POLL: How Bout An Official Gesture Of Atonement For Past Sins Against African Americans?...

Would You Support An Official Government-Sponsored Gesture Of Atonement To African Americans

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • No

    Votes: 49 89.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It has done some good. Relations with Aborigines has improved. But like i said, it can't erase hundreds of years of awful abuse. It can help though.
So you think I'm supposed to take you word for it? Where's the evidence that anything has improved?

Talk to some Aussies. I have. It's healed some old wounds. But it doesn't solve all the problems.
What really helps is their $19 minimum wage lol. We're gd barbarians. Thanks GOP greedy billionaires and hater dupes!

Yeah, the Aussies were smart to finally address it. There's been a bit of reconciliation.
It really come s down to money, opportunity, and justice. Talk doesn't do it.
Of which all three have been offered since 1964
Please show me that Buchanan did not win all the southern delegates. He won them all, it was a sweep. Three people competed and only one to the south.

Once again you're conflating two different elections. It appears you don't know the difference between 1856 and 1860. Buchanan would be the former. Let us start there.

Buchanan did win all the Southern states, yes. But there were two people competing -- not three --- and it's hard to argue that the other one (Fillmore) was really competing anyway. The Know Nothing Party was a flash in the pan, it disappeared after this, and when it nominated Fillmore --- he wasn't even there. Nor does it seem he agreed with its platform, part of which btw was to just "ignore" the slavery question and hope it went away. So that's your only "competition", and you can't make the case that it even WAS competition.

And again, as already posted, Frémont did not even run in the South. The Republican Party didn't put out its own candidates in the South until 1868. Even Lincoln's birth state of Kentucky didn't have him on a ballot until 1864. Frémont was never on the ballot in the South. So Buchanan --- plus, if you count him, Fillmore ---- that's two people. Not "three". And barely even two.

Three people also ran in the South in 1860. They were Douglas (Democrat), Breckinridge (Southern Democrat) and Bell (Constitutional Union). No Lincoln. Wasn't on a ballot.

Breckinridge won the southern democratic nomination after they left the southern states left first Democratic convention after no nominee was named. The second convention was not attended by the southern states and the Democrats in the south made Breckenridge the nominee.

NO, they walked out of the Party's official second convention --- after some had already walked out of the first one, and THEN ran their breakaway rump convention. So they were there, and then walked out, and then went down the street to have their own party.

Right here, pal:
>> The resumed convention's first business was to decide whether to re-admit the delegates who had bolted the Charleston session, or to seat replacement delegates who had been named by pro-Douglas Democrats in some states. The credentials committee's majority report recommended re-admitting all delegates except those from Louisiana and Alabama. The minority report recommended re-admitting some of the Louisiana and Alabama delegates as well. The committee's majority report was adopted 150-100½, and the new Louisiana and Alabama delegates were seated. Many additional delegates now withdrew, including most of the remaining Southern delegates, and also a scattering of delegates from northern and far western states.[3] << (Wiki)

But the Democratic Party, independent of that, made Douglas the nominee --- not Breckinridge. Just as their 1948 convention went on and named Truman, with or without the walkouts.

As I said this is historical record, and there's not a damn thing you can do about that. By the time of their respective campaigns, Breckinridge was no more a "Democrat" than Teddy Roosevelt in 1912 was a "Republican". Same thing. A single political party doesn't run two candidates against each other. How the hell do you expect that to work?? That's the whole point of naming a nominee. "A" means one. Not two, not three ---- one.

So Buchanan won all the Southern delegates.

Breckenridge took the democrats votes in the south because democrats in the south voted for him.

Many Encyclopedias and history books call Breckenridge a southern Democrat.
Let's end corporate welfare. Let's repeal NAFTA and make it tougher for companies to take their companies out of the country and use cheap labor. Instead of raising taxes, get rid of many of the tax deductions companies and people get.
NAFTA free trade is not the problem, our GOP educational system (obstruction of tax breaks for training for tech jobs etc) is. NAFTA means new markets, the days of HS jobs paying good money are over. Thanks GOP union busting....Of course closing loopholes and pandering to lobbyists is part of raising taxes. Vote Dem then and stop being a dupe...
No one paid for my tech training...why would they?
Because having 3-7 million jobs going begging or going to Germany etc is STUPID? SOMEONE has to stop being stupid, that would be the GOP. Probably your training had something to do with Dem funding or tax incentives and you don't even know it lol. This is mindless obstruction- BREAKING for the dupes...
Nope...my training was all on me....why the fuck would I depend on someone else to tell me what to do with my life?
Or your parents? Are ANY GOPers interested in good gov't? Just LOVE giving it all away to your heroes, the greedy idiot rich...?

