Poll: Can dems give wall funding for tax increase to solve Budget Deficit?

Would you support a top rate tax increase & new Fed sales tax for the wall & immigration reform?

  • Yes, since they never cut spending enough we need to fix the Budget gap & immigration

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, they need to cut spending to balance the Budget, especially defense and entitlements

    Votes: 3 42.9%

  • Total voters
Instead of a government shutdown, think about a "big f'ing deal" (big funding deal)

1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
2. Trump gets wall funding and immigration reform [Big give by dems]
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship

This would solve the Budget Deficit and start paying down the Debt. They should also fix SS by adding a year & Medicare. Those funding and entitlement fixes would set the US on a sound fiscal course for many years. Healthcare is a tougher thing to fix.

Forgetting everything but 1....

I applaud SOMEONE trying to balance the budget.

But I am TOTALLY against doing it with an increase in taxes. Taxes are already too high as it is.

Politicians MUST be disciplined enough to cut spending - NOT raise taxes.

And the federal government brings in WAAAAY more than enough to do what government SHOULD be doing as it is.
The Federal budget - in just the last ten years - has gone up over 1/3 from about 2.9 trillion to over 4.0 trillion.

Instead of a government shutdown, think about a "big f'ing deal" (big funding deal)

1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
2. Trump gets wall funding and immigration reform [Big give by dems]
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship

This would solve the Budget Deficit and start paying down the Debt. They should also fix SS by adding a year & Medicare. Those funding and entitlement fixes would set the US on a sound fiscal course for many years. Healthcare is a tougher thing to fix.

Forgetting everything but 1....

I applaud SOMEONE trying to balance the budget.

But I am TOTALLY against doing it with an increase in taxes. Taxes are already too high as it is.

Politicians MUST be disciplined enough to cut spending - NOT raise taxes.

And the federal government brings in WAAAAY more than enough to do what government SHOULD be doing as it is.
The Federal budget - in just the last ten years - has gone up over 1/3 from about 2.9 trillion to over 4.0 trillion.


I agree that there should be lots of waste in the Federal Budget to cut, but they have been unable to do it. Here is the 2019 Budget, Medicaid and Welfare look too big, but no one is able to cut $900b to balance the Budget. We need to do something before the interest on the Debt explodes:

2019 Federal Budget
Mandatory spending $2.74T
Social Security $878b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary spending $1.3T
Defense $893.0
HHS $70.0
Education $59.9
VA $83.1
Homeland $52.7
Energy Dept $29.2
NNSA $15.1
HUD $29.2
State Dept $40.3
NASA $19.0
All Other Agencies $133.1
Instead of a government shutdown, think about a "big f'ing deal" (big funding deal)

1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
2. Trump gets wall funding and immigration reform [Big give by dems]
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship

This would solve the Budget Deficit and start paying down the Debt. They should also fix SS by adding a year & Medicare. Those funding and entitlement fixes would set the US on a sound fiscal course for many years. Healthcare is a tougher thing to fix.

Wall fundong and deficits are both Republican created problems. Why should the Dems do anything?

Trump can't even get a majority Republican vote for wall funding. It's dead.
the breathtaking greed of a few is crushing the middle class. we need higher taxes, greater regulation, and more federal investments!
Instead of a government shutdown, think about a "big f'ing deal" (big funding deal)

1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
2. Trump gets wall funding and immigration reform [Big give by dems]
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship

This would solve the Budget Deficit and start paying down the Debt. They should also fix SS by adding a year & Medicare. Those funding and entitlement fixes would set the US on a sound fiscal course for many years. Healthcare is a tougher thing to fix.

Except you are forgetting one thing, the Democrats never give into anything major the Republicans want.....never.

Yes, they will give in to some of the minor things, but they will never give into the wall because that is something they can't change back.

Adding a year to SS and Medicare would be a disaster. Many people can't make it to retirement now depending on their line of work. I have two cousins who have their own remodeling business. The abuse to their bodies is gaining up on them and it's getting near impossible to do their work. My father had to retire at the age of 62 as a bricklayer.

