POLL: How Bout An Official Gesture Of Atonement For Past Sins Against African Americans?...

Would You Support An Official Government-Sponsored Gesture Of Atonement To African Americans

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • No

    Votes: 49 89.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You do make some valid points. I have to admit that. Just had a conversation with a relative about how high rents are now. Too many Americans can't afford such rents.

It's just getting harder & harder for people to get by. And too many Republicans do seem pretty callous about it. It's a 'Fuck you, i got mine' mentality. We're going backwards as a nation.

It's supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the price.

People don't want to purchase homes today, so everybody is renting. Great for us landlords but bad for real estate companies. I can charge much more for my units because I just about have the only game on the block.

But nobody took pity on us during the housing bubble that lasted for years. We couldn't find tenants. Landlords were in hot competition with each other by lowering their prices, just about to the point of taking a loss. Our section of tenants were scant. You had to rent your units out to people you know would probably not make good tenants. But what choice did we have?

So it all works out in the end. And what would you have Republicans do about high rental prices? As RedFish pointed out, it's not a big profit investment and a hell of a lot of work.
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!

I thought Obama had given us a great economy. Which is it, a great Obama economy of a sucky GOP economy?
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

So is the economy great, or does it suck?
The only atonement we can give them is 'deportation'.
But they've been here longer than your white loser family has.

And you whites are such losers. My father came here from Greece and his son is a VP at a fortune 500. How many generations is it going to take for all you natives to make it out of the lower middle class? In fact you're taking a step backward but leave it to you guys to blame your woes on blacks foreigners and liberals.

Your father's told my dad, "why you coming here stealin our jobs". Do you think any of their kids became vp's of fortune 500 companies? Fuck no. So America needs bodies because your white bodies and minds aren't enough
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!

Why do you respond with something that has absolutely nothing to do with the comment you are responding to? Get a better dealer, yours is selling you garbage.
You do make some valid points. I have to admit that. Just had a conversation with a relative about how high rents are now. Too many Americans can't afford such rents.

It's just getting harder & harder for people to get by. And too many Republicans do seem pretty callous about it. It's a 'Fuck you, i got mine' mentality. We're going backwards as a nation.

It's supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the price.

People don't want to purchase homes today, so everybody is renting. Great for us landlords but bad for real estate companies. I can charge much more for my units because I just about have the only game on the block.

But nobody took pity on us during the housing bubble that lasted for years. We couldn't find tenants. Landlords were in hot competition with each other by lowering their prices, just about to the point of taking a loss. Our section of tenants were scant. You had to rent your units out to people you know would probably not make good tenants. But what choice did we have?

So it all works out in the end. And what would you have Republicans do about high rental prices? As RedFish pointed out, it's not a big profit investment and a hell of a lot of work.
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!

I thought Obama had given us a great economy. Which is it, a great Obama economy of a sucky GOP economy?
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

So is the economy great, or does it suck?
Depends on who you ask. The rich and upper middle class are doing great.

Uneducated people are struggling. Are you uneducated?
Like they say, it couldn't hurt. But it would be a empty and pointless gesture, and it wouldn't change anything. It would symbolic, and it would imply ALL whites owe something to ALL blacks, which is absurd. How about a national holiday observing the suffering of slaves? Like the government needs another holiday, just an idea. Call it national reconciliation day or something, that would be more realistic. Say, in mid February, black awareness month.

No. If blacks want reparations, I want a day of thanks to the Whites who freed their ancestors, whites who voted in Civil Rights, and whites paying the bills.

They can start by reciting the names of all those Union troops who died.
It's supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the price.

People don't want to purchase homes today, so everybody is renting. Great for us landlords but bad for real estate companies. I can charge much more for my units because I just about have the only game on the block.

But nobody took pity on us during the housing bubble that lasted for years. We couldn't find tenants. Landlords were in hot competition with each other by lowering their prices, just about to the point of taking a loss. Our section of tenants were scant. You had to rent your units out to people you know would probably not make good tenants. But what choice did we have?