Why shouldn't a person pay for his own education?
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?
here's my gesture......:fu:
Those that support this nonsense are just looking for a payday.
I'd be interested to see how Washington would pull off that move.

I'm not proposing monetary compensation.
They are. Hence the Wyoming salute...
My response to those demanding reparations. Come get ya some.
I would have no hesitation burying my foot in their sorry greedy asses.
Who is? Another straw man from the New BS GOP.
NAFTA free trade is not the problem, our GOP educational system (obstruction of tax breaks for training for tech jobs etc) is. NAFTA means new markets, the days of HS jobs paying good money are over. Thanks GOP union busting....Of course closing loopholes and pandering to lobbyists is part of raising taxes. Vote Dem then and stop being a dupe...
No one paid for my tech training...why would they?
Because having 3-7 million jobs going begging or going to Germany etc is STUPID? SOMEONE has to stop being stupid, that would be the GOP. Probably your training had something to do with Dem funding or tax incentives and you don't even know it lol. This is mindless obstruction- BREAKING for the dupes...
Nope...my training was all on me....why the fuck would I depend on someone else to tell me what to do with my life?
Or your parents? Are ANY GOPers interested in good gov't? Just LOVE giving it all away to your heroes, the greedy idiot rich...?

Why shouldn't a person pay for his own education?
A lot of people can't. Why are we the only modern country without free or very cheap college? Thanks GOP!
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

The government didn't enslave them. That being said if they want an official "we're sorry" that doesn't include reparations I have no problem with that. Reparations though are a non starter.

I'm willing to accept a compromise. But we have to heal this open festering wound. I think an official act could help African Americans forgive. Maybe help them find some sort of closure.
There is no wound.....Except in the White House.
Obama started this black anti cop thing with the following words. "The police acted stupidly"...
Obama, without making himself aware of all the facts shot off his ego driven yapper. He essentially told his followers that "the cops suck. They are against black people"....all of these incidents where people, blacks in particular, have decided the right thing to do is fight with the police.
Obama has opened a divide between black and Caucasian. His jumping to conclusions, bloviating and always always always having something to say has set race relations back 50 years.
And every time we try to talk TO each other. Obama and his race baiting minions have to step in and start another shit storm.
Now hear this. There are people in places of power that are heavily invested in racial distrust and divisiveness.
This is part of the progressive game plan. Place people into groups and pit those groups against each other.
So Obama invented the Smart Phone? LOL
No...But he gave leftists like you a new reason to shoot off your stupid mouths.
The smart phone did all this, hater dupe.
No one paid for my tech training...why would they?
Because having 3-7 million jobs going begging or going to Germany etc is STUPID? SOMEONE has to stop being stupid, that would be the GOP. Probably your training had something to do with Dem funding or tax incentives and you don't even know it lol. This is mindless obstruction- BREAKING for the dupes...
Nope...my training was all on me....why the fuck would I depend on someone else to tell me what to do with my life?
Or your parents? Are ANY GOPers interested in good gov't? Just LOVE giving it all away to your heroes, the greedy idiot rich...?

Why shouldn't a person pay for his own education?
A lot of people can't. Why are we the only modern country without free or very cheap college? Thanks GOP!
Why should something someone wants be free to them and cost me?
So you think I'm supposed to take you word for it? Where's the evidence that anything has improved?

Talk to some Aussies. I have. It's healed some old wounds. But it doesn't solve all the problems.
What really helps is their $19 minimum wage lol. We're gd barbarians. Thanks GOP greedy billionaires and hater dupes!

