POLL: Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of President Trump's Job Performance?

Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of President Trump's Job Performance

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''claimed Mexico would pay for the wall''.....what's your problem with this?--just so I understand correctly ....
Would he have been elected if he said he would spend $20 billion on his wall? Did he lie or was he stupid enough to believe it? Either way he is disqualified in my mind.
He was elected because he said he would build a wall, and of course because Hillary is so disgusting.
We have a president??!!! No wonder I didn't get elected Evil Emperor for Life.

Oh no, you're still on with that.
Imagine what President Trump's approval rating would be if the mainstream media didn't hate him and traitors in the FBI didn't try to bring down the administration with fake news and propaganda. .

I have to agree. Trump has been treated miserably by the MSM. Obama received a complete free pass in comparison. Credible American Journalism is dead. It's all opinion propaganda disguised as 'News.' I think his 51% number his pretty incredible.

"Incredible" is indeed the word, since this cherrypicked poll remains at odds with the median, which still says 40.7% approve and 53.6% disapprove.

The Rumpbots' daily dose of self-delusionary echobubbular rhetorical cotton candy.

And all those other highly respected polls were sooooo accurate during the election weren't they? They along with the media thought they could steer the narrative and elect their candidate. They looked like fools on election night when the American people voted their own mind. Most people have a fairly decent BS detector and know the media is lying to them. What we're told doesn't resemble what we know from experience.
It may well come to that but it won't be a "plan" so much as "rank incompetence". Just as the casinos (and the steaks, and the water, and the vodka, and the travel site, and the magazine, and the game, and the mail-me-your-pee vitaimins, and the USFL, and the fraudulent fake 'university') were not "plans" but "egomaniacal fantasies".
At least he was smart enough to use other people's money.

"Smart"? I think you spelled "unethical" wrong.

Using OPM is, unfortunately, exactly what the Gullibles have entrusted him to do for four years, or however long he hangs on.
This time it's our money.
We have a president??!!! No wonder I didn't get elected Evil Emperor for Life.

Oh no, you're still on with that.
Imagine what President Trump's approval rating would be if the mainstream media didn't hate him and traitors in the FBI didn't try to bring down the administration with fake news and propaganda. .

I have to agree. Trump has been treated miserably by the MSM. Obama received a complete free pass in comparison. Credible American Journalism is dead. It's all opinion propaganda disguised as 'News.' I think his 51% number his pretty incredible.

"Incredible" is indeed the word, since this cherrypicked poll remains at odds with the median, which still says 40.7% approve and 53.6% disapprove.

The Rumpbots' daily dose of self-delusionary echobubbular rhetorical cotton candy.

And all those other highly respected polls were sooooo accurate during the election weren't they? They along with the media thought they could steer the narrative and elect their candidate. They looked like fools on election night when the American people voted their own mind. Most people have a fairly decent BS detector and know the media is lying to them. What we're told doesn't resemble what we know from experience.

Polls aren't taken during an election. They're taken during the campaign. And yes, in that they were accurate.

And polls do not "steer". They follow. If a poll is designed to 'steer', it's a fake poll.
It may well come to that but it won't be a "plan" so much as "rank incompetence". Just as the casinos (and the steaks, and the water, and the vodka, and the travel site, and the magazine, and the game, and the mail-me-your-pee vitaimins, and the USFL, and the fraudulent fake 'university') were not "plans" but "egomaniacal fantasies".
At least he was smart enough to use other people's money.

"Smart"? I think you spelled "unethical" wrong.

Using OPM is, unfortunately, exactly what the Gullibles have entrusted him to do for four years, or however long he hangs on.
This time it's our money.
do republicans know the definition of a grifter.....Trump is it
The poll is to limited for Me to vote.

I approve of some of the things he has accomplished and disapprove of a number of his stances and comments.

Overall, I think its a push.
Liberal critters: Don't like or approve of the President? Get yer asses to the polls in November instead of haunting the USMB. That is all.

Unfortunately the problem of Rump has nothing to do with "Liberal" or "Conservative" or "parties" or "voting". It has to do with personal character, basic competence right down to the basics of having some idea how the world works, and fundamental mental stability. None of that is related to anybody named "November".
You sound like one of Stalin's cohorts. We must open "hospitals" for those mental patients who do not tow the establishment lines.

We need Gulags, obviously.

"Hospitals"? Who brought up "hospitals"?

