POLL: Bernie Sanders Would DESTROY Trump In General Election

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Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.

If Trump does not get killed by the scum that hate him, he will win. The polls lie and are designed to influence soft headed imbeciles to vote for someone else.

So you need to bankrupt multiple times on taxpayer money and acquire billions of tax dollars, not to be a loser?

You should vote for a hard working American rather than a rich spoiled lazy ass crook...
Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

Capitalism has done that? NO, the fucking loser democrats and republicans have done that. It's not called capitalism, it called selling us out, and you have swallow it hook line and sinker!

So you need to bankrupt multiple times on taxpayer money and acquire billions of tax dollars, not to be a loser?

You should vote for a hard working American rather than a rich spoiled lazy ass crook..

listen , we are talking about Sanders not Trump. And clearly YOU are swallowing the media fed bullshit about his bankruptcies just like they intended. Think for yourself. Bankruptcy is not illegal nor is it immoral. Ask your leader obastard about immoral, I'm sure he could write a book.

Who knows. We heard that about Arnold in California, and the exact opposite happened. We heard that about Al Gore and Bush, and the opposite happened. There have been dozens I've heard that about, and it never turns out the way the screamers claim.

I'm not a fan of Trump. But this, "Trump is doomed" crap you people have been screaming, has been going on since Trump announced he would run, and you have been wrong wrong wrong wrong and wrong.

Even a dog can figure out to stop barking, after having it's nose punched a dozen times. You people don't seem to have the wits of a dog right now. Grow up.

Who knows. We heard that about Arnold in California, and the exact opposite happened. We heard that about Al Gore and Bush, and the opposite happened. There have been dozens I've heard that about, and it never turns out the way the screamers claim.

I'm not a fan of Trump. But this, "Trump is doomed" crap you people have been screaming, has been going on since Trump announced he would run, and you have been wrong wrong wrong wrong and wrong.

Even a dog can figure out to stop barking, after having it's nose punched a dozen times. You people don't seem to have the wits of a dog right now. Grow up.

You calling me a dog?
Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

You people.....

Leftard: "I demand rich pay more tax! I demand companies pay more tax! I demand more regulations on companies! I demand more benefits by law! I demand companies pay more for health care by law! I demand companies pay unemployment benefits by law! I demand this and that, and mandate this, and confiscate that!"

Business... "You're laid off, have a nice day"


You people are so stupid. You could hack your own foot off with a hatch, and blame the hatchet company for making it sharp. Idiots. All of you.

Who knows. We heard that about Arnold in California, and the exact opposite happened. We heard that about Al Gore and Bush, and the opposite happened. There have been dozens I've heard that about, and it never turns out the way the screamers claim.

I'm not a fan of Trump. But this, "Trump is doomed" crap you people have been screaming, has been going on since Trump announced he would run, and you have been wrong wrong wrong wrong and wrong.

Even a dog can figure out to stop barking, after having it's nose punched a dozen times. You people don't seem to have the wits of a dog right now. Grow up.

They don't have a democrat they can brag about so they sling mud.

Who knows. We heard that about Arnold in California, and the exact opposite happened. We heard that about Al Gore and Bush, and the opposite happened. There have been dozens I've heard that about, and it never turns out the way the screamers claim.

I'm not a fan of Trump. But this, "Trump is doomed" crap you people have been screaming, has been going on since Trump announced he would run, and you have been wrong wrong wrong wrong and wrong.

Even a dog can figure out to stop barking, after having it's nose punched a dozen times. You people don't seem to have the wits of a dog right now. Grow up.

You calling me a dog?

That's for you to figure out. I'm making an observation. I'll say it again. People have been screaming that Trump was doomed, the very day, the exact day he said he was running. If you count yourself with them, then you have been wrong consistently since June 16th. Hundreds, if not a thousand times, you people have been wrong.

Even a dog, can figure out to stop barking, after being hit in the nose enough times.

That's my observation. You tell me where I'm wrong.
Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

You people.....

Leftard: "I demand rich pay more tax! I demand companies pay more tax! I demand more regulations on companies! I demand more benefits by law! I demand companies pay more for health care by law! I demand companies pay unemployment benefits by law! I demand this and that, and mandate this, and confiscate that!"

