Poll: Do you agree with Rand Paul about delaying the 9/11 compensation fund?

Do you agree with Paul delaying the 9/11 compensation fund?

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WheelieAddict, are you saying you inhaled WTC dust and now have a disease that you can scientifically trace to WTC dust? If so, why is that special? People are dying from many causes. Why is one more significant than another?
WheelieAddict, are you saying you inhaled WTC dust and now have a disease that you can scientifically trace to WTC dust? If so, why is that special? People are dying from many causes. Why is one more significant than another?
No I'm saying asshole congressman/senators make a big fuss/block money for the north when we need it and assholes down south got their hand out for money constantly. You can't take care of people fucked over from 911? We gotta pay for it now? Go fuck yourselves.
How about next time you fuckers get hit by a bad tornado northern politicians block the funds cause fuck you, that's basically what has been happening to us, and we give more.
Not quite sure what you point of view is Wheelie. IMO, government workers are way overpaid and way over insured. For example, a fireman or policeman injured on the job can retire on the benefit package. And usually they get another government job to double dip. :p The magic dust from the WTC impacted the entire NY metro area. What is the cutoff line. Bleeker Street?
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I vote NO. I want the Rand to get payments canceled, not just delayed. Shut it down. End it. Fund is crooked NY poloiticians scam.
Lol you thinking it is a scam is based on no factual information whatsoever. It sounds good to you so you believe it.
They think its a scam when it isn't them begging for funds:
GOP Congressmen Who Begged For Federal Aid In Disasters Striking Home Districts Vote Against Sandy Aid
Now they are doing the same thing for care for first responders of 911. Horrible people.

Hey commie, you do know it's not just first responders that are making claims, right? Anyone who worked, lived or went to school in the area are eligible. 5 billion has already been paid to just 21,000 claims. That's almost a quarter million each and over and above other compensation they received.

The highest number of claims submitted and awarded came from residents living on Staten Island in the 10312, 10314, and 10306 zip codes, according to the Staten Island Advance.


3 zip codes are becoming very wealthy.

I vote NO. I want the Rand to get payments canceled, not just delayed. Shut it down. End it. Fund is crooked NY poloiticians scam.
Lol you thinking it is a scam is based on no factual information whatsoever. It sounds good to you so you believe it.
They think its a scam when it isn't them begging for funds:
GOP Congressmen Who Begged For Federal Aid In Disasters Striking Home Districts Vote Against Sandy Aid
Now they are doing the same thing for care for first responders of 911. Horrible people.

Hey commie, you do know it's not just first responders that are making claims, right? Anyone who worked, lived or went to school in the area are eligible. 5 billion has already been paid to just 21,000 claims. That's almost a quarter million each and over and above other compensation they received.

The highest number of claims submitted and awarded came from residents living on Staten Island in the 10312, 10314, and 10306 zip codes, according to the Staten Island Advance.


3 zip codes are becoming very wealthy.

Lots of excuses/bullshit. Lots of assholes are claiming money after the tornado so we need to cut off that money every time. No more aid after tornados. Make the states pay for it since the assholes vote against relief for us. No more federal money that my state contributes more than yours
Not quite sure what you point of view is Wheelie. IMO, government workers are way overpaid and way over insured. For example, a fireman or policeman injured on the job can retire on the benefit package. And usually they get another government job to double dip. :p The magic dust from the WTC impacted the entire NY metro area. What is the cutoff line. Bleeker Street?
Cool, no more money from NY for your state, pay your own way for once.
Just in case you don’t know, the GOP tax cut that Paul voted for blew up the deficit and will help add 8 trillion to the National debt. He is either a moron or the biggest piece of shit to ever be elected to Congress. I think it’s safe to say that McConnell cowardly pushed for Paul to do this.

I feel like this should be an easy poll to answer but, whatever, this is America after all.

