POLL: How Bout An Official Gesture Of Atonement For Past Sins Against African Americans?...

Would You Support An Official Government-Sponsored Gesture Of Atonement To African Americans

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • No

    Votes: 49 89.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?
here's my gesture......:fu:
Those that support this nonsense are just looking for a payday.
I'd be interested to see how Washington would pull off that move.

I'm not proposing monetary compensation.
I agree, that's the obvious solution. It's what Martin Luther King wanted. But i think the past has to be addressed in some way. And it'll have to be addressed in an official Government-sanctioned way. Something along the lines of how Australia approached it with the Aborigines.

Yeah, I'm sure that will change everything. Ask how many blacks (or whites for that matter) know about this:

Congress Apologizes for Slavery, Jim Crow

It seems to have a done a lot of good in Australia. I mean, it can't erase the history of awful abuse, but it can help folks forgive and find closure.

Prove it's done good in Australia.

It has done some good. Relations with Aborigines has improved. But like i said, it can't erase hundreds of years of awful abuse. It can help though.
So you think I'm supposed to take you word for it? Where's the evidence that anything has improved?
Wouldn't the angry incoherent racist administration of Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama, son of a radical anti-American African nationalist, be considered to be an "atonement" for past racial injustice? Do y'all lefties need a verbal apology before you stop assassinating White Cops?

Some sort of official acknowledgement and atonement could help. It's worked pretty well in Australia. They worked out something like that with the Aborigines. It can't erase the hundreds of years of awful abuse, but it could help some forgive and move on.

And as far as the police go, they share in the blame for the current awful state of things. American Police have a very long history of violent racism. Speak to some African Americans sometime. There's two sides to every story.
Whose going to atone to my ancestors for dying to free the blacks from the democrats?
From southern conservatives, you mean. Calling them modern dems is ridiculous, brainwashed idiocy...
I agree, that's the obvious solution. It's what Martin Luther King wanted. But i think the past has to be addressed in some way. And it'll have to be addressed in an official Government-sanctioned way. Something along the lines of how Australia approached it with the Aborigines.

Yeah, I'm sure that will change everything. Ask how many blacks (or whites for that matter) know about this:

Congress Apologizes for Slavery, Jim Crow

It seems to have a done a lot of good in Australia. I mean, it can't erase the history of awful abuse, but it can help folks forgive and find closure.

Prove it's done good in Australia.

It has done some good. Relations with Aborigines has improved. But like i said, it can't erase hundreds of years of awful abuse. It can help though.
So you think I'm supposed to take you word for it? Where's the evidence that anything has improved?

Talk to some Aussies. I have. It's healed some old wounds. But it doesn't solve all the problems.
NAFTA free trade is not the problem, our GOP educational system (obstruction of tax breaks for training for tech jobs etc) is. NAFTA means new markets, the days of HS jobs paying good money are over. Thanks GOP union busting....Of course closing loopholes and pandering to lobbyists is part of raising taxes. Vote Dem then and stop being a dupe...
No one paid for my tech training...why would they?
Because having 3-7 million jobs going begging or going to Germany etc is STUPID? SOMEONE has to stop being stupid, that would be the GOP. Probably your training had something to do with Dem funding or tax incentives and you don't even know it lol. This is mindless obstruction- BREAKING for the dupes...
Nope...my training was all on me....why the fuck would I depend on someone else to tell me what to do with my life?
Or your parents? Are ANY GOPers interested in good gov't? Just LOVE giving it all away to your heroes, the greedy idiot rich...?
What part of on me is giving you difficulty?

Why are you liberals,always sticking you nose in other people business?
Because it turns out you RWers are FOS LOL.
Yeah, I'm sure that will change everything. Ask how many blacks (or whites for that matter) know about this:

Congress Apologizes for Slavery, Jim Crow

It seems to have a done a lot of good in Australia. I mean, it can't erase the history of awful abuse, but it can help folks forgive and find closure.

Prove it's done good in Australia.

It has done some good. Relations with Aborigines has improved. But like i said, it can't erase hundreds of years of awful abuse. It can help though.
So you think I'm supposed to take you word for it? Where's the evidence that anything has improved?