Business... "You're laid off, have a nice day"


You people are so stupid. You could hack your own foot off with a hatch, and blame the hatchet company for making it sharp. Idiots. All of you.
Amazingly we have ALL of that and yet CEO's are still paid OUTRAGEOUS amounts compared to the workers actually making the product and selling it as well. Funny how companies only feel the need to go overseas or lay people off when the workers demand better pay. Continue drinking that kool aid child.
Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

You people.....

Leftard: "I demand rich pay more tax! I demand companies pay more tax! I demand more regulations on companies! I demand more benefits by law! I demand companies pay more for health care by law! I demand companies pay unemployment benefits by law! I demand this and that, and mandate this, and confiscate that!"

Business... "You're laid off, have a nice day"


You people are so stupid. You could hack your own foot off with a hatch, and blame the hatchet company for making it sharp. Idiots. All of you.
Amazingly we have ALL of that and yet CEO's are still paid OUTRAGEOUS amounts compared to the workers actually making the product and selling it as well. Funny how companies only feel the need to go overseas or lay people off when the workers demand better pay. Continue drinking that kool aid child.

How incredibly chockfull-o economic illiteracy.

Labor is only a portion of a company's cost structure. Raw materials, transportation, energy, real estate, and TAXES AND REGULATIONS are also important factors. When the government distorts the market by making the costs of doing business in the U.S. to the breaking point, it drives companies to offshore.
Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

You people.....

Leftard: "I demand rich pay more tax! I demand companies pay more tax! I demand more regulations on companies! I demand more benefits by law! I demand companies pay more for health care by law! I demand companies pay unemployment benefits by law! I demand this and that, and mandate this, and confiscate that!"

Business... "You're laid off, have a nice day"


You people are so stupid. You could hack your own foot off with a hatch, and blame the hatchet company for making it sharp. Idiots. All of you.
Amazingly we have ALL of that and yet CEO's are still paid OUTRAGEOUS amounts compared to the workers actually making the product and selling it as well. Funny how companies only feel the need to go overseas or lay people off when the workers demand better pay. Continue drinking that kool aid child.

Well of course they are still getting paid tons. You people.... gah.... Why would you think the CEO wouldn't be paid tons?

What do CEOs get paid to do? Do you really not know? Of course..... ignorance is practically a requirement for being left wing.

Let me explain it to you..... Real simple. The job of a CEO is not to make sure your lazy butt has a job. It's not even to make sure that a hard working person (which I doubt you have ever been), has a job.

The job of a CEO, is to keep the company running, and profitable. That is his job. PERIOD.

If you owned a business, and you hired a CEO to run your business.... you are not going to pay him money to run the business into the ground... but keep some left-wing idiot employed.

You will pay him based on his ability to keep your business running... and profitable. PERIOD.

So when the CEO is faced with taxes.... regulations... mandates.... and all this crap you idiots on the left heap on companies.... the CEO is going to do his job..... he's going to move those jobs over seas where they are productive and profitable.

And get this.... when he does that..... He's doing a good job, and he'll get compensated for it accordingly.

So YES... CEOs are going to be paid a ton, for successfully dealing with your left-wing crap, and keeping the company running and profitable.

When *YOU* make it unprofitable to employ people in the US, they'll employ people somewhere else. That's not their fault. They didn't make the laws and regulations. *YOU* did. The only one to blame here, is the one who made the laws and regulations, that pushed jobs out of the US. The CEOs are just doing what they are supposed to do, in reaction to your stupidity.
Making a big deal out of these hypothetical general election matchup polls before a single primary vote has been cast is silly.
Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

The ISIS or Al Qaeda or some other terrorist group will pull off another 9/11 and where will you be when the economy tanks as a result?
Is that supposed to pass for "humour" ? Very weak attempt. Please try to make me laugh. Ratchet up the cleverness just a notch.
You calling me a dog?

If the leg fits, hump it.

The ISIS or Al Qaeda or some other terrorist group will pull off another 9/11 and where will you be when the economy tanks as a result?

I will be right where I am now. You will be crying for more free shit.
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