POLL: How Bout An Official Gesture Of Atonement For Past Sins Against African Americans?...

Would You Support An Official Government-Sponsored Gesture Of Atonement To African Americans

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • No

    Votes: 49 89.1%

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  • Poll closed .
What type of reconciliation puts all of this to rest?
Post the definition of "GESTURE" and what you understand by the meaning of that term.

My thoughts have no bearing on the matter. I am not asking for anything. If the government made a public apology for its past actions and the way they horrible way they treated my race. If they apologize for the government allowing me and my race to be kept in slavery and how for over 200 years they have denied many of my right. including the right to vote, to work, to have equal pay for equal work, For profiling my race, for not treating me equally in a court of law, being deprived of an education based on my skin color, being judge solely on the color of my skin, I'd find the apology meaningless, an empty gesture. I wouldn't put any weight in it.

So I think an apology would be futile. So it goes back to what needs to be done, how do you reconcile over 200 years of mistreatment?

who has been mistreated for over 200 years?

Mohammed Ali?
Joe Lewis?
A Rod?
Sammy Davis Jr?
Loretta Lynch?
Michael Jordan?
Serena Willaims?
Elija Cumming?

This racial mistreatment BS is just that, BS.
Blacks aren't discriminated against? You have GOT to be kidding...
List the various types of reconciliation that you can remember.

I guess the most popular one was (is) affirmative action. It spread through work, schools, promotions and so on. AF is a cute phrase for reverse discrimination. Another is forced bussing. It destroyed neighborhoods and cities all across America forcing many whites to move the hell out of their homes. Fair Housing laws another. It's illegal to refuse the sale of your home or rent to minorities. If a minority wishes to purchase your home and you suspect that person to be a bad player, you have no choice but to sell your home to them just because they happen to be a person of color. Then there is HUD. Another agency started to target segregated areas. HUD is still destroying neighborhoods all across the country today costing people millions and millions of dollars.
Forty-three (43) pages so far... have we figured out, by now, that Black Folk ain't gettin' 40 acres and a mule?
Glad I block sig propaganda.
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
Yeah, that's exactly how it will be painted if it's ever passed, and that's why no Republican will ever vote for it.
It's already passed and approved by the SC...

You do make some valid points. I have to admit that. Just had a conversation with a relative about how high rents are now. Too many Americans can't afford such rents. It's just getting harder & harder for people to get by. We're going backwards as a nation.

Why are rents high? any idea?

do you understand that the owner of the property has to pay the property taxes? do you understand that he has to pay for repairs done by renters? Do you understand that he has to pay the mortgages even when renters don't pay? Do you understand that he has to pay for insurance on the property?

I can tell you from personal experience, owning rental property is neither profitable or easy.

Oh boy, not really in the mood to get into it with greedy white Republican dudes over this one. The poster Franco did make some valid points though. You guys don't care that so many Americans can't afford rents. 'They're lazy, it's their own fault'... Yada Yada Yada. Movin on...

Apparently the bleeding hearts like Franco don't care that people can't afford rent. If Franco did, the rent would be paid personally by Franco. Franco won't do that. Franco demands taxpayers be forced to do what Franco says should be done.

Hate to break it to you but in many cases the inability to pay one's bills is that one's fault. In fact, most people are where they are in life due to their own choices.
Property taxes go up as rich people's fed income tax goes down...The New BS GOP at work...Dems are trying to raise top tax rates and cut regular people's taxes, dupe.
You do make some valid points. I have to admit that. Just had a conversation with a relative about how high rents are now. Too many Americans can't afford such rents.

It's just getting harder & harder for people to get by. And too many Republicans do seem pretty callous about it. It's a 'Fuck you, i got mine' mentality. We're going backwards as a nation.

It's supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the price.

People don't want to purchase homes today, so everybody is renting. Great for us landlords but bad for real estate companies. I can charge much more for my units because I just about have the only game on the block.

But nobody took pity on us during the housing bubble that lasted for years. We couldn't find tenants. Landlords were in hot competition with each other by lowering their prices, just about to the point of taking a loss. Our selection of tenants were scarce. You had to rent your units out to people you know would probably not make good tenants. But what choice did we have?

So it all works out in the end. And what would you have Republicans do about high rental prices? As RedFish pointed out, it's not a big profit investment and a hell of a lot of work.
Blacks in this country have it much better than in Africa. Maybe they should be thankful instead of demanding?
Again, argue with history not me.