Yeah, the Aussies were smart to finally address it. There's been a bit of reconciliation.
It really come s down to money, opportunity, and justice. Talk doesn't do it.
Of which all three have been offered since 1964
And taken away since 1981...thanks GOP! see sig
Because having 3-7 million jobs going begging or going to Germany etc is STUPID? SOMEONE has to stop being stupid, that would be the GOP. Probably your training had something to do with Dem funding or tax incentives and you don't even know it lol. This is mindless obstruction- BREAKING for the dupes...
Nope...my training was all on me....why the fuck would I depend on someone else to tell me what to do with my life?
Or your parents? Are ANY GOPers interested in good gov't? Just LOVE giving it all away to your heroes, the greedy idiot rich...?

Why shouldn't a person pay for his own education?
A lot of people can't. Why are we the only modern country without free or very cheap college? Thanks GOP!
Why should something someone wants be free to them and cost me?
Because your parents had the money. And it's called progress. We've been giving the farm away to the rich for 30 years. Hear's another GOPer theme. Life was tough for me, so why should you have it easy? Bitter angry white men...and the mess goes on, with blacks getting the worst of it.
Fine... YOU give it to 'em, and YOU pay for it.
Nope, the bloated rich and giant corps who've been laughing all the way to the bank for 30 years will pay, Pub dupe.
Good luck getting all that shit passed in Congress, and vetted by SCOTUS, Princess...

As to being a "Pub dupe"...

I have no idea what you're talking about; I voted for Obumble in both 2008 and 2012, and Bernie Sanders in the Illinois primaries this past spring season...

Then again, you have no idea what you're talking about, so, it's a wash...
Then get behind Dem policy- in this case raising taxes on the rich and giant corps, NOT YOU.
Get behind Dem policy? What the hell for? I advocate for a blend of the ideas of the Left and the Right, not just one side. When it comes to so-called Reparations, I take a decidedly Right (anti-Reparations) perspective.
Also on taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share to invest in America?
Hell, no... I'm all about sticking it to companies that ship American jobs off-shore, and taxing the shit out of the top tiers, and their multinationals...
Nope...my training was all on me....why the fuck would I depend on someone else to tell me what to do with my life?
Or your parents? Are ANY GOPers interested in good gov't? Just LOVE giving it all away to your heroes, the greedy idiot rich...?

Why shouldn't a person pay for his own education?
A lot of people can't. Why are we the only modern country without free or very cheap college? Thanks GOP!
Why should something someone wants be free to them and cost me?
Because your parents had the money. And it's called progress. We've been giving the farm away to the rich for 30 years. Hear's another GOPer theme. Life was tough for me, so why should you have it easy? Bitter angry white men...
I was poor growing up...so now what?
Nope, the bloated rich and giant corps who've been laughing all the way to the bank for 30 years will pay, Pub dupe.
Good luck getting all that shit passed in Congress, and vetted by SCOTUS, Princess...

As to being a "Pub dupe"...

I have no idea what you're talking about; I voted for Obumble in both 2008 and 2012, and Bernie Sanders in the Illinois primaries this past spring season...

Then again, you have no idea what you're talking about, so, it's a wash...
Then get behind Dem policy- in this case raising taxes on the rich and giant corps, NOT YOU.
Get behind Dem policy? What the hell for? I advocate for a blend of the ideas of the Left and the Right, not just one side. When it comes to so-called Reparations, I take a decidedly Right (anti-Reparations) perspective.
Also on taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share to invest in America?
Hell, no... I'm all about sticking it to companies that ship American jobs off-shore, and taxing the shit out of the top tiers, and their multinationals...
Well then cut the crap that started this argument, they can pay for solutions, like they used to before Reaganism. Not THAT much tho ay caramba...
No one paid for my tech training...why would they?
Because having 3-7 million jobs going begging or going to Germany etc is STUPID? SOMEONE has to stop being stupid, that would be the GOP. Probably your training had something to do with Dem funding or tax incentives and you don't even know it lol. This is mindless obstruction- BREAKING for the dupes...
Nope...my training was all on me....why the fuck would I depend on someone else to tell me what to do with my life?
Or your parents? Are ANY GOPers interested in good gov't? Just LOVE giving it all away to your heroes, the greedy idiot rich...?

Why shouldn't a person pay for his own education?
A lot of people can't. Why are we the only modern country without free or very cheap college? Thanks GOP!
hey genius.....If not the students, who pays?
Do you think all those liberal professors will accept huge cuts in pay and becoming defacto federal employees?
Way to think this free shit through. Nice going.
Nope...my training was all on me....why the fuck would I depend on someone else to tell me what to do with my life?
Or your parents? Are ANY GOPers interested in good gov't? Just LOVE giving it all away to your heroes, the greedy idiot rich...?

