POLL: How Bout An Official Gesture Of Atonement For Past Sins Against African Americans?...

Would You Support An Official Government-Sponsored Gesture Of Atonement To African Americans

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • No

    Votes: 49 89.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I grew up in the 60's so I know exactly where they are coming from. So what kind of compensation are you talking about here, and why should I be the one to compensate? Just because I'm white?
Of course it is because you are white. No, you didn't do anything wrong and maybe none of your ancestors did either. But some of the blacks today still want to live in the past and have excuses for their own personal failures.

The reason it came to a frothing boil now us that our president created the atmosphere of total disrespect between the races. Our racial problem can be put squarely on the shoulders of our failed president.

Riiiiigth, three hundred years of human trafficking and abuse followed by legacies of lynchings, discrimination and various outright terrorism were just.... I dunno, bumps in the road?
There is nothing that can be done about it. Call it anything you want. It happened. It was wrong. We did something about it. We made laws so that it could never happen again.

What do Jews do to Germans about the Holocaust? Are they raging with indignation against all Germans for putting their family in ovens? They experienced more than a "bump in the road" but they don't hold present day Germans responsible. They are smart enough to understand that happened in history with people that no longer exist. They took responsibility for their own lives and are now contributing citizens all over the globe.

Or have I missed their protests and Jewlivesmatter at the expense of others?

You're deflecting from your own point, which was that O'bama invented racial tension.

Well ---------------- he didn't.
I'm deflecting nothing. It started with the Cambridge mess, to Trayvon Martin "He could be my fucking son" and continued on until Obama has created a divide not seen since the 50's. MLK would be horrified by this pseudo president.
Or was it the Smartphone?
Not the administrators. And online colleges are pure GOP scams. Boooshies changed laws to make them possible just in time to screw returning GIs. Your party is a disgrace, dupe.
Don't obamaloans fund them?
STILL too expensive. And GOP won't pass them.
One need to look no further than the federal government for the cause of rising college tuition.
Colleges have no incentive to control costs because the schools are sucking off the taxpayer tit.
You think free free community colleges and public U's might be good competition? Public U's costs doubled just under W, and the GOP changed laws to make their pals' scam online U's possible. The more you know- no one making under 250k would vote GOP.
You insist on using the term "free"...There is NO free. It does not exist. Someone has got to pay the bills.
And if the students don't, that means ALL of the taxpayers will get the bill.
No thanks. I am not paying more of my already over taxed income so that some kid who more than likely has no business going to college, while I have to struggle to pay for my offspring to attend.
Look, if you think college should be free, write a check. Lots of wealthy people do just that. In the form of foundations and endowments.
If I had the disposable cash, I'd be donating all over the place. Because it is the right thing to do.
And government should be kept OUT of it. Because the moment the government gets to mandate how much each of us pay rather than donate on our own, the donations, foundations and endowments dry up.
Don't think so? Ask around.
You make over 250K? Then nobody's asking you to pay, dupe.
Sorry but that's naive. Lincoln wasn't fighting over slavery; he was fighting over the concept of "union".
Slavery was merely part of the catalyst that created that condition. But the issue was the split, i.e. political.

I know, but once Lincoln saw the opportunity to get rid of slavery once and for all, he did so. All those bluecoats who died to bring the southern states back into the fold also ended up dying to remove slavery in the process.

They deserve some recognition and thanks from blacks today.

Well, no. Slavery wasn't outlawed until after Lincoln was dead. The war didn't do it.

The war gave the Radical Republicans the ability to push the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments through and the Emancipation Proclamation gave the northern states some moral stance to keep the war going, even though it didn't free any slaves.

"We're freeing men from bondage" as a mission statement reads a lot better in the papers than "We're like the mob: blood in, blood out."

The slavery amendments might not have been ratified until after Lincoln got shot, but they never would have been brought up if the war hadn't happened.
The Civil War was all about slavery, and after 1863 slavery was over if the North won, despite details you guys go on about forever...

Slavery was going to be out, war or no war. The rest of the world were abandoning and abolishing before we were, without wars to do it, and we were bringing up the rear in that evolution. The pressure would have prevailed regardless. The South, conservative as they always were, were just resisting that evolution.