How much more money do they need ?...when does it end
after the attack people were claiming their spouses were dead ...trying to collect ,when they we're alive and well

I think one guy just tried to leave his wife :113:
:auiqs.jpg: I forget where they found him ..ALIVE and well
To be chrystal clear. My state makes a ton of money for the whole nation and pays a ton of taxes, that the federal govt distributes to poor states that need the money. You assholes blocked money for hurricane relief then expect it elsewhere for you. And now you fuckers are trying to explain why 911 first responders don't deserve benefits? Go fuck yourselves.
Real simple...........He wants to do it but wants to find cuts to pay for it.............

The money only grows on trees in la la land.........

Income taxes have increased revenues..........business taxes down under Trump.............And very good job growth............

Such is the liquidity trap of cuts versus increases...............the side that puts more Americans to work makes more sense........but Billy would rather chase business away like the idiots in California do now................Oh well.

By cutting Medicaid , HUD, Chip, Meals on Wheels, EPA, SHIP, SNAP, Title X, BS either sign it or give the tax cut back.
Real simple...........He wants to do it but wants to find cuts to pay for it.............

The money only grows on trees in la la land.........

Income taxes have increased revenues..........business taxes down under Trump.............And very good job growth............

Such is the liquidity trap of cuts versus increases...............the side that puts more Americans to work makes more sense........but Billy would rather chase business away like the idiots in California do now................Oh well.
Why doesn’t he just be an adult and propose a separate bill that would cut spending? He could go after SS. I’m sure you’d love that.
no only a irresponsible child first buys a product before he knows how to pay for it
the adult first figures out how he will pay for it before he buys it
how are we paying for the millions for trumps golf trips? you objecting to those? or the travel expenses for his entire family ? where is the outcry ....or for the money used for the 4 th of july...who protested that?
Anyone remember how Bush and Giuliani stood on piles of rubble falling all over themselves praising the heroism of the heroic first responders?

Anyone remember how they informed us, in no uncertain terms, there's nothing wrong with all that debris, dust, and fumes, no toxicity whatsoever - when, in fact, no one should have been anywhere near these smoldering piles without wearing hazmat gear?

Turns out, they fell sick at a staggering rate and died like flies. Now we're approaching two full decades of the Goobers' struggle to deny them and their families the help they need. American heroes' lives, the GOP has long decided, are cheap, and they shall not stand in the way of another tax cut for their sugar daddies.

Is there anything even remotely surprising about this? Yep, there is: None of these ghouls immediately drops dead the next time they praise the first responders, or even blushes, and to this day the Trumpletons, the imbecilic bobbleheads, couldn't be more eager to get on their knees and lick their jackboots.
I do not support Rand Paul’s parliamentary maneuver. That said, as a Nu Yawka, I have a bias...
Before I go I'd like to mention again how much of a piece of garbage rand paul is, maggots are more respectable than him.
Just in case you don’t know, the GOP tax cut that Paul voted for blew up the deficit and will help add 8 trillion to the National debt. He is either a moron or the biggest piece of shit to ever be elected to Congress. I think it’s safe to say that McConnell cowardly pushed for Paul to do this.

I feel like this should be an easy poll to answer but, whatever, this is America after all.

Yes. Because this is for a crapton of cash. A few simple questions should be answered before this even gets talked about and that is, where is the state and what has it done? Where is the police union, and what has it been doing? Where is the fire fighters union, and what has it done? And one extra, why is it a tax payer in California's problem?
Yes. Because this is for a crapton of cash. A few simple questions should be answered before this even gets talked about and that is, where is the state and what has it done? Where is the police union, and what has it been doing? Where is the fire fighters union, and what has it done? And one extra, why is it a tax payer in California's problem?

Why, were Texas to suffer an attack, would that be a concern for the taxpayers in New York and California?

I swear, were any of the Founders alive today and to run into one of these "patriots", they'd grab a walking stick and, slowly and methodically, beat them to death, and they'd behold the result of their work with deep satisfaction.
Rand paul is the worst piece of shit out of all the dicks in the Congress and Senate. I hope he gets beat up again, and has to flee to Canada again. Piece of garbage.

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