Poll: Bob Dole in 1996 or Low IQ Joe - who is more senile/gaffe prone?

Who is/was more senile and gaffe prone?

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Have you ever seen Trump run?
Yes, but why are you trying to divert attention away from the thread topic / trying to hijack the thread?

Yeah, two politicians not named Joe. One was beleaguered with the early stages of Alzheimers and the other uses a golf cart to get around as opposed to walking more than 20 minutes.
Trump is the most senile president we have and will be the most senile candidate to run for office. I would also state Trump is also the most mentally ill president we ever had.
Time to pull out my unspin machine
"Trump is the most senile...." OMG!!! The man's a genius with words sharper than a missile, which hits home every time!!! Just how we gonna get him now? Oh, let's pull out the senile/mentally ill from under Hillary's toadstool and use it right now, since we have no facts to back us up.

We know how spin works, Johnny come lately. :rolleyes:

I will agree that Trump is a genius at the Art of the Scam. He knows how to manipulate his schlemeil base that is for sure.

I mean look at you...

You write that Trump is a "genius with words". Only a cultist would write that.

Trump's whole vocabulary probably consists of a thousand words at best. Furthermore, Trump can barely put together a coherent sentence. Genius. LOL
He-he, you ARE a moron!
It is soooooo easy to trigger you.
YOU'RE the triggered one, mentally challenged bozo. I DO get a kick out of your inane posts, so thank you for the comedic relief.
Trump is the most senile president we have and will be the most senile candidate to run for office. I would also state Trump is also the most mentally ill president we ever had.
Time to pull out my unspin machine
"Trump is the most senile...." OMG!!! The man's a genius with words sharper than a missile, which hits home every time!!! Just how we gonna get him now? Oh, let's pull out the senile/mentally ill from under Hillary's toadstool and use it right now, since we have no facts to back us up.

We know how spin works, Johnny come lately. :rolleyes:

I will agree that Trump is a genius at the Art of the Scam. He knows how to manipulate his schlemeil base that is for sure.

I mean look at you...

You write that Trump is a "genius with words". Only a cultist would write that.

Trump's whole vocabulary probably consists of a thousand words at best. Furthermore, Trump can barely put together a coherent sentence. Genius. LOL
He-he, you ARE a moron!
It is soooooo easy to trigger you.
YOU'RE the triggered one, mentally challenged bozo. I DO get a kick out of your inane posts, so thank you for the comedic relief.
Yeah sure...you always sound unhinged when you respond to my posts. It is great entertainment.
Trump is the most senile president we have and will be the most senile candidate to run for office. I would also state Trump is also the most mentally ill president we ever had.
Time to pull out my unspin machine
"Trump is the most senile...." OMG!!! The man's a genius with words sharper than a missile, which hits home every time!!! Just how we gonna get him now? Oh, let's pull out the senile/mentally ill from under Hillary's toadstool and use it right now, since we have no facts to back us up.

We know how spin works, Johnny come lately. :rolleyes:

I will agree that Trump is a genius at the Art of the Scam. He knows how to manipulate his schlemeil base that is for sure.

I mean look at you...

You write that Trump is a "genius with words". Only a cultist would write that.

Trump's whole vocabulary probably consists of five hundred words at best. Furthermore, Trump can barely put together a coherent sentence. Genius. LOL
You're wrong. I know what the president's IQ is. You'd be jealous if you knew too, and you'd be spinning. I'm just guessing how deeply misinformed you are by your DNC talking points which are in the vein as Christine Blasey-Ford's false testimony about Juris Doctor, Judge Kavanaugh when he was nominated for the open Supreme Court Justice position. I saw her performance and I didn't buy it due to her body language telling those of us who know such things that she was lying her ass off to beat the band.
Trump is the most senile president we have ever had and will be the most senile candidate to run for office. I would also state Trump is also the most mentally ill president we ever had.
To understand the comment on Dole. Understand that he would have beaten Clinton in 1996 if Perot did not run again. Clinton sold out the people on his promises his first two years. Hillary was involved you know. The 1994 Repub revolution saved his azz. But the people did not forget the first two years. I now believe Perot ran to affect the elections of 1992 and 1996. The elitists did not want 16 years of Repub rule or more. Even though Bush was not Reagan. Perot might have even won in 1992 or cause a constitutional crisis of not enough electoral votes. But he for some reason dropped out. And then returned. But his support dropped. And it was enough to give Clinton the 1992 election. The only comeback kid was Perot. He came....he saw....he left.....and he came back.
Dole lost mostly because Dole couldn't go two straight sentences without gaffing or forgetting something.

Dole was also a classic RINO who didn't stand for anything except himself.
Bob Dole was 12 years younger than Reagan. He was 65 when he ran for president.

Some age less rapidly than others. Dole was "too old" meaning he was going senile. Dole couldn't remember stuff and gaffed almost as much as Super Thursday Biden...
The senile/gaffe prone issue is a real issue.

It clearly was a big issue in 1996.

