there is no way that you really believe it.

Thus you are a vile and despicable liar.
Nope. Act like a neo-nazi, get called a neo-nazi.

It's pretty simple shit man.

Except that sending someone HOME is not acting like a neo-nazi.

Yet you lefties pretend it is.

So, your lie is debunked. Again. Or is it still?

Either way, you are not fooling ANYONE. Not even yourself.

I can tell.
You really don't grasp what you read, do you, Joe? Like when Trump said murderers and rapists come here from Mexico, and you heard Mexicans are murderers and rapists. You just don't process the words

I process words just fine, then I recognize liars when I see them.

Trust me, mental illness like yours starts very early in life.

You know liars when they say them because you're a mind reader?

Trump made a factually correct statement. Murderers and rapists do come here from Mexico.

Joe: OMG, that's true, sure, but I know that you meant something that isn't true!!!!

Sure you do, Joe, sure you do ...
The left is playing demonization, hatred and now encouraging harrasment of public officials.

If you can't shut off the bile which is a two way street despite what you parrot, you just might be a brown shirt. I could care less which party the zealots are from.

There are still checks and balances.

EVERYONE just needs to calm the hell down.

The Nazi comparison is childish and stupid regardless of who spews it.
Even when the comparison is valid?
Ironic coming from the poster with countless threads against the Jewish state where you berate others and your replies are laced with venom and bile.

The comparison is valid only in your head where Trump resides. Much like JoeBile. The narrative is meaningless no matter how much it is parroted.
Ironic coming from the poster with countless threads against the Jewish state where you berate others and your replies are laced with venom and bile.
What's the difference between Zionists wanting a Jewish State and Nazis wanting an Aryan Nation? Both are steeped in racism. Both scapegoat an entire population of people. Both treat these respective populations like they are subhuman. Both trash these populations non-stop, 24/7. Both have average citizens look the other way (or say nothing at all), whenever horrendous atrocities are committed against these populations. So what's the difference?

As for "venom and bile", my posts are in direct proportion to the posts I am responding to. The only difference is, I'm a better asshole than they are.

The comparison is valid only in your head where Trump resides. Much like JoeBile. The narrative is meaningless no matter how much it is parroted.
Not when they do the same things. What's the difference between Hitlers rants against the Jews and Trumps rants against Muslims and immigrants? Both Hitler and Trump declared the free press enemies of the state. Both are authoritarians. Both lash out at anyone who criticizes them. So how is this just in my head?
Ironic coming from the poster with countless threads against the Jewish state where you berate others and your replies are laced with venom and bile.
What's the difference between Zionists wanting a Jewish State and Nazis wanting an Aryan Nation? Both are steeped in racism. Both scapegoat an entire population of people. Both treat these respective populations like they are subhuman. Both trash these populations non-stop, 24/7. Both have average citizens look the other way (or say nothing at all), whenever horrendous atrocities are committed against these populations. So what's the difference?

As for "venom and bile", my posts are in direct proportion to the posts I am responding to. The only difference is, I'm a better asshole than they are.

The comparison is valid only in your head where Trump resides. Much like JoeBile. The narrative is meaningless no matter how much it is parroted.
Not when they do the same things. What's the difference between Hitlers rants against the Jews and Trumps rants against Muslims and immigrants? Both Hitler and Trump declared the free press enemies of the state. Both are authoritarians. Both lash out at anyone who criticizes them. So how is this just in my head?
Based on the daily criticism leveled at Trump it is quite clear to the sane that the press is still very free. Quit hyperventilating.
You really don't grasp what you read, do you, Joe? Like when Trump said murderers and rapists come here from Mexico, and you heard Mexicans are murderers and rapists. You just don't process the words

I process words just fine, then I recognize liars when I see them.

Trust me, mental illness like yours starts very early in life.

So...should we call you Dr. Joe? Dumbass.

You're probably a Rush Limbaugh fan.

No, just a butt-hurt snowflake who can't accept that the results of the last election results in which their treasonous criminal felon lost....

I am glad you brought up TREASON. At this link you can read one article watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

This link, then scroll down to post # 56
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

Then after you get through that a great book to read is:


Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down.

Trump's hard core base, are racists, and white supremacists. They showed up for him in Charlottesville with a message, and were even making robo calls for him.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises
A White Supremacist Group is Making Pro-Trump Robocalls

So if the shoe fits, wear it.


Charlottesville Virginia

Trump campaigned on fear, hate & division and they came running. This is the same exact tactic that Adolf Hitler used to come to power

First, Nazis were Socialists. No matter what a Leftist will say, they were Socialists. Second, the left never seems to understand the full political spectrum. Not even the KKK themselves do, and mistakenly places themselves on the right, when they are actually leftists.

After speaking to someone that knows socialism because they came from and the former USSR before the wall fell, I understand that the Nazis were white Socialists, the Soviets were red Socialists. Look up what USSR stood for you'll see what I mean. Also that is why Hitler didn't like the Soviets. Soviets want Socialism for everyone, like the Democrats and the left, Hitler only wanted socialism for his people.

Lastly, Trump may be an authoritarian, but no dictator. That was Obama with his pen and phone. He said this had to be done and wrote an executive order saying so. He did EVERYTHING that way. Trump wants Congress to do their jobs. Dictators come with socialism because people get lazy because of all the free stuff. So you need a dictator to tell you to do things.

So tell me who are the Nazis? The left.

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