You're the one trying to argue with history by dismissing an uppercase proper name, Sparkles.

Why don't you just essplain to the class how a single political party can run two different candidates for the same job. What happens if one of them actually wins?

See? I run rings around you logically. You can't answer that.

I see what the history books report, it calls Breckenridge a Southern Democrat and Douglas as a pro-slavery Democrat, Bell was a middle road, not take a stand on the issue. Lincoln was anti-slavery.

Take it or leave it because you have failed to make any points. Beckenridge was listed as a Democrat and then a Southern Democrat. In 1956 Buchanan won all the southern states.

You have yet to disprove either statement, though you claim they aren't true.

I hate to break this to ya but Buchanan won no states at all in 1956. He was dead. And a hundred years before, as already repeatedly noted, he was effectively the only candidate in the South. Your option to show us how Millard Fillmore was a viable competitor is still on the table. Untouched.

And then there's 1860 and the mysterious uppercase letter you put in your own posts without getting the significance thereof. I need a history lesson from no one on this, thanks. You can't even comprehend the idea of a separate political party. Go look up the US political parties of the 19th century if you actually think that a political party has to last a century, or whatever it is you think in this utterly irrational tangent of yours.

Just for the sake of clarification, Douglas was wishy-washy on slavery; that's exactly why the Southerners who walked out and struck out on their own rejected him. After being defeated he worked with Lincoln to try to preserve the Union for the brief period he was alive. Bell was from a Whig/Know Nothing base, the former of which was also wishy-washy (that's why that party disintegrated) and the latter of which chose to ignore the question hoping it would go away. Breckinridge and Lincoln were of course unequivocal, representing opposite sides but at least taking a position. Actually Lincoln made some contradictory statements on the issue but his new political party had a position.

None of this is relevant to the fact of separate political candidates from separate parties, but it does demonstrate the superficiality of your homework. You get an "E", and that doesn't mean excellent.

Buchanan won all the states in the south, did he not? Breckenridge ran as a Southern Democrat, did he not?

Bottom line, you lose.

Buchanan ran in the South effectively unopposed, did he not?

And yes, Breckinridge ran as a Southern Democrat -- with a capital S. Not as a "Democrat". Because as we know by now, Stephen Douglas had that position. That's history and you can't change it. You don't get to just make it up.

This is where you fucked up:
Breckinridge a Democrat won 72 electoral votes. Douglas won Missouri.

Wrong wrong wrong. Douglas was the Democrat; Breckinridge was the Southern Democrat.
One party.... another party. I even put them in different colors to dumb it down for you.

Bottom line, history wins, revisionists with no point fail to score.

Yes, they were both democrats. Thank you!
What type of reconciliation puts all of this to rest?
Post the definition of "GESTURE" and what you understand by the meaning of that term.

My thoughts have no bearing on the matter. I am not asking for anything. If the government made a public apology for its past actions and the way they horrible way they treated my race. If they apologize for the government allowing me and my race to be kept in slavery and how for over 200 years they have denied many of my right. including the right to vote, to work, to have equal pay for equal work, For profiling my race, for not treating me equally in a court of law, being deprived of an education based on my skin color, being judge solely on the color of my skin, I'd find the apology meaningless, an empty gesture. I wouldn't put any weight in it.

So I think an apology would be futile. So it goes back to what needs to be done, how do you reconcile over 200 years of mistreatment?

who has been mistreated for over 200 years?

Mohammed Ali?
Joe Lewis?
A Rod?
Sammy Davis Jr?
Loretta Lynch?
Michael Jordan?
Serena Willaims?
Elija Cumming?

This racial mistreatment BS is just that, BS.
Blacks aren't discriminated against? You have GOT to be kidding...
Blacks need to stop being a bunch of fucking crybabies and get over it. The motherfuckers keep pushing and the pushback will set them back three generations.
Nope, Clinton wanted it, the GOP helped pass it, however, Clinton signed a bill if he vetoed would have been dead. Sorry, I know honesty and responsibility are not your strong suits. But you bastards are as guilty as the GOP, you really need to take some responsibility.

Funny how your narrative switched, lol!
Always exactly the same duh.

Keep moving the goal post bud, you are good at that. You haters are gonna hate. It's what you do.
Bush wrote it, Clinton signed it, GOP renegged on training. Facts don't change.