Talk to some Aussies. I have. It's healed some old wounds. But it doesn't solve all the problems.

In other words, you don't have a shred of evidence.
Reconciliation folks. It has to happen in order to move on. Folks can ignore or be defensive, but the issue has to be addressed. Reconciliation is the way forward. Now how to we get there? That's the question.
No one paid for my tech training...why would they?
Because having 3-7 million jobs going begging or going to Germany etc is STUPID? SOMEONE has to stop being stupid, that would be the GOP. Probably your training had something to do with Dem funding or tax incentives and you don't even know it lol. This is mindless obstruction- BREAKING for the dupes...
Nope...my training was all on me....why the fuck would I depend on someone else to tell me what to do with my life?
Or your parents? Are ANY GOPers interested in good gov't? Just LOVE giving it all away to your heroes, the greedy idiot rich...?
What part of on me is giving you difficulty?

Why are you liberals,always sticking you nose in other people business?
Because it turns out you RWers are FOS LOL.
No, it's because you fucktard liberals are fascists....mind your own business...
Yeah, I'm sure that will change everything. Ask how many blacks (or whites for that matter) know about this:

Congress Apologizes for Slavery, Jim Crow

It seems to have a done a lot of good in Australia. I mean, it can't erase the history of awful abuse, but it can help folks forgive and find closure.

Prove it's done good in Australia.

It has done some good. Relations with Aborigines has improved. But like i said, it can't erase hundreds of years of awful abuse. It can help though.
So you think I'm supposed to take you word for it? Where's the evidence that anything has improved?

Talk to some Aussies. I have. It's healed some old wounds. But it doesn't solve all the problems.
What really helps is their $19 minimum wage lol. We're gd barbarians. Thanks GOP greedy billionaires and hater dupes!
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

The government didn't enslave them. That being said if they want an official "we're sorry" that doesn't include reparations I have no problem with that. Reparations though are a non starter.

I'm willing to accept a compromise. But we have to heal this open festering wound. I think an official act could help African Americans forgive. Maybe help them find some sort of closure.
There is no wound.....Except in the White House.
Obama started this black anti cop thing with the following words. "The police acted stupidly"...
Obama, without making himself aware of all the facts shot off his ego driven yapper. He essentially told his followers that "the cops suck. They are against black people"....all of these incidents where people, blacks in particular, have decided the right thing to do is fight with the police.
Obama has opened a divide between black and Caucasian. His jumping to conclusions, bloviating and always always always having something to say has set race relations back 50 years.
And every time we try to talk TO each other. Obama and his race baiting minions have to step in and start another shit storm.
Now hear this. There are people in places of power that are heavily invested in racial distrust and divisiveness.
This is part of the progressive game plan. Place people into groups and pit those groups against each other.
Reconciliation folks. It has to happen in order to move on. Folks can ignore and be defensive, but the issue has to be addressed. Reconciliation is the way forward. Now how to we get there? That's the question.

Race pimps like Obama and Rev Sharpton have no intention of moving on.
Because having 3-7 million jobs going begging or going to Germany etc is STUPID? SOMEONE has to stop being stupid, that would be the GOP. Probably your training had something to do with Dem funding or tax incentives and you don't even know it lol. This is mindless obstruction- BREAKING for the dupes...
Nope...my training was all on me....why the fuck would I depend on someone else to tell me what to do with my life?
Or your parents? Are ANY GOPers interested in good gov't? Just LOVE giving it all away to your heroes, the greedy idiot rich...?
What part of on me is giving you difficulty?

Why are you liberals,always sticking you nose in other people business?
Because it turns out you RWers are FOS LOL.
No, it's because you fucktard liberals are fascists....mind your own business...
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

The government didn't enslave them. That being said if they want an official "we're sorry" that doesn't include reparations I have no problem with that. Reparations though are a non starter.