So--- no, not really. It was basically a power struggle between two sides of the same country on how to approach the inevitable. And whether to do it now or later. I guarantee you, had the South prevailed and stayed its own nation, there still wouldn't be slavery today. It would have been impossible to continue.
The major part of the South was duped into fear of Lincoln- he had no plans to do anything about slavery. Conservatives are such gullible jackasses...
These are just typical solutions anyone but the New BS GOP and its dupes would be for. We could actually lift the whole world out of this mess. Only we can. Keep screwing around long enough and we could collapse it again. Strangely, dupe, cutting taxes on the rich is not the only solution.
How many jobs do you think the poor will make if we cut their taxes?
We're dying for demand now, and btw small business is the real job producer, not your rich a-hole paper shufflers, dupe. The rich have have had money coming out of their ears for years thanks to bought off GOP Pols and pundits and you GOP dupes/ morons...

Your messiah Obama had 7 1/2 years to do something about that. Obviously he's the one who deserves the blame.

BTW, small businesses create jobs only when they turn into large businesses, and that ain't happening under Obama.
Because your greedy a-hole/brainwasher heroes have blocked him. While robbimg you blind. Congratulations lol.
There is always an excuse, isn't there?.....Obama has had the bully pulpit for his entire term. He has demonstrated that he can do whatever he wants through the use of executive orders.
1. why has Obama as promised not stopped the oceans from rising?
2. why has he not, as promised, stopped all US involvement in military conflict
3. Why has he not, as promised, ended poverty?
The fact is, Obama who is obsessed about his legacy, will leave the White House with the worst economy in decades. Yes, Not one single quarter during his two terms has had a annualized growth rate of more then 2.7%
Obama will leave with the lowest labor participation rate in 45 years.
Obama will leave the White House as instead of the great unifier, as promised, the great divider.
Obama will leave the White House with our closest allies looking at us with suspicion and angst instead of, as promised, make the US more likeable....For Christ's sake Obama;s operatives were fucking spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Yiou can love Obama and wish he were president for life. You can be an Obama sycophant if it makes you feel better.
Go ahead. The point is, the guy has done not a terrible job, he has not done ANY job.
Don't bother to respond. This discussion goes no further. I've said my piece. Done.
He never promised any of that, but has made great progress. Hillary will be just fine. And none of the crap you know about her is true either.
If you vote GOP, you're a functional moron. Trump wants lower taxes on the rich and a Trump Network.

If you vote for Trump or Clinton you are an absolute moron. Neither one gives a rats behind about the average American family, they are to busy lying to their constituents and BSing, while kissing the rich people's asses. Uniformed dupes.

Sorry.....there is some upside to Trump...he might just appoint justices who will uphold the Constitution.....hilary will appoint 100% hard core leftists who will begin dismantling the rule of law.......there is no doubt about hilary's intentions on this......

4 years of Trump can be survived....it will be 40 years of a Supreme Court ruling against the constitution.
WTH do you think Dem SC would do lol?

They will overturn Heller and MacDonald........the lefties on the court can't wait to do this....
You do make some valid points. I have to admit that. Just had a conversation with a relative about how high rents are now. Too many Americans can't afford such rents.

It's just getting harder & harder for people to get by. And too many Republicans do seem pretty callous about it. It's a 'Fuck you, i got mine' mentality. We're going backwards as a nation.

It's supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the price.

People don't want to purchase homes today, so everybody is renting. Great for us landlords but bad for real estate companies. I can charge much more for my units because I just about have the only game on the block.

But nobody took pity on us during the housing bubble that lasted for years. We couldn't find tenants. Landlords were in hot competition with each other by lowering their prices, just about to the point of taking a loss. Our section of tenants were scant. You had to rent your units out to people you know would probably not make good tenants. But what choice did we have?