Why shouldn't a person pay for his own education?
A lot of people can't. Why are we the only modern country without free or very cheap college? Thanks GOP!
Why should something someone wants be free to them and cost me?
Because your parents had the money. And it's called progress. We've been giving the farm away to the rich for 30 years. Hear's another GOPer theme. Life was tough for me, so why should you have it easy? Bitter angry white men...and the mess goes on, with blacks getting the worst of it.
Same old class envy bullshit.
Yeah, anyone that works to create a life for themselves and does it better than others is a criminal, right? You individual with a peasant's mentality.
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

We've already provided plenty of atonement: the Civil War and the Fourteenth Amendment.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You forgot affirmative action and that 1 in every 3 1/2 is having their food purchased through food stamps.
Usually some of their food, or a very small amount of their food. Thanks for all the shytty paying jobs! And your brainwashed, useless, racist opinion...Try thinking about what the GOP abused middle class and poor could use, mainly the defenestration of the racist/hater/mindless obstruction/propaganda based New BS GOP.

If it's a penny, it's one cent too much.

You lose when you automatically start the race card playing. It's the only card you have and it's played out.
POLL: How Bout An Official Gesture Of Atonement For Past Sins Against African Americans?...

Yes - but Native Americans first.

By rights --- we owe then a TON of back rent.

Of course that opens up another can of worms, since by the same rights, the Angles, Saxons and Franks owe a ton of rent to the Celts.... and so on.

We don't owe them shit.
Nope...my training was all on me....why the fuck would I depend on someone else to tell me what to do with my life?
Or your parents? Are ANY GOPers interested in good gov't? Just LOVE giving it all away to your heroes, the greedy idiot rich...?

Why shouldn't a person pay for his own education?
A lot of people can't. Why are we the only modern country without free or very cheap college? Thanks GOP!
Why should something someone wants be free to them and cost me?
Because your parents had the money. And it's called progress. We've been giving the farm away to the rich for 30 years. Hear's another GOPer theme. Life was tough for me, so why should you have it easy? Bitter angry white men...and the mess goes on, with blacks getting the worst of it.

My parents didn't have the money to send me to college. I worked and put myself through college.
Nope, the bloated rich and giant corps who've been laughing all the way to the bank for 30 years will pay, Pub dupe.
Good luck getting all that shit passed in Congress, and vetted by SCOTUS, Princess...

As to being a "Pub dupe"...

I have no idea what you're talking about; I voted for Obumble in both 2008 and 2012, and Bernie Sanders in the Illinois primaries this past spring season...

Then again, you have no idea what you're talking about, so, it's a wash...
Then get behind Dem policy- in this case raising taxes on the rich and giant corps, NOT YOU.
Get behind Dem policy? What the hell for? I advocate for a blend of the ideas of the Left and the Right, not just one side. When it comes to so-called Reparations, I take a decidedly Right (anti-Reparations) perspective.
Also on taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share to invest in America?
Hell, no... I'm all about sticking it to companies that ship American jobs off-shore, and taxing the shit out of the top tiers, and their multinationals...

I agree we were sold a bill of goods. NAFTA was the worst piece of legislation the US has ever seen.
Good luck getting all that shit passed in Congress, and vetted by SCOTUS, Princess...

As to being a "Pub dupe"...

I have no idea what you're talking about; I voted for Obumble in both 2008 and 2012, and Bernie Sanders in the Illinois primaries this past spring season...

Then again, you have no idea what you're talking about, so, it's a wash...
Then get behind Dem policy- in this case raising taxes on the rich and giant corps, NOT YOU.
Get behind Dem policy? What the hell for? I advocate for a blend of the ideas of the Left and the Right, not just one side. When it comes to so-called Reparations, I take a decidedly Right (anti-Reparations) perspective.
Also on taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share to invest in America?
Hell, no... I'm all about sticking it to companies that ship American jobs off-shore, and taxing the shit out of the top tiers, and their multinationals...
Well then cut the crap that started this argument, they can pay for solutions, like they used to before Reaganism. Not THAT much tho ay caramba...

College wasn't free before Reagan.

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