Poll: Biden's done WORSE than Trump handling Covid19...

How come you dumbasses won’t take the vaccine?
What are you talking about? I was vaccinated months ago. You know, the TRUMP! vaccine, the one you're pretending is bleach. Would you like to try again? I know this is difficult and you may not have been exposed to people who understand and champion free choice, but in the long run it'll be good for you.
What are you talking about? I was vaccinated months ago. You know, the TRUMP! vaccine, the one you're pretending is bleach. Would you like to try again? I know this is difficult and you may not have been exposed to people who understand and champion free choice, but in the long run it'll be good for you.
It’s morons LIKE you that is refusing to get vaccinated. Freedumb and all that.
It’s morons LIKE you that is refusing to get vaccinated. Freedumb and all that.
Do you really have no idea how stupid you sound right now? Being LIKE me means you get vaccinated. You're not very good at this, are you?
You are a racist trump supporter.
Racist trump supporters are the ones refusing to get vaccinated.
Wow, I see what you tried to do there. You didn't have anything on me, know nothing about me, but you didn't let that stop you in attempting to make a statement about me. I would tell you to prove it or shove it, but we both know you won't do either, so I won't bother. What I WILL do, however, is chuckle politely at you and look away, allowing you to regain a little bit of dignity, assuming you are capable of such. And I find it funny that you are attempting to tie opposition to forced inoculation to TRUMP!, who advocates for it. Did you ever stop to wonder how dumb that is?
Trump did a great job on dealing with the Chinese bio weapon at the Federal level.

You know who the Chinese are, don't you? They are the ones that made the Biden family filthy rich.

Trump quickly stopped foreign travel, he got American businesses to retool for needed medical equipment and he successfully completed Operation Warpspeed. He did those things and didn't shut down the economy, like the stupid Democrats wanted to do.

When Potatohead took over after stealing the election Trump gave him a pandemic improving economy and all Potatohead has done since then has fucked everything up.
Thats exactly what I thought when I HEARD HIM SAY IT.
Not what he said and you know it. Quit trolling.

He was talking about UV light being used to activate injectable drugs ( like those that are used to treat cancer patients).

Here are the Poles that said Biden did worse that Trump

No where in that video did he say to “inject bleach”. Try again.

And just a note…UV light is considered a disinfectant. They already use it to kill viruses in hospitals. You can also buy UV lights for this purpose at Walmart,Target etc…

And once again UV light (as well as injectables) is currently used to treat skin cancer,pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer etc..

Stop being a dumbass.
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