Poll: If you have someone pointing a gun at you and they tell you to stop and put your hands up, do you:

If you have someone pointing a gun at you and they tell you to stop and put your hand up, do you:

  • Do as instructed, stop and put your hands up

    Votes: 12 92.3%
  • Continue to your car, with your back turned and open up your car door?

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This poll might seem politically incorrect and I'm not defending any particular action against anyone, that isn't the intention. I suppose I'm always astonished that people don't value their OWN life under such a circumstance. Maybe an outcome might have been avoided or handled differently, I ask this question because, I don't think ANYONES life is worth rolling the dice with NOT complying.

Even if you knew you were going to prison, even if you had something on you that might send you there. I cannot understand why some choose to refuse to co-operate under those circumstances. Be smart, go home alive. If you have a beef, take it up with the courts.

I've explained my answer. Vote as you please. All of the fallout and harm done was so unnecessary, truly avoidable.
This poll might seem politically incorrect and I'm not defending any particular action against anyone, that isn't the intention. I suppose I'm always astonished that people don't value their OWN life under such a circumstance. Maybe an outcome might have been avoided or handled differently, I ask this question because, I don't think ANYONES life is worth rolling the dice with NOT complying.

Even if you knew you were going to prison, even if you had something on you that might send you there. I cannot understand why some choose to refuse to co-operate under those circumstances. Be smart, go home alive. If you have a beef, take it up with the courts.

I've explained my answer. Vote as you please. All of the fallout and harm done was so unnecessary, truly avoidable.
Your first choice, of course, is the sane, common sense choice. I don't know HOW someone COULD choose the second one with a clear, sensible, intelligent mind.
There is an old joke among New Yorkers.

If someone puts a gun in your face and says, "Give me all your money or I'll blow your brains out", you let them pull the trigger.

Because, you can live in NYC with no brains, but you can't live there with no money.
This poll might seem politically incorrect and I'm not defending any particular action against anyone, that isn't the intention. I suppose I'm always astonished that people don't value their OWN life under such a circumstance. Maybe an outcome might have been avoided or handled differently, I ask this question because, I don't think ANYONES life is worth rolling the dice with NOT complying.

Even if you knew you were going to prison, even if you had something on you that might send you there. I cannot understand why some choose to refuse to co-operate under those circumstances. Be smart, go home alive. If you have a beef, take it up with the courts.

I've explained my answer. Vote as you please. All of the fallout and harm done was so unnecessary, truly avoidable.

You left out option three: Scream like a little girl and run away.

This poll might seem politically incorrect and I'm not defending any particular action against anyone, that isn't the intention. I suppose I'm always astonished that people don't value their OWN life under such a circumstance. Maybe an outcome might have been avoided or handled differently, I ask this question because, I don't think ANYONES life is worth rolling the dice with NOT complying.

Why should our lives be at risk to start with because in a moment of panic, we might make a bad decision. The thing is, the cops are supposed to be able to make good judgement calls.

These cops didn't.

Even if you knew you were going to prison, even if you had something on you that might send you there. I cannot understand why some choose to refuse to co-operate under those circumstances. Be smart, go home alive. If you have a beef, take it up with the courts.

I've explained my answer. Vote as you please. All of the fallout and harm done was so unnecessary, truly avoidable.

Yes, it is tragic. My guess, we are going to find out that the cop who did the shooting has a long record of violating people's civil rights and using excessive force.
Why should our lives be at risk to start with because in a moment of panic, we might make a bad decision.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Actually, we are all getting a little sick of the Cop's game, it's costing us too much money.

How much do you think Jacob is going to take the Town of Kenosha for when this comes to court?

I'm tired of paying for rogue cops.

So I propose a modest solution. Instead of cities paying out damages to the victims of police brutality, that money should come from their pension and retirement funds. Then it will be up to the Police Departments and Unions to decide if they really want to keep the thugs on the payroll with badges and guns.
This poll might seem politically incorrect and I'm not defending any particular action against anyone, that isn't the intention. I suppose I'm always astonished that people don't value their OWN life under such a circumstance. Maybe an outcome might have been avoided or handled differently, I ask this question because, I don't think ANYONES life is worth rolling the dice with NOT complying.

Why should our lives be at risk to start with because in a moment of panic, we might make a bad decision. The thing is, the cops are supposed to be able to make good judgement calls.

These cops didn't.

Even if you knew you were going to prison, even if you had something on you that might send you there. I cannot understand why some choose to refuse to co-operate under those circumstances. Be smart, go home alive. If you have a beef, take it up with the courts.

