POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
I notice, that ANY law you do not agree with, instead of changing it.....or at least trying, you use the race card.

Sorry, not gonna work with most of us. If you are to lazy (as most Leftists are) to even try and change a law you don't agree with, then you don't deserve to have it changed, AND are one of the LAZY asses to boot.

Guy, what's the point of trying to change a law if the guy who got to be president after a majority of us said "No" is going to veto it?

So, maybe you don't have enough time, busy at work are you? Well then, maybe you should WRITE your congress critters and your friends, and take up a petition to change the laws. It is well understood that people in congress are more afraid of an e-mail, or letter, than a phone call.

No, they aren't. What they are afraid of is that the selected voters in their district won't think they are true belivers in the Trump Cult.

Here's the thing. Most Republicans know immigration is a mess, would like to vote for real immigration reform. But the nuts who show up for primaries (less than 10 of the electorate) have them terrified. And frankly, it's almost as bad on the left.

Now, right next to white resentment, I do think a major frustration with inaction helped propel trump to the White House. But this was pretty much like chopping off your hand because you had a really annoying hangnail.
Nope. True.

That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.
Winner winner Chicken Dinner..........one of the ones voting yes .............Lunatic Fringe...........

Which side is attacking the other right now...........betcha you are in love with Maxine..........
Not particularly no. Why?
You just said Trump is a Neo Nazi..........and you didn't vote yes...

Because all the real Nazis are dead.
Could you define that?

Please get as specific as you want.
It is all about demonizing and marginalizing your political opponents. Both right and left do it. I suspect the ruling class has something to do with this. They have a vested interest in keeping us divided.

Bingo. And we elected a card-carrying member of this class to be president. God help us.
Post Scripts

Now if you want to talk real ethics violation, then lets take a look at what Congresswoman Maxine Waters-D, Los Angeles recently said. In response to the immigration zero tolerance action put forth by the White House, she said, “You think we’re rallying now. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Already you have members of your cabinet being booed out of restaurants…protesters taking up at their house saying no peace – no sleep.” She would go on to say, how Trump’s “cabinet members won’t be able to go into a gas station, shop at a department store or eat in a restaurant.” This sounds incredibly close to giving marching orders to protesters. These are people she supports and sometimes directs to rally on her behalf. It appears the Congresswoman is calling for very specific ways that could be used like extortion. This sort of talk is very close to inciting criminal behavior by a mob. Was she acting in a manner befitting her status as a member of Congress, you tell me?

Maxine Waters is no stranger to ethics violations, she was charged with 3 counts of corruption back in 2010 and by 2012 she beat the rap. But, not because the charges against Waters were not true, they were, but they were dismissed for considerations other than in the interests justice.


Look at the Nazi's ......putting families in tents.........making them wear color coded arm bands..........Trump...iss...........wait a minute........

THAT'S LOS ANGELES.....................Hey Maxine take care of your own dang cities first.............the immigrants are in better tents......they get meals......a/c......medical care..........AND BATHROOMS AND SHOWER FACILITIES............

How about those Californians living in tents......are you providing them that........How about some port o lets............nope.
That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.
Winner winner Chicken Dinner..........one of the ones voting yes .............Lunatic Fringe...........

Which side is attacking the other right now...........betcha you are in love with Maxine..........
Not particularly no. Why?
You just said Trump is a Neo Nazi..........and you didn't vote yes...

Because all the real Nazis are dead.
Not according to what's coming out of liberals who have lost their dang minds.............Like Maxine.......well she never had one to begin with.

What facilities are they giving the homeless in California..........hell they aren't even setting up many port o lets.......but that's another issue right.......pfft.
Post Scripts

Now if you want to talk real ethics violation, then lets take a look at what Congresswoman Maxine Waters-D, Los Angeles recently said. In response to the immigration zero tolerance action put forth by the White House, she said, “You think we’re rallying now. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Already you have members of your cabinet being booed out of restaurants…protesters taking up at their house saying no peace – no sleep.” She would go on to say, how Trump’s “cabinet members won’t be able to go into a gas station, shop at a department store or eat in a restaurant.” This sounds incredibly close to giving marching orders to protesters. These are people she supports and sometimes directs to rally on her behalf. It appears the Congresswoman is calling for very specific ways that could be used like extortion. This sort of talk is very close to inciting criminal behavior by a mob. Was she acting in a manner befitting her status as a member of Congress, you tell me?

Maxine Waters is no stranger to ethics violations, she was charged with 3 counts of corruption back in 2010 and by 2012 she beat the rap. But, not because the charges against Waters were not true, they were, but they were dismissed for considerations other than in the interests justice.


Look at the Nazi's ......putting families in tents.........making them wear color coded arm bands..........Trump...iss...........wait a minute........

THAT'S LOS ANGELES.....................Hey Maxine take care of your own dang cities first.............the immigrants are in better tents......they get meals......a/c......medical care..........AND BATHROOMS AND SHOWER FACILITIES............