So it all works out in the end. And what would you have Republicans do about high rental prices? As RedFish pointed out, it's not a big profit investment and a hell of a lot of work.
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!
Correction, liberals kill jobs. The impose high operating costs on employers and wonder why the business leaves or shuts down. Since they are government lackies they think businesses can simply take the money it needs to expand and hire.
How many jobs do you think the poor will make if we cut their taxes?
We're dying for demand now, and btw small business is the real job producer, not your rich a-hole paper shufflers, dupe. The rich have have had money coming out of their ears for years thanks to bought off GOP Pols and pundits and you GOP dupes/ morons...

Your messiah Obama had 7 1/2 years to do something about that. Obviously he's the one who deserves the blame.

BTW, small businesses create jobs only when they turn into large businesses, and that ain't happening under Obama.
Because your greedy a-hole/brainwasher heroes have blocked him. While robbimg you blind. Congratulations lol.
There is always an excuse, isn't there?.....Obama has had the bully pulpit for his entire term. He has demonstrated that he can do whatever he wants through the use of executive orders.
1. why has Obama as promised not stopped the oceans from rising?
2. why has he not, as promised, stopped all US involvement in military conflict
3. Why has he not, as promised, ended poverty?
The fact is, Obama who is obsessed about his legacy, will leave the White House with the worst economy in decades. Yes, Not one single quarter during his two terms has had a annualized growth rate of more then 2.7%
Obama will leave with the lowest labor participation rate in 45 years.
Obama will leave the White House as instead of the great unifier, as promised, the great divider.
Obama will leave the White House with our closest allies looking at us with suspicion and angst instead of, as promised, make the US more likeable....For Christ's sake Obama;s operatives were fucking spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Yiou can love Obama and wish he were president for life. You can be an Obama sycophant if it makes you feel better.
Go ahead. The point is, the guy has done not a terrible job, he has not done ANY job.
Don't bother to respond. This discussion goes no further. I've said my piece. Done.
He never promised any of that, but has made great progress. Hillary will be just fine. And none of the crap you know about her is true either.
You call this economy great progress? You are comparing it to a historical bad recession, helped along by the dems in congress, 9/11, natural disasters, house flipping get rich quick types, government pressure to offer bad mortgage loans, etc.

That would be a failure to a lucid mind. Hillary won't be fine at all if she is anything similar.
These are just typical solutions anyone but the New BS GOP and its dupes would be for. We could actually lift the whole world out of this mess. Only we can. Keep screwing around long enough and we could collapse it again. Strangely, dupe, cutting taxes on the rich is not the only solution.

Let's try this again for the public school challenged like yourself:

I posted a video of Donald Trump saying he thinks we should raise taxes on the rich.

I posted evidence (in another topic) how the GOP did increase taxes on the rich last time they addressed taxation.

The problem with you uninformed voters is that you are brainwashed. In spite of facts, you keep insisting that Republicans cut taxes for the rich. So do tell, when was the last time Republicans did this?

If lying were illegal in this country, the liberals could have no debate.
Hilariously ironic. All private schooled actually- I loved Henry II and Edsel- Trump has said everything at one time or another, he backed WAYYY off that.

In the eighties, if you don't count all the non fed income taxes and the loopholes they've added for the rich...they were dragged kicking and screaming the last time the rich tax rates went up BARELY, and got all kinds of stuff in return. You have got to be kidding.

What did the rich get in return?
Money and power- the greedy ones ARE the GOP, dupe.

The greediest group I know is government. They take as much as they can, they waste more than anyone else, they expect you to fund them, then they create laws to create fees and more money to keep themselves going. The largest, greediest, the most wasteful is the government. Money is no object for them.
These are just typical solutions anyone but the New BS GOP and its dupes would be for. We could actually lift the whole world out of this mess. Only we can. Keep screwing around long enough and we could collapse it again. Strangely, dupe, cutting taxes on the rich is not the only solution.

Let's try this again for the public school challenged like yourself:

I posted a video of Donald Trump saying he thinks we should raise taxes on the rich.

I posted evidence (in another topic) how the GOP did increase taxes on the rich last time they addressed taxation.

The problem with you uninformed voters is that you are brainwashed. In spite of facts, you keep insisting that Republicans cut taxes for the rich. So do tell, when was the last time Republicans did this?