I've explained my answer. Vote as you please. All of the fallout and harm done was so unnecessary, truly avoidable.

Yes, it is tragic. My guess, we are going to find out that the cop who did the shooting has a long record of violating people's civil rights and using excessive force.

Let's look at it another way, what if you are not armed and the same person pointing a gun at you is a mugger? Do you tell him "f off A-hole" and walk away with your back turned?

I don't know if the cops decision was right or not. I do know however, whether it's walking to your car or taking ones taser after a struggle and running, you have to have the cerebral activity to know that your chances of being shot have escalated substantially with those decisions.

Again, stating this without excusing the police action, but also admonishing the decision to walk away in such a manner. If you turn a situation of clarity into a situation of doubt, fear, uncertainty for another human pointing a gun at you, what possible good outcome is there for you as you walk away?

Did he think, "I know, if I open up my car door and drive away, I'm in the clear".

It's not logical. Logic, is a quality in short supply. Maybe even the cop was illogical, maybe he could have fired his taser or verbally controlled the situation better, I don't know. What I do know is that if he put his hands up and complied, his chances of being unhurt today increase exponentially.
Why should our lives be at risk to start with because in a moment of panic, we might make a bad decision.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Actually, we are all getting a little sick of the Cop's game, it's costing us too much money.

How much do you think Jacob is going to take the Town of Kenosha for when this comes to court?

I'm tired of paying for rogue cops.

So I propose a modest solution. Instead of cities paying out damages to the victims of police brutality, that money should come from their pension and retirement funds. Then it will be up to the Police Departments and Unions to decide if they really want to keep the thugs on the payroll with badges and guns.

Good idea, please do that in your toddling little town. Then we can watch the second coming of the Great Chicago Fire, as police officers walk off the job and the thugs burn down everything you own.

I have plenty of popcorn for the light show. I might even be able to see the glow in the night sky from where I am.
Let's look at it another way, what if you are not armed and the same person pointing a gun at you is a mugger? Do you tell him "f off A-hole" and walk away with your back turned?

No. Are you really holding the police to the same moral standards as Muggers?

I don't know if the cops decision was right or not. I do know however, whether it's walking to your car or taking ones taser after a struggle and running, you have to have the cerebral activity to know that your chances of being shot have escalated substantially with those decisions.

Again, stating this without excusing the police action, but also admonishing the decision to walk away in such a manner. If you turn a situation of clarity into a situation of doubt, fear, uncertainty for another human pointing a gun at you, what possible good outcome is there for you as you walk away?

This is where you are bit confused. before the cops shot him, they tazed him and beat him. At that point, maybe he isn't working on a logical basis.. Maybe he just sees these cops as a mortal threat he needs to get away from.

Did he think, "I know, if I open up my car door and drive away, I'm in the clear".

It's not logical. Logic, is a quality in short supply. Maybe even the cop was illogical, maybe he could have fired his taser or verbally controlled the situation better, I don't know. What I do know is that if he put his hands up and complied, his chances of being unhurt today increase exponentially.

Would he have? Mike Brown had his hands up and they shot him anyway. George Floyd Screamed "I can't breathe" and they murdered him anyway.
Why should our lives be at risk to start with because in a moment of panic, we might make a bad decision.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Actually, we are all getting a little sick of the Cop's game, it's costing us too much money.

How much do you think Jacob is going to take the Town of Kenosha for when this comes to court?

I'm tired of paying for rogue cops.

So I propose a modest solution. Instead of cities paying out damages to the victims of police brutality, that money should come from their pension and retirement funds. Then it will be up to the Police Departments and Unions to decide if they really want to keep the thugs on the payroll with badges and guns.

If you really want police to pay for their mistakes then let police, not the city, decide to what calls they will respond and which ones they will ignore.
Good idea, do that in your toddling little town. Then we can watch the second coming of the Great Chicago Fire, as police officers walk off the job and the thugs burn down everything you own.

I have plenty of popcorn for the light show. I might even be able to see the glow in the night sky from where I am.

actually, if the Chicago Police Department all quit, we'd be better off for it.... It's a massively corrupt organization.

The problem is, 99% of cops ARE great guys. But they feel a need to protect the 1% who aren't.
If you really want police to pay for their mistakes then let police, not the city, decide to what calls they will respond and which ones they will ignore.

That's... um, as retarded as everything else you say. It's not a matter of what they respond to, it's who they send.

The problem is, all the cops involved in these incidents are bad apples from the get...