Btw it's toe, not "tow". But your fantasy allusion to "the establishment" is eminently laughable. Where the fuck do you think Rump comes from?
''claimed Mexico would pay for the wall''.....what's your problem with this?--just so I understand correctly ....
Would he have been elected if he said he would spend $20 billion on his wall? Did he lie or was he stupid enough to believe it? Either way he is disqualified in my mind.
He was elected because he said he would build a wall, and of course because Hillary is so disgusting.

Lemme fix that for ya.

He was elected because he found useful idiots gullible enough to believe that wall shit, proving one more time that nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. Because as his own Fraud University preached, "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". The unfortunate part of that is that there are sheeple who will of their own volition actually line up to buy them.

Fatter o' mact you just cited another one of them feelings at the end of the post.
considering the clown presidents we have had since Reagan I voted approved.He is the FIRST president since carter to do any of what he said he would do. Carter was always demonized by both the media and the ignorant sheep here because he was not corrupt as all the presidents from reagan to obama have all been,serving the bankers wishes getting us into wars. same with Trump,he is also demonized by the media cause he is fighting the establishment.

I LOVE his domestic policys the way he is sticking up for americans bringing back jobs ect,ect,his foregin policys piss me off though and that is where i am dissapointed with him. but as i said,in comparison to all the clown presidents we have had since 1981,I cant complain too much.He must doing something right the fact the people that attack him the most are resident trolls like ghook,wrongwinger,jake starkey,meathead.ringel,ect,ect. :2up: people who defend the corrupt of the events of our government no matter how much the lies have been exposed.LOL
considering the clown presidents we have had since Reagan I voted approved.He is the FIRST president since carter to do any of what he said he would do. Carter was always demonized by both the media and the ignorant sheep here because he was not corrupt as all the presidents from reagan to obama have all been,serving the bankers wishes getting us into wars. same with Trump,he is also demonized by the media cause he is fighting the establishment.

I LOVE his domestic policys the way he is sticking up for americans bringing back jobs ect,ect,his foregin policys piss me off though and that is where i am dissapointed with him. but as i said,in comparison to all the clown presidents we have had since 1981,I cant complain too much.He must doing something right the fact the people that attack him the most are resident trolls like ghook,wrongwinger,jake starkey,meathead.ringel,ect,ect. :2up: people who defend the corrupt of the events of our government no matter how much the lies have been exposed.LOL

Attacking one entity is not equivalent to "defending" another That's a False Dichotomy.
Disapprove .

What happened to targeting drug costs ? Having wall st pay it’s fair share in taxes ?

Then there’s all that tweeting non sense .

Trump could fix world hunger and cure cancer and you'd disapprove.

Pretty much how all trump bashers are like the ones i mentioned.Not a trump supporter,just glad he got elected because of the HORRIBLE choice WE HAD for as the alternative.LOL
Imagine what President Trump's approval rating would be if the mainstream media didn't hate him and traitors in the FBI didn't try to bring down the administration with fake news and propaganda. .

I have to agree. Trump has been treated miserably by the MSM. Obama received a complete free pass in comparison. Credible American Journalism is dead. It's all opinion propaganda disguised as 'News.' I think his 51% number his pretty incredible.

I cant believe that was a post from WHITEHALL.the world must be coming to an end,that is the first time he has EVER said ANYTHING intelligent ever since being a member at this board.LOL
What choice?

In the words of Sinefield s' George, one could have thrown a few darts out the window ,and hit better candidates than DOJ & Hilly

What choice?

In the words of Sinefield s' George, one could have thrown a few darts out the window ,and hit better candidates than DOJ & Hilly


again trump at LEAST is doing what no other president since carter has done,do some of the things he SAID he would do.hard to believe other than ron paul there would have been a better republican candidate out there that would be better.i wanted PAUL.i KNOW for sure he would get rid of the CIA,FBI and the fed which is the reason the world is in the mess it is but we did not get paul and were stuck with trump,hitlery would not have done ANY of the good things for the people trump has,she would have contiuned to shit on the people as every president since reagan has and same as her husband did.
after wrecking your ''nickname'' crap, I'm still waiting for the details on the wall problem
where is it?
Maybe my standards of conduct are higher than yours but should I expect more from my kids than from my President?

Would Trump have been elected if he said he would spend $20 billion on his wall? Did he lie or was he stupid enough to believe Mexico would pay? Either way he is disqualified in my mind.
The poll is to limited for Me to vote.

I approve of some of the things he has accomplished and disapprove of a number of his stances and comments.

Overall, I think its a push.
but the vote that's swaying me is the one that says what a piece of garbage he really is

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