So it all works out in the end. And what would you have Republicans do about high rental prices? As RedFish pointed out, it's not a big profit investment and a hell of a lot of work.
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!

I thought Obama had given us a great economy. Which is it, a great Obama economy of a sucky GOP economy?
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

So is the economy great, or does it suck?
Depends on who you ask. The rich and upper middle class are doing great.

Uneducated people are struggling. Are you uneducated?
So Obama fucked the uneducated and made the rich richer?
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!

I thought Obama had given us a great economy. Which is it, a great Obama economy of a sucky GOP economy?
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

So is the economy great, or does it suck?
Depends on who you ask. The rich and upper middle class are doing great.

Uneducated people are struggling. Are you uneducated?
So Obama fucked the uneducated and made the rich richer?

Hope and Change!
Like they say, it couldn't hurt. But it would be a empty and pointless gesture, and it wouldn't change anything. It would symbolic, and it would imply ALL whites owe something to ALL blacks, which is absurd. How about a national holiday observing the suffering of slaves? Like the government needs another holiday, just an idea. Call it national reconciliation day or something, that would be more realistic. Say, in mid February, black awareness month.

No. If blacks want reparations, I want a day of thanks to the Whites who freed their ancestors, whites who voted in Civil Rights, and whites paying the bills.

They can start by reciting the names of all those Union troops who died.
Nobody said anything about reparations. That isn't in the cards. Too many moral and ethical questions that outweigh simply blaming all whites for past issues. That would be irrational in the extreme and totally unacceptable.
You do make some valid points. I have to admit that. Just had a conversation with a relative about how high rents are now. Too many Americans can't afford such rents.

It's just getting harder & harder for people to get by. And too many Republicans do seem pretty callous about it. It's a 'Fuck you, i got mine' mentality. We're going backwards as a nation.

It's supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the price.

People don't want to purchase homes today, so everybody is renting. Great for us landlords but bad for real estate companies. I can charge much more for my units because I just about have the only game on the block.

But nobody took pity on us during the housing bubble that lasted for years. We couldn't find tenants. Landlords were in hot competition with each other by lowering their prices, just about to the point of taking a loss. Our section of tenants were scant. You had to rent your units out to people you know would probably not make good tenants. But what choice did we have?

So it all works out in the end. And what would you have Republicans do about high rental prices? As RedFish pointed out, it's not a big profit investment and a hell of a lot of work.
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!

I thought Obama had given us a great economy. Which is it, a great Obama economy of a sucky GOP economy?
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

So is the economy great, or does it suck?
It's great for the rich and ok for others. C+
It's supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the price.

People don't want to purchase homes today, so everybody is renting. Great for us landlords but bad for real estate companies. I can charge much more for my units because I just about have the only game on the block.

But nobody took pity on us during the housing bubble that lasted for years. We couldn't find tenants. Landlords were in hot competition with each other by lowering their prices, just about to the point of taking a loss. Our section of tenants were scant. You had to rent your units out to people you know would probably not make good tenants. But what choice did we have?

So it all works out in the end. And what would you have Republicans do about high rental prices? As RedFish pointed out, it's not a big profit investment and a hell of a lot of work.
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!

I thought Obama had given us a great economy. Which is it, a great Obama economy of a sucky GOP economy?
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

So is the economy great, or does it suck?
It's great for the rich and ok for others. C+

In other words, Obama made the rich richer and fucked the poor up the ass. Explain why should any poor person vote for him?
I thought Obama had given us a great economy. Which is it, a great Obama economy of a sucky GOP economy?
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

So is the economy great, or does it suck?
Depends on who you ask. The rich and upper middle class are doing great.

Uneducated people are struggling. Are you uneducated?
So Obama fucked the uneducated and made the rich richer?