Jason van Dyke had 30 complaints by civilians for excessive force and racist behavior.
Timothy Loehman had been fired from another police department for mental instablity.
Darren Wilson- fired from a police department so corrupt the state had to disband it.
Darren Chauvin - 18 prior complaints, including three prior shootings.
Let's look at it another way, what if you are not armed and the same person pointing a gun at you is a mugger? Do you tell him "f off A-hole" and walk away with your back turned?

No. Are you really holding the police to the same moral standards as Muggers?

I don't know if the cops decision was right or not. I do know however, whether it's walking to your car or taking ones taser after a struggle and running, you have to have the cerebral activity to know that your chances of being shot have escalated substantially with those decisions.

Again, stating this without excusing the police action, but also admonishing the decision to walk away in such a manner. If you turn a situation of clarity into a situation of doubt, fear, uncertainty for another human pointing a gun at you, what possible good outcome is there for you as you walk away?

This is where you are bit confused. before the cops shot him, they tazed him and beat him. At that point, maybe he isn't working on a logical basis.. Maybe he just sees these cops as a mortal threat he needs to get away from.

Did he think, "I know, if I open up my car door and drive away, I'm in the clear".

It's not logical. Logic, is a quality in short supply. Maybe even the cop was illogical, maybe he could have fired his taser or verbally controlled the situation better, I don't know. What I do know is that if he put his hands up and complied, his chances of being unhurt today increase exponentially.

Would he have? Mike Brown had his hands up and they shot him anyway. George Floyd Screamed "I can't breathe" and they murdered him anyway.

I get your point, and definitely H.R is an issue of any police agency where abuses occur or if they protect bad apples (and I know of abuses and lies, they don't have to be gunshots and they can definitely impact and/or destroy lives).

Under this situation though, in broad daylight with a gun pointed at him, I question his response. If he dies from this where he might have lived otherwise, what good was his action?
When they're obviously uniformed officers, I probably wouldn't have done anything to have them approaching me with guns drawn in the first place, but I certainly would not escalate the issue.

Now if it's an ANTIFA turd with an AK I'll draw my .45 and shoot him in the fuckin face.

If you really want police to pay for their mistakes then let police, not the city, decide to what calls they will respond and which ones they will ignore.

That's... um, as retarded as everything else you say. It's not a matter of what they respond to, it's who they send.

The problem is, all the cops involved in these incidents are bad apples from the get...

Jason van Dyke had 30 complaints by civilians for excessive force and racist behavior.
Timothy Loehman had been fired from another police department for mental instablity.
Darren Wilson- fired from a police department so corrupt the state had to disband it.
Darren Chauvin - 18 prior complaints, including three prior shootings.

92 fatal police shootings in Chicago from 2010-2015, with 2,623 rounds fired. Four out of five of those shot were black males.

Chicago police shootings: data reveals 92 deaths and 2,623 bullets fired

And yet, Chicago is not burning down. You obviously don't have a police problem, you have a black male problem. 450 people shot and killed year to date in Chicago, most of them being black. 2227 total shot year to date in Chicago, and where are all the protests?

At the same time, only three killed and six wounded in police-involved shootings in Chicago this year.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!

Like I said, you don't have a police problem, you have a black male problem. And the worst part of it is, you're oblivious to it.
Let's look at it another way, what if you are not armed and the same person pointing a gun at you is a mugger? Do you tell him "f off A-hole" and walk away with your back turned?

No. Are you really holding the police to the same moral standards as Muggers?

I don't know if the cops decision was right or not. I do know however, whether it's walking to your car or taking ones taser after a struggle and running, you have to have the cerebral activity to know that your chances of being shot have escalated substantially with those decisions.

Again, stating this without excusing the police action, but also admonishing the decision to walk away in such a manner. If you turn a situation of clarity into a situation of doubt, fear, uncertainty for another human pointing a gun at you, what possible good outcome is there for you as you walk away?

This is where you are bit confused. before the cops shot him, they tazed him and beat him. At that point, maybe he isn't working on a logical basis.. Maybe he just sees these cops as a mortal threat he needs to get away from.

Did he think, "I know, if I open up my car door and drive away, I'm in the clear".

It's not logical. Logic, is a quality in short supply. Maybe even the cop was illogical, maybe he could have fired his taser or verbally controlled the situation better, I don't know. What I do know is that if he put his hands up and complied, his chances of being unhurt today increase exponentially.

Would he have? Mike Brown had his hands up and they shot him anyway. George Floyd Screamed "I can't breathe" and they murdered him anyway.
Not what he is saying. He is holding the individual responsible to make the same decision when a cop has the drop on him, as when an armed mugger has the drop on him. It is a game where the only sure winning move is not to play, just comply and live to have your way another day.

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