Except you are forgetting one thing, the Democrats never give into anything major the Republicans want.....never.

Those are Republican created problems.

They need to give the Dems quite a bit to get them to bail them out.
Dem's were on tv a few weeks back. They said they would give Trump money for the wall if he gave illegals amnesty...then in the next breath described how they would screw Trump on this deal by suing Trump in court to block acquiring the land for the wall.

THAT is how Democrats negotiate.

Democrats won't deal with anything unless they get at least twice as much out of a negotiations than the Republicans.

Ray, if you're worried about old age and programs like medicare and social security surviving, then you're wrong pushing for republicans, who want to gut those programs. They never liked them. That was proven in the lasted tax break for billionaires.

Tax breaks for wealthy paid for with deep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security

Where have you been? That article was ripped to pieces by numerous posters! It is fake news of the highest quality!
Instead of a government shutdown, think about a "big f'ing deal" (big funding deal)

1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
2. Trump gets wall funding and immigration reform [Big give by dems]
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship

This would solve the Budget Deficit and start paying down the Debt. They should also fix SS by adding a year & Medicare. Those funding and entitlement fixes would set the US on a sound fiscal course for many years. Healthcare is a tougher thing to fix.

Forgetting everything but 1....

I applaud SOMEONE trying to balance the budget.

But I am TOTALLY against doing it with an increase in taxes. Taxes are already too high as it is.

Politicians MUST be disciplined enough to cut spending - NOT raise taxes.

And the federal government brings in WAAAAY more than enough to do what government SHOULD be doing as it is.
The Federal budget - in just the last ten years - has gone up over 1/3 from about 2.9 trillion to over 4.0 trillion.


I agree that there should be lots of waste in the Federal Budget to cut, but they have been unable to do it. Here is the 2019 Budget, Medicaid and Welfare look too big, but no one is able to cut $900b to balance the Budget. We need to do something before the interest on the Debt explodes:

2019 Federal Budget
Mandatory spending $2.74T
Social Security $878b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary spending $1.3T
Defense $893.0
HHS $70.0
Education $59.9
VA $83.1
Homeland $52.7
Energy Dept $29.2
NNSA $15.1
HUD $29.2
State Dept $40.3
NASA $19.0
All Other Agencies $133.1

Both the military AND welfare needs to be cut.

$893 billion is TOTALLY absurd for peacetime with ZERO, seriously viable adversaries on the horizon. $300 billion is MORE than enough.
And it is FLAT OUT IMPOSSIBLE to factually prove it is not.

The Donald Undone: Tilting At The Swamp, Succumbing To The Empire
Defense Spending by Country

And welfare should be in the form of government shelters in major, regional centers that offer places to sleep, eat and get basic medical attention (full medical attention for children) instead of sending out fraud/waste-attracting checks. This could also be where seniors who need Social Security can go to live (in on-site apartments).
This should save several $100's of billions more.

Mixed this in with cutting budgets to unnecessary/over-funded agencies and balancing the budget is relatively simple. Not easy - but simple.

No doubt you and just about everyone on this board disagrees with me.

That must mean it is correct...;)
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Instead of a government shutdown, think about a "big f'ing deal" (big funding deal)

1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
2. Trump gets wall funding and immigration reform [Big give by dems]
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship

This would solve the Budget Deficit and start paying down the Debt. They should also fix SS by adding a year & Medicare. Those funding and entitlement fixes would set the US on a sound fiscal course for many years. Healthcare is a tougher thing to fix.

You assume they want to build the wall AND balance budgets.

Dims while in power did not even pass budgets.

Also, an unsecured border is one of the pillars of the Dim party, along with abortion and increased spending programs that continue to raise a $20 trillion plus debt.

Just listen to them carry on about free health care and college.

Scary stuff.
Instead of a government shutdown, think about a "big f'ing deal" (big funding deal)

1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
2. Trump gets wall funding and immigration reform [Big give by dems]
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship

This would solve the Budget Deficit and start paying down the Debt. They should also fix SS by adding a year & Medicare. Those funding and entitlement fixes would set the US on a sound fiscal course for many years. Healthcare is a tougher thing to fix.