Hope and Change!
Obama has been totally blocked DUH. What we have is the basic strength of the US economy, and no GOP corrupt bubble. But things could be a lot better if Obama could pass any of the usual solutions for this GOP pander to the rich mess: higher min wage, infrastructure jobs bill, cut payroll tax, raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps, cheap college and training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs that can't be filled- for YEARS now...
Forty-three (43) pages so far... have we figured out, by now, that Black Folk ain't gettin' 40 acres and a mule?
No one is even arguing that. ANOTHER GOP straw horse.
"40 acres and a mule" - in today's parlance, metaphorical representation of special treatment and accommodation for Blacks, of course... the entire point of the thread.
Wrong, dupe. This is about some empty gesture. How bout something real for the nonrich and the country for a change?
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!

I thought Obama had given us a great economy. Which is it, a great Obama economy of a sucky GOP economy?
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

So is the economy great, or does it suck?
It's great for the rich and ok for others. C+

In other words, Obama made the rich richer and fucked the poor up the ass. Explain why should any poor person vote for him?
BS. Just your beloved Reaganism continuing. WTF has Obama passed? LOL. ACA and the stimulus 7 years ago. And NOTHING else. Great job, GOP.
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!

Why do you respond with something that has absolutely nothing to do with the comment you are responding to? Get a better dealer, yours is selling you garbage.
That is THE story. Bears on the point duh. THINK!
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

So is the economy great, or does it suck?
Depends on who you ask. The rich and upper middle class are doing great.

Uneducated people are struggling. Are you uneducated?
So Obama fucked the uneducated and made the rich richer?

Hope and Change!
Obama has been totally blocked DUH. What we have is the basic strength of the US economy, and no GOP corrupt bubble. But things could be a lot better if Obama could pass any of the usual solutions for this GOP pander to the rich mess: higher min wage, infrastructure jobs bill, cut payroll tax, raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps, cheap college and training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs that can't be filled- for YEARS now...

So he deserves no credit for the economy? Is that what you're trying to say?
I thought Obama had given us a great economy. Which is it, a great Obama economy of a sucky GOP economy?
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

So is the economy great, or does it suck?
It's great for the rich and ok for others. C+

In other words, Obama made the rich richer and fucked the poor up the ass. Explain why should any poor person vote for him?
BS. Just your beloved Reaganism continuing. WTF has Obama passed? LOL. ACA and the stimulus 7 years ago. And NOTHING else. Great job, GOP.

So Reaganism is what has been making the economy grow for the last 7 1/2 years?
So is the economy great, or does it suck?
Depends on who you ask. The rich and upper middle class are doing great.

Uneducated people are struggling. Are you uneducated?
So Obama fucked the uneducated and made the rich richer?

Hope and Change!
Obama has been totally blocked DUH. What we have is the basic strength of the US economy, and no GOP corrupt bubble. But things could be a lot better if Obama could pass any of the usual solutions for this GOP pander to the rich mess: higher min wage, infrastructure jobs bill, cut payroll tax, raise taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps, cheap college and training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs that can't be filled- for YEARS now...

So he deserves no credit for the economy? Is that what you're trying to say?
He averted a full blown GOP DEPRESSION with the stimulus, and hasn't started a corrupt GOP bubble/bust. Best economy in the world, which isn't saying much. Thanks GOP!
List the various types of reconciliation that you can remember.

I guess the most popular one was (is) affirmative action. It spread through work, schools, promotions and so on. AF is a cute phrase for reverse discrimination. Another is forced bussing. It destroyed neighborhoods and cities all across America forcing many whites to move the hell out of their homes. Fair Housing laws another. It's illegal to refuse the sale of your home or rent to minorities. If a minority wishes to purchase your home and you suspect that person to be a bad player, you have no choice but to sell your home to them just because they happen to be a person of color. Then there is HUD. Another agency started to target segregated areas. HUD is still destroying neighborhoods all across the country today costing people millions and millions of dollars.
You'd be funny if you weren't so sad.

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