I'm willing to accept a compromise. But we have to heal this open festering wound. I think an official act could help African Americans forgive. Maybe help them find some sort of closure.
There is no wound.....Except in the White House.
Obama started this black anti cop thing with the following words. "The police acted stupidly"...
Obama, without making himself aware of all the facts shot off his ego driven yapper. He essentially told his followers that "the cops suck. They are against black people"....all of these incidents where people, blacks in particular, have decided the right thing to do is fight with the police.
Obama has opened a divide between black and Caucasian. His jumping to conclusions, bloviating and always always always having something to say has set race relations back 50 years.
And every time we try to talk TO each other. Obama and his race baiting minions have to step in and start another shit storm.
Now hear this. There are people in places of power that are heavily invested in racial distrust and divisiveness.
This is part of the progressive game plan. Place people into groups and pit those groups against each other.
So Obama invented the Smart Phone? LOL
It seems to have a done a lot of good in Australia. I mean, it can't erase the history of awful abuse, but it can help folks forgive and find closure.

Prove it's done good in Australia.

It has done some good. Relations with Aborigines has improved. But like i said, it can't erase hundreds of years of awful abuse. It can help though.
So you think I'm supposed to take you word for it? Where's the evidence that anything has improved?

Talk to some Aussies. I have. It's healed some old wounds. But it doesn't solve all the problems.
What really helps is their $19 minimum wage lol. We're gd barbarians. Thanks GOP greedy billionaires and hater dupes!

Yeah, the Aussies were smart to finally address it. There's been a bit of reconciliation.
Reconciliation folks. It has to happen in order to move on. Folks can ignore and be defensive, but the issue has to be addressed. Reconciliation is the way forward. Now how to we get there? That's the question.

Race pimps like Obama and Rev Sharpton have no intention of moving on.
That's all they do, except on the Faux/Rush etc hate network, hater dupe.
Prove it's done good in Australia.

It has done some good. Relations with Aborigines has improved. But like i said, it can't erase hundreds of years of awful abuse. It can help though.
So you think I'm supposed to take you word for it? Where's the evidence that anything has improved?

Talk to some Aussies. I have. It's healed some old wounds. But it doesn't solve all the problems.
What really helps is their $19 minimum wage lol. We're gd barbarians. Thanks GOP greedy billionaires and hater dupes!

Yeah, the Aussies were smart to finally address it. There's been a bit of reconciliation.
It really come s down to money, opportunity, and justice. Talk doesn't do it.
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

The government didn't enslave them. That being said if they want an official "we're sorry" that doesn't include reparations I have no problem with that. Reparations though are a non starter.

I'm willing to accept a compromise. But we have to heal this open festering wound. I think an official act could help African Americans forgive. Maybe help them find some sort of closure.

The problem with that is the jesse jacksons of the world have built their empires on creating, and maintaining, the division and hatred. obummer has furthered the separation of the races to foment exactly what is happening. A race war.
How does someone like Jesse "create" division when that division was there before they came on the scene or before they were even born?

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Jesse fans the flames, just like Obama.
The bastard, said CREATE. Why don't you RESPOND to that, rather than REACT to whatever it is you're reflexively reacting to?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?
here's my gesture......:fu:
Those that support this nonsense are just looking for a payday.
I'd be interested to see how Washington would pull off that move.

I'm not proposing monetary compensation.
They are. Hence the Wyoming salute...
My response to those demanding reparations. Come get ya some.
I would have no hesitation burying my foot in their sorry greedy asses.
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

The government didn't enslave them. That being said if they want an official "we're sorry" that doesn't include reparations I have no problem with that. Reparations though are a non starter.

I'm willing to accept a compromise. But we have to heal this open festering wound. I think an official act could help African Americans forgive. Maybe help them find some sort of closure.
There is no wound.....Except in the White House.
Obama started this black anti cop thing with the following words. "The police acted stupidly"...
Obama, without making himself aware of all the facts shot off his ego driven yapper. He essentially told his followers that "the cops suck. They are against black people"....all of these incidents where people, blacks in particular, have decided the right thing to do is fight with the police.
Obama has opened a divide between black and Caucasian. His jumping to conclusions, bloviating and always always always having something to say has set race relations back 50 years.
And every time we try to talk TO each other. Obama and his race baiting minions have to step in and start another shit storm.
Now hear this. There are people in places of power that are heavily invested in racial distrust and divisiveness.
This is part of the progressive game plan. Place people into groups and pit those groups against each other.
So Obama invented the Smart Phone? LOL
No...But he gave leftists like you a new reason to shoot off your stupid mouths.

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