If Low IQ Joe is the nominee, it will be an even bigger issue in Nov.....
Bob Dole is another great example of a Washington politician who stays way - way - way to long.
They get insulated, corrupted and learn over the years all they need to do is throw rocks across the aisle every now and then and the rest is gravy.
Joe Biden is the same. His prime was at least 10 years ago, probably more like 20.
The hilarious and truly stunning Irony is the left. "Progressive" "More enlightened" "Modern thinking"...and yet... their guy is a long ago worn out white guy who has spent his entire lifetime neck deep in politics - and it by God shows. He is like a money printing machine for his friends and family. He encouraged it, assisted it and he has spent his life doing it.
Bob Dole in 1996 set the modern day "gold standard" for a Prez nominee

1. too old
2. too gaffe prone
3. too dumb
4. too out of touch
5. been in DC way too long
6. arrived in DC poor and left filthy rich

Low IQ Joe is the only thing even close, if not worse.... in modern US political history.
Joe carries a pencil in his frontal lobe.
Bob Dole in 1996 set the modern day "gold standard" for a Prez nominee

1. too old
2. too gaffe prone
3. too dumb
4. too out of touch
5. been in DC way too long
6. arrived in DC poor and left filthy rich

Low IQ Joe is the only thing even close, if not worse.... in modern US political history.
I would put Joe and his gaffes as similar to Reagan when running for his second term.
Trump is the most senile president we have ever had and will be the most senile candidate to run for office. I would also state Trump is also the most mentally ill president we ever had.
Bob Dole in 1996 set the modern day "gold standard" for a Prez nominee

1. too old
2. too gaffe prone
3. too dumb
4. too out of touch
5. been in DC way too long
6. arrived in DC poor and left filthy rich

Low IQ Joe is the only thing even close, if not worse.... in modern US political history.
I would put Joe and his gaffes as similar to Reagan when running for his second term.

Then you would be way off.
Against Carter he was one of the best. Against Mondale it was harder because he was on the defensive. It is much easier to be on the attack then defend a position that is arguable. Nonetheless against Mondale he was still very well spoken, I have no doubt you can find some YouTube sound bytes where he stumbled, but you won't find a single debate since electronic recording began where a candidate doesn't mispeak or stumble. But overall he was quite clear and well spoke.
Biden does well if he can cobble together more than 10 words without screwing up. I think it is almost certain he has Alzheimer's or beginnings of dementia.
Sleepy has 50 years of congenital, industrial-grade LYING under his belt..... which takes some acumen and dispatch to sort thru on the fly and spew without missing a beat. Unfortunately he's firing on 2 cylinders now.... everything looks hazy and like it's in slow motion. He would have a hard time relating truthful discourse at this diminished level of cognizance.... but there's absolutely NO way for that toasted brain to sort thru all the meaningless nothing he has shit out in the last 50 years and now craft coherent lies. He can't even remember obama's name.

It's only going to get worse. Which is to say it's only going to get better..... for America.
Bob Dole in 1996 set the modern day "gold standard" for a Prez nominee

1. too old
2. too gaffe prone
3. too dumb
4. too out of touch
5. been in DC way too long
6. arrived in DC poor and left filthy rich

Low IQ Joe is the only thing even close, if not worse.... in modern US political history.

I always wanted someone to see if he was still breathing
Bob Dole in 1996 set the modern day "gold standard" for a Prez nominee

1. too old
2. too gaffe prone
3. too dumb
4. too out of touch
5. been in DC way too long
6. arrived in DC poor and left filthy rich

Low IQ Joe is the only thing even close, if not worse.... in modern US political history.
I would put Joe and his gaffes as similar to Reagan when running for his second term.

Then you would be way off.
Against Carter he was one of the best. Against Mondale it was harder because he was on the defensive. It is much easier to be on the attack then defend a position that is arguable. Nonetheless against Mondale he was still very well spoken, I have no doubt you can find some YouTube sound bytes where he stumbled, but you won't find a single debate since electronic recording began where a candidate doesn't mispeak or stumble. But overall he was quite clear and well spoke.
Biden does well if he can cobble together more than 10 words without screwing up. I think it is almost certain he has Alzheimer's or beginnings of dementia.
Reagan had the beginnings of alzheimer's
Bob Dole says he could have beat Cornpop with one arm tied behind his back.
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Bob Dole in 1996 set the modern day "gold standard" for a Prez nominee

1. too old
2. too gaffe prone
3. too dumb
4. too out of touch
5. been in DC way too long
6. arrived in DC poor and left filthy rich

Low IQ Joe is the only thing even close, if not worse.... in modern US political history.
I would put Joe and his gaffes as similar to Reagan when running for his second term.

Then you would be way off.
Against Carter he was one of the best. Against Mondale it was harder because he was on the defensive. It is much easier to be on the attack then defend a position that is arguable. Nonetheless against Mondale he was still very well spoken, I have no doubt you can find some YouTube sound bytes where he stumbled, but you won't find a single debate since electronic recording began where a candidate doesn't mispeak or stumble. But overall he was quite clear and well spoke.
Biden does well if he can cobble together more than 10 words without screwing up. I think it is almost certain he has Alzheimer's or beginnings of dementia.
Reagan had the beginnings of alzheimer's

Yes he did, so you're idea would be to go ahead and elect someone who quite possibly has more advanced Alzheimer's than Reagan??

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