How about those Californians living in tents......are you providing them that........How about some port o lets............nope.

there's a point where the hard core socialist lefties are so far left they appear like hard core righty fascists Eagle

further, Waters is a friggin' dope

Remember folks, it's no longer just an election

It' arma-fucking-geddon!
They continue to throw crap at the wall hoping it sticks.........place labels on everyone then say we are the problem.

Then expect us to be nice in return.............Brain Damage.
It does not bode well for our country.

People aren't discussing issues. They are screaming like banshees
I agree...but given what they are saying and yelling.........they give no choice but to fight back........Respect is earned not given.........

Their tactics are not respectful...........so it continues.

...And then the shooting begins. There are going to be some dark times ahead for this country I fear...
Post Scripts

Now if you want to talk real ethics violation, then lets take a look at what Congresswoman Maxine Waters-D, Los Angeles recently said. In response to the immigration zero tolerance action put forth by the White House, she said, “You think we’re rallying now. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Already you have members of your cabinet being booed out of restaurants…protesters taking up at their house saying no peace – no sleep.” She would go on to say, how Trump’s “cabinet members won’t be able to go into a gas station, shop at a department store or eat in a restaurant.” This sounds incredibly close to giving marching orders to protesters. These are people she supports and sometimes directs to rally on her behalf. It appears the Congresswoman is calling for very specific ways that could be used like extortion. This sort of talk is very close to inciting criminal behavior by a mob. Was she acting in a manner befitting her status as a member of Congress, you tell me?

Maxine Waters is no stranger to ethics violations, she was charged with 3 counts of corruption back in 2010 and by 2012 she beat the rap. But, not because the charges against Waters were not true, they were, but they were dismissed for considerations other than in the interests justice.


Look at the Nazi's ......putting families in tents.........making them wear color coded arm bands..........Trump...iss...........wait a minute........

THAT'S LOS ANGELES.....................Hey Maxine take care of your own dang cities first.............the immigrants are in better tents......they get meals......a/c......medical care..........AND BATHROOMS AND SHOWER FACILITIES............

How about those Californians living in tents......are you providing them that........How about some port o lets............nope.

there's a point where the hard core socialist lefties are so far left they appear like hard core righty fascists Eagle

further, Waters is a friggin' dope

She's an idiot and pouring gas on a tender box. This shit is gonna get people killed.
He means he hates them, it doesn't go any deeper
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
You called Republicans neonazis and told me not to be stupid. Classic
Nope. True.

That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.

You're a dick. Everyone's something
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
You called Republicans neonazis and told me not to be stupid. Classic
Nope. True.

That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.

You're a dick. Everyone's something
Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.
You called Republicans neonazis and told me not to be stupid. Classic
Nope. True.

That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.

You're a dick. Everyone's something
Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Nope. True.

That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.

You're a dick. Everyone's something
Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:

Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Not a serious question.
It may be a further attempt to completely obfuscate the term "Nazi". It may be some form of trolling. A serious question, it is not.
That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.

You're a dick. Everyone's something
Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


I didn't say you called me a name. Another leftist who isn't a very good reader. I said you call people names. You call Republicans names. That's all that calling them nazis or neonazis is. There is no other basis for the argument. You call them that to dehumanize them and justify whatever the left does to them.

It's the irony, you are actually being a fascist when you do it. It's Democrats using violence to shut down speech. It's been going on for a long time. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence to scare the shit out of Republicans. She knows exactly what she is doing. So do you, Adolph
I didn't say you called me a name. Another leftist who isn't a very good reader. I said you call people names. You call Republicans names. That's all that calling them nazis or neonazis is. There is no other basis for the argument. You call them that to dehumanize them and justify whatever the left does to them.

It's the irony, you are actually being a fascist when you do it. It's Democrats using violence to shut down speech. It's been going on for a long time. Now Maxine is openly calling for violence to scare the shit out of Republicans. She knows exactly what she is doing. So do you, Adolph

Wow, another pretzel logic from the Libertarian Child.

We all Trump and his supporters Nazis because they are acting like Nazis.

And sorry, refusing to serve Sarah Huckabee is hardly violence.

Violence is ripping a disabled child from her mother and tossing her into a camp and joking "Womp, Womp"
That's your plan. Label your enemies as nazis, then that justifies anything leftists do to them. You're a sick fuck
Lol, if there is a name for something and you use it are you "labeling" it? If you pick up an apple and call it an apple are you "labeling" it?

No. If there is a name for something and you use it all you are doing is calling it by it's name.

tRump is a neo-nazi.

You're a dick. Everyone's something
Lol, falling back on the insults tells me I've beaten you.

It's not like you call people names, like Neonazi. You've exceeded my tolerance for stupid. Some people will do anything for handouts. ANYTHING. Want to see one? Buy a mirror
Lol, I didn't call you anything. You need to stop taking this so personally.

I am gonna call you something now though, a title you have more than earned:


Calling someone a neonazi, when it is obviously, and painfully NOT justified,

is just using it as name calling.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Not a serious question.
It may be a further attempt to completely obfuscate the term "Nazi". It may be some form of trolling. A serious question, it is not.

I think Mac is aware that the abuse of the term, as done by the Left today, is obfuscating the term.

At least part of his intent here is to discuss that.

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