If lying were illegal in this country, the liberals could have no debate.
Hilariously ironic. All private schooled actually- I loved Henry II and Edsel- Trump has said everything at one time or another, he backed WAYYY off that.

In the eighties, if you don't count all the non fed income taxes and the loopholes they've added for the rich...they were dragged kicking and screaming the last time the rich tax rates went up BARELY, and got all kinds of stuff in return. You have got to be kidding.

What did the rich get in return?
Money and power- the greedy ones ARE the GOP, dupe.

The greediest group I know is government. They take as much as they can, they waste more than anyone else, they expect you to fund them, then they create laws to create fees and more money to keep themselves going. The largest, greediest, the most wasteful is the government. Money is no object for them.

you just made an excellent case for term limits.
Let's try this again for the public school challenged like yourself:

I posted a video of Donald Trump saying he thinks we should raise taxes on the rich.

I posted evidence (in another topic) how the GOP did increase taxes on the rich last time they addressed taxation.

The problem with you uninformed voters is that you are brainwashed. In spite of facts, you keep insisting that Republicans cut taxes for the rich. So do tell, when was the last time Republicans did this?

If lying were illegal in this country, the liberals could have no debate.
Hilariously ironic. All private schooled actually- I loved Henry II and Edsel- Trump has said everything at one time or another, he backed WAYYY off that.

In the eighties, if you don't count all the non fed income taxes and the loopholes they've added for the rich...they were dragged kicking and screaming the last time the rich tax rates went up BARELY, and got all kinds of stuff in return. You have got to be kidding.

What did the rich get in return?
Money and power- the greedy ones ARE the GOP, dupe.

The greediest group I know is government. They take as much as they can, they waste more than anyone else, they expect you to fund them, then they create laws to create fees and more money to keep themselves going. The largest, greediest, the most wasteful is the government. Money is no object for them.

you just made an excellent case for term limits.

Well we need term limits for other government bureaucrats. These state workers that get a little power are also dangerous. The incentive should be to save money but the government programs work on a spending incentive. The waste in government is sickening.

A small business owner, who is to deal with these government employees that think money comes from thin air, doesn't stand a chance.
Fifty years of reparations, "affirmative" action, race preferences, quotas, welfare, and handouts arent enough ??? Hmmmm... Lmfao
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

400,000 Americans died to end slavery. Trillions have been spent on programs and welfare galore since 1965. That's atonement enough.
I agree, but it's more like 850,000 Americans died to end slavery.

I only counted Union troops.
I think the dead confederates also "atoned" for slavery.
You do make some valid points. I have to admit that. Just had a conversation with a relative about how high rents are now. Too many Americans can't afford such rents.

It's just getting harder & harder for people to get by. And too many Republicans do seem pretty callous about it. It's a 'Fuck you, i got mine' mentality. We're going backwards as a nation.

It's supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the price.

People don't want to purchase homes today, so everybody is renting. Great for us landlords but bad for real estate companies. I can charge much more for my units because I just about have the only game on the block.

But nobody took pity on us during the housing bubble that lasted for years. We couldn't find tenants. Landlords were in hot competition with each other by lowering their prices, just about to the point of taking a loss. Our section of tenants were scant. You had to rent your units out to people you know would probably not make good tenants. But what choice did we have?

So it all works out in the end. And what would you have Republicans do about high rental prices? As RedFish pointed out, it's not a big profit investment and a hell of a lot of work.
Yup, everything's going to hell under these GOP tax rates and policies, defended to the death for 30 years now...Fed income taxes go down,state and local go up. KILLS regular people. Great job!

I thought Obama had given us a great economy. Which is it, a great Obama economy of a sucky GOP economy?
It's as good as it gets with total GOP obstruction. Now it's time to tax the rich their fair share and cut regular people's, and invest in America.

If there was "total GOP obstruction," then Obama doesn't deserve any credit for the economy, now does he?
The south was settled mainly by people of Scottish, Irish and German immigrants.
Looking the cultural history of the Scotts and Irish, these people through history have been battered, enslaved and moved off their land. Once they settled in the Colonies, they could say they had a piece of land for which they worked and no one was going to tell them how to live on it or work it.