Fuck that, it was Trump that stated Mexico would pay for it. If he wants to build a 1000 mile wall that would have a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as he built it, let him pay for it.

A 2-1/2 minute video will show you some of the 240 tunnels they've already found in the San Diego region. One is a drive through tunnel.

Does the Border Fence work?
1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
Who is proposing this?

Certainly no one in Congress or the White House.
Instead of a government shutdown, think about a "big f'ing deal" (big funding deal)

1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
2. Trump gets wall funding and immigration reform [Big give by dems]
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship

This would solve the Budget Deficit and start paying down the Debt. They should also fix SS by adding a year & Medicare. Those funding and entitlement fixes would set the US on a sound fiscal course for many years. Healthcare is a tougher thing to fix.

Forgetting everything but 1....

I applaud SOMEONE trying to balance the budget.

But I am TOTALLY against doing it with an increase in taxes. Taxes are already too high as it is.

Politicians MUST be disciplined enough to cut spending - NOT raise taxes.

And the federal government brings in WAAAAY more than enough to do what government SHOULD be doing as it is.
The Federal budget - in just the last ten years - has gone up over 1/3 from about 2.9 trillion to over 4.0 trillion.


I agree that there should be lots of waste in the Federal Budget to cut, but they have been unable to do it. Here is the 2019 Budget, Medicaid and Welfare look too big, but no one is able to cut $900b to balance the Budget. We need to do something before the interest on the Debt explodes:

2019 Federal Budget
Mandatory spending $2.74T
Social Security $878b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary spending $1.3T
Defense $893.0
HHS $70.0
Education $59.9
VA $83.1
Homeland $52.7
Energy Dept $29.2
NNSA $15.1
HUD $29.2
State Dept $40.3
NASA $19.0
All Other Agencies $133.1

Both the military AND welfare needs to be cut.

$893 billion is TOTALLY absurd for peacetime with ZERO, seriously viable adversaries on the horizon. $300 billion is MORE than enough.
And it is FLAT OUT IMPOSSIBLE to factually prove it is not.

The Donald Undone: Tilting At The Swamp, Succumbing To The Empire
Defense Spending by Country

And welfare should be in the form of government shelters in major, regional centers that offer places to sleep, eat and get basic medical attention (full medical attention for children) instead of sending out fraud/waste-attracting checks. This could also be where seniors who need Social Security can go to live (in on-site apartments).
This should save several $100's of billions more.

Mixed this in with cutting budgets to unnecessary/over-funded agencies and balancing the budget is relatively simple. Not easy - but simple.

No doubt you and just about everyone on this board disagrees with me.

That must mean it is correct...;)

Please stop bloviating and put up a real answer. If it is so simple, please put up your revised Budget. I gave you the 2019 numbers above in post #42. It is not simple. We agree the $900b peacetime deficit is absurd. When the Debt explodes its too late.
1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
Who is proposing this?

Certainly no one in Congress or the White House.

That's the problem, the coxuckers in Congress are totally inept and incompetent. How do you propose to fix the Budget Deficit and entitlements?
1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
Who is proposing this?

Certainly no one in Congress or the White House.

That's the problem, the coxuckers in Congress are totally inept and incompetent. How do you propose to fix the Budget Deficit and entitlements?
You mean to tell me you have been on this forum since 2009 and don't know my ideas about how to balance the budget?


Right now, there is a collective groan going up.

"The sonofabitch is going to talk about those fucking tax expenditures again!"
Dem's were on tv a few weeks back. They said they would give Trump money for the wall if he gave illegals amnesty...then in the next breath described how they would screw Trump on this deal by suing Trump in court to block acquiring the land for the wall.

THAT is how Democrats negotiate.

the Dems can't sue to block acquiring the land, but the land owners can fight the taking of their land eventually through eminent domain, by insisting on getting fair market value and suits.... it'll take a decade to grab these land owner's property for it, before it is all said and done, and probably triple the cost of the wall!!! :eek:

All the land owners on the border that I have seen interviewed on TV do not want the wall.... so, we can anticipate a real down and dirty fight from them....

