POLL: How Bout An Official Gesture Of Atonement For Past Sins Against African Americans?...

Would You Support An Official Government-Sponsored Gesture Of Atonement To African Americans

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • No

    Votes: 49 89.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So is the economy great, or does it suck?
Depends on who you ask. The rich and upper middle class are doing great.

Uneducated people are struggling. Are you uneducated?
So Obama fucked the uneducated and made the rich richer?

Hope and Change!
Obama has been totally blocked DUH. What we have is the basic strength of the US economy, and no GOP corrupt bubble. But things could be a lot better if Obama could pass any of the usual solutions for this GOP pander to the rich mess: higher min wage, infrastructure jobs bill, cut payroll tax, raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps, cheap college and training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs that can't be filled- for YEARS now...

So he deserves no credit for the economy? Is that what you're trying to say?

Good point.
Depends on who you ask. The rich and upper middle class are doing great.

Uneducated people are struggling. Are you uneducated?
So Obama fucked the uneducated and made the rich richer?

Hope and Change!
Obama has been totally blocked DUH. What we have is the basic strength of the US economy, and no GOP corrupt bubble. But things could be a lot better if Obama could pass any of the usual solutions for this GOP pander to the rich mess: higher min wage, infrastructure jobs bill, cut payroll tax, raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps, cheap college and training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs that can't be filled- for YEARS now...

So he deserves no credit for the economy? Is that what you're trying to say?

Good point.
It's funny though that all of the stuff Obama wanted to try to help the middle class, the gop blocked. They obstructed. Now you are hoping trump will get those Republicans to go along?

I'm OK if you vote for trump but then vote out the GOP obstructionists too. The ones who are opposed to trumps tariffs
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

So is the economy great, or does it suck?
It's great for the rich and ok for others. C+

In other words, Obama made the rich richer and fucked the poor up the ass. Explain why should any poor person vote for him?
BS. Just your beloved Reaganism continuing. WTF has Obama passed? LOL. ACA and the stimulus 7 years ago. And NOTHING else. Great job, GOP.

So Reaganism is what has been making the economy grow for the last 7 1/2 years?
For the rich, while continuing to wreck the rest...
So Obama fucked the uneducated and made the rich richer?

Hope and Change!
Obama has been totally blocked DUH. What we have is the basic strength of the US economy, and no GOP corrupt bubble. But things could be a lot better if Obama could pass any of the usual solutions for this GOP pander to the rich mess: higher min wage, infrastructure jobs bill, cut payroll tax, raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps, cheap college and training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs that can't be filled- for YEARS now...

So he deserves no credit for the economy? Is that what you're trying to say?

Good point.
It's funny though that all of the stuff Obama wanted to try to help the middle class, the gop blocked. They obstructed. Now you are hoping trump will get those Republicans to go along?

I'm OK if you vote for trump but then vote out the GOP obstructionists too. The ones who are opposed to trumps tariffs

How many times have I told you I'm not going to vote for Trump. I don't vote for people because they are a D or a R. Just because you do, doesn't mean the rest of the country is as dumb as you are.
If you vote GOP, you're a functional moron. Trump wants lower taxes on the rich and a Trump Network.

If you vote for Trump or Clinton you are an absolute moron. Neither one gives a rats behind about the average American family, they are to busy lying to their constituents and BSing, while kissing the rich people's asses. Uniformed dupes.
If you vote GOP, you're a functional moron. Trump wants lower taxes on the rich and a Trump Network.

If you vote for Trump or Clinton you are an absolute moron. Neither one gives a rats behind about the average American family, they are to busy lying to their constituents and BSing, while kissing the rich people's asses. Uniformed dupes.
So,,are you voting for Trump? Or hitlery?
If you vote GOP, you're a functional moron. Trump wants lower taxes on the rich and a Trump Network.

If you vote for Trump or Clinton you are an absolute moron. Neither one gives a rats behind about the average American family, they are to busy lying to their constituents and BSing, while kissing the rich people's asses. Uniformed dupes.
So,,are you voting for Trump? Or hitlery?

Neither, I'm looking for a third candidate. I can't in good conscience vote for either person. I like Trump but he is not Presidential material.
It's funny though that all of the stuff Obama wanted to try to help the middle class, the gop blocked.

For one, Dumbo wouldn't know how to help the middle-class if he wanted to, and two, people voted in a Republican leadership TO stop DumBama--not go along with his idiotic plans.
If you vote GOP, you're a functional moron. Trump wants lower taxes on the rich and a Trump Network.

If you vote for Trump or Clinton you are an absolute moron. Neither one gives a rats behind about the average American family, they are to busy lying to their constituents and BSing, while kissing the rich people's asses. Uniformed dupes.
So,,are you voting for Trump? Or hitlery?

Neither, I'm looking for a third candidate. I can't in good conscience vote for either person. I like Trump but he is not Presidential material.
So you're voting hitlery....brilliant.....
Obama has been totally blocked DUH. What we have is the basic strength of the US economy, and no GOP corrupt bubble. But things could be a lot better if Obama could pass any of the usual solutions for this GOP pander to the rich mess: higher min wage, infrastructure jobs bill, cut payroll tax, raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps, cheap college and training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs that can't be filled- for YEARS now...

Correct, that's exactly what he would do, and that would run us into the mid 20 trillion dollar debt range, cost a lot of jobs, increase college costs even more kill the already struggling programs like Medicare and SS, and chase even more companies out of the US.

That's why you never vote for Democrat leadership.
You're the one trying to argue with history by dismissing an uppercase proper name, Sparkles.

Why don't you just essplain to the class how a single political party can run two different candidates for the same job. What happens if one of them actually wins?

