Poll: If you could send, a message back in time telling the people of Germany, not to let Hitler take away their guns, would you?

If you could send a message back in time, saying that would you?

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Except ridding the world of Jews didn't become a German Goal until 1942.

Nope. In fact, Hitler exterminated the Jews because he associated them with Bolshevism.

That was always hitler's plan you dope......
Good God. Hitler didn't disarm the German people. They sure didn't rise up against Hitler or try to save the Jews, gypsies, socialists or Democrats.

He took guns away from his political enemies and the Jews, and any group he planned on murdering, you moron.........
Hitler hated Socialists. He killed them or put them in Dachau. You should read up on Hitler's gun laws.

He hated international socialists, the communists, but loved German socialists......he didn't care about communism spreading across the world, he just wanted Germany to be in charge.

What is it with you brain dead idiots who think that simply because one group of socialists defeated and then murdered another group of socialists, that that means the one group of socialists aren't socialists....?

Are you this stupid?
Put your article in context of the day.

When you can't stop blm/antifa........I mean the socialist brown shirts from dragging you out of your house at night, and looting and burning your business....that makes everybody else stay quiet so it doesn't happen to them...........when you can shoot them, then your neighbors can do the same...

Then, you moron, they can't intimidate people into giving up to them so they can take power.....especially when the police are allowing or are forced to allow blm/antifa......I mean the national socialists to loot, burn and kill.......

When the democrat party was using the klan to hang blacks and republicans, rifles in the hands of the victims made them stop
He hated international socialists, the communists, but loved German socialists......he didn't care about communism spreading across the world, he just wanted Germany to be in charge.

What is it with you brain dead idiots who think that simply because one group of socialists defeated and then murdered another group of socialists, that that means the one group of socialists aren't socialists....?

Are you this stupid?

He purged German Socialists and put them in Dachau.
He purged German Socialists and put them in Dachau.
if they want to put you in boxcars, they will try to take your guns.
if they aren't trying to take your guns, they don't want to put you in boxcars.
Democrats are trying to take our guns.
Who voted “no” in the poll - and would NOT have warned Jews to hold onto their guns?
I wouldn't have because who would believe a message from the future? Twenty years ago if someone said we would have a senile imbecile ruining the world right after Donald trump was president would you have believed it?
I wouldn't have because who would believe a message from the future? Twenty years ago if someone said we would have a senile imbecile ruining the world right after Donald trump was president would you have believed it?
Americans have been warned about gun control some listen some have no opinion and others just plain out ignore the warnings. A message from the future will be treated no differently. People just have to learn how it feels to live under a tyrant .
"In 1931, Weimar authorities discovered plans for a Nazi takeover in which Jews would be denied food and persons refusing to surrender their guns within 24 hours would be executed. They were written by Werner Best, a future Gestapo official. In reaction to such threats, the government authorized the registration of all firearms and the confiscation thereof, if required for “public safety.”"

I'm not sure why you keep repeating the same stupid shit after it's been debunked. The Weimar Gun Laws were completely ineffective because the Weimar Republic was a hot mess that went through 14 chancellors in 15 years.

Weimar passed laws it plain old couldn't enforce. The Nazis rolled back the gun laws, and if you were German, you could have a gun.

They came in handy when the Allied armies came crashing in... on, no, they didn't. The allies pretty much rounded up all the guns and shot the dead-enders.
When you can't stop blm/antifa........I mean the socialist brown shirts from dragging you out of your house at night, and looting and burning your business....that makes everybody else stay quiet so it doesn't happen to them...........when you can shoot them, then your neighbors can do the same...

Except that we have plenty of guns, and while a few idiots shot at peaceful protestors, most of you gun nuts were just hiding in your basements if a mob got too close to you.


Still hilarious!!!

Then, you moron, they can't intimidate people into giving up to them so they can take power.....especially when the police are allowing or are forced to allow blm/antifa......I mean the national socialists to loot, burn and kill.......

Um, yeah, because that's still going on. Oh, wait, no, it isn't.

When the democrat party was using the klan to hang blacks and republicans, rifles in the hands of the victims made them stop

It did nothing of the sort. What happened was that those Klansmen took off their robes, got elected to state legislatures, and imposed Jim Crow. And that lasted for another 100 years.


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He purged German Socialists and put them in Dachau.

German communists…..the opponents of the national socialists…..two types of socialism….cying for total power you doofus.

Do yiu think the Sinaloa drug cartel isnt a drug cartel because they torture and murder members of rival drug cartels….you doofus.
I'm not sure why you keep repeating the same stupid shit after it's been debunked. The Weimar Gun Laws were completely ineffective because the Weimar Republic was a hot mess that went through 14 chancellors in 15 years.

Weimar passed laws it plain old couldn't enforce. The Nazis rolled back the gun laws, and if you were German, you could have a gun.

They came in handy when the Allied armies came crashing in... on, no, they didn't. The allies pretty much rounded up all the guns and shot the dead-enders.

The natonal socialists rolled
back the laws for socialists so their goons could have guns and banned and condiscated funs for their political enemies and the Jews.
German communists…..the opponents of the national socialists…..two types of socialism….cying for total power you doofus.

Do yiu think the Sinaloa drug cartel isnt a drug cartel because they torture and murder members of rival drug cartels….you doofus.

You don't know your ass from a hot rock.
Wrong and ignorant.

Fascism and Nazism are both on the right side of the political spectrum; Nazis were in fact rightwing.

You idiots have been shown over and over that the socialists in Germany were socialists….left wing totalitarians… you need to lie about them, otherwise uninformed people will eventually realize that since 1917, you left wingers murdered close to, if not over, 200 million innocwnt men, women and children.

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