Poll: If you could send, a message back in time telling the people of Germany, not to let Hitler take away their guns, would you?

If you could send a message back in time, saying that would you?

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The natonal socialists rolled
back the laws for socialists so their goons could have guns and banned and condiscated funs for their political enemies and the Jews.

Actually, the laws were rolled back for ALL Germans. Only about 2 million Germans ever belonged to the NSDAP.

But here's the thing. People having guns doesn't prevent government abuse, especially when that abuse is aimed at a hated minority. When the US Government (Not just the Democrats, both parties were on board with this) rounded up 110,000 Japanese Americans, not a single person ran out with his gun and said, "You can't take Ito! He's my friend!" Just like not a single German who had a gun ran out and said, 'You can't take Goldstein, he's my friend!"

You idiots have been shown over and over that the socialists in Germany were socialists….left wing totalitarians… you need to lie about them, otherwise uninformed people will eventually realize that since 1917, you left wingers murdered close to, if not over, 200 million innocwnt men, women and children.

Nope... Nazism is on the right of the spectrum- Racism, nationalism, militarism, extreme corporatism to serve the state. There's a reason why Trump kept a copy of Hitler's speeches on his nightstand right next to his Bible. It wasn't like he actually read either.
I remember when people were fleeing communist countries to come to America. They would warn us that the democrats we're trying to turn America into the shit they escaped from. And here we are.

Yup, because for most Americans, Capitalism is kind of a shit sandwich. If we didn't realize that already, Covid kind of proved it again when the big corporate assholes paid themselves big bonuses for laying off tens of millions of people.

The people who fled communist countries are beyond appalled to see what’s happening here. They are sickened.

Then they can take their Euro-trash asses back there.
The people who fled communist countries are beyond appalled to see what’s happening here. They are sickened.

Really? How many people who fled Communist countries have talked with you? Which Communist countries?
Really? How many people who fled Communist countries have talked with you? Which Communist countries?
My parents‘ neighbors from China. They have told me that what they escaped decades ago is now found right here in America, and they are sick over it.
Both far-left, and antisemitic too.

All the while they castigate Republicans as being bigots.

I don't know anyone who is far left. The Democrats have a small fringe group that are annoying far left, but most appear to be moderates and centrists. Do you want to cut social security and do away with same sex marriage?
My parents‘ neighbors from China. They have told me that what they escaped decades ago is now found right here in America, and they are sick over it.

Are they specific about how the US is becoming like Red China?
I remember when people were fleeing communist countries to come to America. They would warn us that the democrats we're trying to turn America into the shit they escaped from. And here we are.

There we are what? How is America like a communist country or shit hole?
Truly, today's U.S. has dramatically changed to a much less "free" nature than when I was born. This has nothing to do with domestic firearms and everything to do with gross strategic errors internationally. While not all these are American errors, far too many that are far too important have "made in USA" labels.
I don't know anyone who is far left. The Democrats have a small fringe group that are annoying far left, but most appear to be moderates and centrists. Do you want to cut social security and do away with same sex marriage?
The Democrats have been HIJACKED by the far-left, with their anti-white racism, open borders, and coddling of criminals.

As far as questions, yes….we have to do so something about social security to keep it from insolvency. What changes that will entail is unknown, but it could be raising the income caps for paying into the system or increasing the eligibility age by six months or raising the tax by 1%. Unlike you Dems, I know that you can’t keep spending money one doesn’t have - unless it’s in the midst of a pandemic.

As far as gay marriage, let them do whatever they want to do (unless children are involved). Doesn’t impact me in the least. But let’s not go overboard, either, by showing them kissing and fawning over each other in TV commercials. Totally unnecessary.
Really? How many people who fled Communist countries have talked with you? Which Communist countries?
Close to 100 Cubans, you stupid commie faggot. Go wear a Che Guevara shirt around them and watch what happens, motherfucker! They'll beat you fuckin' silly. You'll swear there's bricks in them big old purses the women have.
Holy what

Five people voted no???

Wait...how can I be surprised?

Yet I am
One guy explained he wouldn’t because nobody would believe him, but I don’t know the reasoning for the other four. One leftist on this forum said the Jews deserved what they got In another thread, so I would guess he would have voted no.

i wish the poll identified the voters. Because while the left has turned the country upside-down over non-existent “systemic racism,” antisemitism is at its highest point since the 1920s, and going higher.
Mostly that those who disagree with the government are silenced or being cast as the enemy.

Who is being silenced in America? Even on US message board you have rules. Perhaps these people should invest in their own website... Do you think Truth Social will kick you off?

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