I uh --- think you're describing Appalachia there. That's where I am, but it's not the whole "South". Summa y'all just think "the South" is some kind of monolith of a single stripe from the Mason Dixon Line to the Gulf, but around here (western NC/East Tennessee), folks voted not to secede, and stayed pretty much loyal to the Union. Not that that has anything to do with being or not being "Scotch-Irish" either -- it has much more to do with the fact that the economy here didn't involve slavery. Which in turn meant that whether slavery was abolished or not wasn't going to make a lot of impact around here.

And not that there weren't so-called "Scotch-Irish" elsewhere (meaning mainly Protestant) but outside the mountains you get a lot more English, French and even German roots. Anyway going out on a DNA limb like this is quite a stretch to try to explain 19th century politics. :lol:
Did this "ooh ooh. Pick me!" moment make you feel all proud of yourself?
BTW, genius. in what part of the southeast, what geographical feature lies where the border of NC and TN exists?
Give you a hint. Starts with an "A" and is pronounced differently once one goes north of the Mason-Dixon Line.
BTW, scooter. I clearly used the term "mainly. it is the 5th word in the first sentence of my post.
Mainly....Not to be exclusive of all others.
Ya on that now, puddin?

You're weird.
Typical lib response

It's got squat to do with "lib" -- it's got squat to do with politics. It's simple demographics. What you were describing is Appalachia --- not "the South". And "mainly" doesn't even work -- check my link: "English was the largest reported ancestry by a large margin". There's no way to work a different ethnicity into "mainly" with that sitting there.

I just thought you were going waaaaaaaaaaaay overboard with that DNA stretch, and from what I related about the actual "Scotch-Irish" population, which is what I live right in the midst of, your theory wouldn't have worked anyway. This wasn't the radical area of the South. That would be the flatlanders.

Again, "the South" is not a monolith. Just ain't that simple.
Sure it is.
You had no substantive rebuttal. So you resorted to name calling.
Correct, that's exactly what he would do, and that would run us into the mid 20 trillion dollar debt range, cost a lot of jobs, increase college costs even more kill the already struggling programs like Medicare and SS, and chase even more companies out of the US.

That's why you never vote for Democrat leadership.
These are just typical solutions anyone but the New BS GOP and its dupes would be for. We could actually lift the whole world out of this mess. Only we can. Keep screwing around long enough and we could collapse it again. Strangely, dupe, cutting taxes on the rich is not the only solution.
How many jobs do you think the poor will make if we cut their taxes?
We're dying for demand now, and btw small business is the real job producer, not your rich a-hole paper shufflers, dupe. The rich have have had money coming out of their ears for years thanks to bought off GOP Pols and pundits and you GOP dupes/ morons...
Do you just hit "play" and leave the room?
Every one of your insipid rants has virtually the same wording.
Facts are facts
Ones that evade you.
This is you..
"pub" "hater" "dupe"...every fucking post.
Just auto pilot
I know, but once Lincoln saw the opportunity to get rid of slavery once and for all, he did so. All those bluecoats who died to bring the southern states back into the fold also ended up dying to remove slavery in the process.

They deserve some recognition and thanks from blacks today.

Well, no. Slavery wasn't outlawed until after Lincoln was dead. The war didn't do it.

The war gave the Radical Republicans the ability to push the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments through and the Emancipation Proclamation gave the northern states some moral stance to keep the war going, even though it didn't free any slaves.

"We're freeing men from bondage" as a mission statement reads a lot better in the papers than "We're like the mob: blood in, blood out."