Bush didn't write laws, Congress does that. and then Clinton signed the bill that Congress passed and those are the facts.
You got it. Duh. The New BS GOP is a disgrace and disaster. All they have is bs propaganda, for dupes only. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, a corrupt world depression, and 8 years of mindless obstruction. Any argument?

Why argue? You just made my point for me.
You do make some valid points. I have to admit that. Just had a conversation with a relative about how high rents are now. Too many Americans can't afford such rents.

It's just getting harder & harder for people to get by. And too many Republicans do seem pretty callous about it. It's a 'Fuck you, i got mine' mentality. We're going backwards as a nation.

It's supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the price.

People don't want to purchase homes today, so everybody is renting. Great for us landlords but bad for real estate companies. I can charge much more for my units because I just about have the only game on the block.

But nobody took pity on us during the housing bubble that lasted for years. We couldn't find tenants. Landlords were in hot competition with each other by lowering their prices, just about to the point of taking a loss. Our section of tenants were scant. You had to rent your units out to people you know would probably not make good tenants. But what choice did we have?

So it all works out in the end. And what would you have Republicans do about high rental prices? As RedFish pointed out, it's not a big profit investment and a hell of a lot of work.
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!
You do make some valid points. I have to admit that. Just had a conversation with a relative about how high rents are now. Too many Americans can't afford such rents.

It's just getting harder & harder for people to get by. And too many Republicans do seem pretty callous about it. It's a 'Fuck you, i got mine' mentality. We're going backwards as a nation.

It's supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the price.

People don't want to purchase homes today, so everybody is renting. Great for us landlords but bad for real estate companies. I can charge much more for my units because I just about have the only game on the block.

But nobody took pity on us during the housing bubble that lasted for years. We couldn't find tenants. Landlords were in hot competition with each other by lowering their prices, just about to the point of taking a loss. Our section of tenants were scant. You had to rent your units out to people you know would probably not make good tenants. But what choice did we have?

So it all works out in the end. And what would you have Republicans do about high rental prices? As RedFish pointed out, it's not a big profit investment and a hell of a lot of work.
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!

I thought Obama had given us a great economy. Which is it, a great Obama economy of a sucky GOP economy?
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

400,000 Americans died to end slavery. Trillions have been spent on programs and welfare galore since 1965. That's atonement enough.
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

400,000 Americans died to end slavery. Trillions have been spent on programs and welfare galore since 1965. That's atonement enough.
I agree, but it's more like 850,000 Americans died to end slavery.
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

400,000 Americans died to end slavery. Trillions have been spent on programs and welfare galore since 1965. That's atonement enough.
I agree, but it's more like 850,000 Americans died to end slavery.

I only counted Union troops.
I have an idea for our Afro-American population that wants reparations.....

An all expense paid, ONE WAY ticket on a cruise ship, back to their country of origin or Liberia; their choice for them and their whole family.

That's already been tried, LOL!

Like they say, it couldn't hurt. But it would be a empty and pointless gesture, and it wouldn't change anything. It would symbolic, and it would imply ALL whites owe something to ALL blacks, which is absurd. How about a national holiday observing the suffering of slaves? Like the government needs another holiday, just an idea. Call it national reconciliation day or something, that would be more realistic. Say, in mid February, black awareness month.
You do make some valid points. I have to admit that. Just had a conversation with a relative about how high rents are now. Too many Americans can't afford such rents.

It's just getting harder & harder for people to get by. And too many Republicans do seem pretty callous about it. It's a 'Fuck you, i got mine' mentality. We're going backwards as a nation.

It's supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the price.

People don't want to purchase homes today, so everybody is renting. Great for us landlords but bad for real estate companies. I can charge much more for my units because I just about have the only game on the block.

But nobody took pity on us during the housing bubble that lasted for years. We couldn't find tenants. Landlords were in hot competition with each other by lowering their prices, just about to the point of taking a loss. Our section of tenants were scant. You had to rent your units out to people you know would probably not make good tenants. But what choice did we have?

So it all works out in the end. And what would you have Republicans do about high rental prices? As RedFish pointed out, it's not a big profit investment and a hell of a lot of work.
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!

I thought Obama had given us a great economy. Which is it, a great Obama economy of a sucky GOP economy?
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

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