POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.

It is not obvious that you think it is justified.

It is obvious that you think it is useful to smear and slander people you don't like.

No reasonable, hell, no SANE person would equate sending someone home, with sending them to the gas chamber, so your claim that you think it is justified, is simply not credible.

You are lying, to defend your vile and despicable behavior.
Lol!! Please, tell me more about what I think!


Sure. You know that you can't refute my point, ie that no sane person would really believe that sending someone home is the same as sending them to the gas chamber.

So you are thinking, I need to express disagreement, but without mentioning what I am disagreeing with, because otherwise everyone smart enough to read my post, will realize that I am lying...

so you decided to vague it up, so that you could disagree, but without being specific about what or how you were disagreeing.

Pretty standard lib stuff these days.

You know that everyone with an iq over room temperature reading this, knows that I have demonstrated that you are spreading vile lies about people, just because you think you can get away with it.
You didn't make a point. You told me what you think I think. You're wrong.

End of statement.

No other comments needed.

No, I think we need to comment on what your position is. I know you want to bury that in bullshit.

You think it is justified to call people neo nazis,

because in your view, sending someone home is the same as sending them to the gas chamber.

That is utterly absurd. Your justification for your position is so utterly stupid, that there is no way that you really believe it.

Thus you are a vile and despicable liar.
It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.

It is not obvious that you think it is justified.

It is obvious that you think it is useful to smear and slander people you don't like.

No reasonable, hell, no SANE person would equate sending someone home, with sending them to the gas chamber, so your claim that you think it is justified, is simply not credible.

You are lying, to defend your vile and despicable behavior.
Lol!! Please, tell me more about what I think!


You think people who disagree with you need to shut up or you'll shut them up, Adolph
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.

It is not obvious that you think it is justified.

It is obvious that you think it is useful to smear and slander people you don't like.

No reasonable, hell, no SANE person would equate sending someone home, with sending them to the gas chamber, so your claim that you think it is justified, is simply not credible.

You are lying, to defend your vile and despicable behavior.
Lol!! Please, tell me more about what I think!


Sure. You know that you can't refute my point, ie that no sane person would really believe that sending someone home is the same as sending them to the gas chamber.

So you are thinking, I need to express disagreement, but without mentioning what I am disagreeing with, because otherwise everyone smart enough to read my post, will realize that I am lying...

so you decided to vague it up, so that you could disagree, but without being specific about what or how you were disagreeing.

Pretty standard lib stuff these days.

You know that everyone with an iq over room temperature reading this, knows that I have demonstrated that you are spreading vile lies about people, just because you think you can get away with it.
You didn't make a point. You told me what you think I think. You're wrong.

End of statement.

No other comments needed.

No, I think we need to comment on what your position is. I know you want to bury that in bullshit.

You think it is justified to call people neo nazis,

because in your view, sending someone home is the same as sending them to the gas chamber.

That is utterly absurd. Your justification for your position is so utterly stupid, that there is no way that you really believe it.

Thus you are a vile and despicable liar.
Nope. Act like a neo-nazi, get called a neo-nazi.

It's pretty simple shit man.
It is not obvious that you think it is justified.

It is obvious that you think it is useful to smear and slander people you don't like.

No reasonable, hell, no SANE person would equate sending someone home, with sending them to the gas chamber, so your claim that you think it is justified, is simply not credible.

You are lying, to defend your vile and despicable behavior.
Lol!! Please, tell me more about what I think!


Sure. You know that you can't refute my point, ie that no sane person would really believe that sending someone home is the same as sending them to the gas chamber.

So you are thinking, I need to express disagreement, but without mentioning what I am disagreeing with, because otherwise everyone smart enough to read my post, will realize that I am lying...

so you decided to vague it up, so that you could disagree, but without being specific about what or how you were disagreeing.

Pretty standard lib stuff these days.

You know that everyone with an iq over room temperature reading this, knows that I have demonstrated that you are spreading vile lies about people, just because you think you can get away with it.
You didn't make a point. You told me what you think I think. You're wrong.

End of statement.

No other comments needed.

No, I think we need to comment on what your position is. I know you want to bury that in bullshit.

You think it is justified to call people neo nazis,

because in your view, sending someone home is the same as sending them to the gas chamber.

That is utterly absurd. Your justification for your position is so utterly stupid, that there is no way that you really believe it.

Thus you are a vile and despicable liar.
Nope. Act like a neo-nazi, get called a neo-nazi.

It's pretty simple shit man.

How is anyone acting line a Nazi?
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.

It is not obvious that you think it is justified.

It is obvious that you think it is useful to smear and slander people you don't like.

No reasonable, hell, no SANE person would equate sending someone home, with sending them to the gas chamber, so your claim that you think it is justified, is simply not credible.

You are lying, to defend your vile and despicable behavior.
Lol!! Please, tell me more about what I think!


You think people who disagree with you need to shut up or you'll shut them up, Adolph
Yeah, nope. That's not me .
Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
We disagree on whether it's justified or not. Obviously I think it is.

It is not obvious that you think it is justified.

It is obvious that you think it is useful to smear and slander people you don't like.

No reasonable, hell, no SANE person would equate sending someone home, with sending them to the gas chamber, so your claim that you think it is justified, is simply not credible.

You are lying, to defend your vile and despicable behavior.
Lol!! Please, tell me more about what I think!


You think people who disagree with you need to shut up or you'll shut them up, Adolph
Yeah, nope. That's not me .

It's who you're supporting. Radical fascist left Democrats who are tired of debate and just want to beat the rest of us into silence. So that's just your message board persona? You don't actually believe the crap you're saying justifying violence to silence your opposition? That's specifically why you're on the Nazi thing, that's how you justify the violence
Your also an economic prognosticator too?!?!?!?!

Don't really need to be. We have recessions every 7-9 years. We are way overdue and Trump is starting an international trade war. In related news, Water is wet.

Like I said, tell Auntie Maxine thanks from all of us here-)

I realize the scary black woman made you pee yourself...
That's specifically why you're on the Nazi thing, that's how you justify the violence

Um, no, we are on the Nazi thing because your Fuhrer is throwing kids into concentration camps. Do try to keep up.
No matter how many times you repeat it. You still come off as a childish idiot. Grow up.

How many people has JoeBile convinced? Absolutely ZERO.
That's specifically why you're on the Nazi thing, that's how you justify the violence

Um, no, we are on the Nazi thing because your Fuhrer is throwing kids into concentration camps. Do try to keep up.

We were killing the kids??? Wow, I did not know that. So Obama build concentration camps? You must really hate him.

You need to spend more time surfing porn, dumb ass

A friend emails: "Let's go to Red Hen, have a nice long meal and near the end put on MAGA hats and see if they comp us."
We were killing the kids??? Wow, I did not know that. So Obama build concentration camps? You must really hate him.

Look up the definition of a concentration camp. It's different than a death camp.

Learn the difference between "build" and "built". I know verb tenses are challenging for you.

No real comparison between how Obama handled a short influx of unaccompanied minors in 2014 and how Trump is treating families now.

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