The slavery amendments might not have been ratified until after Lincoln got shot, but they never would have been brought up if the war hadn't happened.
The Civil War was all about slavery, and after 1863 slavery was over if the North won, despite details you guys go on about forever...
No it wasn't. The southern states despised the fact that they had to take orders from Washington DC.
The south was settled mainly by people of Scottish, Irish and German immigrants.
Looking the cultural history of the Scotts and Irish, these people through history have been battered, enslaved and moved off their land. Once they settled in the Colonies, they could say they had a piece of land for which they worked and no one was going to tell them how to live on it or work it.
Then along comes the Central government all the way "up there in Washington" making a whole bunch of rules these people did not quite understand. They resisted. And then they told Washington to stick it. They wanted out.
Was legal slavery a part of the equation? Sure. Southerners viewed themselves as economically disadvantaged as compared to their neighbors to the North. Southerners viewed indentured servitude as a means to level the playing field. Wrong headed and cruel as it was, it was their way. After all, aristocrats in Western Europe had used lave labor for hundreds of years.
Quite frankly, I'm sick of lefty revisionist history.
Regular folks didn't have slaves, their brainwashers/aristocrats did. Always the way with the dupes...
You can believe that if it makes your stupid class envy ass feel better.
We're dying for demand now, and btw small business is the real job producer, not your rich a-hole paper shufflers, dupe. The rich have have had money coming out of their ears for years thanks to bought off GOP Pols and pundits and you GOP dupes/ morons...

Your messiah Obama had 7 1/2 years to do something about that. Obviously he's the one who deserves the blame.

BTW, small businesses create jobs only when they turn into large businesses, and that ain't happening under Obama.
Because your greedy a-hole/brainwasher heroes have blocked him. While robbimg you blind. Congratulations lol.
There is always an excuse, isn't there?.....Obama has had the bully pulpit for his entire term. He has demonstrated that he can do whatever he wants through the use of executive orders.
1. why has Obama as promised not stopped the oceans from rising?
2. why has he not, as promised, stopped all US involvement in military conflict
3. Why has he not, as promised, ended poverty?
The fact is, Obama who is obsessed about his legacy, will leave the White House with the worst economy in decades. Yes, Not one single quarter during his two terms has had a annualized growth rate of more then 2.7%
Obama will leave with the lowest labor participation rate in 45 years.
Obama will leave the White House as instead of the great unifier, as promised, the great divider.
Obama will leave the White House with our closest allies looking at us with suspicion and angst instead of, as promised, make the US more likeable....For Christ's sake Obama;s operatives were fucking spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Yiou can love Obama and wish he were president for life. You can be an Obama sycophant if it makes you feel better.
Go ahead. The point is, the guy has done not a terrible job, he has not done ANY job.
Don't bother to respond. This discussion goes no further. I've said my piece. Done.
He never promised any of that, but has made great progress. Hillary will be just fine. And none of the crap you know about her is true either.
You call this economy great progress? You are comparing it to a historical bad recession, helped along by the dems in congress, 9/11, natural disasters, house flipping get rich quick types, government pressure to offer bad mortgage loans, etc.

That would be a failure to a lucid mind. Hillary won't be fine at all if she is anything similar.
Great progress in alternative energy and many other areas. Outside the New BS GOP bubble, everyone knows it was corrupt Boooshie regulation that caused the world depression for all those reasons DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Get out of the way of total recovery. Your party is a disgrace, as are all you dupes...
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?
I would support a big swimming meet -- so they could all swim back to Africa.
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?
that numskull- Clodette "funnied" your post. Figures a mouth-breathing hateful Tubby like her would make fun of a serious issue
These are just typical solutions anyone but the New BS GOP and its dupes would be for. We could actually lift the whole world out of this mess. Only we can. Keep screwing around long enough and we could collapse it again. Strangely, dupe, cutting taxes on the rich is not the only solution.
How many jobs do you think the poor will make if we cut their taxes?
We're dying for demand now, and btw small business is the real job producer, not your rich a-hole paper shufflers, dupe. The rich have have had money coming out of their ears for years thanks to bought off GOP Pols and pundits and you GOP dupes/ morons...
Do you just hit "play" and leave the room?
Every one of your insipid rants has virtually the same wording.
Facts are facts
Ones that evade you.
This is you..
"pub" "hater" "dupe"...every fucking post.
Just auto pilot
Just the story of our time, Pub/hater dupe. Change the channel. I suggest PBS, BBC, Reuters, CNN, newspapers.... Then a little Fox and Rush etc to realize what haters/dividers/BSers they are.

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