See? I run rings around you logically. You can't answer that.

I see what the history books report, it calls Breckenridge a Southern Democrat and Douglas as a pro-slavery Democrat, Bell was a middle road, not take a stand on the issue. Lincoln was anti-slavery.

Take it or leave it because you have failed to make any points. Beckenridge was listed as a Democrat and then a Southern Democrat. In 1956 Buchanan won all the southern states.

You have yet to disprove either statement, though you claim they aren't true.

I hate to break this to ya but Buchanan won no states at all in 1956. He was dead. And a hundred years before, as already repeatedly noted, he was effectively the only candidate in the South. Your option to show us how Millard Fillmore was a viable competitor is still on the table. Untouched.

And then there's 1860 and the mysterious uppercase letter you put in your own posts without getting the significance thereof. I need a history lesson from no one on this, thanks. You can't even comprehend the idea of a separate political party. Go look up the US political parties of the 19th century if you actually think that a political party has to last a century, or whatever it is you think in this utterly irrational tangent of yours.

Just for the sake of clarification, Douglas was wishy-washy on slavery; that's exactly why the Southerners who walked out and struck out on their own rejected him. After being defeated he worked with Lincoln to try to preserve the Union for the brief period he was alive. Bell was from a Whig/Know Nothing base, the former of which was also wishy-washy (that's why that party disintegrated) and the latter of which chose to ignore the question hoping it would go away. Breckinridge and Lincoln were of course unequivocal, representing opposite sides but at least taking a position. Actually Lincoln made some contradictory statements on the issue but his new political party had a position.

None of this is relevant to the fact of separate political candidates from separate parties, but it does demonstrate the superficiality of your homework. You get an "E", and that doesn't mean excellent.

Buchanan won all the states in the south, did he not? Breckenridge ran as a Southern Democrat, did he not?

Bottom line, you lose.

Buchanan ran in the South effectively unopposed, did he not?

And yes, Breckinridge ran as a Southern Democrat -- with a capital S. Not as a "Democrat". Because as we know by now, Stephen Douglas had that position. That's history and you can't change it. You don't get to just make it up.

This is where you fucked up:
Breckinridge a Democrat won 72 electoral votes. Douglas won Missouri.

Wrong wrong wrong. Douglas was the Democrat; Breckinridge was the Southern Democrat.
One party.... another party. I even put them in different colors to dumb it down for you.

Bottom line, history wins, revisionists with no point fail to score.

Yes, they were both democrats. Thank you!

Not in that election they weren't. No more than John Anderson and Ronald Reagan were both "Republicans" 120 years later. No more than Jefferson was a "Republican" because it was part of his unrelated party name. No more than Saddam Hussein's "Republican Guard" were part of that party either simply on account of using the same term. You're presenting a basic Peewee Herman argument. No political party ever runs multiple candidates against itself. That's fucking stupid.

Drop it. You've embarrassed yourself beyond repair.
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

400,000 Americans died to end slavery. Trillions have been spent on programs and welfare galore since 1965. That's atonement enough.

Sorry but that's naive. Lincoln wasn't fighting over slavery; he was fighting over the concept of "union".
Slavery was merely part of the catalyst that created that condition. But the issue was the split, i.e. political.
If you vote GOP, you're a functional moron. Trump wants lower taxes on the rich and a Trump Network.

If you vote for Trump or Clinton you are an absolute moron. Neither one gives a rats behind about the average American family, they are to busy lying to their constituents and BSing, while kissing the rich people's asses. Uniformed dupes.

Sorry.....there is some upside to Trump...he might just appoint justices who will uphold the Constitution.....hilary will appoint 100% hard core leftists who will begin dismantling the rule of law.......there is no doubt about hilary's intentions on this......

4 years of Trump can be survived....it will be 40 years of a Supreme Court ruling against the constitution.
No, it wouldn't. His kids are there carrying out his wishes already, unfortunately.
There is no festering wound. Stop being one of the stupids.
BLM is a creation of George Soros. He dreamed it up, and he pays for it. When he stops paying for it, believe me, the wound will go home and hang out in the hood, just like before Soros came up with the plan for civil unrest.
They are already being "compensated". $5,000 a month to destroy Ferguson, Dallas, Baltimore..
If Soros dropped dead tomorrow, so would Acorn and BLM.
Last edited:
Such as?
So Obama fucked the uneducated and made the rich richer?

Hope and Change!
Obama has been totally blocked DUH. What we have is the basic strength of the US economy, and no GOP corrupt bubble. But things could be a lot better if Obama could pass any of the usual solutions for this GOP pander to the rich mess: higher min wage, infrastructure jobs bill, cut payroll tax, raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps, cheap college and training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs that can't be filled- for YEARS now...

So he deserves no credit for the economy? Is that what you're trying to say?

Good point.
It's funny though that all of the stuff Obama wanted to try to help the middle class, the gop blocked. They obstructed. Now you are hoping trump will get those Republicans to go along?

I'm OK if you vote for trump but then vote out the GOP obstructionists too. The ones who are opposed to trumps tariffs
If you vote GOP, you're a functional moron. Trump wants lower taxes on the rich and a Trump Network.

If you vote for Trump or Clinton you are an absolute moron. Neither one gives a rats behind about the average American family, they are to busy lying to their constituents and BSing, while kissing the rich people's asses. Uniformed dupes.

Sorry.....there is some upside to Trump...he might just appoint justices who will uphold the Constitution.....hilary will appoint 100% hard core leftists who will begin dismantling the rule of law.......there is no doubt about hilary's intentions on this......

4 years of Trump can be survived....it will be 40 years of a Supreme Court ruling against the constitution.
WTH do you think Dem SC would do lol?

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