You missed the point, Dem's are scheming on how to skip out on holding up their end of the deal before the deal is even signed. You cannot negotiate with Dem's they lie!
Instead of a government shutdown, think about a "big f'ing deal" (big funding deal)

1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
2. Trump gets wall funding and immigration reform [Big give by dems]
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship

This would solve the Budget Deficit and start paying down the Debt. They should also fix SS by adding a year & Medicare. Those funding and entitlement fixes would set the US on a sound fiscal course for many years. Healthcare is a tougher thing to fix.
Trump's already chosen to face the wheel.
Dem's were on tv a few weeks back. They said they would give Trump money for the wall if he gave illegals amnesty...then in the next breath described how they would screw Trump on this deal by suing Trump in court to block acquiring the land for the wall.

THAT is how Democrats negotiate.

the Dems can't sue to block acquiring the land, but the land owners can fight the taking of their land eventually through eminent domain, by insisting on getting fair market value and suits.... it'll take a decade to grab these land owner's property for it, before it is all said and done, and probably triple the cost of the wall!!! :eek:

All the land owners on the border that I have seen interviewed on TV do not want the wall.... so, we can anticipate a real down and dirty fight from them....

You missed the point, Dem's are scheming on how to skip out on holding up their end of the deal before the deal is even signed. You cannot negotiate with Dem's they lie!

What deal with Trump and McConnell did the dems back out of? McConnell already said no deal while Trump is potus.
1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
Who is proposing this?

Certainly no one in Congress or the White House.

That's the problem, the coxuckers in Congress are totally inept and incompetent. How do you propose to fix the Budget Deficit and entitlements?
You mean to tell me you have been on this forum since 2009 and don't know my ideas about how to balance the budget?


Right now, there is a collective groan going up.

"The sonofabitch is going to talk about those fucking tax expenditures again!"

OMG, not again. We explained those "tax expenditures" to you already as unworkable.
Nice thinking out of the box, but we need something that works, like new revenue and actually cutting expenses.
1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
Who is proposing this?

Certainly no one in Congress or the White House.

That's the problem, the coxuckers in Congress are totally inept and incompetent. How do you propose to fix the Budget Deficit and entitlements?
You mean to tell me you have been on this forum since 2009 and don't know my ideas about how to balance the budget?


Right now, there is a collective groan going up.

"The sonofabitch is going to talk about those fucking tax expenditures again!"

OMG, not again. We explained those "tax expenditures" to you already as unworkable.
Nice thinking out of the box, but we need something that works, like new revenue and actually cutting expenses.
Tax expenditures ARE spending. That's why they are called tax EXPENDITURES.

And eliminating them does work. Reagan proved it.
Instead of a government shutdown, think about a "big f'ing deal" (big funding deal)

1. Top tax rate increases by 7% above 2016 level, and add a new 3% or so Fed sales tax [Big give by GOP]
2. Trump gets wall funding and immigration reform [Big give by dems]
a. No catch & release
b. No diversity lottery
c. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
d. No chain migration
e. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
f. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies
g. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship

This would solve the Budget Deficit and start paying down the Debt. They should also fix SS by adding a year & Medicare. Those funding and entitlement fixes would set the US on a sound fiscal course for many years. Healthcare is a tougher thing to fix.
Not necessary, we're going get those taxes, and not only are not going to raise the social security eligibility age, but we're actually going to drop it back to 65, and remove the current cap of $118,000 completely to shore it up. Healthcare will be very simple to fix. Once a national healthcare system is put into place, every working American immediately gets a raise in income by not ever having to pay another premium, or deductable to a private insurance company, and the drug companies will be immediately put into check on what they can charge for drugs. This will also save companies that employ workers who currently provide coverage to their employees hundreds of billions in savings, so their new higher corporate tax will not be a burden for them. The DACA kids will get citizenship, though their parents will have to earn green cards, and we are more than conciliatory on ending chain migration, and offering monies for high tech equipment, and to maintain the current level of border security in place, since the immigration issue is that important to you.

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