POLL: Bernie Sanders Would DESTROY Trump In General Election

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Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

Capitalism worked great back in the days when when just about everybody benefited from hard work and great profits, the middle class was strong and our economy was stable. When we did have recessions, they lasted a lot shorter than they have the last 30 years.
Screen Shot 2013-02-01 at 10.29.42 AM.png

As we all know, unemployment is one of the major tools to measure an economy. Please look at the depth and length of the recessions of 1990, 2001 and 2007. The recession of 1990 and 2001 weren't that deep but look how long the recovery took in comparison to previous recessions..
What changed? Those who reaped the rewards of good profits weren't the workers, even though their productivity was high which contributed to the profits. No, things changed in the early 80's. Instead of the working middle class being rewarded for their hard work, the stockholder started being rewarded mush more generously instead. Flat wages growth has help lead to a a stagnant economy because our consumer spending is weaker because of less expendable income, thanks to flat wage growth. Now consider the US economy is driven by consumer spending (almost 80%). Since the change over to who is rewarded in America's new capitalistic system, the middle class has shrunk, recessions take much longer to recover, inequality has expanded to numbers that rival the inequality prior to the Great Depression.
Capitalism was designed to reward just about everyone, not the select few.
Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

The ISIS or Al Qaeda or some other terrorist group will pull off another 9/11 and where will you be when the economy tanks as a result?
Here why? I really could care less about another false flag attack in the US....the sooner the US collapses the better for me.
Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

You people.....

Leftard: "I demand rich pay more tax! I demand companies pay more tax! I demand more regulations on companies! I demand more benefits by law! I demand companies pay more for health care by law! I demand companies pay unemployment benefits by law! I demand this and that, and mandate this, and confiscate that!"

Business... "You're laid off, have a nice day"


You people are so stupid. You could hack your own foot off with a hatch, and blame the hatchet company for making it sharp. Idiots. All of you.
Amazingly we have ALL of that and yet CEO's are still paid OUTRAGEOUS amounts compared to the workers actually making the product and selling it as well. Funny how companies only feel the need to go overseas or lay people off when the workers demand better pay. Continue drinking that kool aid child.

Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

You people.....

Leftard: "I demand rich pay more tax! I demand companies pay more tax! I demand more regulations on companies! I demand more benefits by law! I demand companies pay more for health care by law! I demand companies pay unemployment benefits by law! I demand this and that, and mandate this, and confiscate that!"

Business... "You're laid off, have a nice day"


You people are so stupid. You could hack your own foot off with a hatch, and blame the hatchet company for making it sharp. Idiots. All of you.

Amazingly we have ALL of that and yet CEO's are still paid OUTRAGEOUS amounts compared to the workers actually making the product and selling it as well. Funny how companies only feel the need to go overseas or lay people off when the workers demand better pay. Continue drinking that kool aid child.

You have one CEO bringing down two million a year. The company has 10,000 employees. If you cut his/her salary in half, how much per hour raise could you give the employees?

$1,000,000 divided by 10,000 employees is $100 bucks each. That's less than 5 cents an hour.

What kind of libtard bullshit is this mickey mouse graph supposed to prove? It must be true right, it's on the internet! LMFAO!
Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

The ISIS or Al Qaeda or some other terrorist group will pull off another 9/11 and where will you be when the economy tanks as a result?
Here why? I really could care less about another false flag attack in the US....the sooner the US collapses the better for me.

Truther or just ignorant? I realize that is redundant.
Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

The ISIS or Al Qaeda or some other terrorist group will pull off another 9/11 and where will you be when the economy tanks as a result?
Here why? I really could care less about another false flag attack in the US....the sooner the US collapses the better for me.

Truther or just ignorant? I realize that is redundant.
Critical thinker.
Democrats have been going down the socialist road for decades. It's about time they came out of the political closet and chose an avowed socialist instead of the psychotic abused wife of a former president.
Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

The ISIS or Al Qaeda or some other terrorist group will pull off another 9/11 and where will you be when the economy tanks as a result?
Here why? I really could care less about another false flag attack in the US....the sooner the US collapses the better for me.

Truther or just ignorant? I realize that is redundant.
Critical thinker.

How is claiming "another false flag attack" an example of critical thinking? About the only thing I can come up with is the absence thereof.
What a lot of these turds on here do is use 'buzzwords' and phrases that they think make them look smart or have a point. Most are just media fed fools.
Where did they poll...Ferguson?

Nursing homes.
The same nursing homes that the Repugnant Repugs, and Tea Maggots reside, and are the old white base of the Republican party??

Bernie will be 75 entering the White House Nursing Home.
He'll be the first diaper wearing in chief.

When did Reagan start shitting his pants? Before or after he forgot he sold weapons to Iran?

You morons focus too much on diaper jokes and forget about all the shit that already happened.
Where did they poll...Ferguson?

Nursing homes.
The same nursing homes that the Repugnant Repugs, and Tea Maggots reside, and are the old white base of the Republican party??

Bernie will be 75 entering the White House Nursing Home.
He'll be the first diaper wearing in chief.

When did Reagan start shitting his pants? Before or after he forgot he sold weapons to Iran?

Reagan was nearly 6 years younger entering the White House as Bernie will be.
Here he is now, getting ready for his nurse to read him a nursery rhyme before he falls asleep.

Where did they poll...Ferguson?

Nursing homes.
The same nursing homes that the Repugnant Repugs, and Tea Maggots reside, and are the old white base of the Republican party??

Bernie will be 75 entering the White House Nursing Home.
He'll be the first diaper wearing in chief.

When did Reagan start shitting his pants? Before or after he forgot he sold weapons to Iran?

Reagan was nearly 6 years younger entering the White House as Bernie will be.
Here he is now, getting ready for his nurse to read him a nursery rhyme before he falls asleep.

So, the man is simply too fucking old to be holding the nuclear football.
In a couple years he'll be wondering when Senator John Kennedy is going to stop by the White House to welcome him.
Bernie will be? WTF are you smoking? He don't stand a towel heads chance in a pig factory.
Sanders is nothing but another socialist asshole who promises freebies to losers who don't want to work and do not understand economics. The colleges are turning out these idiots in droves.
No he isn't. I work,my wife works we STILL need help. I know MANY people that work 2 jobs and still need help because CAPITALISM has driven wages down,CAPITALISM has shipped jobs overseas,CAPITALISM lobbies states to pass "right to work laws" that HARM the work and HELP the corporation. There is NOTHING free,he merely wants the tax dollars we already pay or have withheld to go towards education and healthcare instead of military toys and foreign aide!

Minimum wage was never intended to raise a family.
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